The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 263 Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark

Chapter 263 Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark
"This voice..." Ganshi Guixier turned to look at Didala, and said with a unique voice: "It really is you, Didala."

The dark blue hair is raised high, there are three openings under the eyes that look like shark gills, and those eyes-really like a ferocious shark that chooses to eat people.

"Is this the world after death?" Kisame carried the shark muscle in his hand on his back, "I didn't expect to meet you here... Will Mr. Itachi be here too?"

"No." Didara shrugged, "If he was there, I would have killed him."

Guixie laughed and said: "Really, after all, you really died in your own self-destruct."

Deidara clenched his right fist and said angrily, "Damn it, my self-explosion really killed Uchiha Sasuke! Hmm"

"No, Sasuke was still alive and kicking after your blew up."

"..." Deidara did not continue to make radical actions, and glanced at Eric next to him with Liu Haihai's right eye, "Sasuke didn't die, he didn't lie, it seems that what he said Other things should be true too. '

"Oh? This is a bit different from your previous temperament." Guixie glanced at the people around him, and the muscles in his body slowly tensed, "If it was before, I would have shouted 'my art is incomparable' Is it?"

"Ah, I already know that Sasuke is not dead, so I asked this specially. Hmm"

"So where is this?" Guixie has already remembered the surrounding situation in his heart, "This should not be the underworld, at least the scenery here is not like it."

"Dried persimmon ghost shark, I believe you are very clear - I have died once, and now I am summoned here from the world after death." Eric has been looking at the attributes of dried persimmon ghost shark before:
[Name: Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark]

【Age: 33 years old】

[Physique: Seven and a half stars]

[Ninjutsu: Seven Stars]

[Swordsmanship: Seven and a half stars]

[Chakra: Eight Stars]

[Armed color domineering: 0]

[Knowledge and color domineering: five stars]

[Bond level: 1 (ordinary friend)]

[Weapon: Broadsword Shark Muscle (can devour the enemy's physical strength to replenish oneself)]

[Skill: Ninjutsu·Water Dungeon (too many, I don’t know how to count)]

[Comprehensive combat power: six and a half stars]

[Remarks: Former Wuyin Village, one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, was good at using water escape and shark muscles in his hands, and possessed amazing Chakra in his body. After being defeated by Mike Kai, he committed suicide. 】

" be able to resurrect the dead, what a powerful ability—didara was also resurrected by your ability?"

"Yeah, so, what are your plans, Kisame Kisame?" Eric looked at Kisame indifferently.

"What's the plan..." Guixie lowered his head and looked at his hands, "I don't know very well, this world may also be a false existence, what is my purpose, where is my position, and where should I go?" place?"

"...At least I won't let you kill your companions."

"Huh? It looks like you know my past very well?"

"Yeah, you are a real ninja who has performed countless dirty tasks for the country and the village, and how many times you have betrayed to complete the tasks..."

Hearing Eric's words, Chi Tong and Hei Tong, who had been in the assassination unit, felt the same way.

Even Didara was full of thoughts. In Akatsuki's organization, Kisame never revealed anything about herself.

"Oh? Did those two little girls do the same thing?" Guixie saw through the expressions of the two, "You actually let the two little girls do such a cruel thing..."

"No, Eric won't let us do what we don't want to do." Chitong interrupted Kisame.

"That's right, brother-in-law is very gentle!" Hei Tong added from the side.

"Gentle..." Gui Sha whispered, "Mr. Eric, since you brought me back to life, there must be something I need to do, right?"

"Yes," Eric nodded, "let you be my companion."

"Companion? Hehe...hahaha...!" A low laugh echoed in his throat at first, and then he laughed loudly, and the round eyes of ghosts were full of tears.

"You should know that I have killed many of my colleagues in order to complete the task. Do you still believe in me like this?!"

"I really believe in your character... In the Akatsuki organization, you are probably the only one, so sincerely work hard to realize a real world without falsehoods, even if you use your own death to cover up important information."

"……what are you talking about?"

"Your partner, Itachi Uchiha, is Konoha's spy in Akatsuki; Kakuzu is for money, and Hidan is killing people wantonly..." Eric asked the most important question: "Speaking of which, you know the true identity of Akatsuki. Identity?"

"..." Gan Shi Gui Sha remained silent.

"Boss Eric actually said that A Fei is the behind-the-scenes boss who founded the Akatsuki organization—Uchiha Madara..." Didara took the lead in opening the topic, and said what Eric told him.

"...You actually know such a secret thing, who are you?" Guixie's expression finally changed, and he looked carefully at Eric in front of him.

"Really?" Deidara asked in surprise, and put his hand on his forehead, "It seems that what Eric said is true. Hmm."

"Didara, don't you believe me? Oh, I'm sad." Eric looked heartbroken.


"But Uchiha Madara is just his identity revealed to the outside world, his real name is Uchiha Obito."

"There is no way to verify what you said." Guixie's expression was very indifferent.

"Indeed, but it's completely unnecessary for me to lie to you... You'd better relax, the muscles all over your body are so tense, aren't you tired?" Eric walked to the side of the rock and sat down, "I don't care for you. Malice, I believe you can also see it."


"Obito, who controlled the fourth generation of Mizukage, was bewitched and deceived by the real Uchiha Madara; and Madara was deceived by Heijue, and what he saw was the tampered Uchiha clan's stele... They put this doll Woolen cloth?"

"..." Guixie was quite open-minded, "Didn't you think that the final winner would be Heijue?"

"The final winner is not him... You, who know the truth, don't seem to be upset."

"When I started killing my companions, I already understood that real companions do not exist, and some are just using each other."

"—It's just that I want to know what the real world without falsehood looks like." Guixie only felt regret at this time.

"... People who have faced death directly have wishes to fulfill." Eric asked with a smile: "So, Kisame, have you seen clearly what kind of person you are at the last moment of your life?"

"Hmph, of course—"

"——It's not a hopeless person, starting today, you are a member of the Dawn Pirates." Eric led the way, "However, it is not allowed to hurt my companions on my ship. "

Kisame murmured, "Is it 'Xiao' again?"

"Brother Ghost, you also think there is something wrong with this name! I don't know why Boss Eric chose such a name. Hmm"

'Lao Tzu's secondary illness at that time was committed! ' Eric roared inwardly.

"Let's go, you should really want to know what happened later, this story needs to be told for a long time..."

Kisame hesitated a little, and followed after a few steps behind.

Chi Tong said beside him: "It's good not to have to fight with newcomers."

"Oh? The reason why Didara is so honest is because he was cleaned up..."

"Hey, don't talk nonsense!" Didara retorted loudly, "Except for the boss Eric who beat me, and the elder sister Esdes, S...forget it, let's take it as it is."

"That's right, it's the same as when you pulled him to join Akatsuki. He's still a thorn in the side. He won't listen to others until he wins."


"So that's how it is, this is really..." After hearing this slightly long story, Guixie found that it was full of various conspiracies, one after another, and each character in it was deceiving each other.

Of course, Eric only talked about the end of the Fourth Ninja World War. As for the Boruto biography?Sorry, non-combustible.

[Dried Persimmon Kisame's favorability has increased slightly, but the bond level has not changed. 】

'I've said nothing before, why did I add such a little favorability to me? ! '

However, since the favorability has increased, at least it proves that Kisame believes part of what I say?

"Although the 'Eye of the Moon Project' was not completed in the end, the world is finally at peace, and the five villages work together to defeat Otsuki Kaguya." (Although Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, and Obito are the main force)
After the long story was told, Deidara sat there boredly playing with clay, and the small sticky bird at his fingertips was flapping its wings. Only the room of the three men was a bit dull.

Didala shrugged heartlessly and said: "Brother Kisame, this world is completely different from our ninja world. I have been here for so long, and I found that only the officials of the world government will cheat. Ordinary people are silly and cute." (Story of the Capital of Seven Waters)
"So, an idiot like you can live very well in this world."

"Hello?!" Didara's eyes widened.

"It's needless to say that Deidara is an idiot."

"Hello?! Boss Eric, where are you from?"

"Hahaha! I didn't expect that I would see a world without lies after death, but in another world."

"So, Mr. Eric, is there any task that I need to complete now?" Ghost Shark came to ask for the task as soon as he opened his mouth, an old tool man.

"No, Kisame, you are a little too anxious."

"Brother Ghost Shark, your strength in this world should be very strong."

"What do you mean?"

"The vast majority of this world is ocean, and your water escape restraint ability user, there are many similar to you here."

"Ability person? The same kind?"

"Murloc, we have been to Murloc Island, and found that there are all murlocs and mermaids. Brother Guisha, your appearance doesn't stand out at all inside."

"Really, then I must go to Fishman Island once."

"There is always a chance, but the next thing to do is to introduce you to your companions." [Xinwang] sensed that most of the members of the Dawn Pirates were rushing back after shopping.

 Thanks to the readers for the recommendation tickets; thank you for the two monthly tickets that I rely on to read books; thank you for the two monthly tickets for the big guy ァ"Zongyan; thank you for the two monthly tickets for the big guy Warrior and Xiangyou; thank you for the big guy Gou Qianhu , three monthly tickets; thanks to Gouqianhu for the 4500 reward; I have to add more, but I am so happy;
(End of this chapter)

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