The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 22 Hegemony (please watch, collect and recommend)

Chapter 22 Hegemony (please watch, collect and recommend)
'This is the skill fruit? 'Take out the skill fruit from the item bar, hold it in your hand and look carefully, it is similar in shape to an ordinary apple, but its color is blue. 'In order to distinguish it from ordinary fruits? ’ Chitong and Chiron who were next to him also surrounded them and asked curiously: "Is this an apple?"

"No, the skill fruit, you can learn the corresponding skill if you eat it - Hegemony." Eric answered honestly, and then asked, "Do you want to eat it?"

Chi Tong shook his head, "You should eat Eric, it's too weak." The words pierced Eric's heart like Cupid's arrow, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Haha, Chitong, you are too straightforward, be more tactful." Chiron smiled and started a joke, knowing Eric's temper also made a joke.

'Shouldn't people with high EQ say negative things at this time? ! Eric covered his chest after being critically hit by the second round, looked at the skill fruit in front of him, and then took a bite. The taste was indescribable, the taste was like sand, and the taste was like rubber. It tastes just as bad.

The moment he swallowed his stomach, knowledge was transmitted to Eric's brain like data, how [Baguo] used the domineering winding, how to exert strength, and how to make moves, Eric knew everything clearly and fully grasped it.

"How is it? Is it delicious?" Chi Tong, who was only interested in whether the food tasted good or not, saw Eric's face change, and asked hastily.

Eric, who had fully learned [Hegemony], only handed over the skill fruit that had been bitten in his hand, and realized that it was Chitong who asked him to bite, so he didn't dislike it, took a bite, chewed, Spit it out.

"Even though it's not tasty, don't spit it out. Try swallowing it and see if you can learn [Hegemony]."

Hearing this, Chi Tong twitched her mouth, took a small bite, and swallowed it.

"Is there any knowledge in my mind? It's like learning by myself" Eric asked curiously.

Chitong shook her head silently, the skill just now really made her sick, she must have a good barbecue and wash her mouth.

'The skill fruit looks like the devil fruit, only the first bite is useful. 'Get another message.


"Are you leaving now? The record pointer should not be full? It's only been a few days." Broki was a little bit reluctant. After all, there was only Dong Li and him before, and the two sides only talked in the battle, and no one spoke for a long time. It's boring.

"Well, we filled up the food and water yesterday, and we're off now. We have the permanent pointer of Drum Island. After all, it's too long to wait for a year." Eric didn't want to tell the story of the compass, so he could only talk nonsense. I have a permanent pointer to my next destination, Drum Island.

"Really? It's a good journey, but be careful of the island eaters around the island." Dong Li reminded.

Island eater - a huge goldfish that eats islands, and even the feces it pulls are as big as islands.In the plot, Broki and Dongli helped the Straw Hats set sail, and opened a big hole in him with the overlord.

But the relationship between Eric and them is not comparable to that of Luffy, who saved both of their lives, not to mention one of Luffy's cheats-can turn the people present into his companions one after another.

"Well, I believe in the strength of my companions! Then, there will be a period later!" Eric said goodbye to the two, and Chitong and Chiron also waved to each other.

Just leaving the small garden island at a distance of no more than 1000 meters, a huge water ball protruded from the sea, the sea water drained from the newly emerged object, and a huge goldfish appeared in front of the boat.

It is obviously a goldfish, but it has a mouthful of good teeth, which is incredible.

"Kiron, it's up to you!" Although Chitong has Murasame who can kill with one blow, there is still time for the poison to attack the heart. Maybe the poison of the curse has not yet reached the heart, and the three of us, including the boat, were eaten .

"Understood." Chiron put on his pose again: "Scorpion shot!"

The yellow beam of light descended from the sky at such a high speed that it looked like a sudden light again. It shot in from the top of the island eater and passed out from the lower body of the sea. action.

"Wait a minute." Chi Tong stopped the two of them who were about to sail away.

Under the amazed eyes of the two, Chitong took the steel knife usually used for bone removal, jumped into the sea, and got busy on the corpse of the island eater, taking different pieces of meat from different positions.

Chitong climbed onto the boat with a freshly cut piece of meat, "Okay."

"..." So the situation at that time was too beautiful——Although Chitong was not very old, she had what she should have, and she was upturned, and the wet clothes were sticking to Chitong's body, and there was a sense of prohibition, cough cough……

"Remember to change into a swimsuit next time." Eric slowly looked away, controlling his gaze with great perseverance.

"There are no swimsuits on board." Chi Tong also replied without a tone.

"...Is that right? It was my mistake. I will prepare it on the next island. Also, change your clothes quickly, don't catch a cold...I'm going to store the meat, and you have to take a shower and change clothes!" Eric looked at the red Hitomi planned to pack up the prey before going to take a bath and change clothes, and quickly took over her work, he couldn't stand this going on.

The small garden can no longer be seen from a distance, and I plan to experiment with the new skill [Overlord] that I have acquired.

The other two people on board were also curious about the difference between the moves obtained by eating skills and the moves used by the giant itself, so they watched Eric strongly.

Eric holds the knife in both hands and places it on the right side of his body. The tip of the knife faces slightly backwards. It is very different from the downward chop when the giant Broki uses [Overlord]. This is a horizontal chop. After all, Eric has fully learned [ Overlord] how to make a move, and the downward chop is just easier to use the whole body's strength.

"Ha!" With a powerful roar, Eric slashed the knife towards the sea ahead, and the formed knife energy flew only two meters away, and scattered in the air without even turning around.

"The moves are the same, but after all, there is a big gap between the strength of the captain and the giant, so I can't play the original form. The captain still needs to work hard to improve his own strength." Chiron's opinion is very pertinent, but Eric is limited and cannot Just make good use of [Hegemony].

But Eric didn't respond, but fell straight to the side, and was supported by Chitong, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed.

Chiron, who has medical knowledge, hurried forward to try.

"Excessive use of domineering, exhaustion of physical strength, it is a state of exhaustion, and after waking up, it will be accompanied by symptoms of excessive use of domineering - head pain." Chiron checked carefully and expressed his conclusion to Chitong.

"Ha..." Chitong was obviously relieved, after all, Chitong was quite worried about Eric.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to prepare meals, he will definitely be hungry when he wakes up." Chi Tong planned to use food to treat Eric's fatigue symptoms.


"It hurts!" Eric shouted when he was just awake. After all, the human body has self-protection. In order to make people immune to some pain, they will fall into a coma when the pain is too great, but now the pain is much less than before. Just woke up.

"How do you feel?" Chi Tong asked concerned.

"It's just a headache and fatigue. How long have I been in a coma?"

"About half a day. The pain in the head is due to excessive use of domineering, and the fatigue is due to excessive physical exertion. Come on, ah~" Chitong changed jobs to become a caregiver, and stopped in front of Eric with a large piece of meat.

'In this case, we should feed some easy-to-digest food. ' Chiron wisely chose to keep his mouth shut.

"Hmm..." Eric, who had never been fed by the opposite sex, blushed and couldn't move his mouth.

"You can't use such a strong move with your current strength. First, exercise your strength and arrogance to improve your strength. Please don't use it now. Excessive physical exertion can also be life-threatening." As expected of a military adviser, Jianyan followed just come.

"Yeah." Eric, who was being fed, agreed vaguely, after all, he was being taken care of by Chitong.

(End of this chapter)

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