Chapter 82 Misunderstanding
There was a huge shock in the officialdom of the empire, and everyone was in danger for a while, but they had nothing to do in the face of this murderer whose identity had been found out.

Parents, wife and children were killed, leaving only a lonely family. He has nothing to worry about at all.A lunatic with nothing to worry about but whose strength belongs to the title Douluo, no one knows who his next target is.

The empire tried to recruit, but failed.

"An extremely dirty empire, it is not worth maintaining." This is the reply an official got when he was soliciting Z.

After some time, however, Z disappeared, and the citizens of the empire never saw him in the newspapers again.It’s not that the empire wiped out the opponent. Although the empire has high-level combat forces, these forces are protecting various important personnel and have no time to deal with the opponent. Moreover, there is a bigger problem on land. Compared with it, Z is just a small question.

The reason for Z's disappearance is that he finally eliminated all the murderers, anyone connected was burned by his vengeful rage, after that, he left the land and went to the sea instead.

The ocean has become his new home, and he also wants to see what the race his mother lives in is like, and occasionally there will be pirates in the ocean, and his method of facing these pirates is very direct, killing them all.

He hated the profession of piracy very much. No matter what the reason was, since he chose the path of piracy in his eyes, he should be prepared to be killed.

Occasionally, he would also force out people who were connected with them from the pirates, and then exterminate them together. Before he knew it, he became a legend in the empire. As long as he had a deal with pirates, he might be approached by bloody sea demons. , he will pinch your limbs off and hang you at home.

The bloody Z on the scene is the only trace. As time goes by, this legend has become more and more outrageous, but it has helped the empire rectify the problem of pirates. Many officials will not do anything with people related to pirates even if they are greedy for money. Business.

However, there are still some people who continue. After all, Z is not a real ghost, and it is impossible to appear behind everyone. Some people still take chances.

Later, under his protection, a small mermaid tribe gradually gathered. Most of these mermaids were half-merfolk with mermaid blood, but the characteristics of mermaids were more obvious.There are also some mermaids who also live here, which can be regarded as a mixed place.

The mermaid kingdom of the sea princess in the northern ice sea is the place with the most mermaids. The mermaids there are all under the protection of the sea princess, but the sea princess's ability can only protect the part of the northern ice sea. She has no power over the mermaids in the entire sea. .

Some tribes don't welcome half-merfolk, so these half-merfolk with mermaid blood usually hold together like this to form a new tribe.

The biggest difference between half mermaids and mermaids is that mermaids are pure soul beasts, while half mermaids can cultivate like humans, but their lifespan is much longer than ordinary humans.

And Z ran into trouble when he was dealing with people related to pirates. He bumped into a member of the royal family traveling, and had a fight with the titled Douluo enshrined by the royal family.Although he managed to escape in the end, his physical strength was greatly consumed and he was left with serious injuries.

Although Z is a demon in the impression of everyone on land, the mermaids and half-merfolk under his protection don't think so. They all think that he is a gentle uncle. Created a safe haven for them.

So seeing that he was injured, some mermaids went to help him find seabed plants that could heal his injuries, but they encountered danger, which triggered the follow-up incident.

From not killing anyone to having blood on his hands, he has changed his methods, but he has not changed his original intention. He just wants the people he protects to live in peace and stability. It used to be a small town, but now it is a small tribe of mermaids. .

In his heyday, he would not be injured by those harpoons. Even now, he has no problem avoiding it, but he doesn't, because if he gets out of the way, the harpoon will inevitably hit the mermaid behind him, So he paid for his right forearm.

But he didn't expect that there was a strong anesthetic on the harpoon, and the dose that could anesthetize a whale made him unconscious for a while.

Then he also started his hunting trip in order to rescue the captured mermaid.

When he landed, he soon saw three pirates collecting vines. As for why he knew these people were pirates, it was hard for those pirates to leave some marks on their bodies.

Even if he is not in good condition and has lost his right hand, these pirates are not able to deal with them without any burden. The water balloon thrown penetrates one person's chest, and then his body bursts out, and the leg whip breaks another person neck, and the remaining left hand pressed the last pirate to the ground.

"Where is the mermaid locked? How many of you are there, tell me clearly!"

"I don't know, I'm just a newcomer."

This is just his rhetoric, in order to make the other party feel that he is not a heinous person, and the next step he will pretend to be pitiful and beg the other party to let him go, but he miscalculated the other party's attitude towards pirates.

He would still kill the captured pirates after asking for information. Since the other party didn't know anything, there was no need to press for information.

"Find something else to do in your next life, don't join the pirates again."

The sea breeze blew across the sandbar, but a burning smell reached his nose.When he quietly lurked to the other side of the island, what he saw was a burning pirate ship and corpses all over the ground.

Other than that, the only thing standing was a man in yellow.

That is the human form of Sponge Salino, which is from Eve's opinion. The smoke here may attract nearby ships. It will always be troublesome if others see his previous sponge form.

Therefore, it is the best way to use the human form to deal with the follow-up problems.

"You made these? Where did the mermaids go? Hand them over!"

"It should be a very safe place now, and you don't need to worry about it. Who are you?"

This is the most embarrassing part of the half-mermaid. If it is a pure-blooded mermaid, even if it is temporarily transformed and comes to land, the sponge Salino can recognize it, but he can't feel the blood of the half-mermaid.

Some mermaids and spirit beasts think that half-merfolk should be regarded as human beings, while some people regard them as spirit beasts, so half-merfolk are sometimes disliked by the two races at the same time.

Although Sponge Salino didn't have this kind of concept, but at this time he regarded Z as an accomplice of the pirates, because Z removed a prosthetic hand from the previous pirates for convenience, and temporarily acted as his broken arm.

At the same time, Z also regards Sponge Salino as another gang of pirates.
(End of this chapter)

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