Chapter 62 Alchiman Bubble Mangrove
The sky over the entire ocean was covered with dark clouds, and there was a terrifying aura in the sea breeze, and it was this aura of catastrophe that made Zi Ji stop her steps.

There is no doubt that this is a powerful sea soul beast in the ocean that is going through the catastrophe. If she continues to move forward, she may break into the range of the catastrophe, which is too dangerous for her.

Heavenly Tribulation is not a directional skill, so the chance of accidental injury always exists. Having a powerful soul beast crossing Heavenly Tribulation is a disaster for nearby soul beasts, so most soul beasts will not approach the range of Heavenly Tribulation.And when the area is too large and they cannot leave the area for a while, they will try to stay away from the object of the tribulation as much as possible.

Although this catastrophe is not directional, it has the priority of attack. There is no doubt that the soul beast that caused the catastrophe is the first target of attack, and the accidental injury of the catastrophe is not a random event.

For example, the combat power floor among soul beasts over 10 years old, Tianmeng Iceworm, even if he is within the range of Tianjie, he will be ignored by Tianjie, because he has no threat at all.

But dragons are different. Dragons are the number one target of the Heavenly Tribulation in those marginal areas. As long as the direct descendants of the dragon family like Ziji enter the range of Jieyun, even if they are far away from the center, they will become the target of Heavenly Tribulation. She naturally did not dare to challenge this catastrophe.

At this time, she has not survived the catastrophe of 20 years, but the catastrophe of 1000 years also let her know the horror of the catastrophe, not to mention, have you never eaten pork and seen pigs running? There are so many ferocious beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest, she has seen the scene of crossing the catastrophe.

The most recent one was that of Bi Ji. Bi Ji's own combat power was not high, and her healing power was also very weak in the face of the catastrophe. It was Di Tian who helped her at that time.

Relying on his own black dragon bloodline, Ditian transferred many of the cataclysms aimed at Bi Ji to himself.In order not to expand the power of Heavenly Tribulation, he attracted some Heavenly Tribulations in the fringe areas, just like lightning rods.

Di Tian's cultivation was much higher than that of Bi Ji, but even so, those cataclysms against Bi Ji still caused him serious injuries.After the Dragon God War, in the eyes of the God Realm, the dragon clan will always be the most dangerous.

Therefore, in addition to considering the dragon family as the first attacker, those catastrophes also have some special attack attributes against dragons.

This catastrophe was undoubtedly caused by Yvonne. It was equivalent to the catastrophe of an 80-year soul beast. Even Di Tian would not dare to enter, let alone her.

But she didn't leave directly. Although she didn't dare to go in, the egg thief didn't want to come out either.

At this time, Sandy really wanted to complain, she really didn't want to steal eggs, although she also stole bird eggs when she was young, but at this point, she also knows the power of dragon soul beasts, how could she go to death to steal dragon eggs? .

She just wanted to take risks. As for breaking into the dragon egg of the hell dragon, it was really just an accident.But things have come to this point, can not be explained at all.

For example, when you come home from a business trip, you find that there is a stranger at home, and there is a wrench in your hand hiding in your closet.At this time your wife said that he is just a plumber repairer, and they have nothing to do with each other. Who would believe such a statement?

The breeding of the dragon clan is extremely difficult, and the glory of the dragon clan is not behind, not to mention the dragon king back then, even the dragon clan that has reached the level of beasts is only two dragons, Ditian and Ziji.

And the hell dragon is one of the very few dragons that can reproduce pure-blooded offspring. Those few dragon eggs are extremely precious. It is about to hatch, and a squirrel covered in disguise runs in. This is rubbing a pair of yellow mud on the pants.

Like a fixed fort, Zi Ji spat out the breath of the dragon uninterruptedly in the direction of Sandy, but Sandy didn't dare to look back at all, and couldn't explain it, so she could only swim desperately into the sea.

She could tell that Ziji didn't dare to enter this area, so if she couldn't escape before the catastrophe dissipated, she would definitely be caught and eaten.And she wasn't sure if she had escaped from the opponent's domain release range.

The attribute of the hell dragon is not pure darkness, but an attribute called Yinshui, which is a fusion of darkness and water. That is to say, Ziji can also control water to a certain extent.

And her domain is called the devouring domain, which is transformed from a purple-black light group into a huge vortex with devouring ability.There is also a huge gravitational force.

At this time, she was extremely grateful for this catastrophe, without this catastrophe, I am afraid that she would really die, even if she jumped into the sea, she might not be able to escape Zi Ji's pursuit.It takes time for the field to expand, and what she wants is to escape from the range that her field can affect before Ziji expands the field.

She didn't know how long she had been swimming, but she saw a sandbar, and besides the sound of wind, rain and thunder, there was no sound of dragon's breath and explosion. Tired, she lay down on the sandbar, letting the rain hit her face.

"It's really an exciting adventure, but there are some useless squirrels."

After lying down for a while, she got up to observe her surroundings. There were actually quite a few trees on the sandbar in the ocean.Below this is a huge submerged reef area. Over time, a sandbar with a radius of several kilometers has formed here.

The seeds brought by the birds also allowed some trees to take root and sprout in this special environment. It was difficult for plants to grow in seawater, but there were not no salt-tolerant plants, especially this was a world with soul power.

Sea soul beasts, land soul beasts, and plants are also life, so naturally there are plant-type soul beasts.The biggest main body on this sandbar is a plant soul beast, and its name is the Alkyman bubble mangrove.

The resin secreted by the mangroves allows them to resist wind and waves and take root on this sandbar. It is precisely because of their existence that the sandbar here can gradually expand.

The special structure allows them to obtain water from the sea water, and some associated plants around the mangroves gradually appear, such as mangosteen, yellow hibiscus, silver leaf sword tree, pandanus, crabapple, hairless water Yellow skin, iron erythrina.Some are plant spirit beasts, and some are just ordinary plants.

But it also forms a unique area.

Animals have kings, and plant-type soul beasts also have their own leaders. The thickest red tree in the middle is the leader here, and it also conveys the meaning of communication to Sandy.

In terms of the difficulty of growing up, the plant type is more difficult than the animal type. Ordinary soul beasts have a lot of intelligence after ten thousand years, but most of the plant type soul beasts could not even move before ten thousand years ago, and they didn't even have the ability to think. It will not be easy to think until ten thousand years.

And due to different races, some plant-type soul beasts could not move their bodies before 10 years ago. For example, the leader of the mangrove tree, an 8-year-old Argis mangrove tree, although it can think, it can't move. Can't move.

And it calls Sandy in order to make a deal with her.
 As we all know, the setting of the Douluo series is crazy eating. Most of the settings about the dragon god in this book come from God Realm Gaiden and Dou San. Some settings of Dou Si are not referenced (mainly too ridiculous), so please don’t make any small discrepancies. care

(End of this chapter)

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