Douluo: Reincarnated sea spirit beast, the three generals of Beechburg

Chapter 600 Yvonne and Sponge's Journey to the Starry Sky

The Silver Dragon King didn't know whether there were any living dragons in the God Realm. When he left the Dragon Realm, his impression was that there were no dragons. Except for the sealed Golden Dragon King and Dragon Realm, the Silver Dragon King couldn't be sure about other things.

That sentence is indeed effective for dragons, but it is only effective for ordinary dragons, and it will not work for dragon kings.

"who are you?"

"The goddess of the elves and the moon, the new manager of the Forest of Beasts, and a friend of the Dragon King."

The last word was in dragon language, which made the Thunder Dragon in the God Realm instantly understand something.

"How many years. Do you have any request?"

"Stay here honestly, don't expose yourself, so everyone will be better."

"Understood, but I have a request, I wonder if you can help me?",
"what's up?"

"Do you know where there is a female dragon?"


The request made by this thunder dragon made Hai Ling a little confused, she suddenly couldn't figure out what was going on in the minds of these dragons.

"This, you may not be clear, I was a child back then, and then I experienced such a thing, the other beasts are still in pairs anyway, I am afraid that I am the only one in the entire forest of beasts who have been single for ten thousand years, oh No, more than ten thousand years, so you think about it?"


If he asks for individual life, maybe Hai Ling will help him, mother dragon?It's not bad that she didn't beat him up directly.

There was no movement in the Forest of Divine Beasts in the past, so there was no big movement when Hai Ling took over. She just patrolled around a few times normally.

And their bodies are also studying some strange things. At this time, he is not in the Sun Moon Continent, nor is he in the Douluo Continent, nor is he even in Beechburg. He is in space with a certain yellow cube.

There was a dead silence in the universe, and the light emitted by the light cluster in Yvonne's hand illuminated the darkness, while in a farther place, it was pitch black. With the help of special power, they can also exist in the universe.

It's just that if one didn't pay attention, Sponge Salino didn't know where he went, and it's not convenient to transmit sound in a vacuum, so he didn't even know where that guy went

Through the contact of the mobile phone bug, he finally found Sponge Salino. Sponge Salino didn't seem to be in any danger. Instead, he was standing on a ball of light with joy, and was waving at Yvonne.


Yvonne called a few times, but Sponge Salino didn't answer, because he didn't answer the phone at all, and was still saying something to Yvonne.

Seeing Yvonne's helpless expression, he realized that this is in space, in a vacuum, the sound cannot be heard, and his body can shuttle in the starry sky, so he ignored the surrounding situation.

Sponge Salino was brought out mainly because Yvonne planned to run errands, and Starry Sky naturally relied on his speed.

After the competition ended, they flew up from the mainland, and when they broke through the atmosphere, they vaguely encountered the obstruction of the light film, but that kind of thing naturally couldn't stop Yvonne.

Sponge Salino has been wandering in the starry sky, looking for his mission target.

However, the information given by the Silver Dragon King was not much. Yvonne took the sponge Salino to search in the vast universe for a long time, but found nothing useful.

Then Yvonne chose a very concise way, asking about the magic conch, commonly known as blindness.

Relying on this feeling, they flew all the way to far, far places, and finally found a light ball. Judging from the induction on the light ball, this should be the world that the Black Silver Dragon King said.

The Dragon Realm is the last contribution of the Dragon God to the Dragon Clan, and it took some of the Dragon Clan out of the God Realm.

When Sponge Salino found Longjie, Longjie flew towards him as if he had sensed something.

Its mission is to find a suitable place to stay, but the appearance of the sponge Salino disturbs its perception.

Sponge Salino also felt a different feeling after approaching, otherwise, Sponge Salino would not have waved to Yvonne at all. In this vast universe, any slight change may cause him to change. massive displacement.

If this is the case, Sponge Salino will accidentally get lost, and Yvonne has picked it up for him more than once.

There is an energy barrier outside this light sphere, which isolates everything outside. If this energy dissipates naturally, it may take at least tens of thousands of years, so he called Yvonne over.

"Master Yvonne, is this the Dragon Realm we are looking for?"

Although they couldn't communicate just now, they entered the special space created by Yvonne after getting closer, and the two of them can naturally communicate within this range.

Yvonne could also feel that this aura was very similar to that of the Silver Dragon King.In the world today, only the Golden Dragon King and the Dragon God in the past can have this aura, so it is probably here.

"That's it. Although it's not big, the subspace inside must be huge. I can't open it by myself. You have to come and help."

"So what are we going to do?" Sponge Salino asked.

"Take out what I gave you in advance."

After hearing Yvonne's order, Sponge Salino took out a seed from his bosom, and the seed shone with a faint green light. This is naturally the crystallization of the essence left by the world tree, a brand new world tree seed .

Sponge Salino put the seeds of the world tree on the mask of the dragon world, and then Yvonne injected his own power into it.

As Yvonne injected his power into the World Tree Seed, the World Tree Seed began to wake up.

The seeds of the world tree bloomed with bright green brilliance, and its rhizome took root on it with the light curtain as the soil. The world tree is a magnificent creation that carries the world, even the real world can carry it, let alone such a man-made creation.

The world tree this time is a crash course. It has accumulated enough energy as early as on the Sun Moon Continent. With Yvonne's urging, it quickly took root and sprouted, and there is only so much a brand new tree in this universe. plant.

Then a tree hole appeared on the tree, which was a reserved passage leading to the interior.

However, the aura emanating from that door made Yvonne's joy a little less.

Although the aura coming from here is from the Dragon Realm, it is full of the aura of death. According to the Silver Dragon King's description, this place should be a place full of vitality, but what he feels is only death.

"Lord Yvonne, what's going on in the Dragon Realm, I don't think it's right, it's a little scary."

"I don't know, but it's good to go in and have a look."

Yvonne and Sponge Salino entered the dragon world through the passage opened by the branch of the world tree one after the other. The space was distorted and they were transported to another world.

Looking around, there are hills and potholes everywhere, without a trace of green. It seems that someone has bombed this place with shells. The only plant that can be seen in the sky above is the rhizome of the World Tree.

There are huge skeletons everywhere, but these skeletons seem to be protecting something, even if they are dead, they must protect the most central position.

However, the clouds in the sky are of another color. This is not water mist, but the vitality of the dragon clan.

When they die, all the vitality will gather together and turn into dragon clouds all over the sky. Long Yun feels the appearance of two outsiders, Yvonne and Sponge Salino, and the clouds shake violently.

Immediately afterwards, a huge dragon emerged from the clouds, turned into a human, roared towards Salino and Yvonne, the sponges, and attacked involuntarily.

Sponge Salino shot a laser from his hand to scatter a dragon shadow, but soon more dragon shadows appeared.

"Master Yvonne, this place doesn't seem very friendly."

Salino, the sponge, lit up and tried to attack these things, but was stopped by Yvonne.

"It doesn't matter, it seems that we have found the right place, stop!"

The dragon language learned from the Silver Dragon King played a role again, and those phantoms actually stopped.

"My lord, may I ask who you are and why you speak the language of the royal family?"

"Friends of the Silver Dragon King, entrusted by her to find the Dragon World, what's going on with you?"

This phantom is not a real life. Hearing Yvonne's explanation and the standard dragon clan's royal language, he chose to believe it, so he explained it to Yvonne.

"When Lord Dragon God created this world, the world created by Lord Dragon God has its own consciousness, but in fact, this is not real consciousness, but an instinct.

At the beginning, it felt that the Douluo plane could not continue to develop, so it began to look for a new home. "

The dragon guards talked about the situation after the death of the Dragon God. Although the God Realm did not clean up the Dragon Realm as agreed, they used some means to make the Dragon Realm fall into a helpless situation.

Without the supplies from the outside world, the vitality of the Dragon Realm has a limit. As a small world, it is impossible for it to have its own vitality like the main plane.Its resources cannot be reused.

After death, the dragon clan injected the remaining life force in their bodies into the dragon world, using the corpse as nourishment, so that the dragon world has maintained its own vitality for a long time.

Lying on the ground are all the bones of the dragon clan, and in the middle of them are a few dragon eggs. The reproductive ability of the dragon clan is not strong. Coupled with the environment here, there is no surviving dragon clan in the dragon world. , only a few eggs are still alive.

"All of our power is concentrated on the dragon cloud in the sky to protect the dragon realm, and we don't know how long we will be drifting in this vast starry sky.

Unfortunately, I also want to continue to do something for the Dragon Clan, but I have never had the opportunity. I am dead, and now what is left is just a consciousness, and now I am about to die.

But since you can find this place, and it is entrusted by Lord Silver Dragon King, it means that her safety is not a problem, right? "

"more or less."

Originally, he was still a little worried about what would happen to the dragon world after he completely dissipated. After all, the current dragon clan has no powerful dragon clan, and the old dragons are slowly dying after a long time.

After he dissipated, there would probably be no new guards, but now, Yvonne's appearance was good news for him.

"Since you are Wang's friend, I will leave this place to you. I can't continue, but we can do you one last favor."

He didn't believe it rashly, but no one could learn that dragon language unless he took the initiative to teach it, so Yvonne's appearance here must be the Dragon King's decision.

As his voice fell, a change occurred.

A large number of dragon clouds gathered together, and the light became stronger and stronger, and finally turned into an energy rain. When the rain of energy light fell on the land of the dragon world, the dragon world seemed to recover.

Those clouds were originally the crystallization of power, and that was done to preserve power, but the roots of the world tree made him realize something, for which he awakened the land here.

As the dragon world created by the dragon god, it has a certain degree of acceptance for various dragon attributes, and can perfectly withstand the power of any type of dragon.

"This is the last thing we can do for you, I hope you can make our Dragon Clan great again."

Those dead dragons used their remaining life power to reactivate the dragon world
As he spoke, his body began to become blurred, as if it would disappear at any moment.

"time to go"

However, the development of the matter was different from what he thought. Yvonne waved his hand, and the energy that was about to dissipate came back.

"You don't need to dissipate completely, since you want to keep guarding here, then keep guarding."

This guard was also an elite warrior of the dragon clan when he was young, so the gods naturally knew his situation.

"No, even if you use your own strength to stabilize this piece of consciousness, I will still dissipate. You are not a dragon, so you can't stay here forever, right?"

"Yes, I still have things to do, but I can give you a different way of life."

Then under his guidance, the branches of the World Tree began to grow rapidly, and soon the root system was extended from the light curtain in the sky to the land below. After the roots were implanted in the ground, the World Tree also played its role.

Then the leaves and branches fell off, forming a wood dragon man.

"Since you don't have a body, you should change to another one."

This is a body, very similar to the Legion of Purifiers sleeping under the branch of the world tree, it is an undead mechanical soldier composed of consciousness.

World Tree's body is worthy of his strength, coupled with his rich experience, this dragon guard will become the new umbrella here.

Even though it was made of wood, he still twisted his arms miraculously.

"It's unbelievable. It's been so many years. I didn't expect to experience the feeling of my body again."

"It's not complicated, and your skeleton can be integrated into it, so the body will be more real."

"It's not necessary, this is enough, hey, wait, put that thing down!"

He was thanking Yvonne, but suddenly he saw Salino, who was picking up a dragon egg.

"Can't you hatch a baby?"

"Of course not. The current ones are not ready to hatch at all, so they can't move around." He looked at Yvonne as he spoke, hoping that he could take care of the current sponge Salino.

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