Chapter 596 It's Not Saved, Bury It

Seeing Tianmeng completely changed, Bingdi felt that he was less interested in him. The big fat worm looked very juicy before, except for the huge energy contained in it, even if the meat quality was in the extreme north. Can provide a lot of fat.

But after he turned into this big edge-flapping moth, the Ice Empress felt that the portion he could eat instantly became less, and the moth's wings had no meat, and with those exoskeletons, it was a waste of his original fat body.

The snow in the extreme north acted as a good buffer. Tianmeng, who was kicked off, plunged into the snowdrift, and it took a long time to climb out again.

"Xiao Bingbing, I warn you, today's me is not yesterday's me! I have evolved now! If you are so careful, I will be rude to you!"

"Oh? Then come on, I want to see how you can be rude. If you really have that ability, I will admit it today!"

As he spoke, a dim light flashed behind him, and a green scorpion tail stretched out to sting Tianmeng.

"Wow! Killed!"

Even if he turned into an ice moth, he still failed to make an effective counterattack in the face of the ice emperor's attack. He tied the elephant to a wooden stake from a young age, and the little elephant had no strength to break free. Ten years later, when the little elephant grew up , even if it has enough strength, it will be bound by a thin rope.

The Ice Emperor has already left enough psychological shadows in Tianmeng's heart. Facing the Ice Emperor, his first reaction is still to run away, but it is not without progress. At least after undergoing abnormal development, he has the ability to fly more freely .

Although he was not very familiar with it, he gradually adapted to his new body during the attack of the Bingdi, and then continued to play the flute.

It even flew back to the top of the Ice Emperor's head, and the pair of large wings on the back kept falling blue scales.

At first, the Ice Empress didn't care about this kind of thing, but when the scale powder fell on her body, she noticed something abnormal. These scale powder contained a particularly cold energy, and her body surface actually started to freeze.

"Hahaha, Xiao Bingbing, what's the matter, my new ability is not bad, these scales are colder than the cold current in the extreme north."

"It's good, you're finally useful, but you forgot one thing."


"You are a soul beast with dual attributes of ice and spirit, and my the ultimate ice!" The Ice Emperor let out a roar, and the ice layer that had begun to condense on his arm was instantly shattered, and the Ice Emperor also came In mid-air.

With the dancing of both hands, two phantoms of scorpion claws appeared in the air, directly pinching Tianmeng.

"Tianmeng, you still don't seem to have changed much from before."

Air combat is not her home field, she used a death roll in the air, and the Ice Empress held Tianmeng and fell on the snow again.

At this time, Tianmeng is in the form of the main body, while Ice Empress is in the form of a human being, but he uses two pincers composed of soul power to control the opponent. At the same time, the scorpion tail is wrapped around his neck, and the shining tail needle is in front of him. Dangling.

The two of them didn't use anything serious. For the two of them at this stage, it could only be said to be a small fight. Even Xuedi just watched from the sidelines and didn't choose to intervene.

"Tianmeng, is there anything else you want to say?"

"I'm just not familiar with the body. I won't be afraid of you when I get familiar with this new body!"

Afterwards, he was trapped by Bingdi's posture similar to a cross, but this time Tianmeng was extremely stubborn. Due to his size and inevitably using his legs, Tianmeng was taking advantage of this opportunity.

The Ice Empress, who realized something was wrong, put his hands together and hit him with a heavy hammer on the top of his head, and buried him with snow as he left, and left him with hollow icicles for ventilation, but from a distance It feels very strange to see.

The extreme north is very hot here, and Tiandou is not idle, or they are not doing well. Although Wuhundian does not need this kind of thing, nor does it interfere with this kind of thing, but it does not mean that they have nothing to do. don't do it.

On the Douluo Continent, Tiandou and Xingluo are in opposition from north to south. According to the theory of relativity, strengthening Tiandou equals weakening Xingluo, which Xingluo does not want to see.

So they will definitely intervene, and the incident happened on the sea, no matter it is Xingluo, they are fighting for land hegemony, and they have less control over the sea.

Although that sea area is on the coast of Tiandou, strictly speaking it is located at the junction of the two empires, and Xing Luo has a legitimate reason to intervene.

Chihiro Ji didn't send anyone to intervene in this kind of thing, it's just that the people from Wuhundian accidentally talked about something that shouldn't be talked about in Xingluo, and then they knew
According to the intelligence description, this is enough to change the gap between soul masters.

"Your Majesty, will there be any big conflicts like this? We have some contact with the Sun Moon Continent. The stuff that comes out of the factory is enough for us to digest. The king's election is just around the corner. We shouldn't go to war right now."

At Xingluo's meeting, someone put forward an opinion, thinking that the current situation where Xingluo and Tiandou are fighting is a loss-making deal.

"No, if Xue Ye is 30 years younger, he doesn't even need to be 30 years old, even if he is 20 years younger, it will be enough. He may make extreme choices when he is young.

But now that he is old, as the king of a country, his vigor has also been wiped out, so he will not start a war.

Half of that sea area was originally in Xingluo, he would not choose to go to war, he would only choose to live in peace and share those things equally. "

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy will never end in a hundred battles. The Star Luo Empire and the Heaven Dou Empire are sworn enemies, and the emperors of the two empires know each other very well.

Xing Luo knew that Tian Dou would not dare to go to war, and Tian Dou also knew that Xing Luo would definitely go to war if he was in a hurry.

The people on Tiandou's side hadn't arrived yet, and Xue Ye received an urgent message from the frontier.

A huge Star Luo fleet has arrived in this sea area.

"No way?! This season, Xingluo's side is against the current, how could it be so fast?"

Xingluo's ships must have been going upstream here, and there was no movement at the port near Xingluo, which means that these ships were transferred from a farther military port, and the speed of this sailing has exceeded Tiandou's expectation.

So it seems that the Star Luo Empire had set off at least a few days ago, that is to say, someone had disclosed what happened here to Xing Luo, otherwise they couldn't have moved so fast.

And when those people arrived, they didn't do anything, they didn't go to salvage, but they didn't let Tiandou's people approach, they just left it empty, Xue Ye naturally understood what Xing Luo meant.

They put the word "negotiation" in front of Xue Ye. Xing Luo's meaning is obvious. Either everyone should not want this thing, or everyone should want it together. If they want to monopolize it, then fight directly

 Yesterday's record was four wins and one loss, not bad

(End of this chapter)

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