"Hello, Mr. Hill."

The priests of the gods are also divided into strengths and weaknesses. Qian Daoliu clearly felt a sense of oppression from Hill. It was not only the difference in strength, but also the difference in divine power.

His strength was originally about the same as that of Wei Qi, but Wei Qi was not the strongest in the ranking of priests in the entire temple, and was much worse than the top few Hill. The gap will be bigger.

An 11th-level soul master can fight a 19th-level soul master, but a 91st-level Title Douluo is absolutely crushing against a 99th-level Title Douluo, without the slightest parry power.

Moreover, after the angel chose his own faction, the priests of the elf gods were naturally superior to the priests of the angel gods, and Qian Daoliu naturally felt a little weaker when facing Vicky.

In fact, Qian Daoliu originally wanted to leave with Qian Renxue, but he suddenly received news from the temple here, so he stayed.

"There is no need to be too polite. This is God's intention. That's all for the inheritor who wants to see the angel. This is also a good thing. Don't worry about anything."

After speaking, she turned and walked into the temple. Qian Renxue, the main city in Rivendell, would definitely not be able to enter, so this is the most suitable place for her.

Ever since she came here, Qian Renxue had a sense of belonging in the dark. After all, the way she appeared was actually unconventional. If she had to be classified, she was also a member of elves, not a member of human beings.

It was still the majestic statue, and when she saw the statue, Qian Renxue instinctively planned to pay homage to the god here.

"I've seen an elf girl."

Before she finished speaking, she was suddenly gagged, and Hill appeared beside her at some point.

"Don't say that word, just say elf god, that word is forbidden here, you can say goddess, you can say elf, but don't connect these two words, let alone say it to the god image."

Just putting a finger on her lips, but it made her unable to resist, and Hill released his finger only after Qian Renxue nodded to indicate that she understood.

Then a pale green light radiated from the idol, and as the light shone on Qian Renxue, she seemed to have fallen into a state of deep sleep, and her body was absorbing some of the power.

"Your Excellency Hill, this is"

"The grace of the elf god, the power of the moon, and the angel god also has the authority of the sun. The sun and the moon complement each other. This part of power can be of great help to her future."

"Well, Sir, I have a question I would like to ask, is it convenient to know?"

"what is the problem?"

"I want to know more about the combination of your theocratic power and local government, the coordination and status relationship between the temple and local institutions, and the way spiritual beliefs are spread. If it is convenient, I hope to get some answers."

At this time, Qian Daoliu is like a curious baby, he is full of curiosity about this issue, after all, it is almost impossible for Golden Eagle to return to Douluo Dalu after years of investigation.

Putting the management method of the Sun Moon Continent on the Douluo Continent would lead to chaos within a few days, and there would be even more chaos.

"Concrete analysis of specific issues combined with specific situations. The situation on both sides is too different. I don't know much about your side, so I can't help you. Why don't you go back and ask Vicky, she is a mainlander, so I understand this aspect. much more than me."

"Is that so, I know."

Since Hill said she didn't know, no matter whether it was true or false, there was no point for him to continue asking, that would only make people disgusted.

Hill even cited Vicky as an example, so he naturally didn't need to bother.

And this is not the only place where matters related to the gods are going on. In another temple, Tang Chen once again came to the place where he first accepted the god test.

The ball of light that he saw back then is still there, and his assessment task is also very simple, to completely integrate that ball of light into his Clear Sky Hammer.

This process is the process of melting the soul, merging the martial soul's own spirit, allowing the martial soul to evolve its own consciousness and become an independent individual. Most of the casting god's divine power is in the casting and his own hammer.

It can be said that he is the god who relies the most on weapons among the gods. As long as Tang Chen can sublimate his martial soul into a divine weapon, his journey to the gods will naturally be completed.

During this process, the surrounding plants seemed to be constantly perfecting in the process of rebirth and destruction, and Tang Chen's mind also flashed from time to time the changes in an object's life.

I don't know how long this process took, but when he opened his eyes again, the ball of light had completely disappeared, and his Clear Sky Hammer seemed to have a bit more spirituality, which shows that he completely succeeded in this step.

But after that, he seems to have a new ability, which is to judge the life and state of objects. If an object loses its soul and changes from live iron to dead iron, then the weapon it casts will never be alive. It will also be much worse.

Forging is a way for him to become stronger, but as he was casting beside the furnace, he found something that was not right.

If two irrelevant metals are fused together, one will fail, and then the "soul" of the two metals will appear very strange.

It was nothing at all, the road he was walking now is constantly experiencing failures, and it would be fine to try again after failing, the problem is that this situation makes him feel familiar, he seems to have seen this feeling somewhere.

After contemplating for a while, he finally noticed something wrong, it was the feeling he had seen in his great-grandson Tang San, but this feeling of incompatibility was obviously caused by the incompatibility between soul and body.

A person's body and soul are perfectly combined from the day he is born. If there is any abnormality, he can only be a dead person. There are some things he can't understand, so he treats it as a special twin martial soul for the time being, and doesn't take it too seriously.

After all, he has just started his journey of God Examination. For him, many things about the God of Forging are still unfamiliar, and everything is still being explored.

As for the other gods, Bibi Dong is still working as her counselor for the time being, but Reimu is different. Even her status as the inheritor of the gods has not changed her problem of money obsession, and she often sees her in some places where money can be made.

In the academy city, with the end of the competition, many things have returned to normal, and everyone's life has not changed much. For example, Zhu Zhuqing, she is still the way of life of the working empress.

It's just that she met an old acquaintance in her familiar part-time job. The Xu family and her party she met when she came to Sun Moon Continent, it seems that they also came to watch this competition.

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