If a fire breaks out, it doesn’t matter if the fire protection system is activated. Everyone will choose to escape quickly. The premise of watching the excitement is that it will not set fire to others, at least the person concerned thinks that this incident will not hurt him.

But when the shopping mall is very safe and some people trigger the local alarm device, it will inevitably cause crowds.

The power of the explosion was not great, but the sparks that jumped up just hit the sensing probe, which is equivalent to a person holding a lighter to burn the detection head of a smoke alarm. If it does not call the police, there is a problem.

The spraying system started to water them down. The pavements here are all contracted out, and the boss here is naturally very unhappy after such a mess.

"No, just give it a try, why are you dismantling it? Don't you know the big words [No dismantling]?"

He is very confident, all the products he sells are purchased from regular channels, he is not responsible for the results of such violations, and the other party has to compensate him for the losses.

The spraying device wet many cartons, and if the original packaging is damaged, it will inevitably affect the selling price. At this time, he is shouting that he will lose money.

Tang San was at least a fortieth-level soul master, so the explosion that wasn't as powerful as a second kick naturally couldn't hurt him, but he fell into deep thought due to technical reasons.

"Hey, hey, it's useless to pretend to be stupid. The most you can do is to not pursue it. Don't expect me to pay you money!"

The boss looked at Tang San without saying a word, thinking that he was going to be a moth, and it was a superficial trauma to make such a little noise. His current behavior of pretending to be stupid clearly meant to touch porcelain.

"Where did you get this thing? Why would they do it?"

"Don't pretend to be stupid. To put it bluntly, this thing is a spring launcher. Any small factory can make it. It's something that elementary school students can learn in science experiment class. Don't you know? Where are you from? Where are you? Then I'm going to call someone to catch you."

There is no difference in the appearance of humans in the Sun Moon Continent and the Douluo Continent, and Tang San did not have the word "Outsider" on his forehead. The most important thing is that he has also seen migrant workers, and it is very easy to buy a toy for a child. normal.

He had never seen such a weird person before, and instinctively regarded him as someone who wanted to touch porcelain.

As for Tang San, this boss made him a little irritated, after all, he was involved with those messy things of his Tang Sect, but it just so happened that Zhao Wuji also came over at this meeting.

The convenience of the soul tool allowed him to grab Tang San with one hand without the need for a full hand. Tang San at this level was no match for him. If Zhao Wuji was serious, Tang San would not be able to hurt him. .

It's still very easy for Tang San, who is dignified and immovable, to deal with this level of Tang San.

Among Flender's students, Oscar's mind is more flexible, while Ma Hongjun has become very Buddhist due to the treatment, they generally won't make any troubles, the unstable factors now are Tang San and Dai Mubai.

Zao Wou-ki knew the level of law and order here because he had wandered around here before. If he caused trouble in the shopping mall, he would be taken away. After many years, he finally came back. He didn't want to be taken away in the detention center. spent there.

"I'm sorry boss, the children at home have never seen the world, so please forgive me for what you did there."

"Take him away quickly, don't delay the business, and, I advise you to take him to the hospital."

Originally, the boss wanted them to lose money, but now he feels that this group of people is not mentally normal, one thing more is worse than one thing less, and his loss is not too big, so he plans to admit it.

It would be very unlucky if he met someone who was sick and was blackmailed, so he urged Zhao Wuji to take someone away.

Along the way, Tang San's face looked very heavy, especially after he understood what it means to be a primary school student in the Sun Moon Continent, after all, it means that Tang Sect's machine expansion is well known here.

This may be the success of the brainwashing education work of the Tang Sect. After all, the inner sect is the inheritance, and most of the outer sects are tool people and cannon fodder. Anyone with a little common sense should understand that the application of bows and crossbows can be traced back to the primitive man period.

Tang Sect's hidden weapons are only reduced in size, not their origin.

Flender and Zao Wou-ki's original intention was to bring people out to see the world, but they didn't expect that something would happen in this world, so it's better for him to become depressed, at least calm down.

As for the reason for his depression, it was because of the shattering of the Three Views. After all, the technology he regarded as the secret of the Tang Sect has become ubiquitous here, and has even become a child's toy.

With a slightly depressed person, several people continued to move towards the direction of the academy city. It was the same reason as when they came here by boat. Flender didn’t save money on this aspect in order to hurry up. with the same means of transportation.

But all of this changed after they arrived at the Academy City. Now that they had reached their destination, there was no need to expand their expenses. It was the familiar dinner time again, and Flender led them through the complicated buildings.

"Dean, where are we going? We have climbed more than 30 floors, right? Is it so high that we are going to eat clouds?"

"Don't talk nonsense, our current location is actually on the first floor." As Flender pointed back, what he saw made Ma Hongjun start to doubt his life. He was clearly climbing the stairs just now, but he found that he was still on the first floor.

"Then we were in the basement just now??"

"No, that's also the first floor, but that's the first floor of District A4, and this is the first floor of District B9. Don't worry about the details, the place to eat is right in front."

As they spoke, they continued to circle around with Ma Hongjun, and accidentally took the wrong path once, obviously just wanting to have a meal, but for them, it became a hellish difficulty.

"Dean, there are restaurants around here, let's just find one."

The pure and clean Master Ma Hongjun's only remaining hobby is eating. At this time, he can only smell the food but not eat. This is torture for him.

"Don't worry, it's almost there."

"Dean, what's so special there? Are the special dishes delicious?"

"Don't even think about it. Don't you know the virtues of Flender? There is no reason for him to go so far except for being cheap."

Flender may not have found anything else during the few years he stayed in the Sun Moon Continent, but he has already figured out which store is the cheapest. Apart from free staff meals, he spends most of his time here.

There are already subsidies for visiting in the academy city, so the selling price is much cheaper.

Even for outsiders like them, finding the cheapest store here is the best way for Flender to save money.

So he would rather take his students for a few more laps, but also find a suitable place.

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