Chapter 549 Sisters
"Zhuyun, what's wrong?"

"I seem to see my sister." Davis and Zhu Zhuyun are much older than Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, and naturally they are more mature than them, but the most important thing is that they grew up together.

The status of the eldest son and the advantage of age make Davis feel less nervous, so they have been living together as a fiancé couple, and the intimacy between the two is much higher than that of his younger brother and sister.

"How is it possible? It took us so long to come here. Your sister has been missing for a while, so how could she appear here?"

Davis' first reaction was to not believe it. After all, it didn't take them a day or two to come here across the sea. Even if they took the express line, it was much faster than the original exploration ship of Wuhundian, and it took them a month. Only arrived at the Sun Moon Continent.

This is not the province next door or anything like that, and besides, a visa is required to come here, and he has never heard that Xing Luo has approved Zhu Zhuqing's visa.

"No, I should have read it right."

"It shouldn't be, she couldn't have been smuggled here, could she?"

"Who knows, go over and have a look, it's always right to have a look." He said and chased after him directly, seeing Zhu Zhuyun Davis who had already chased him, he had no choice but to follow.

After that it was easy, they got lost.

It is very simple to judge whether a person is a new student or a senior student. Those who walk non-stop, do not look at the street signs and only walk on small paths must be senior students, and those who follow the street signs are the freshmen who have been enrolled for a while.

Need to rely on the map to guide the way, and those who have to stop at every intersection are freshmen who have just entered school, and those who get lost are undoubtedly outsiders.

Following the figure suspected to be Zhu Zhuqing, Davis and Zhu Zhuyun followed the complicated road for a while, but not only did they not catch up, they even couldn't find the way back.

"We can't be ghosts hitting the wall, have I been to this place?"

"No, have you forgotten, the buildings around here are all built exactly the same, you can see that the building numbers are different, but what are the people here trying to build this place like this?"

This is something that everyone who comes here for the first time complains about. After this incident of getting lost, Davis and Zhu Zhuyun also forgot what they were going to do in the first place.

But sometimes when you are obsessed with one thing, you can't do it no matter what, and when you are about to give up it, the situation will reverse instead. At the corner of a corridor, Zhu Zhuyun and Zhu Zhuqing bumped into each other.

"It's really you!"

"Why are you here?"

Looking at Zhu Zhuqing who was wearing the school uniform here, Zhu Zhuyun was full of doubts. At the same time, Zhu Zhuqing was similar. There were too many things that were lacking in Douluo Dalu. Rong translated something for her.

Although she has passed the most basic language test, she still has a long way to go before reaching the standard perfectly. Compared with Dugu Yan and Ning Rongrong, who have learned Elvish language since childhood, she is far behind.

Sometimes when the machine-translated meanings are not enough for her to understand, she needs a human translator, so she doesn't pay attention to other information at all, such as the matter of people from Xingluo.

But compared to her shock, Zhu Zhuyun couldn't understand, for example, why Zhu Zhuqing appeared here, and why she was wearing the school uniform here.

Although she didn't want to understand it for a while, Davis quickly understood a problem. Since the empire had no records, she could only sneak here.

"You actually smuggled Dai Mubai? He also came with you?"

Although seeing Zhu Zhuqing here was a big stimulus for them, they did not take any drastic actions. Represents the Star Luo Empire.

Although their relationship wasn't very good because of the star Luo inheritance system, it wasn't to the point where life and death had to be divided as soon as they met.

Although there will be such a day, but the time has not yet come, it is impossible for them to break out the conflict in advance.

"I don't know where he is. I haven't seen him since he left Xingluo a few years ago."

Hearing what she said, both Davis and Zhu Zhuyun showed a relaxed look on their faces.

According to the news a few months ago, Dai Mubai should still be in Tiandou, if what Zhu Zhuqing said is true, it means that these two people haven't seen each other for a long time.

It is impossible for two people who have no tacit understanding to use the Nether White Tiger, and without the Nether White Tiger, they have almost lost in the competition for the throne.

After all, the Nether White Tiger is Xingluo's trump card, and it is also because of this martial soul fusion skill that the Zhu family and the Dai family have been married.

The power of this martial soul fusion technique is beyond doubt, it is almost the only martial soul fusion technique that has been passed down from generation to generation in the Douluo Continent for an unknown number of years.

Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai were already at a disadvantage, now their chances of winning would be even slimmer.

Moreover, the more important conflict in this competition for the throne lies between Dai Mubai and Davis. After all, they are the heirs to the throne. Without the two of them, the sisters Zhu Zhuyun and Zhu Zhuqing would not be involved in this battle thing.

"If I remember correctly, graduates of the school here can obtain permanent residency and status here. It seems that you don't plan to return to Xingluo at all?"

"What does it have to do with you?"

"Of course the relationship is big, Zhuqing, you know Xingluo's rules, but if you can really stay here and not get involved in that dispute, there is no need for our sisters' relationship to become so stiff. "

It's not that there is no sisterhood between them, at least before they knew about Xingluo's succession to the throne, they were a pair of sisters who had a good relationship.

But as they were involved in this dispute, that kind of feeling has long since faded away.

"I still have classes, and I'm not interested in those shitty things."

As he said that, he pushed the two of them away and left here directly. As for chasing after them, they didn't do that.

Although Zhu Zhuqing didn't intend to talk to them, the information they got was enough, anyway, this seemed to be a great thing for their competition for the throne.

If Zhu Zhuqing stayed here, Dai Mubai without a partner would not be able to win no matter what, Xing Luo's competition would not stop because of the lack of someone, from the current situation, Dai Mubai was almost doomed.

It is naturally the best to be able to win safely, why add unstable factors to yourself, so not only did they not make any fuss about this matter, they also wanted to help Zhu Zhuqing stay here smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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