Douluo: Reincarnated sea spirit beast, the three generals of Beechburg

Chapter 511 The Daily Life of the Three-Eyed Golden Rooster in the Mainland

Chapter 511 The Daily Life of the Three-Eyed Golden Rooster in the Mainland

It was another unremarkable morning, the three-eyed Jinyi woke up in his bed, picked up the soul guide backpack and walked out of the room. There are many reference books for various courses in the Sun Moon Continent.

Sometimes the books needed for a day's course may be half a meter thick. If it weren't for the popularization of soul guidance technology, it would be a troublesome thing to drive these things.

In six years, the city she settled in was also changed from the seaside holy city to the academy city. She was an outstanding student who skipped grades, and because of the tree spirit, her social circle was almost all high-level people in the Sun Moon Continent.

Absolute equality only exists in an ideal utopia. Although the Sun Moon Continent is trying its best to reduce barriers, its essence is still an empire under theocracy. They can control the quality of the leadership, but they cannot change the real environment.

It's not that parents have a greater influence on their children than children have on their parents. The initial level of parents determines the child's initial social circle.

Ordinary people need to study hard and enter the top universities in Academy City, where they can meet classmates from different backgrounds, but the three-eyed Jinyi can get in touch with the management's children from the very beginning.

For example, the person who is waiting for her to go to school outside the door, the administrator of Academy City, the head of the first elf academy, Kaido's daughter, Yamato, a ghost-horned dragon dragon who is not yet an adult.

There are no strange creatures like Kozuki Oden here, and the relationship between father and daughter is quite harmonious, but the painting style is not normal, and the daily actions are father and daughter fighting each other, but this is indeed a normal way of growing up in Guijiaolongjiao.

In order to speed up the growth of the offspring and let them quickly become stronger and adapt to the cruel world, this is what this race does.

The three-eyed Jinyi still saw Yamato with a bandage on her face today. With her physique, the injury can be recovered in a day, and then there will be more bandages in different places the next day, but it is getting stronger every day. up.

There are many people with the characteristics of soul beasts on the street, the horns of Yamato, the third eye on the forehead of the three-eyed golden dragon, the tail of the beast, the ears of the beast, and the tree demon of the half-human deer are all common, and some of them can't transform into human beings. Shaped soul beasts walk together accompanied by their companions.

The former Ditian only told her that human cities are dangerous, don't approach them casually, to be precise, he didn't let her leave the Star Dou Forest at all, but there is such a magical city in the outside world.

"Jin Ni, hurry up, hurry up, it's still the same, help!"

As soon as they met, she took the three-eyed Jin Yi's schoolbag familiarly, and then took out last night's homework from her bag.

The three-eyed Jinyi is a veritable top student, with all-round development in all subjects, and the Yamato in front of him can be called the second generation of Sariya, no, it is too much than Sariya, Sariya just has a problem with general knowledge.

Of all the cultural courses, she only has a problem with general knowledge, and the rest can only be said to be at the basic level. If it is a little more complicated, she can't get around that bend. She is taking the path of special sports enrollment. There was no match for her.

"You haven't finished writing yet."

There was a trace of helplessness in the words of the three-eyed Jin Yi, but she didn't mean to hinder, so it was obvious that this was not the first time.

"I played with my bastard father all night, so I don't have time to do my homework." While walking and doing homework, she developed such a magical ability.

To be precise, it's not just that, the three-eyed Jin Yi is a special jumper, and her initial appearance is imitating a tree spirit, so she looks very small.

And Yamato's underage is calculated based on the age of the ghost-horned dragon, and the age of a human is already 17 years old this year. Kaido's genes are there, and her height is almost double that of the three-eyed golden dragon.

So the way to go to school is that she puts the three-eyed golden dragon on her shoulder, and then she makes up her homework while walking, and the three-eyed golden dragon grabs her two horns to adjust the direction and guide the way.

"Change it, and don't even copy the name like last time."

Double-tasking will eventually lead to some problems, such as accidentally copying something wrong when copying homework.

"Don't worry, I won't make the same mistake again."

"But you have already taken the route of sports, do you still need to learn these cultural lessons?"

"I still have to study for two more years. My father obviously has the privilege of reducing or exempting me, but he doesn't let me use it at all. He tells me that I must learn these courses."

At this time, the three-eyed Jin Yi grabbed the horns of her head and turned around. At the intersection, she turned around exactly. It can be seen that they have cooperated for a long time.

The school system of Sun Moon Continent is later than regular schools, both in terms of start time and end time, in order to arrange time more reasonably, day students can also go out at a suitable time, and finally have breakfast in the cafeteria.

The moment she entered the school cafeteria, Yamato also successfully completed her homework, but when she looked up, she saw a dark crowd.

"Why are there so many people today?"

"It is the enrollment season, and those are freshmen who just finished their military training"

On Good Friday for old students, during the days of military training for freshmen, they will experience what is called an extremely crowded canteen.

Although the school time is not uniform, the time for freshmen to enter school is indeed similar. In Douluo Continent, the students of the junior college have also graduated. After a short break, they need to find the next new college.

At this time, the flow of people in various cities will become larger. This is also a good time for businessmen to do business, including self-reliant colleges in certain colleges.

In Soto City, a young man was setting up a stall to sell sausages. Flender had picked them up a few years ago. The rare food on the mainland was an innate soul master with full soul power, Oscar.

Although Shrek Academy's funds have been supplemented to a certain extent, this supplement means that they don't have to worry about being kicked out the next day if they can't pay the rent, the canteen will not be too clear, and the beds they sleep in are replaced by ordinary ones. Normal beds.

But there is still some gap compared to other colleges. At least Shrek doesn't have any exorbitant rewards. If you want to live a good life, you can only rely on yourself. Selling sausages is one of Oscar's ways to improve his life.

Five copper soul coins for pure meat sausages are a bit more expensive for ordinary civilians, but they are still affordable. The business in Soto City is not bad. When some newcomers enter the town, he can also make a small profit. Pen.

But this year is different, the flow of people has not decreased, but his business has been taken away. In the final analysis, it is the fault of that person who came out of nowhere to do charity!
It also sells five copper soul coins. He only has one sausage here, but the stall next door has a hamburger, two pieces of bread and a large meatloaf. Besides, there are vegetables and sauces. It is an Oscar in terms of cost performance. Complete failure.

(End of this chapter)

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