Chapter 506 Feeding from the Tree Spirit

That is the natural crushing and dominance. The World Tree is a natural plant god. Any plant-type soul beast will not be able to resist her, and will feel a sense of surrender from the bottom of his heart.

Di Tian didn't know about this, and when he first saw the Wan Yao King, he felt that he had some despicable new ideas, such as wanting to devour all the power of the World Tree.

But until now, the Wan Yao King has not done this kind of behavior, he is just absorbing the overflowing power, and his territory is currently the most unfriendly to human soul masters.

He seemed to have persecution paranoia, and always felt that the humans who broke in wanted to disrespect the World Tree, so he solved those soul masters who tried to go deep.

He was also the one who shook hands with Yu Yuan before, if it wasn't for him who was preparing for a breakthrough and it was inconvenient to make a full attack, otherwise the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect would lose a suzerain.

The current action of the soul beasts is to create a deterrent effect. Due to the appearance of the World Tree, the soul beasts in the core circle of the Star Dou Great Forest have almost been strengthened by the group. In the next step, they will take turns to sleep and absorb the overflowing energy to make new breakthroughs .

Ditian is an exception. He is now entrenched under the branches of the World Tree like a pillar every day, protecting the original power of the branches of the World Tree. He can see the benefits brought by the growth of the World Tree, so the branches of the World Tree are in his eyes. It is a major event second only to the safety of the Silver Dragon King.

Now this tree has not yet reached the true maturity stage, once it is fully mature, I am afraid that it will bring even greater benefits, and the scenes of the extreme north and the sunset forest can also be reproduced here.

Even now, it was already a huge breakthrough. The damaged scales of the Silver Dragon King below began to fall off, and new scales began to grow, which was the performance of her recovery.

Moreover, the land of the extreme north also made Ditian understand one thing, he needed to do some substantive things to prove his status, such as thoroughly integrating the spirit beasts in the forest.

The closer you are to the branch of the World Tree, the more energy you can get, but for the time being, for the recovery of the Silver Dragon King, there is only one soul beast in the short distance besides Di Tian.

It's not Bi Ji or Zi Ji, they can only stay a little outside at the moment, which also makes other fierce beasts have nothing to say, after all, even the soul beasts closest to Ditian can't get close.

As for the other soul beast, not only were they not jealous, but they thought it was a very reasonable thing. If Ditian didn't do this, they would feel strange.

Because it was the emperor's auspicious beast born in the Star Dou Great Forest—the three-eyed golden beast. From the day she was born, she became the carrier of the power of destiny in the Star Dou Great Forest.

Her existence is closely related to the Star Dou Great Forest, there must be a ferocious beast by her side on weekdays, and now Ditian is personally responsible for her safety.

It has attributes close to the ultimate light and ultimate fire in its body, as well as stronger spiritual attributes and rich golden dragon blood. very different.

Originally, her food was mainly the brains of spiritual beasts, but now it has changed. The huge life energy makes her feel very comfortable, and she only needs to take a nap here to be satisfied.

In fact, in terms of attributes, the dream tree in the Sunset Forest is more suitable for her, but Ditian doesn't allow her to leave the Star Dou Forest at all.

There are three soul beasts that can trigger a wave of beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest, the Silver Dragon King, the Three-Eyed Golden Scorpion, Bi Ji, and the strength of both Bi Ji and the Silver Dragon King is hard to come by. Bi Ji still has a way to deal with ordinary people.

As for the Silver Dragon King, even if she is seriously injured, ordinary people can't break her defense.

But once an accident occurs, the soul beasts in the entire forest will really riot completely.

Especially the three-eyed Jinni and Bi Ji, given the current development of the mainland, once a beast tide of that scale is triggered, it will be a complete disaster.

But that kind of thing is unlikely to happen for the time being, after Di Tian actually did something in line with his title of beast god, the Star Dou Great Forest changed drastically almost overnight.

Di Tian sat cross-legged on a rock in human form, mainly because he didn't want to scare the little guy next to him with his body.

Under the trunk of the branch of the world tree, a golden soul beast lay there.

She is more than one meter long, and her whole body is covered with a layer of brilliant golden hair. Some of her features are still immature, like a lion cub, it can be seen that she is still in her infancy.

In fact, she was not born for a long time, only a few decades, and she was just a baby in the world of soul beasts.

The four claws are like dragons, and a golden flame is burning under each dragon claw.

The mouth is longer than that of ordinary lion-like spirit beasts, but as a cat, she is similar to a canine in this respect.

Under the hair is not skin, but scales, with one eye on her forehead. This third eye is also one of the reasons why she is called the three-eyed golden dragon.

A gust of wind blew, and two young leaves fell from the branches of the World Tree branch. This was not natural falling, but the manipulation of the tree spirit.

Even if the branch is a member of the World Tree, it is impossible for her to wither naturally. If the World Tree starts to wither and wither, it is not a good thing.

She just came to see how her new home was doing. She didn't expect to see such a special soul beast, a soul beast combined with the fate of the forest, which was very interesting.

Such a soul beast was not born in the Sun Moon Continent, maybe it had such a chance, but after the World Tree took root, this kind of thing was impossible.

The two young leaves are more like a feeding behavior. The falling leaves fell on the head of the three-eyed golden lion. She seemed to feel something, looked up, and rubbed her three eyes again. She seemed to see something. Arrived in a hallucination.

In the peripheral areas of the core circle, where the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape live, the mentality of the soul beasts can be divided into two types, one is to practice hard and break through to a higher age limit in a shorter period of time.

The other is the way of lying down, try not to practice, and only start to break through with the accumulation of time when the life span of this stage is about to be reached.

The former is suitable for soul beasts with powerful bloodlines, while the latter is more suitable for soul beasts with mediocre talents.

Heavenly Tribulation is a catastrophe of life and death, and soul beasts with weak bloodlines may not have the ability to withstand Heavenly Tribulation, so it is better to rely on their long lifespan to live for a longer period of time.

Not everyone has the ability to help others survive the catastrophe. Currently, among the sea soul beasts, Yvonne and the Demon Whale King have this ability, and Ditian has also helped Bi Ji survive several catastrophes.

But only a very small number of soul beasts can do this kind of thing, at least ordinary 10-year soul beasts don't have this ability. When they are not sure of breaking through, in order to seek new vitality, a small number of soul beasts will choose to reshape and rebuild. Go take a gamble.

(End of this chapter)

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