Douluo: Reincarnated sea spirit beast, the three generals of Beechburg

Chapter 409 Are you playing a team? Are you short of support?

Chapter 409 Are you playing a team? Are you short of support?

How good is the relationship between him and Chen Xin? When there is something to do, they stab each other in the ribs, and when there is nothing to do, they stab each other.

When Chen Xin abducted him here, the boarding and lodging car brigade defaulted to Chen Xin's responsibility.

So far, Chen Xin has not been able to figure out whether his father is eating soft food. The financial power is in the hands of Guliana. Before departure, Guliana has left enough living expenses and pocket money for his brother money.

But this so-called pocket money is enough to allow him to live a pretty good life in the Sun Moon Continent. It is said that Chen Jianjun earned a lot of money as a kendo teacher in Xili Shidao, so this pocket money can also be regarded as a relative. Father's compensation.

Yes, compensation, mental damage fee, Chen Jianjun sold Chen Xin to make his life full of fun, but at certain moments, Chen Xin's spirit was tortured.

And there is another problem. According to the new terms here, his current method seems to be called gnawing the old, or AAB-style consumption.

Naturally, there is no need to explain the old man, as long as his consumption source during this period can be divided into two parts, one part is obtained from Chen Jianjun or Guliana, and the other part is the explanation of AAB-style consumption.

In layman's terms, a few other people are AA, and a certain person is on the sidelines, and to be able to do this kind of thing, you must first be shameless, so it is collectively called the AAB style.

Although the situation is different, it can be said that it is repeatedly jumping sideways on the edge.

And this situation. It seems that he started after he found Lord Chenjian. Before that, he was able to get by on the big road. If he had no money, he would find a place to do some tasks in exchange for some money.

Here I would like to thank the Great Soul Arena, many soul masters rely on the rewards of the Great Soul Arena to survive, commonly known as high-level entertainers.

"Old bone, do you think I should find something to do? What were you doing before I found you?"

"If you want to do it, do it. No one can stop you. As for me, let's cultivate my body and mind. You also know that it is not enough to practice at our level. Opportunity and state of mind are indispensable."

Hard work can bring about changes, but you have to use the hard work in the right place. As long as you are willing to work hard when you first awaken your soul power, you can see how much your soul power level increases. become more and more difficult.

How many people can't cross the threshold of soul king and soul emperor in their lifetime, let alone Chen Xin and Gu Rong have reached the peak of Contra, the difference between them is no longer hard work, but chance.

Sometimes when the opportunity arrives, the breakthrough is just a blink of an eye.

"But with your father around, it shouldn't be difficult for you to practice."

This is the benefit of inheritance, the same martial spirit, similar cultivation methods, the ancestors basically encountered all the possible troubles in the cultivation, and they also have rich experience in how to cross the threshold.

The rarer the martial soul, the more difficult it is to cultivate, especially those temporarily mutated martial souls, because there is no record of this kind of martial soul in the systematic cultivation method, such as Gu Rong's bone dragon, he cultivated entirely by himself groping.

No one thought that he, a defense-type soul master, could master space-type soul skills.

"And your soul power is about to break through, right? What are you waiting for?"

"You'll know when Kuina's exam is over. My old man did arrange something for me, something terrible."

The different ways of cultivating in the Sun Moon Continent have a deep influence. Mr. Chen Jian has obtained a permanent identity card from the Sun Moon Continent because he married Guliana and worked in West Lishi Island for a long time.

The benefit is that his direct blood relatives can also enjoy the policies here, such as some small conveniences for those with outstanding talents. He has learned a lot from Mihawk Pi, and the two sides have become familiar with each other after so many years.

The time for Chen Xin to break through the Title Douluo is not far away. Mr. Chen Jian helped him find the ninth soul ring through the relationship between Guliana and Mihawk Pi. It should be said that the ninth ring is a contract partner.

However, the conclusion of a contract is always a two-way street. Bibidong said that white is so beautiful and just established a friendly relationship with Bai Zhi, but Bai Zhi is just one example among many soul beasts, and it does not mean that all soul beasts are like this.

Some soul beasts need to be seduced with things, such as using a lot of food to establish a good relationship with them, and some need to help them clean up, but Chen Xin's Chen Jianjun told him that the condition is to get its approval.

And the way of this recognition is through force.

"Wait. You'll show me that, maybe it is."

"That's right, that's it, old bone, I'll leave the beating to you."

"Why do you want me to be beaten in your assessment?"

"Because this assessment originally allowed to find someone to form a team, otherwise the difficulty would be too high."

During the discussion between the two, Ning Fengzhi had been acting as a background board. It wasn't that he didn't want to interrupt, speaking was an art, and his social experience was quite rich, as long as he found an entry point, he would be able to join the topic.

But now Chen Xin and Gu Rong are old friends talking, it's not convenient for him to interrupt, and more importantly, he can't understand what they are talking about at all, isn't the breakthrough of a soul master relying on the soul ring?

If Chen Xin wants to break through, he should be hunting for soul rings, but now it's like an exam.

But when they talked about forming a team, Ning Fengzhi's opportunity came. The direct soul master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School has always been the most popular candidate for forming a team on the mainland.

In team battles, it has even become an unspoken rule that the soul master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School must be defeated first.

The reason for this situation is that the enhancement ability of the soul master of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School is extremely special. The expansion of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda can ignore the difference between the two sides. stable.

As long as they have a certain amount of strength, the disciples of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School can further expand their strength and exert even greater power.

"Senior Chen Xin, is there anything Feng Zhi can do to help? I still have some experience in assisting in hunting soul beasts."

Gu Rong is a figure of his father's generation, and Chen Xin is of the same generation as Gu Rong, so there is nothing inappropriate for him to be called senior.

"Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is indeed a good supporter, but this time it's not for hunting soul beasts. How long have you been here?"

"Soon, less than a month."

"No wonder, it seems that you don't understand the cultivation system here, go, let's talk slowly."

In front of a building, Chen Xin brushed her ID card and took the two of them into a private room. The ID cards of non-mainland personnel can only be in the lobby outside. More convenience.

(End of this chapter)

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