Chapter 388

The envoys of the Heaven Dou Empire are almost on their way day and night. Most of the original soul guidance technology has been lost, but it's not that nothing has been passed down, but what has been passed down are all relatively simple parts.

For example, one of the technologies obtained by Tiandou through archaeology and dismantling and engraving, the soul guide shock absorber can allow the carriage to move forward smoothly on bumpy roads.

Horses with the blood of soul beasts have better physical strength, which can reduce the number of replacements, and being stable, the envoy will not be turned upside down and dizzy. It can be regarded as arriving at West Lishi Island in a very short period of time.

In the past, Tiandou sent people here to buy some things at most. Thinking about this kind of state affairs, this was the first time that Tiandou sent people here.

He was rather uneasy in his heart. Although the two armies did not fight each other, and there is no war now, but he saw the scene of the battle in the newspaper, and he would still feel uneasy when he came here in this capacity.

However, unlike Qian Daoliu and Tang Chen, he didn't get to meet Wei Qi. In Wei Qi's eyes, this so-called Heaven Dou envoy had no reason to talk to her directly. Watering the flowers was more important than seeing these people. .

Let her receive it in person, either she has enough strength or enough potential, she can go and meet Xue Ye herself, as for the waiter, forget it.

She can be regarded as a representative of the neutral faction, but she is very clear about what actions those elves of the Hawk faction have planned. One of the actions is to disintegrate the resistance of the entire Heaven Dou Palace within 15 minutes.

After excluding the act of directly lowering the latitude to strike and wipe out the palace, it would be quite time-consuming given the size of the Tiandou Palace.

The matter of receiving him was handed over to Lu Qi, who did not turn him away, and had already given him enough respect.

And Lu Qi is also capable enough in this area.

The specific details of the conversation will not be mentioned for the time being, but the expression on the messenger's face when he left was not particularly good-looking, and Xue Ye knew the content of the conversation even before the messenger returned.

The information transmission speed of the Xili Shidao newspaper is even faster than their urgent letters.

It's just that Xue Ye didn't quite understand the contents of the newspaper.

[This newspaper reported that today, we discussed the issue of the extreme north with the mission from the Heaven Dou Empire.

The two sides had a cordial and friendly conversation on the fundamental issue of the extreme north.

We appreciate some of the opinions of the Heaven Dou Empire, and we respect some of the concepts of the Heaven Dou Empire, but we have reservations about it.

Afterwards, the two sides had many candid conversations and fully exchanged views. This conversation has enhanced the understanding between the two sides, and the talks are beneficial.

Unfortunately, the latter part of the meeting was not very pleasant, and Tiandou expressed great indignation.

We are seriously concerned about this, and suggest that Tiandou should not cause trouble. If there is an armed action in the extreme north, we cannot ignore it and reserve the right to make further reactions.

If the current situation is broken, we will reconsider our position on this issue. If Tiandou must try, let us wait and see in the future.

Tiandou will be responsible for all consequences arising from this.

We absolutely cannot tolerate any provocative behavior. Before such unfriendly actions happen, we advise everyone to rein in the precipice.

Don't say it is unpredictable.

The Elven Empire, Xili Shidao Xuan. 】

I can understand every word, but after linking them together, it confuses the people of Tiandou. These people are really good at speaking, and they generally need to modify things written on paper, but they may be a little too much. up.

The meaning of the second part is obvious enough, we dare to fight if you dare to come, this is a warning, so don't ignore it, but Xue Ye didn't understand the description of the content of the conversation in the previous part.

"Your Majesty, let's wait for the envoys to come back. We'll find out when they come back and ask. Judging from the current situation, they don't seem to want to use force, at least they won't take the initiative to use force. Compared to this, we should pay more attention to the Star Luo Empire."

They got the news from the newspapers, and Xilishi Island does not belong to Tiandou, and they can be seen in Xingluo, which means that this matter has also reached the ears of Xingluo Empire.

If they also take advantage of this opportunity to do something, Xing Luoke, who is caught in the middle, will be in trouble.

The national power of Xingluo is stronger than that of Tiandou. The relationship between this elf empire and Wuhundian is inexplicably friendly, and the strength seems to be extremely strong. Not a good thing.

"Don't worry, that guy Xingluo is not an idiot. With the relationship between this empire and the Wuhun Palace, if Tiandou really disappears, they will be the next to suffer. He won't understand the truth.

If Wuhundian joins forces with them, Xing Luo will probably help us, but if they don't join hands, Xing Luo's pack of hungry wolves will not let it go, Tiandou will suffer, and I am afraid they will be the happiest."

Your enemy is the person who knows you best, Xue Ye guessed right, when he was having a headache, Xing Luo's side was full of laughter.

How can they be unhappy when their opponents are deflated.

As for whether a similar problem will happen to him, it won't happen for the time being. Every inch of land in Xingluo is currently under the control of the Dai family. Since the royal family itself has good military power, Xingluo's imperial power is also more concentrated. .

Moreover, at the same time as the information was obtained, the translation of the jargon-like terms was almost done. As for how Xingluo was translated, the main personnel of the Tiandou Mission must be from Tiandou, but the entourage Not necessarily anymore.

It is a tacit understanding that the two empires will place their own personnel in each other. Almost every once in a while, the two empires will exchange arrestees.

Who can get more benefits depends on who catches more people.

In terms of mobility, Xingluo is faster than Tiandou, so Xingluo received the news earlier, in a nutshell-
We agreed on some irrelevant opinions, but we didn't agree on other things at all. Tiandou was very upset, but there was nothing he could do about it. If Tiandou dared to attack, then we might be more ruthless. I advise you to be patient and keep up. The status quo is good for everyone.

"Hahahaha, that guy Xue Ye, I'm afraid his nose is crooked now, I really want to see what that guy's expression is now."

"Your Majesty, compared to Tiandou, this veteran thinks that this emerging empire is a greater threat."

"I know, but there is a heaven between us after all, with such a large buffer zone, we have enough time to react.

And Wuhundian wouldn't be so stupid as to support an empire with such powerful soul masters to appear here, which would be detrimental to themselves.In the current situation, the headache is that guy Xue Ye. "

Happiness is always short-lived. After the short-term happiness, there will be a bunch of headaches, so we must seize the time to expand happiness.

"Help them add fuel to the flames and issue a statement that Xingluo supports the opinion of the Elf Empire. Tiandou should not occupy other people's territory, and should also return the Jialing Mountains in the south."

 【】The content is translated as follows

  1. The two sides had a cordial and friendly conversation—we bumped into each other as friends;
  2. We appreciate - agree with some of them;

  3. We respect—we don’t really agree, but we don’t want to comment;
  4. We have reservations—disagree, let’s see the development;

  5. The two sides had a frank conversation - talked a lot, but couldn't reach an agreement;

  6. The two sides exchanged opinions - each said its own thing, but no agreement was reached;

  7. The two sides fully exchanged opinions - we had a quarrel and did not break the cup;

  8. The two sides have improved understanding - we admit that there are big differences, but we have restrained;

  9. Talking is beneficial - we can sit down and talk, and we can sit down next time;

  10. Regret - very dissatisfied, but helpless;

  11. Unpleasant—we quarreled so badly that we broke the glass;
  12. Expressing great indignation - I have nothing to do with you for the time being, and then think of other tricks;
  13. Serious concern - we may have to take action;
  14. Don't make trouble—don't provoke me, I will draw my knife;

  15. Can't ignore it - we have drawn the knife;

  16. Reserve the right to make further reactions - we will retaliate, knife or poison depends;
  17. We will reconsider our position on this issue - our friendship has come to an end;
  18. Wait and see - the final warning, don't move around;
  19. This is something we absolutely cannot tolerate - we have rolled up our sleeves;

  20. This is an unfriendly action - the joints on our hands are blaring;
(End of this chapter)

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