Douluo: Reincarnated sea spirit beast, the three generals of Beechburg

Chapter 383 I'm posting buffs, what are you waiting for?

Chapter 383 I'm posting buffs, what are you waiting for?
Vicki raised her hand and pointed, and the sea surface rolled. The branch of the world tree here is an Algerian bubble mangrove tree, and a bridge made of mangrove rhizomes leads to the distance.

"Why, you're not afraid, are you?"

"Afraid? How could it be? Except for Qian Daoliu, I have never met a strong opponent. It should be said that I can't ask for it. It's just at the end of this bridge."

Talking about Tang Chen stepping on the wooden bridge made by Wei Qi, a few steps seemed to be going farther and farther away. With the help of reaction force, he moved very quickly.

In the development of the Haotian Hammer, Tang Hao took the path of strength alone, while Tang Chen and Tang Jun, the father and son, both took the balanced route. Although they are both balanced, the two balanced routes are very different.

In Tang Jun's balance, he couldn't find any great advantages, every attribute was above the passing line, an ordinary and ordinary Haotianzong Titled Douluo.

As for Tang Chen's balance, every attribute is exceeding the standard, thus achieving a different kind of balance.

In terms of speed, he can't compare with Qian Daoliu, who can fly with his own martial spirit, and is good at air combat, but compared to other power-type soul masters, his speed is also extremely fast.

Tang Jun was not outstanding, while Tang Chen had no shortcomings. He named his son Jun in the hope that he would be as average as himself. Unexpectedly, average was average, but it was too average.

If there was no Tang Chen, Tang Jun would still be an outstanding person of his generation, but gems and jade are ahead of others, and tiles and stones are difficult to replace. With Tang Chen's precedent, Tang Jun will naturally not be ranked high.

What Vicky made was not a single-plank bridge, but a big movement like Moses splitting the sea. The movement here naturally attracted the attention of the island.

"That is how the matter?"

"I don't know, this."

Both the merchant and the accompanying soul masters were stunned by the sight before them, and at this moment, a voice came from their ears.

"Competition at the title Douluo level, Tang Chen, the former patriarch of the Clear Sky School, and the manager of Xili Shidao, Mrs. Wei Qi, tickets are 100 dinars, while supplies last."

Some people in Xilishidao are also from the temple, and people who are born in the temple have a way of making money in their minds. Although Xilishidao is different from the temple, it has huge foreign exchange reserves.

Even compared to the economic center of the Sun Moon Continent, the idea of ​​making money has been deeply embedded in their minds.

Battles at the Title Douluo level are rare, and this battle needs to be broadcast. For the children on the island, this is an opportunity to look to the future.

And if there are no spectators, then I don't know how long it will take for the result of this battle to spread.

These mainland soul masters and businessmen on the island are the best audiences. The influence of Tang Chen and Qian Daoliu has gradually faded, but it has not disappeared. These young and middle-aged people are very aware of Tang Chen's name.

It is enough to spread the name of Xili Shidao. Originally, Wei Qi passed it back through the World Tree branch to let these people take a look, but the people below made further improvements.

Of course, there is no charge for your own people to see it, but for outsiders, 100 is cheap.

Due to the change in the exchange rate, 100 dinars are currently equivalent to six thousand gold soul coins. Six thousand gold soul coins are a huge sum of money, but people who come here can still get them out by gnashing their teeth.

The merchants are not short of this money, and those soul masters can only grit their teeth for a few months at most, and they can earn more money. I don't know if I can see a battle at the title Douluo level for the second time in this life.

Besides, if there were Title Douluo fighting in the wild, it would be too late for them to run away, not only worrying about the risk of being silenced, but also considering the aftermath of the battle.

The business of the soul fighting field is extremely hot, because ordinary people have no chance to see the battle between soul masters. Even the most ordinary soul masters are superior in the eyes of ordinary people, so the mechanism of the soul fighting field can attract them.

Soon the extra seats were sold out, and then there were standing tickets without seats, but although there were no seats and the seats were further back, there was no discount on the price.

After all, what they are selling is the qualification to watch the game, not the seat. With a large amount of activity funds this time compared to Lishi Island in Dou Xi, they can operate well, such as the propaganda agency on Douluo Continent.

It is worth mentioning that Xili Shidao is the manipulator behind one of the most influential news newspapers on the Douluo Continent.

The spectators gathered together was the time when Lu Qi and Chen Jianjun fought against each other.

And the live broadcaster of this battle is also served by Mr. Chenjian. Of course, watching it live is more meaningful than watching it through a screen, but ordinary people do not have the ability to get close to the battlefield, and even the aftermath is not something they can afford.

There is a phone bug headband tied on his head, and the broadcast method of this battle is completely from Chen Jianjun's first perspective. As a spectator, he is actually looking forward to this matchup more than Vicki herself.

Although no one uses a sword, the meaning of fighting for a strong man of this strength has already surpassed the scope of weapons.

On the sea surface, a circular platform with a diameter of several thousand meters is formed by tree roots, and a simple fight is enough.

As the two of them reached the platform, fighting spirit emerged from Tang Chen's body.

"When you're ready, let's get started."

Talking about it, light arrays began to light up around Wei Qi, but the light arrays would disappear soon, Tang Chen didn't know what Wei Qi was doing.

If he is an old acquaintance of Vicky, he will know Vicky's evaluation among his peers, he can fight her, but don't make an appointment with her.

Although her frontal combat ability is top-notch, she is not at the top. If it is a surprise attack, she is no match for those clan chiefs, but she can rank in the top three in positional warfare.

So Yvonne asked her to garrison Xilishi Island. Although Xilishi Island didn't seem to have any defensive measures, under Vicky's construction, it has long been like an iron barrel.

As long as she was given some time to prepare, she would be a nightmare for all opponents, and Tang Chen didn't realize this.

During the internal exchange meeting, everyone knew that Vicky's behavior of posting buffs and making traps should be stopped, but Tang Chen was just watching and did not take any action yet.

He handed over his advantage.

"You still don't do it?" Her buffs are almost full. At the beginning, she used defensive magic. She was naturally prepared for surprise attacks. She first used simple formations to delay time, and then began to strengthen other things. .

The companions knew her habits and didn't give her a chance at all. Tang Chen who didn't move made her even know how to do it.

"Lady first."

"Oh, you'll regret it."

The spear in his hand changed into a strange arc, and it changed from a spear to a longbow in the blink of an eye. It was normal for the weapon to deform.

With a swipe of her finger in the air, an arrow made of pure energy appeared in her hand, the longbow was fully drawn, and the spinning arrow shot towards Tang Chen...
(End of this chapter)

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