Chapter 372 The Opened Eyes

Ice Golem can be regarded as a 3A masterpiece, it can do every detail, but it has extremely high requirements on the processor, Tianmeng's mental power can play top-end, if you change it to Baizhi, you have to give up some image quality in exchange for a smoother game. It's running, if Bibi Dong can only watch the CG.

Just like what Bingdi said, if the processor cannot be moved, it may burn out, and if the mental strength is insufficient, forced manipulation can also burn the brain.

The ice puppet was not counted in the scoring options because it had met Tang Hao and Tang Xiao, and the only thing Bibi Dong had to leave was the two remains, the remains of Tianmeng.

The warming effect of this thing is ridiculously good, and the soul power conduction is excellent. Just a little bit of soul power can isolate the severe cold of the extreme north, and it is light and flexible, very suitable for use in combat environments.

Baizhi's background made her activities here will add extra consumption, otherwise she would have to perform hibernation in place.

On the other side, Bibi Dong and Bai Zhi came to these people along with the wind and snow.

As far as this snow is indeed a natural phenomenon, the weather in the extreme north is changeable, and such things happen from time to time. Although the momentum is mighty, it does not last long, but this blizzard also makes it easier for Tianmeng's formation Effect.

When the snowstorm ended, Tang Jun suddenly found that everyone else around him had disappeared, leaving only a white-haired girl in front of him.

In the fully transformed Bai Zhi, the lower body of the spider has disappeared, and it is completely human legs, which also shows that her strength at this time has reached 10 years.

Self-knowledge is a very important thing, and Bibi Dong knows very well that Tang Jun, who is the leader, is beyond her ability to deal with, and here she can only leave it to Bai Zhi.

Moreover, Bai Zhi had to allocate part of her mental power to help her manipulate the ice puppets.

It is very easy for Bai Zhi to use two things at once. She and Bibi Dong share the same mind, and the ice puppet only needs to act according to Bibi Dong's wishes.

Bibi Dong provided the action square, and she was responsible for the specific implementation.

The change here also gave Tang Jun a bad feeling, separating him from the others was obviously a trick.

At first, he didn't think there was any problem with this. As long as he was strong enough, tricks would have no effect. As long as he could quickly deal with the opponent, the rest would be easy to handle.

But as the two sides played against each other, he found that he was wrong, and he was wrong very much.

This opponent is very difficult to deal with. After several fights, he didn't take any advantage.

"Get out of the way!" Tang Jun shouted.

[I said it all, your opponent is me, so don't even think about meddling in other people's affairs, but they shouldn't have any problems, probably... you should take care of yourself, it shouldn't be bad to say that , Forget it, why should I talk to him. 】

Tang Jun looked at Bai Zhi's appearance, and the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand suddenly grew a little bigger. With a kick, nine soul rings rose up from his body at the same time, and the huge hammer went straight to Bai Zhi and smashed it.

Because in his opinion, Bai Zhi ignored him completely, because Bai Zhi didn't reply to him even during the fight due to her personality, or she replied, but she was just talking to herself, and she didn't look at him at all.

The Clear Sky Hammer, this is the most powerful attack-type weapon spirit on Douluo Continent.The strength of the Clear Sky Hammer is extremely strong, coupled with the hammering technique of the Clear Sky School, at the same level, any opponent should stay away.

But Bai Zhi didn't feel afraid because of this blow, instead he went forward.

Wielding the sickle in his hand, the sickle blade slashed straight at the body of the Haotian Hammer.

"Arrogance!" Tang Jun sneered.

A hammer is a blunt weapon, and a weapon like a sickle can't take advantage of a hammer at all.

In his expectation, this blow should be able to shatter the opponent's sickle blade, but when the two collided, there was no sound of the sickle blade breaking, but a crisp sound.

His Clear Sky Hammer was actually stuck by the opponent's sickle.

A deep scratch was visible to the naked eye on the hammer, and the sickle made of unknown material was extremely tough.

The sharp weapon has the effect of a blunt weapon.

Then with a twist of the wrist, the sickle stuck the Haotian Hammer at the joint between the hammer head and the hammer handle, making it impossible for Tang Jun to retract his martial soul. Then he approached the opponent with the help of the sickle, and punched him with a sliding shovel to his belly
But Tang Jun is a man who has experienced many battles after all, even if his martial spirit is restricted, he still has a way to deal with it.

What he hates the most are enemies who are too nimble, and those who fight against the Clear Sky School head-on are never afraid.

Holding the hammer in one hand, he punched Bai Zhi with fist to fist, and even one fist made him feel like using a hammer.

Bai Zhi looked very thin, but the strength hidden in those slender arms was beyond his expectation.

It is easier to exert force from the top to the bottom than from the bottom to the top, but Bai Zhi not only caught his attack, but also used his arm as a fulcrum to jump to the top of it. At this moment, she let go of the sickle in her hand. Make a fist and smash down.

With a loud "boom", Tang Jun was thrown backwards, causing countless snowflakes on the ice field. .

Even if she transforms into a human form, her power is still the power of her body. The blow just now is equivalent to the blow of the 10-year-old death spider, but the death spider's talent is not in power, but in the power type Soul beast, this is enough to make Tang Jun get down.

And one more thing, until now, he didn't see any soul ring from Bai Zhi's body.

But from the beginning of the battle, an invisible coercion burst out from Bai Zhi's body. It was a terrifying aura, which made him feel like he was facing a ferocious humanoid beast.

In Douluo Continent, there is a soul beast that has transformed into a human for 10 years, but that kind of transformation will make the soul beast lose its original power and become a soul master with excellent talent and martial spirit.

The soul beast disguised as a human is unknown to the soul masters of Douluo Dalu. He doesn't know the specific situation of Baizhi. In his opinion, this is a powerful soul master who can suppress himself without a soul ring .

And there was only one such person in his cognition, his father, Tang Chen.

In other words, the person in front of him is a very powerful existence.He is not qualified to let her go all out. In her eyes, the battle just now is probably no different from a warm-up.

The sickle appeared in the other party's hand at some point, and the next moment, Bai Zhi waved the sickle in his hand.

There was nothing in his field of vision, but Tang Jun cheered up because he felt a terrible aura coming.

The snowflakes flying down from the sky suddenly dispersed to both sides, and an invisible slash came through the air. There was no need to specially color the qi blade that was swung, as Baizhi's attack was completely colorless and transparent.

This attack was not fatal to Tang Jun, and he could still resist it, but he suddenly felt a palpitation. Bai Zhi's eyes, which had not been fully opened before, were fully opened at this time, and there was a gleam in his pupils. eerie pink glow
(End of this chapter)

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