Chapter 370 The Terror of Unknown AOE

If Tai Tan tried to persuade Tang Jun with other reasons, Tang Jun might be able to change his mind, but this reason obviously didn't work.

This made Tang Jun feel that even his subordinates thought he was not good enough, and wanted to prove himself even more.

And he was a little bit sure, according to the information Tang Hao brought back, he and Tang Xiao had also hit many people on the other side, and finally they were defeated by a strong shot.

Tang Hao in the future is destined to be stronger than him, but he is not yet, he still has a little confidence in an enemy that Tang Hao and Tang Xiao's two sons can deal with.

Of course, neither Tang Jun nor Tang Hao knew that the ones fighting them from the beginning to the end were neither humans nor spirit beasts, and those defeated enemies were all puppets, living ice puppets.

Let Tianmeng come here not only because of his own request, he does have the ability to handle this place well.

He can't deal with soul beasts that are more than 10 years old. He can barely deal with 10-year-old soul beasts now, but he is an army against miscellaneous soldiers.

Summon ice and snow elements with magic power as the root, and make them disguise as creatures like human soldiers by shaping them. Ice puppets are their names. At the same time, due to their huge spiritual power, he can command each ice puppets in detail.

Although there are no various soul skills, Tianmeng's huge spiritual power can transform a large amount of magic power into their bodies, allowing them to use ice-type elements to attack, and their own strength is not low.

Perfectly meets the needs of the soldiers.

On the periphery, there is an automatically activated defensive circle arranged by Tianmeng, which is exactly what he is good at. The brothers trapped in this magic circle consume a lot of physical strength every step forward.

Tang Hao and Tang Xiao were not miscellaneous soldiers, but they didn't have the power to ignore the number of people. The ice puppets were brave and fearless, without pain or fear. They also brought them a lot of trouble, but they were resolved in the end.

And Tianmeng also completed the purpose of teaching this group of people, and started the next step.

When they tried to move on, they entered another formation set up by Tianmeng. This formation was originally a phantom formation, which could lead those who entered by mistake to other places.

It's not sure what hallucinations people inside will see in Tianmeng. It's usually related to what happened before the person who came here. If you just experienced the battle, the hallucinations that appear are probably related to the battle.

This formation is actually not very lethal, and it will not lead people to kill each other, but the brothers are very unlucky.

Walking to this position, you are already close to the core area of ​​the Extreme North, and the spirit beasts living here are also stronger than before. The formations laid down by Tianmeng are usually mixed with the breath of ice jade scorpions, most of the spirit beasts will not Close, but there are always some exceptions, such as the titan snow goblin.

In fact, Tang Xiao was not attacked, but was affected by an unknown AOE.

At that time, the Titan Snow Demon King happened to pass by there, and the adult Titan Snow Demon King could reach 50 meters in height, let alone the Titan Snow Demon King, such a giant would not pay attention to whether there were any strange things under his feet.

Bewildered by the illusion, they didn't notice the appearance of the Snow Demon King Titan, and they didn't pay attention to the defense. However, the Snow Demon King Taitan kicked casually because he was in a bad mood, which caused Tang Xiao to be seriously injured.

And the reason why he was in a bad mood was Tianmeng, he was not Xuedi's opponent, he was brutally beaten a few years ago because he expressed his love for Xuedi and pursued him.

But he can still fight Ice Empress twice, although his cultivation base is not as high as the opponent's, but his own blood and race advantages allow him to fight Ice Empress twice, and he won't be crushed like Snow Empress. It takes too much effort to fight with him, and he is usually unwilling to talk to him.

But all of this is because Tianmeng's balance was broken. This damned ice silkworm gave things to Ice Empress every three days, which caused Ice Empress' strength to grow like a rocket. He is very unpleasant, and I will fight him every now and then.

Under the influence of external force, he is no longer the opponent of Bingdi.

According to the theory of relativity, strengthening the opponent equals weakening himself, which made his life a lot harder all of a sudden.

Before, the Ice Emperor actually fought with him again on the grounds that he took his right foot first when passing through the territory of the ice jade scorpion. There is not so much reason among soul beasts. Whoever has the hardest fist is the last word. Xueshan vented his emotions and accidentally caused this situation.

In the whistling wind and snow, the white crane fell back to the ground. He was going to investigate, but the sudden change of weather forced him back. He was not strong enough to resist the power of nature.

In the extreme north, snowflakes have long lost their soft properties. Even when there is no snow, when the cold wind blows, the crystallized snowflakes on the ground are like sand, and the layers of ice powder are simply unbearable. Compared with an all-round soul skill attack.

The soul power level of the people in the team is not low, but their faces are covered with hoarfrost. Simple clothes have lost their effect here. If a soul master like a great soul master enters here, unless those martial souls are special Individuals, otherwise they would be frozen into ice sculptures within half an hour.

In the extreme north, even just walking outside will consume a lot of physical strength.

Under the cold wind, the body temperature will be lower than the outside temperature, and it is considered good weather in the extreme north with only wind.

Like now, the sky is very dark, and a snow curtain in the distance is gradually advancing here.

It is absolutely impossible to take off when it is snowing. This is the lesson Baihe has learned here.

They have been here for ten days, and the team of at least soul sages is moving very fast. Now they have entered the depths of the extreme north and have experience living here.

Seeing the snow cloud gradually approaching in the distance, several Clear Sky Hammers appeared in the hands of several people, and several deep holes were punched out on the ground by the almost frozen snow. After simple excavation, a snow cave to avoid the wind and snow was opened built.

"Sect Master, according to the young master's previous summary, we have almost reached the range where they were attacked, but we have not encountered the enemies that the young master said, and I have not seen them in the sky."

Because Tianmeng had closed the nearby formations in advance, otherwise it would be quite difficult for them to get here.

They also had experience with Blizzard here, but this time it seemed to be a little different from before. Huge shocks appeared next to them one after another, as if something fell from the sky.

"Sovereign, something fell from the sky!"

Normally, even soul beasts would not appear in this kind of weather, so he only started to perceive the movement after he noticed the movement, and then found that there seemed to be many things sliding down in the sky. Naturally, he couldn't continue to nest in the snow cave at this time.

And after leaving the snow cave, even in the blizzard, they can still see the meteorite-like thing in the sky that has not been completely extinguished, and the aftermath of another contest between Sarkas and Octopus has already affected here.
(End of this chapter)

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