Chapter 345
[According to your description, he has been in a very stressful living environment for a long time, although a large part of this pressure is imposed on himself.However, such an environment has caused him some psychological trauma, and he may not accept this fact, and may even become irritable. 】

Doctor's order from Dr. Chopper.

Prescribing medicine is a systematic treatment plan, especially for psychological problems, and the living conditions of patients are a very serious issue.

So Qiaoba asked Yu Xiaogang about his living conditions.

At this time, he was like this, which perfectly hit Chopper's description. Originally, Chopper's method made her a little convinced. It is impossible to understand without dysmenorrhea, and the stomach cramps are even worse.

The prophecy about what might happen at this time made Bibi Dong believe in this matter even more.

[If he resists fiercely, don't force him, but persuade him. 】

Chopper also left a pamphlet, the dryads and the night elves spoke the same language, and Bibi Dong could understand it, and it recorded the first few courses of treatment in detail.

"Xiao Gang, aren't you always in a bad mood and stressed? In fact, this is also a kind of mental illness. The books you bought also have medical aspects, and they also have them.

Why don't you try it, the doctor on board also saw it, even if it doesn't work, it won't be harmful. "

"I said I'm not sick, what medicine should I take if I'm not sick? Well, you don't need to say any more, I won't take it."

"Well, tell me if you change your mind."

[You can mix the medicine with other things and let him eat it. After a course of treatment, the patient's mood will be effectively improved, and there should be no more resistance. If there is no other way, forcing the use of medicine is the last resort and is not recommended. 】

Of course, the follow-up measures were not used, because in the evening, he went to find medicine by himself.

"That Dong'er, your medicine, give it to me."

"Why did you change your mind so quickly?"

"I thought about it, what you said makes sense, and you won't harm me, so just listen to you."

Of course, this was a verbal reason, but the factual reason was that when he returned to the cabin, he searched for medical books.

Because what Bibi Dong said made him suspicious, so he searched for information according to what Bibi Dong said.

Before, Bibi Dong helped him organize them by categories, and it was not difficult to find the corresponding books.

There is a good saying, don't treat yourself to a doctor if you have nothing to do, just look at it, and you may feel that you are hopeless.

Yu Xiaogang was in such a situation. Looking at the symptoms and consequences described in the book, he began to take his seat, and his scalp felt numb.

This kind of literature in the bookstore is supposed to be error-free, so he panicked.

The accompanying ship doctor of Wuhundian also confirmed that there is no problem with the medicine, in this case, let's take it.

Between sticking to his inner beliefs, insisting that he is not sick and ensuring his own safety, he chose the latter.

【Rinse with water, take after meals, one spoonful at a time, three times a day. 】In order to make people understand how big a spoon is, Chopper specially drew a spoon on it with accurate size.

It's just that after the light green medicinal powder was brewed, it turned into a strange black color, and the surface was still glowing.

It can be called colorful black.

"Is this medicine really okay?" It wasn't Bibi Dong who asked the question, but the ship doctor.

It is very common for medicinal soup to be black, but it is very strange that "colorful" will glow black.

"Yes, it's pearl powder, and it's from the ice sea. We can't get it if we want."

Although it was weird, his course of treatment had begun. As for the curative effect, it would take a while for this thing to take effect. It is estimated that when they landed, they would be able to see if there is any curative effect.

Their speed is still a lot worse than that of a certain "steam shrimp".

On West Lishi Island, Chen Xin was asking Guliana for her opinion.

Luffy's opinion?
He had already been bought by the manga, and he agreed without thinking about it.

It's okay for him to go out by himself, and it's okay to take Luffy with him. Although Luffy's fighting style is very strange, his combat effectiveness is not low.

Although Chopper's current combat power is not at the same level as theirs, his muscles are full of deterrence, and his physical strength is enough to deal with ordinary soul masters.

Titled Douluo is powerful, but there are not many in total. Contra is the tip of the pyramid, and the soul master is the mainstream and the easiest to meet.

And except for a very few Title Douluo with weird personalities, most Title Douluo stay in the big forces as priests and elders, and they can't be encountered outside, and it's nothing if they encounter them. Title Douluo is not a murderer.

The place with the most titled Douluo on the mainland is Wuhundian, and it is impossible for the titled Douluo of Wuhundian not to know about Qian Daoliu. With reference to Luffy’s background, those people will never do anything strange to Luffy , as long as he has something to prove his identity.

As for Title Douluo and below, he doesn't think he has any opponents.

The evaluation of some people below Title Douluo on the mainland is that this person can rival Title Douluo in terms of XX.

With him and Luffy's situation, facing Title Douluo also has a chance to fight back.

After excluding naturally vicious and evil soul masters, the remaining soul masters who break the law and discipline are mainly low-level.

If the level of soul power is high enough, just find a place to accept employment, and their income will be higher than that of them doing that kind of work.

Compared with those pitifully few Title Douluo, the bottom-level soul masters are the most numerous.

No one knows what will happen when they are away from home. As long as it is a boy, Chen Xin agrees, and he can stare at him from morning till night.

But the girl is not, that is, the other party is young and can live in the same room for the time being, but he can't stare at him when he takes a shower and goes to the toilet. If there is any accident, he can't bear the responsibility.

It's the same for ordinary adults who can't beat her. There is a big gap between ordinary people and soul masters, but Chen Xin has overlooked a problem. The people on Xilishi Island are not like ordinary adults in his impression.

Some people are not soul masters, but they have developed special skills. Even without the increase of martial arts, they can easily defeat soul masters of the [-]th and [-]th ranks. He underestimated the growth environment of Xili Shidao.

So when he told Guliana about it, she readily agreed.

"Aren't you worried about any accident?"

"Don't worry, this is just a social practice for the people on the island. When I was young, I would practice catching pirates, but there are fewer and fewer pirates these years.

And is there such a mess on the mainland?Are you afraid to take a child out? "

"That's not true. I'm not afraid of [-], just in case. If something happens, I can't explain it to you."

"Then don't worry, the island also has its own training methods, and there are safeguards for those who practice on their own."

(End of this chapter)

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