Chapter 342 But Spiders Are Not Insects
The help of the divine test is great for human soul masters. Tang Chen worked hard all his life and reached the level of Peerless Douluo at an advanced age, but Bo Saixi, who was in the same timeline, accepted the divine test and reached the level of the peerless Douluo in the next 50 years. reached the level of Peerless Douluo.

Compared with Tang Chen, she was at least twice as fast. This is the convenience brought by Shenkao.

Qian Daoliu was the same as Bo Saixi, but as the priests of the gods, their strength was fixed at that moment, and apart from Tang Chen, they had no possibility to go any further.

This is the assessment given to the priests, as the inheritor of the god position, Bibi Dong will only get more.

For example, Hai Ling first helped her get acquainted with the Elvish language, and Yu Xiaogang spent half a month learning it without sleeping or eating. After that, he was still studying, but he could barely understand it, and sometimes made grammatical mistakes.

But Bibi Dong is different. After accepting the divine test, Elven language seems to have become her mother tongue.

Whether it is reading or writing, it is very smooth.

In this way, Yu Xiaogang's large number of books can also be used. Bibidong sorted out those books by category, and at the same time she was reading, but most of the books she read were customs, geography and other books.

The weather is fine today, the weather is calm, both of them are reading on the deck, next to Luffy who is sleeping with a fishing rod, and Chopper who is also holding a book.

"The eldest son of God, friend of nature, Xiao Gang, I heard that mermaids have their own kingdom in the deep sea, what are you looking at?"

Then she glanced at Yu Xiaogang's book cover "Male Elves Should Stand on Their Own". Combined with the national conditions of the elf empire, this seemed to be a book about "male rights".

The point is, "male power" is not "male boxing"!
[A truly successful life does not lie in the size of your achievements, but in whether you work hard to realize yourself, shout out your own voice, and walk out of your own path. 】

【Fate is a very ethereal thing. Some people believe in fate and reach the top of the tower or fall to the bottom of the cliff.Some people want to change their fate against the sky, but the chance of success is very slim, but with perseverance, one day, there will be no gray fog ahead. 】

In other words, this is actually a collection of chicken soup essays, which made him very excited and felt that his life was motivated again.

【What you have to do is what others can't do, then you can't do it, who is to blame, because you are useless!】

"Cross this sentence out, it seems that this book is not all right."

Can he be blamed for level 29 soul power? If the talent is not like this, he firmly believes that it is impossible for him to only have this level.

Seeing Bibi Dong looking over, he closed the pages of the book. He thought Bibi Dong couldn't understand all the text, and the book in her hand also had a lot of pictures, after all, pictures are very important in geographical atlases.

In order to give Yu Xiaogang some confidence, she asked him to learn Elvish language these few days, which made him feel a little satisfied.

If you teach a student who is better than yourself, there will be ghosts if you teach it. Bibi Dong didn't even mention some small language problems.

He didn't intend to explain that he was reading chicken soup literature, so he changed the subject, and he felt that Bibi Dong still couldn't understand the densely packed small characters.

"It's nothing, just take a look, Dong'er, your soul power has grown rapidly recently, and you should break through to level 70 when you land on the shore. The seventh soul skill of the soul master will definitely be the martial soul avatar, the soul ring Have you thought about the type of it?"

In fact, Hill had told her before she left not to absorb any more soul rings before the start of the divine test.

Even if you don't absorb the spirit ring, the growth of the spirit power level of the spirit master will not stop, but it will accumulate.

It will be superimposed when the soul master absorbs the next soul ring.

Therefore, if there is no real need, there is no difference in absorbing the spirit ring earlier or later.

In order to find a suitable soul ring, many soul masters will delay for a long time, and this time will not affect their cultivation.

Hill didn't say the specific reason, it was something she would tell her after the bloodline evolved, even if she accepted the test, Hill didn't know if she could pass the test.

Lingmeng already has elf blood in her body, and this process is very safe for her, while Bibidong still faces certain risks.

If you want enough benefits, you have to pay enough prices and bear corresponding risks. This is something every soul master knows.

Even if it's just absorbing the spirit ring, it's not necessarily safe, this kind of risk can't stop her.

Although she did not plan to absorb the soul ring immediately after breaking through, it does not mean that she is unwilling to listen to Yu Xiaogang's analysis. This is one of the few things that Yu Xiaogang can produce. He has also researched a lot of useful information from the massive amount of information. s things.

The previous soul ring did have Yu Xiaogang's reference opinions, and the overall effect is not bad.

"Not yet, what do you think?"

"According to the records of the Spirit Hall, the seventh soul ring of a soul master can last for between 3 and 5 years, depending on the different attributes and spirits of different soul masters.

Your previous soul skills have taken into account defense, attack, control, and recovery. The death spider itself is the top martial soul of insects. If the soul ring is suitable, you may be able to realize the evolution of the seventh ring, which is better than the ninth ring. The ring time will make the martial soul evolution more profitable.
I think the seventh spirit ring is the best way to find a death spider with a suitable year, if that's the case."

"Well, excuse me, you said that the death spider is the top soul beast of insects, is that true?"

He usually doesn't like to be disturbed when he expounds his theories, but the premise is that the person who disturbs him is not a two-meter-tall, muscular man.

It was a fist the size of a real casserole, and it was holding a hardcover book big enough to be a brick, which seemed to be a book on herbal medicine.

But this is not very important, he can't fight, and he is still very confident in his debate knowledge.

"Yes, why, is your martial spirit also spider-like?"

"No, if I have to say it, it should be a deer, but a spider is not an insect.

Although the blood of the death spider itself is very strong, the death spider is not an insect soul beast at all, so how can it be called the top soul beast of insects? "

It is true that he is eight years old, and he lived as an ordinary deer in the past, so the deer of nature will be surprised by him.

Getting the original grace at this age is obviously a grace, but he is a dryad who failed to evolve. They never thought that this was the result of the dryad's slippery hand.

Just like Bibi Dong was indoctrinated by Hailing in terms of Elvish language, Chopper was also endowed with a lot of common sense knowledge by World Tree to prevent him from doing strange behaviors after his transformation.

At the same time, there is still power, but because of the tree spirit's slippery hand, he has not absorbed this power yet.

After the heroic spirit is summoned, it will be supplemented with common sense in this world. At this time, the world tree is the world consciousness of the Sun Moon Continent. It is easy to do this kind of thing.

In the following period of time, Chopper added more knowledge according to his preferences, such as the medicinal properties of herbs and so on.

And the spider's venom and itself can be used as medicine, so he remembers very clearly that spiders are not insects, but arthropods of the phylum Arthropoda, the subphylum Chelicidae, the class Arachnida, and the order Aranea.

Same as that Luffy guy.

Yu Xiaogang's expression became not quite right. For a soul master, strength is everything. As a person without cultivation talent, this is the last thing he can show.

But now, he was being questioned, and it was still a basic question.

This is no longer just questioning him, it is simply insulting him, but this is his unilateral idea.

This is just an eight-year-old kid who just wants to correct the other party's mistakes.

(End of this chapter)

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