Chapter 337 The Invisible Blade·The Deadliest

The temple is originally divided into front and rear areas. Outsiders can come to the business area in front. In fact, this part of the area is not planned to be open at the beginning, but on the premise that the temple is self-operating, this is the only way to have enough dinars.

She can stay here wholeheartedly without needing anything, otherwise she would not be the manager of the Holy City Temple, but this does not mean that everyone can do this. The elves can do it, but the original elves are only a minority. Elves have to support their families too.

The economy needs circulation, and the elves also need to live, unless the current Sun Moon Continent is brought back to the era of slash-and-burn farming, then nothing is needed, just enough to eat and not die of hunger.

Although the huge group of elves has the ability to serve as soldiers in an emergency, there are only a few elves under the legion at ordinary times, and more are ordinary elves of various professions, as well as young elves.

The temple can also be regarded as a "high-paying occupation", but this high salary is generally based on the income-generating ability of the temple itself.

In some places, the temples will also perform guest medical professions. While generating income, they must also spread their names and be responsible for environmental governance.

The main area of ​​the eastern elves still maintains an ecological environment. Under the leadership of Karen in the western plains, a large number of factories have appeared in the original open space, and the annual environmental protection expenditure is a big one.

The dryads also specially cultivated a tree that can absorb waste gas and waste water.

And the fruit structure of this kind of tree is very special, which is very suitable for papermaking, forming a relatively virtuous circle.

Hill will not stop alien humans from entering the outer area, but the first time it is like going deep into the interior, she will not agree.

If it wasn't for Hai Ling's intention, Bibi Dong wouldn't even think about going in, genius?She's seen a lot of that stuff.

"Xiao Gang, wait for me here, I'll be back soon."

In normal times, she might choose whether to go or not, considering Yu Xiaogang's mood. She also knows that this person has a fragile mentality, and some ordinary things are easily regarded by him as discrimination. Sometimes she will explain it before going.

But this time is different, mainly because of two reasons. One is Hill's strength. She has only experienced the impenetrable mystery in Qian Daoliu. It can be seen that Hill is a rare powerhouse.

And the management method of Wuhun Temple made her very clear that the status of the managers of the temple is not low, especially the managers of this kind of holy city. She also wants to know why Hill is looking for her.

And another reason, she was still angry, Yu Xiaogang went back suddenly that day, and locked herself in the cabin for half a month, or when she had just spent more than half of her assets, which of course made her unhappy .

But when he came out, he completely forgot about it, as if nothing had happened, and he didn't mean to apologize for what happened that day.

It's not good for her to delve into the matter like this, otherwise she will appear stingy.

But not mentioning it does not mean forgetting, sometimes the onset of a woman's vengeance may be delayed indefinitely, such as now, just let it reflect.

"You can wait in the temple. If you are worried about something, you can follow and wait outside, but there is a place you can't go to."

After Hill finished speaking, he dragged Lingmeng to the back, and Bibidong followed, and when Hill said so, Yu Xiaogang also wanted to know where it was, but he wanted to know where he was not even qualified to set foot. No.

It's just that when he got there, the facts dealt him a terrible blow, and he really didn't have the qualifications to set foot there.

The sound of the waves spread to several people's ears, and Bibi Dong also knew where the sound of the waves heard before came from, and there was actually a cliff behind the temple.

More than ten meters wide, here is the estuary of a big river. The turbulent river pours into the sea from below. The location of the temple is already very high. Straight down.

The most important thing is that the other side of the cliff can be seen as another part of the temple, but there is nothing connecting the two sides, not even a single iron chain.

As for how to get there, it's very simple, either jump over or fly over.

"You should be able to go there, right?"

Bibi Dong is a human soul master, Hill can perceive her soul power level, but she doesn't know which type she is.

She doesn't understand the human cultivation system very well, and the level of soul power has a great influence, but although some soul masters have high levels of soul power, their combat effectiveness is not much different from that of ordinary people.

If Bibi Dong can't make it through, she still has to help.

"There is no problem with this distance." She is a real battle soul master, and the jumping ability of spiders is not bad. At worst, she can use spider silk.

But during the time he was speaking, Lingmeng had already stepped back a few steps, took a run-up under Yu Xiaogang's gaze, and then took off to cross the cliff, which seemed to be very proficient.

The invisible blade is the deadliest.

Nothing was said, nothing was done, but it was kind of a shock that a little girl could do this kind of thing.

Of course, no one cared about his mood at this time.

Bibi Dong didn't need a long-distance run-up, her leg muscles exerted strength, and she also crossed this cliff, but when she turned her head, she didn't see Hill who was originally behind her.

Hill still had that flat expression, but some method had appeared here at some point.

"High Priest Hill, do you agree to let Olette perform?"

"Reimu, we are a temple, not a circus. This kind of drama is impossible, so don't talk about it in the future." Olette is her partner, a holy moon white tiger.

Reimu has always believed that it can make the temple's income even better.

"But you applied for a white tiger as a partner before, and I approved it."


"Really, but you have to meet that one first, Chief Priest Hill Shadowsong. I have brought these two people, the elves and the moon god, according to your wishes. We will listen to your wishes."

The full title of the Sea Spirit priesthood is the God of Elves and the Moon, just like the full name of the Angel God is the God of Angels and the Sun. This is one of the reasons why Angels and Sea Spirits have a good relationship.

The sun and the moon are originally companions, and this god and her god can complement each other. Originally, the moon god was a vacant god under the goddess of life, but she directly combined it with the newly born elf god, and together Gave it to Hai Ling.

Until now, Bibi Dong didn't know what was going on, she thought that the manager of this temple would call her here if he wanted to convey something to the Spirit Hall.

Although Golden Eagle is the team leader this time, she still has a higher status in the Spirit Hall. It is easy for the divine power to understand the difference between a saint and an elder, but she did not expect that it was the meaning of a god.
(End of this chapter)

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