Douluo: Reincarnated sea spirit beast, the three generals of Beechburg

Chapter 327 What's Your Name?Kakashi, right?

Chapter 327 What's Your Name?Kakashi, right?
In terms of not understanding the style, Chen Xin thought that Luffy was invincible, but looking at the bag of grilled pork chops in his hand, he also took a piece. To be honest, he was also a little hungry.

Indeed, they just came out of the barbecue restaurant, but just coming out of the restaurant does not mean that they are full. The previous scene can be summarized as, Luffy is eating, Hancock is watching, and he is embarrassed.

When Luffy didn't stop, as long as he moved any part, he would be stared at, so he didn't eat very well.

"Hey, Kakashi, right? This street is not interesting. If you want to have a good time shopping, I suggest you go to the street next door. Women seem to like it there. The vanilla ice cream in the dessert shop there is really delicious. "

He just gave an opinion casually, it doesn't matter if he listens or not.

"Thank you for reminding me, but my name is Bibi Dong." This is not the first time Luffy calls people by name, anyway, when he calls people with AAB combination on the boat, he is basically talking to her.

"Hey, it's almost there. This is for you. You can get discounts in all stores. It will expire after today." He remembered that he had some discount coupons that were about to expire, so he casually gave them to Bibi Dong, and then took them with him. Chen Xin walked to the other side.

He remembered that there was a jelly shop over there.

Hancock is not here, otherwise Luffy might help Bibi Dong get into big trouble invisibly.

Looking at the discount coupon with the strange pattern, Bibi Dong didn't return to the boat of the Wuhun Temple, but walked towards the direction Luffy pointed.

She knew Yu Xiaogang too well, it would be useless to follow him back at this time, he would just lock himself in the cabin and not see anyone, and use the way of evasion to ease the embarrassment.

It is already a shameful thing for him to imagine his own problems in front of the recipe.

So she simply went back after shopping, and she didn't know if she would come here again in the future. She didn't plan to control consumption this time, and she wanted to use consumption to vent her emotions.

Although she and Yu Xiaogang are in the stage of passionate love now, it doesn't mean that they won't be awkward.

At dusk, Bibi Dong, who had experienced the exotic atmosphere here once, returned to the ship of the Wuhun Temple with a soul guide backpack. She still bought the things containing the books along the way, but Yu Xiaogang's closed door could It can be seen that he is still in the state of autism and has not been lifted.

On the other side, the people who went out of Wuhundian returned here one after another, with smiles on their faces, but many people's wallets have been baptized. Happiness is really happiness, but the consumption is also really high.

Even Golden Eagle is no exception, but he bought a lot of soul tools.

Then, Golden Eagle called Bibi Dong to hold a meeting with several Contras.

"Everyone, I think this way. The Great Elder and the Pope gave us a year. We searched for four months before, and it took two months to come here. It will take another two months to return. No, if it is It will take three months to reach the mainland. In other words, we still have three months to spare.

We need to reserve some time for the return trip to prevent accidents, so we still have two months left to carry out sufficient activities. We have conducted a detailed search in our sea area, but we have not found any trace of the so-called Sea God.

So when you return, you should pay more attention to this aspect.

But now I want to ask you if you have any plans for these two months. "

"Your Majesty the Golden Eagle, what do you mean?"

The subordinates did not express what they meant, but asked Jin Ying.

Sometimes the above questions don't really want to ask your opinion. This ship Golden Eagle has the final say, and only Bibi Dong can offer opinions. Now that Bibi Dong has no intention of speaking, they naturally won't express their opinions on their own .

"What I mean is that it's better to stay on this continent for the next two months. We will take the same route back. If there is such a thing as Sea God Island, then we should have discovered it earlier.

On the return trip, I just searched for deficiencies and filled in gaps. Even if I search for two more months, there may not be any results.

But this continent is different. This is a completely unknown continent. If we can bring back some information, it will be an achievement for us, Your Highness, what do you think? "

If Bibi Dong has an opinion, he will try to convince the other party that the others are just making up the numbers, and their opinions are irrelevant.

"I don't have any opinion on the opinion of the Golden Eagle Crown. I think it's not bad, but I'm afraid the people below won't be able to hold on for two months."

This refers to those low-level soul masters and ordinary sailors.

Judging from her own financial resources, as long as she doesn't buy hundreds of sets of books for others like today, her life for two months can be very nourishing. As for spending all the money, the price of a few things here can be doubled. several times.

For example, the soul guide backpack she bought was 1600 dinars after the discount, and it would fluctuate in the range of 80000-64000 when it was exchanged for gold soul coins.

As for a spatial soul guide backpack of more than ten cubic meters, it is normal to sell millions of gold soul coins on the road, and there is no price in the market. As long as you find an auction, the price will only be higher.

This is also the reason why Golden Eagle bought so many, took out a few and sold them, and gained a few more soul guides at the same time, so it won't pay for it.

But ordinary people are different. If they don't care, they can't stand the consumption here.

"What Her Majesty said is that we should be responsible for the board and lodging during non-free activities, so that there is no burden."

The fact that Bibi Dong didn't veto his opinion meant that she also had similar thoughts, and since this was the case, everything would be easy to handle.

Apart from buying a few soul guides, he left just now to investigate the prices here. It is not difficult to make the people below sleep and eat without worry by ordinary standards.

Water is free, and you can continue to sleep in the cabin, the most is some food expenses.

But until the next day, Yu Xiaogang still didn't come out, so Bibi Dong directly kicked open the door, this kind of door lock was just a decoration for her.

In the room, Yu Xiaogang's eyes were bloodshot, and he looked like he hadn't slept all night.

"Xiao Gang, what are you doing?"

"Study those characters, and you have seen the fate of not being able to read them. If you know that kind of characters, you won't be so ashamed."

"No one thinks you are ashamed. Isn't it normal for the words of the New World to be misunderstood?"

"No, although the man named Luffy didn't say anything else, I still feel that he is laughing at me." Excessive inferiority complex is entering this state, thinking about messy things, and not listening to other people's persuasion.

"Xiao Gang, you are too obsessed. Elder Golden Eagle has decided to stay here for two months. You don't need to worry."

"Two months? Just right, I will go out when I understand these words thoroughly, don't disturb me during this time, you can go shopping by yourself." Said and closed the door again

(End of this chapter)

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