Douluo: Reincarnated sea spirit beast, the three generals of Beechburg

Chapter 324 Are You Eating (Overlord Meal) in a Bookstore? [Half chapter, change tomorrow]

Chapter 324 Are You Eating (Overlord Meal) in a Bookstore? [Half chapter, change tomorrow]

Bookstores in the New Continent aroused his interest. There are not many bookstores in the Douluo Continent, and they can only be seen in the important cities of the two empires, and the types of books that can be bought are mainly miscellaneous and popular science.

If you want to find some valuable literature, you can only find it in the archives of the empire, Wuhundian, clan or sect. Secret possession is always inevitable.

Even in the Sun Moon Continent, this is not an exception. There are many things in the bookstore, but the books and materials inside are all common knowledge. Even if there are some secrets, they are only mentioned superficially.

The most core things are also stored in Karen's database and Rivendell's library. It is impossible to involve too advanced things if they are sold outside with a clearly marked price.

It's just that this superficiality is based on the standards of the Sun Moon Continent. Compared with the Douluo Continent, the things here are also advanced enough.

He was quite excited when he discovered this place for the first time. Unknown knowledge may bring new answers.

But soon a problem arose. He didn't know a word of all the symbols on the cover of the book in the store, because the scroll on it was written in elven script.

Today, the culture of the Sun Moon Continent has long been unified. Even in cities in the west where there are more humans, these elven scripts are used.

Human characters have not been lost, nor have they been banned from learning. The Sun Moon Continent and the Douluo Continent have similar characters, otherwise people who go there would not need a language test.

But Elvish is the official language, and if you want to live on this continent, you must know Elvish.

Just like the official books, they are not written in human language.

Except for the illustrations in the book, he couldn't recognize a word. In this case, he looked at the clerk beside him.

"May I ask if all the books here are like this?"

"What else? What else can a book look like? Soul guide e-books are not sold here. If you want to buy them, go to the other side of the street."

"No, what I mean is, are there any books in other languages?" He didn't know what a soul guide e-book was, but it sounded like it was just a different style, and it seemed that there was no essential difference.

But the clerk suddenly reacted to something.

"Oh, let me tell you why your accent is so strange. You guys are from the mainland across the sea. The books here are all like this, but you may need this."

After finishing speaking, he walked to the back of the shop. Yu Xiaogang also heard a few unintelligible pronunciations, which seemed to match the mysterious words. Not long after, the clerk came back with a book quite thick book.

"This is a dictionary, you may need this."

As he put the book on the counter, Yu Xiaogang made sure that the tea on it shook, which showed how heavy the book was.

I opened it and looked, and there was indeed a comparison of the two texts.

"Thank you very much, can I trouble you to help me sort out a copy of the books about soul beasts and plants, and if there are books about soul tools and history, I also need a copy."

"Do you want all kinds?"

"Well, I need one copy of everything I said."

Hearing what he said, the clerk went to get the goods with his own ladder and trolley.

It's just that when he hurried up and down to find all the books he wanted, but found that Yu Xiaogang didn't seem to be able to pay for it, his expression suddenly turned ugly.

The folk customs are simple and hospitable, this is all true, but the premise is that you have to be rich.

Otherwise, you will experience that Gotham is also a place with simple folk customs.

If he remembered correctly, the last time someone didn't pay was when he was listening to his grandfather telling stories.

And it was his grandfather listening to the story told by his grandfather's grandfather. In a sense, this is quite a rare thing.

Humans are not clones, even the original elves have different personalities, let alone elves, humans, and half-elves.

It's just that even if someone made a mistake, they wouldn't be so stupid as to make a mistake with Rivendell here.

Why did this clerk look ugly? It's been a long time since he encountered such a situation, and he almost forgot how to deal with it.

But soon he realized a problem, he didn't take anything away, no money, please leave here tactfully if you don't have money, if you want to read a book, go to the library, don't come to the bookstore for nothing, it's just running around for nothing.

"What do you buy without money? Go, go, don't bother me."

There is impatience in the tone, these books are varied, almost mixed in various categories, which also shows that they are located all over the bookstore.

If he didn't buy it, he would have to put it back again. There was a big project for no reason, and no one was happy.

It can't be said that he won't buy it at all, and he doesn't have no money in his pocket, but his money is only enough to buy the dictionary at the beginning.

This is probably the result of buying things without asking the price. The only good news is that this is a book, not a cake, otherwise he would be surrounded by a cup.

As for his property, he is actually not poor.

Even though his talent for soul power cultivation is extremely poor, he was still born in the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family. His father was the heir to the patriarch at the beginning, and now the head of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family, Yu Yuanzhen, the patriarch of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

He has a big family and a big business. He doesn't like this son but he won't abuse him. He should have enough food and clothing. Before he ran away from home, his life was still much richer than ordinary people.

It is a common problem of big families that the talent is not enough to make up for it. It is not that Yu Yuanzhen did not work hard, but he found that Yu Xiaogang's talent was not enough, so he gave up on this son.

Clan thinking has a very serious impact on Yu Yuanzhen. In his eyes, revitalizing the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex is the most important thing. Under this kind of thinking, of course, a son without talent will not get his attention.

Then there were more people in the family who looked down on him. He was obviously a waste, but because he was the son of the patriarch and enjoyed a lot of treatment, it can only be said that reincarnation is also a skilled job, which made some people feel uncomfortable.

And they didn't dare to get angry with Yu Yuanzhen, so they vented their emotions to Yu Xiaogang with cynicism.

And when Yu Xiaogang left the Landian Tyrannosaurus family because he couldn't stand this kind of environment, although the discrimination was reduced a lot, the source of life was basically cut off.

It is not difficult for a soul master to make a living, the premise is that he can save face. Most of the ordinary great soul masters are active in various soul hunting groups, earn a hard-earned money, and if they are lucky, they can sneak into a certain force and earn a minimum living allowance.

And being born in the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, he was destined to have no relationship with other sects, and he couldn't lose face, his mind was full of his own research, and he happened to meet Bibi Dong at this time.

Because he attracted Bibi Dong at this time, it also caused him to start a half-push and half-do soft career.

 I just came back from the hospital and it's done.
(End of this chapter)

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