Chapter 201 I Need Your Escape Route
Tianmeng, who was sleeping soundly, woke up suddenly, and looked around vigilantly. If he excluded the fact that his slobbering chin was lying down, this action was considered astute.

"Strange, who is playing with my idea?"

If he used to simply feel that he was having nightmares, but the more times he had, he would have this kind of instinctive reaction. After all, the huge mental power has been trained to have some passive abilities, which is probably to predict bad luck or something.

According to Yvonne's evaluation of him, this thing also depends on talent, and he is not so sensitive to this kind of thing.

If he could develop this ability, he might be able to become a prophet or something.

But so far, his ability can only be used as a passive one, completely uncontrollable, he can only predict things related to himself, and it doesn't work from time to time.

This talent is a burden for Tianmeng.

In Beechburg, there was no problem with his safety. Although he was a little silly after sleeping for so many years, his judgment was still there.

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King and Yvonne, together with the spirit beasts under him, had absolutely nothing that could endanger his safety.

So for him, this feeling only means one thing, according to his newly learned words, that is called overtime.

Sometimes, known fears are scarier than unknown fears.

In the past, he didn't know about overtime until the overtime came, but after this feeling came, he would enter into the worry of "I don't know whether to work overtime or not".

After all, his talent is timeless.

This kind of tormented waiting is the most painful, but this time the torment did not last long, because he saw Yvonne and Hancock shortly after waking up.

"Hey, tell me, what are you going to do this time?"

This time is not his working time, nor is it his study time. It stands to reason that Yvonne would not come to him. When he is free, what Yvonne does most is tinkering with things in the deep sea.

Tianmeng still doesn't know what it is, but every time Yvonne comes back, there will be a special breath on her body.

He didn't know what it was, he only knew that there was a strong breath of life in it.

"Can't I hang out when I have nothing to do?"

"According to common sense, you should be teaching Hancock at this time. Unless there is something special, you won't come here. Come on, hurry up, what are you going to do this time?"

"Don't worry, it's just a small matter this time, and you don't need to do anything."

After Kerstin and the others responded to this question before, Sheldon Pi sent a message to Karen directly. Although Karen couldn't reply, she still received the message in its entirety.

Through the verbal description, Karen quickly judged the specific volume of the Ice Crystal, and made a plan for how to use it, and then found Yvonne to report the detailed situation.

In particular, Tianmeng should know that there is a "mine" for the Ice God Crystal.

At that time, Yvonne was teaching Hancock a deeper level of petrification magic, but according to Karen's estimation, there should be a huge reserve of ice crystals there, so he suspended the course and came to find Tianmeng.

"You mean, you asked me where the hole I slept in?" After Yvonne finished talking about the specific things, Tianmeng understood what the other party was going to do.

"First of all, make sure of one thing, that is, whether it is the Wanzai Xuan Ice Cave, and whether there is a Divine Crystal of Extreme Ice in it."

"Well, the place with so many mysterious ice essences should be the Wanzai Xuan Ice Cave, but this thing is a legend, if those things that are like chewing gum that can't be bitten off are the ice crystals you mentioned If so, that's a lot.

What's the use of that thing, let me tell you, it can't be eaten or absorbed at all, it just smells like black ice essence."

Speaking of chewing gum, he also took out two pieces and threw them into his mouth to chew. They were mint flavored. He just woke up and thought he should wake up. As long as it was something Yvonne could make, there was nothing he wouldn't eat.

At the beginning, he didn't spit out the chewing gum. According to him, how can the food delivered to his mouth be spit out? It's a waste.

"It's not easy to explain clearly with your understanding. In short, I have nothing to do with you this time. Where is the hole you drilled out?"


"What's wrong?" Looking at Tianmeng who suddenly hesitated, Yvonne had a bad premonition.

"That... I said I forgot, do you believe me?"

"You forgot? You told me that you can't remember where you ate for so many years?"

"No, listen to my quibble... No, listen to my explanation, there are no trees in the extreme north, and some dwarf plants are covered by heavy snow, so there is no reference at all.

I didn't even know where it came from, and I've been here for so many years, so it's normal that I can't remember. "

There is a forest in the south of the Far North, called the Frozen Forest. It is the last place where you can see tall trees. If you want to identify the location further north, you can rely on those snow-covered mountains.

Getting lost in a strange place is also a common thing.

However, the soul beasts in the extreme north basically have a unique way to distinguish the direction and position, and the ice silkworm is also one of them, so Yvonne doesn't quite believe Tianmeng's explanation.

"Even if you don't know how to fight with your mental strength at that time, it is not difficult to construct a nearby map in your mind, and you can't even tell the way, how did you run into the sea?"

"It's because I don't know the way, that's why I ran into the sea, otherwise I definitely wouldn't run to the sea."

What he said was well-founded, and Yvonne couldn't refute him at all. The ice silkworm couldn't fly, if he didn't panic, he really wouldn't run to the cliff.

"Forget it, recall your experience at that time, and I will ask Karen to reverse it."

Although I haven't gone deep into the extreme north, Karen has a map there, and I still know the general outline. Combined with the speed at which he floated over, we can probably find the location where he fell off the cliff. By reversing the route, we should be able to find the Xuanbing Cave. Approximate location.

At that time, if you do a carpet search, you will always be able to find it. There should be tunnels nearby, and you just need to find a tunnel.

"Well, let me think about it. After I came out of the cave, I met the Ice Empress! You know, she was so beautiful. At that time, she was basking in the sun, and the ice crystal carapace reflected the sunlight. Her..."

"Hey, I'm not very interested in your history of unrequited love. Skip this paragraph. After I know, she will start chasing you. I want your approximate escape route."

Then a new problem came, although Tianmeng was trying his best to recall his escape route, but since he was running away more than once, it was intermittent, and finally a maze-like route map appeared.
(End of this chapter)

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