Chapter 15 I admit defeat!
The man who insisted on going to help immediately walked out of the temple angrily. He wanted to help, but he couldn't. This is the rule of Sea God Island, and the high priest is the master of Sea God Island.Unless there is an order from Lord Seagod, the words of the high priest are supreme authority on Seagod Island, even if he is a Title Douluo.

The soul power was running on his legs, and he appeared in the bay of Sea God Island in a few flashes. On the pier here, a demon spirit great white shark was swimming anxiously. Watching the man return, there seemed to be something in its eyes. A little bit of anticipation.

"The high priest is already summoning the guardians of the sacred pillars, but it will take a while to assemble the team and prepare the boats." He still didn't tell the truth to the devil spirit great white shark, that kind of truth He couldn't say it.

The Demon Soul Great White Shark in front of him doesn't know how to speak to others. The Demon Soul Great White Shark whose strength has reached that level is currently on the frontline battlefield. It is just the youngest one among them.It can communicate with men because the man's martial soul is a conch, and with a special soul skill, he can communicate with all sea soul beasts.

In other words, he has learned the lingua franca of sea spirit beasts, and he is a diplomat on Sea God Island.

The demonic great white shark in the sea believed his words, and left him a direction, and then dived back into the water. Judging from the direction of its dorsal fin movement, it was headed to the battlefield again.

The man stretched out his hand, but he couldn't say the words to make him stay. The phrase "the tribe is still waiting for my news" made him feel deeply.At this time, another guardian of the holy pillar from Sea God Island also appeared here.

"Conch, didn't you tell the truth to it?"

"No.. I can't bear it"

"You neither told the truth nor left it, have you thought about what will happen when it goes back with this news?"

The conch was stunned for a moment. If the devil spirit great white shark thought that the reinforcements would arrive soon, then they would continue to fight the devil killer whale to the death instead of retreating temporarily based on their speed.
"Could it be that"

"The High Priest understands you, and you also know the High Priest's character. Does he usually explain so much to you? This is nothing more than trying to make the Demon Soul Great White Shark last longer through your mouth."

"Why. Aren't everyone the Sea God's people?"

"Everyone is human too. Your dream of making people equal to sea spirit beasts is infinitely close to a bubble, and people also have desires. Today, after Lord Seagod's ascension, everything is different from before."

The man called the conch hesitated for a moment, the next moment a huge conch appeared in the sea, and he also stepped on his martial soul, rushing towards the direction where the great white shark, the demon spirit, had left.

"Where are you going? A high priest like you will"

"Let him deal with it, or I will become a sinner of the Demon Soul Great White Shark Clan, Starfish, goodbye." A stream of water spewed out from the tail of the big snail, and Starfish could only see the white line on the sea surface in the blink of an eye.

Titled Douluo can fly, but for the titled Douluo among the sea soul masters, the flying speed may not be as fast as they can walk on the waves, not to mention the speed of the conch is also one of the best in Sea God Island.Haixing knew that his speed could not catch up with the conch, so he returned to the temple, trying to convince the high priest.

He knew that the high priest could tolerate the death and injury of the sea soul master, but the death of the guardian of the sacred pillar was not what he wanted to see. I am afraid that Conch also had the idea of ​​forcing the high priest to take action, but he did not expect that the high priest did not change his mind. The departure time remains the same.

"But the High Priest, Conch..." He knew that Conch's strength was not enough to face the group of evil orcas, but the High Priest was different. He, who could borrow the power of the Sea God, was also afraid of the evil orca king.

"As the guardian of the holy pillar, it is the holy pillar and the people of Sea God Island who are guarding, not the fish and shrimp in the sea." As the high priest of Sea God Island, he believes in the sea god, but at the same time, he thinks those sea spirit beasts are not worthy. Sit on an equal footing with yourself and be called the people of the Sea God.Conch's philosophy is different from his. Since Conch has chosen this path, he will not care about him.

In the sea area where the Demon Soul Great White Shark and the Demon Killer Whale fought, the color of the nearby sea water has turned red, and many corpses have fallen under the surface of the sea. There are also some broken objects floating on the sea surface. There are Demon Soul Great White Sharks and some Evil killer whale.

At this time, the Demon Soul Great White Shark is in a defensive trend relying on its advantages in numbers and speed. Although there are casualties from time to time, it will not collapse for a while.

This is also the reason why the evil killer whale slowed down its offensive, because the battle belonging to the king is about to decide the winner.

After all, the battles of ordinary ethnic groups are just a foil, and the victory or defeat of the top combat power is the fundamental decision of the life and death of the two ethnic groups.If the evil killer whale king is defeated, then the water flow in the magic shark domain will destroy all the evil killer whales.In the same way, if Xiaobai is defeated, there will be no existence in the Demon Soul Great White Shark that can resist the evil killer whale king.

But now it seems that the evil killer whale king has a huge advantage, Xiao Hui has withdrawn from the battle, and there is a huge wound on his abdomen, which is left by the evil killer whale king's dorsal fin.The huge wound can even see the beating internal organs, even if it is a little deeper, Xiao Hui's life will be drawn to a halt.

Although the vitality of the soul beast keeps him alive, but at this time he is unable to continue to help his sister.

And without Xiao Hui's assist, Xiao Bai also felt tremendous pressure, part of her left pectoral fin was missing, and a lot of lacerations were left on her back.Her eyes were still full of fighting spirit, but at this moment, there was a little more hesitation, because this battle had lasted too long.

Calculated according to the time when Xiao Hui called for help and the speed of the Demon Soul Great White Shark, the news should have been delivered long ago, and this time is already enough for the people of Sea God Island to go back and forth a few times.

Even if ordinary combat power cannot be dispatched, the guardian of the holy pillar should arrive, which is why she hesitates.After another confrontation, a piece of news was sent to her by Xiao Hui, Sea God Island had already received the news, but due to various reasons it would take some time.

"Do you still need time?" The weather is calm today, not to mention sea spirit masters, even ordinary people from Sea God Island should arrive by boating, and the system of Sea God Island is not perfect, so there are still many ordinary people on the island.

Looking at the fallen clansmen around, Xiaobai knew very well that many of them died with the determination to fight for Lord Seagod, but so far, she still hadn't seen a single soldier from Seagod Island, and finally, she made up her mind .

"I surrender!"

These three words came out of her mouth, and at the same time, a few drops of liquid with a composition different from that of sea water flowed into the sea from the corner of her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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