Douluo: Reincarnated sea spirit beast, the three generals of Beechburg

Chapter 144 These Sea Soul Beasts Actually Know Tactics

Chapter 144 These Sea Soul Beasts Actually Know Tactics
"Finding a sea rhinoceros, your soul ring should be found." The person standing on the side of the boat said to a tall man behind him.

One of them has a walrus as his martial soul, and he takes the route of a heavily armored warrior. The soul ring of a sea rhinoceros is very suitable for him.

"Sea rhinoceros? That thing is not common, how old is it?"

The pupils of the people on the ship's side dilated slightly, and began to observe the age of the sea rhinoceros. For a soul master, besides the type of soul ring, the most important thing is the age.

Even Lord Seagod couldn't possibly get them top-level spirit rings. Although his assessment was dangerous, the level of rewards would not be directly upgraded to 10-year spirit rings like the High Priest.

Even if it can be increased later, it will be based on this starting point.

"You are lucky, less than 2 years old, just right for you."

The upper limit of the sixth spirit ring is about 2 years, and the way to judge the age of the sea rhinoceros is through the horn on the back.

Judging from the part exposed to the sea, the age of the sea rhino was around [-]. As for the kung fu manatee on the back of the sea rhino, they did not see it.

The Kung Fu manatee was not big in size, and due to the problem of sight, the Kung Fu manatee was completely covered by the exposed horns, but the three did not attack immediately.

"Sea rhinos generally live in groups, right? How old are the other sea rhinos? If the sea rhinos are too strong, forget it, we are not opponents."

The upper limit of the sixth soul ring of a human soul master is about 2 years, but this does not mean that a soul emperor will fight an extra 2-year soul beast. have a huge advantage.

Especially here is the sea, and none of the three of them have a sixth spirit ring, so their spirit power at level 8000 is a little weak. One [-]-year-old sea rhinoceros can deal with it, but two can't.

"Don't worry, the other sea rhinos are all a thousand years old, and there is not a single one that is ten thousand years old. As long as this leader can be quickly dealt with, the rest may just run away."

"Then let's do it. I didn't expect to meet a suitable soul beast when we first arrived. The blood of the sea rhinoceros should be able to attract other sea soul beasts. At dawn, we should meet the soul beasts of sea birds that prey on us. Now let's All three of them have found suitable spirit rings."

The big one jumped into the sea as he spoke, his body also became fat and bloated in the process, his legs merged into one into a caudal fin, and two large ivory tusks also appeared at the corners of his mouth.

The soul master who observed the situation earlier flew up, and it seemed that the martial soul was some kind of sea bird. Whoever made the flying soul master not have a unique affiliation, the sea bird became a kind of sea soul master.

The remaining soul master who remained silent didn't jump into the sea, and his body didn't change too much, but he had an extra harpoon in his hand, and he was the only soul master among the three.

Although the boat has been heaving up and down under the swaying of the waves, it is better to take advantage of it here than in the water.

The seabird soul master in the sky made a gesture, the moon was sparse, and everyone was a soul master, so it was not difficult to see his movements clearly. The soul ring flashed behind him, and the harpoon was thrown by him with a wave of soul power. out.

The kung fu manatees on the other side were still talking about finding a boat, but unexpectedly, a harpoon flew over, which was still the kind that would explode, causing tall water splashes around the leading kung fu manatees and sea rhinos.

Although they found the ship, they would not attack indiscriminately until they determined the other party's purpose. If they encountered a fisherman who was shipwrecked, they would help, but this attack also confirmed the identity of the other party.

They are soul masters hunting for soul rings. In this case, there is no need to consider other things. Whether their target is a sea rhinoceros or a kung fu manatee, this is already a signal to declare war.

"Oh! (Dive!)" In the blink of an eye, the horn of the sea rhino that was originally exposed on the sea surface disappeared under the waves.

"They've dived down, get ready to play the flute. That blow just now should scare away those thousand-year-old ones." The sound spread far away on the open sea, and according to what they knew about sea rhinos, that kind of explosion was enough to scare away some Weak sea rhino.

Then use music to lure the leading sea rhino to complete the siege.

Then a flute sounded from the surface of the sea, and he even poured soul power in order to make the sound travel farther, but after playing for a long time, there was no reaction below the surface of the sea, and the soul master in the sky did not notice any movement.

"Hey, you can't read it wrong, right? How could the 8000-year-old sea rhino be scared away by that blow?"

"Impossible, the horn on the back of that sea rhino is almost two meters, even if there is an error, it will not be so big." The soul master in the sky fell back to the side of the boat, and he was sure that his eyes were right.

"Then why don't you say that the sea bear's voice didn't draw them out?" They had considered this issue before they came out. The sea rhinoceros was a suitable soul beast for him, so some props were also brought with him.

The trio will never know that although sea rhinos hate the sound of sea bears, they have developed antibodies after living in Beechburg for so many years.

Although the sea bear's voice can attract other sea rhinos, it's not even a drizzle compared to Octopus's suona.

After adaptive training, the sea rhinos in Beechburg can stand still under the baptism of high-decibel music by Octopus. Of course, mere sea bears will not disrupt the formation of these sea rhinos. The out-of-control incidents of the year are impressive to Kung Fu manatees. Very profound.

Although I took this opportunity to meet their respectable master, but similar situations should never happen again.

The two people on the boat were wondering, but the big man in the sea felt something.

"Here we come! Be careful!"

Why the sea rhino didn’t move after diving, of course it’s because the kung fu manatee on its back is shaking people, no, it’s shaking manatees, there is more than one patrolling team, not to mention, the underwater team is very slow to come over. Fast.

Under the paging of the phone bug, another team quickly surrounded them from the other side, and their first target was the ship they were on.Let's destroy the enemy's foothold first.

Two huge rams emerged from the surface of the sea, and the sea rhino accelerated towards the boat.

"Not one, but two, wait! No! They have something else on their backs!"

The speed of the sea rhino's full sprint was not slow, when the seabird soul master who took off again saw their tracks.The distance from the ship was already very close, but at this moment, two groups of black shadows jumped from the back of the sea rhinoceros, and then met at high altitude.

One of the kung fu manatees used itself as a springboard to jump to a higher place with its companion.

Almost at the same moment, two huge sea rhinos crashed into the small boat, and the soul master in the sky was also punched on the knee.
 Thanks to Fan Guiyi for the 300 point reward

  500 point reward

(End of this chapter)

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