Chapter 140 Sea Soul Festival

A few days passed quickly, and as the sun's rays disappeared, the bright moonlight once again filled the sea.

The ocean at night is dangerous for human beings. Even when the soul-guided civilization existed intact, there was not much exploration of the ocean, let alone now.

Although the people left on the mainland still have their ships sailing, they will drop anchor at night to prevent them from hitting reefs. Even pirates will not appear at this time.

This is still the case in the offshore area, let alone the Bikini Fort in the far sea.

On the uninhabited sea, extraordinary feats are unfolding.

A large piece of seawater began to rise slightly, rising about three meters, forming a significant drop with the surrounding seawater, and many small icebergs also floated on this piece of seawater, and one after another, mermaid figures gradually appeared on the sea surface .

Then some other sea soul beasts also appeared here. The sea soul festival is a festival for mermaids, not all sea soul beasts, so the other races in Bikini Castle are still living as usual, but those who are interested It is also possible to get involved.

There is a big difference between the worldview of soul beasts and the worldview of humans. There is no voluntary payment, but it must be paid, and free participation means that you can't come.

So the main body here is the mermaid, the second is the kung fu manatee, and there are a small number of other races.As for the main purpose of the Kung Fu Manatees coming here is not to participate in the Sea Soul Festival, but to support Octopus Zan.

Kungfu manatees have a serious phenomenon of cow-to-cow transmission. Since Z found that the race of Kungfu manatees is very obedient and disciplined, he suggested expanding the number of Kungfu manatees. Therefore, the first batch of Kungfu manatees who followed Octopus Zan took up the responsibility. Find other Kung Fu manatee quests.

The way Kung Fu manatees communicate is like this in a nutshell.

"Come to us, come and join us."

"Why, why should we join you?"

"Because our master is very strong, you can also become stronger if you join in."

"I do not believe."

"Then let's discuss it."

These kung fu manatees who grew up in Beechburg are in excellent growth condition, and Octopus Zan is not incapable of teaching anything useful, plus Z’s explanation of force skills and some tactics later, as well as the application of mermaid karate techniques.

The Kung Fu manatees of Biqibo completely crushed these Kung Fu manatees in the outer sea in terms of combat power.

"You are too weak, I want to hit ten!"

Similar situations happened in many sea areas, and those Kung Fu manatees who were defeated also joined the Kung Fu manatees in Beechburg.The number is more than the total number of mermaids, and they have become the most basic force of Biqibao.

As their original master, the name of Zhang Yuzan spread throughout the Kung Fu manatee group, so that those Kung Fu manatees who had never seen Zhang Yuzan wanted to worship him as a teacher.

This is already a symbol of status and status for the Kung Fu manatees in the waters of Beechburg.

After all, those kung fu manatees who claim to be the apprentices of Zhang Yuzan are indeed much better than ordinary kung fu manatees. At the same time, the suona of Zhang Yuzan also has many more interested audiences.

It is even the first program in this Sea Soul Festival.

Yvonne thinks it is okay to let Octopus Zan come first. After all, the first part of the Sea Soul Festival is to remember the ancestors. At this time, suona is a very suitable instrument.

Although the mermaids are not sad for the ancestors, but joy, they think that the ancestors should not see the sad side of the tribe, and the most important thing is to show the development and future of the tribe.

That's why the mermaids will find a suitable partner at the Sea Soul Festival to develop the future of the tribe.

Suona is an instrument that can be used for sorrow and joy, and it can satisfy the scene at this time with dual meanings.

Several balls of fireworks exploded in the sky. As the number of mermaids learning magic gradually increased, Yvonne no longer needed to be a fireworks displayer himself.

Since the attributes of mermaids are mostly frost, water and arcane energy, as well as a few thunder and lightning, mermaids with fire talent are almost non-existent, so these fireworks are actually frost energy.

It's just that the energy in it exploded and formed a special pattern. After the explosion, the impact of the frost energy caused snowflakes to fall from the sky, which also became a unique landscape of the Sea Soul Festival.

In addition to the fireworks released by the mermaids with magic, there are some real fireworks. Some waste metal powder is compressed and launched into the sky with soul power, and then let it burn. This is the principle of this kind of fireworks.

The releaser was Karen, but the prop that released the fireworks was more like some powerful weapon.

Compared with this kind of fireworks made of technology, fireworks made of magic are more popular, especially the snowflakes mixed in it. For this kind of snowfall, the favorites are Little Penguin and Lan Fuzi.

The little penguin usually lives in the iceberg prepared by Octopus Zan on the sea. As his size grows, the iceberg has been expanded several times, and the center of the Sea Soul Festival is this iceberg.

As for Lan Fuzi, she simply likes to play, and a long time has passed. During this time, the Demon Whale King and the Demon Whale Queen also come here from time to time.

But no brother or sister was brought to her any time, which shows how difficult this matter is for them.

As the ice chips floated down, a suona sound spread throughout the sea area. At first, there were all kinds of sea soul beasts in front of Octopus Zan, but as time went by, the kung fu manatees took the dominant position. The mermaids all retreated to a farther position.

On the surface, it seems that Kung Fu Manatee squeezed them out, but in fact they deliberately gave up this position, although Zhang Yuzan's suona has improved a lot compared to clarinet.

But in the group of mermaids, this is still a test of endurance. If they are given the opportunity to choose, they still want to stay away.

However, Octopus Zan's program was very short, and the rest was for the mermaids. Unsurprisingly, the most popular program was the performance of the Seascale Tribe, that is, the tribe where male mermaids dominate the members.

When the all-male team started its own performance, the mermaids visibly erupted into even more enthusiastic cheers.

On an iceberg a little further away, Sponge Salino felt that he had met his lifelong enemy-Karen.

Originally, he was the only part-time chef in Beechburg, but after Karen appeared, all this seemed to have changed. Because of the universal type of household, Karen is proficient in the way of handling ingredients.

Although the ingredients in the food industry are very special, Karen's growth learning module allows her to quickly calculate the appropriate method based on her inherent experience. Even some ingredients that Sponge Salino can't cook, she can quickly master them through data analysis method.

For Sponge Salino, this is a critical moment in his part-time career.

(End of this chapter)

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