Douluo: Reincarnated sea spirit beast, the three generals of Beechburg

Chapter 131 The Silkworm Who Forgot How to Spin Silk

Chapter 131 The Silkworm Who Forgot How to Spin Silk
"Spitting silk?" Tianmeng's thinking stagnated for a short time.

Ice silkworm, the soul beast of the extreme north, has dual attributes of ice and spirit, low combat effectiveness, bottom of the food chain, plump and juicy.

This is the soul beast's understanding of ice silkworms, but for human society, the only function of ice silkworms is ice silk.

The growth of silkworms also requires shedding of their skins. Since the ice silkworms rarely give birth to strong individuals, they are rare in a thousand years and hard to find in thousands of years. They only exist in legends.

Spinning silk needs to consume the energy in the ice silkworm, and in the extreme north, every drop of energy is very important.Without special circumstances, ice silkworms do not spin silk, and ice silkworms do not need to prey on anything.

After all, ice silkworms are vegetarians. Tianmeng can eat meat because he is an unprecedented 90-year ice silkworm, which has long been beyond the influence of nature.

Therefore, the ice silkworm will only spin silk when its body grows, and spend several growth periods in the cocoon. The material of the ice silkworm cocoon will block the external cold, and it has excellent cold resistance and toughness.

Moreover, the conductivity of soul power is excellent, so it is widely used in the manufacture of high-end soul guides, especially in the manufacture of soul guide prosthetics. The part made of ice silk has excellent flexibility and is the most suitable material for prosthetics.

But like Crab Ajin, every time the body grows before 10 years, it will change its shell. After 10 years, changing its shell means a breakthrough in cultivation. It will only change once every 10 years. Breakthroughs don't need cocoons.

To be precise, this special case has never cocooned in previous breakthroughs, and fell into a deep sleep after eating the Wanzai Xuan Ice Essence, basically omitting the scope of spinning cocoons.

Spinning silk and cocooning is to create a safe environment, and his environment does not need this, so since Tianmeng was 13 years old, he has basically never spun silk during this process.

Practice makes perfect, on the contrary, if a skill is not used for a long time, it will become unfamiliar. Ordinary soul beasts will not forget this kind of instinct, but Tianmeng is not an ordinary soul beast.

In the past few years of practicing the hands of a mage, he has never used silk spinning, so he was asked to spin silk abruptly, and he forgot how to spin silk.

"Wait a minute, you guys let me think about how to spin the silk." Tianmeng waved his hand and fell into a state of contemplation. He is probably the most used to the human form among the soul beasts. The human form is much more convenient than the silkworm form. too much.

After tinkering there for a long time, I still haven't spun out silk.

"Ahem, why don't you wait? I won't remember how to spin silk for a while." The more I want to do something, the less I can do it. The more I want to find something, the less I can find it. Tianmeng is in this state.

"Karen, check him out. I suspect there is something wrong with the silkworm's body."

Yvonne directly asked Karen to have a physical examination on Tianmeng. Previously, Sheldon Pi took Karen to see Yvonne first, and then came to Tianmeng after explaining these things in detail.

Yvonne is very interested in Karen's many functions, but at present, her function similar to physical examination is of great practical significance. His healing method does not need to find out the source at all, just heal it directly. The source also has some meaning.

This can be avoided by changing a few things.

Sheldon Pi also said that Yvonne's request was equal to his request, so the scanning beams of Karen's eyes swept towards Tianmeng.

Tianmengzhi saw that the mechanical woman's eyes lit up with two beams of light, sweeping him from top to bottom.

"Ethnicity.. ice silkworm, individual condition. lack of exercise, body fat ratio conclusion is seriously overweight, excess nutrition, it is recommended to lose weight."

"What are you talking about, I am strong, strong! This is not fat!"

Regarding Karen's diagnosis, Tianmeng expressed serious protest. He thought that he was not fat at all, at most he was a bit strong.

"Wait, let me see you change back to the original body." Thinking about it carefully, Tianmeng has not used the original body in these years, and the change of the original body will not appear in the disguise of the human form. Karen said that he is overweight, maybe it is true What is overweight.

At Yvonne's request, Tianmeng changed back to the appearance of the ice silkworm. Compared with the first time he saw him back then, Tianmeng at this time has grown fatter three times.

"Is this what you call robust??"

Even if they are not of the same race, one can tell how much Tianmeng has gained weight.

"It's okay, I don't think I'm very fat."

".You are going to lose weight."

Yvonne can also guess how Tianmeng gained weight. He has eaten and drank well these years, and there is no other threat. The most important thing is that his body is full of the energy of Xuanbing Essence, so it doesn't matter how much he eats. It will be digested, and it will become fat and accumulate in the body. Over time, it will become a fatter big fat worm.

"Wait! What does this have to do with silk spinning!"

He doesn't want to lose weight. Some mermaids say they want to lose weight. Tianmeng wants to cry when they eat what they eat every day. How to eat three pieces of seaweed a day is too scary for him. This is one of his few ideals now, and he still has to save it.

"It doesn't matter. It's just that your body is too fat. I'm just stating objective facts." Although there is an emotional module, Karen has not yet learned much about the emotional module. When speaking, she is in an absolutely rational state without any emotion. Just state the facts.

"Look, look, so losing weight or not has nothing to do with spinning, give me some time, I can remember."

"However, there is a program in my program on how to help ice silkworms weave silk, which can be executed directly." Before Tianmeng finished speaking, Karen's mechanical voice came again.

"Is it harmful?"

"No, according to past experience, this method will not damage the growth of ice silkworms." The fact that ice silkworms are not extinct depends on their own numbers. Humans have also done farming ice silkworms, so there is a set of skilled methods for this Program.

In view of Tianmeng's temperament, if he came by himself, then the time unit can be counted in years, so after confirming that it is harmless, Yvonne smiled kindly at Tianmeng: "Come on, bear with me, just this once. "

A large amount of ice silk was placed aside, Tianmeng's complexion was fine, but she was a little uncomfortable. Karen made the ice silk appear through massage, but for Tianmeng, it felt like being vomited .

Although it was fine after spitting, it was a bit uncomfortable after all, but the good news is that after this experience, he successfully remembered how to spitting silk, and he didn't need to experience this feeling again even if he needed it in the future.

Karen is making some things with the ice silk. The ice silk is just a raw material, and there are still many steps to make it into a finished product. The program in Karen's body allows her to do most of the work, including the manufacture of series items.

But after a while, Tianmeng felt that something was wrong, because he didn't see the familiar food during the afternoon tea.
(End of this chapter)

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