Douluo: Reincarnated sea spirit beast, the three generals of Beechburg

Chapter 127 Can't Charge Underwater, Can't Charge Soul Power

Chapter 127 Can't Charge Underwater, Can't Charge Soul Power

The overall appearance is that of a human female. There seems to be a strange part on the top of the head. Most of the body is intact without any serious damage.

However, it can be seen from some damages on the surface that this is not a human being, and the bottom is completely made of metal, and Sheldon Pi doesn't know what the composition of this surface is, he has never seen such a strange material before.

The light from both eyes swept across Sheldon Pi's body, and Sheldon Pi didn't feel any threat in that light, so he didn't make any attack or anything like that.

But after the scan ended, the soul guide robot claiming to be Karen didn't say anything else, as if it was waiting for some order.

"Father, what is that iron shell talking about?"

Dick could hear the sound that the unknown object seemed to be making, but he couldn't understand it. He hadn't yet mastered human language, except for a few races and individuals, which would only be learned by soul beasts after 10 years. Dick didn't understand it. Not listed here.

As for Sheldon Pi, he could understand every word spoken by this self-proclaimed punk VII-series home-use universal soul-guiding robot-Karen's iron shell, but he couldn't understand it together. what do you mean.

But in order to maintain his dignity as an old man, he didn't admit it. In the past few years, he also fiddled with a lot of waste left by humans, and he could guess that this was probably a new type of soul guide machine.

"Startup beep, nothing else."

However, Karen's startup was not completely completed, and not long after she uttered the startup sound, her eyes fell into darkness again.

"Insufficient energy. Please replenish it as soon as possible.." After that, no matter how hard he pressed those buttons, he couldn't get any new feedback.

"Father, you won't be spoiled, will you?"

"Don't talk nonsense, it's just a lack of energy, but what drives this thing." Putting Karen on top of Dick, Sheldon Pi began to look for the energy supply port.

In addition to collecting his sons, all he has to do these years is to collect the remnants of human civilization. Due to the continental war, some floating things can often be found in the coastal areas, and some people dump some waste into the ocean.

You can still find some usable things here, but there are not many that can be activated. After all, the more complicated things are, the more attention should be paid to waterproofing, and the technology tree of soul-guided civilization is heavily biased towards land, and there are very few applications for oceans.

As a result, even if those things are waterproof, they are only waterproof for a short time. Karen is the first large object that Sheldon Pi picked up that can be activated normally.

According to his experience over the years, the energy sources of these things are nothing more than electricity or soul power, and some are driven by unknown liquids.

"This thing seems to be a soul guide robot. It should be driven by soul power, but I can't even find a charging hole." After searching up and down, Sheldon Pi Leng couldn't find it. How to replenish energy for robots.

"Forget it, let's take it back and talk about it. It's rare to meet such a complete one." With Karen still on Dick's head, Sheldon Pi started his treasure hunt among the waste dumped by the ship just now. trip.

In fact, he couldn't see which ones were valuable, he just brought back some more delicate and complete things, and after getting Dick, his transport capacity has also greatly improved, and the things he collected have also increased a lot, Beachy There is an area in the castle dedicated to warehouses for storing these things.

"This one is not bad, this one seems to be okay, this one looks like that thing that calls itself Karen." In front of him was a broken soul guidance robot, which was different from Karen's bionic structure, and the appearance of this robot was beyond recognition.

The internal metal structure was completely exposed, the chest and abdomen were hugely broken, and the internal parts were clearly visible. With this more severely damaged sample, Sheldon Pi also found the location of its energy source.

Several thicker pipelines can be seen in the hole in the chest. Although there is something missing, there are some energy storage places here, at least according to Sheldon Pi's understanding.

Back on Dick's head, Sheldon Pip tapped Karen in the same spot, finally allowing him to find a hidden switch.After pressing it, the bionic skin on Karen's chest opened, but it closed again quickly.

"High-risk environment. Unable to recharge"

"Dick, float up, first float to the surface of the sea." He has been tinkering for a long time, and the human ship has already left. Since the water is not good, then the air should be fine.

After floating to the surface, Sheldon Pi shook Karen dry with a vibration, and then continued to press the hidden switch.This time the opening of the chest was not interrupted, and a fist-sized device appeared in front of his eyes.

Looking at this suspected energy storage, Sheldon Pi sent soul power into it like activating a space soul guide. As the name suggests, a soul guide is a device driven by soul power.

It is impossible to drive a soul guide without soul power. Ordinary people other than soul masters rely on the energy stored in the soul guide to use it, or some inscribed formations absorb special ingredients in the air to transform the soul power .

For ordinary people, if the energy storage is completely consumed, the soul guide will become a piece of scrap iron.As for the soul masters, they can recharge the soul guide at any time, but the recharging of the soul guide robot is very energy-intensive.

Generally, the soul power generated by consuming some special metals and ores is used as the supply source, but this kind of consumption is just a drop in the bucket for soul beasts.

With the end of charging, Karen's eyes lit up with green light again. After the light disappeared this time, Karen's eyes did not turn off with a black screen, but turned into ordinary bionic pupils.

"Karen, the home-use universal soul-guided robot of the Punk VII series, reports to you."

"What is the home-use universal soul guide robot of the Punk VII series? Why did you report to me?"

"The Punk VII series home-use universal soul-guided robot is the latest generation of smart machines of the Punk Research Institute, which has not yet been promoted. Mine is the experimental machine numbered 001, which is also the first machine of the VII series. According to the program, the first machine I have seen An intelligent being is going to be my new user, so I'm reporting to you.

"Then why were you thrown into the sea? Are you a failed experiment?" Facing Sheldon Pi's question, he replied flatly with a blank face: "That's not the case. According to the data storage, this is an order from the Empire. Destroy all soul-guided bodies and prohibit the continued development of soul-guided robot technology. All funds for the Punk Research Institute come from the empire, and the doctor cannot disobey orders."

"Who is the doctor?"

"The father of intelligent soul-guided robots, and also my...maker."

(End of this chapter)

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