Douluo: Reincarnated sea spirit beast, the three generals of Beechburg

Chapter 110 The Negative Makes the Positive (First Order)

Chapter 110 The Negative Makes the Positive (First Order)

"This is.."

Looking at the clarinet handed over by Sponge Salino, Octopus Zan couldn't understand it.

"A gift for you. Didn't you always want a musical instrument? I found it when I went out. Humans seem to use this thing to celebrate something. Anyway, this is a musical instrument, so I brought it back for you.

Not surprised, not surprised. "

"Is it really for me?"

"Of course, who else needs this but you."

The famous detective Octopus Zan has automatically created a new plot in his brain at this time, for example, Sponge Salino specially planned this event in order to give him this gift.

First I stole the original conch clarinet, and then gave it to myself when I was in a hurry, but I was too witty, so I came here directly.

But since Sponge Salino was so caring, he didn't care about sneaking into his room anymore.

As for the conch clarinet, although it is a pity, one musical instrument is enough. Since Salino Sponge has prepared a new musical instrument, he doesn't have to ask any questions about where the conch clarinet went.

And I have to say that although the mermaids are dexterous, the clarinets made by conch shells are much rougher than the "recorder" in front of him. This new "recorder" is more in line with his aesthetics.

"Don't like it?"

"No, I like it very much, thank you Sponge Salino." Taking the suona from Sponge Salino's hand, Octopus Zan held it and looked at it. Although the shape was similar, he felt that this thing was very different from the conch clarinet .

There are some differences in the number of sound holes and the overall structure.

"Do you want to try it? I heard that you have learned it and are very talented in music."

"Of course, for the sake of this gift you gave me, get ready for some great music."

As for whether this is beautiful music or the dead silence of extinction, it will only be known in a few minutes. Octopus Zan is learning about this instrument in his own way.

Looking at the new musical instrument, Sandy and Guroya were a little overwhelmed.

They were afraid that something might go wrong, so they followed the octopus Zan to have a look, and then they saw Sarino, the sponge, take out the human musical instrument.

"Such a coincidence?" It seemed that the incident of the clarinet was lost just like that, and some of the arguments she had prepared were completely useless.

Who would have thought that Sponge Salino just had this thing on him.

"When he dealt with those pirates before, he collected a lot of things, which should have been found from the pirate ship, but if this is the case, the efforts last night will soon be in vain."

Stealing the clarinet was to make the world a little quieter, now that Octopus Zan has a new instrument, he will continue to play it, so the result has not changed at all.

"Sandy..things could get worse."

"what happened?"

"The tone of the conch clarinet before was low, but now the instrument in his hand... should be an instrument with a high tone."

Gu Luoya's musical instrument level is still very high. If she hadn't met the "genius" like Octopus Zan, even if the people she taught were not talented, the music they played would not be so miserable.

Although she has never used it, she can make a rough judgment by observing the shape of the suona.

"Does the level of the tone have any effect?"

Although she has normal music aesthetics, she is not very clear about these details.

"If the tone is high, the penetrating power will be stronger. That is to say, according to the talent of Mr. Octopus Zan, I am afraid that the scope of influence will only be wider in the future, so I will bear it more early."

"It's okay, he will get this instrument sooner or later. Salino Sponge planned to give it to him, but it will not be easy to steal it."

Once something is lost, it is natural to take precautions. Sandy feels that it is impossible to go as smoothly as last time. She does not know that Octopus Zan has defined this theft as a surprise preparation for Sponge Salino. There is no meaning of defense.

On the other side, Octopus Zan also started his performance.

"This voice seems to be much better?"

The expected sound of destruction did not come, what came was just a high-pitched, but overall pretty good piece of music, compared to the previous death etude, this is already an indescribable improvement.

The penetrating and infectious power of the suona sound is extremely strong. There are almost no musical instruments that can suppress the suona in sound, and it is not easy to learn.

It stands to reason that Octopus Zan can't even play a homemade ordinary conch flute well. His weird talent shocked the mermaids. Giving him such an instrument should have a terrifying effect.

But the negative is positive, and the octopus praises the musical talent, which is undoubtedly a negative.

People without talent play suona, which is another negative number, but Zhang Yuzan's weird talent combined with this unique instrument has produced unexpected effects.

He used the crooked way of playing the mermaid clarinet to play another unrelated musical instrument, and the resulting sound was also different from the usual one.

"This sound seems to be good?" Sandy felt that Octopus Zan's level this time was close to the sound of Eve's leaves being blown, at least it was a sound that could exist in nature, not the previous requiem of the dead.

"Exactly.. how did he do it?"

"Maybe this is fate. You didn't expect him to play the clarinet like that before."


Gu Luoya can only attribute this to a coincidence. They tried various methods before, from the technique to the frequency of playing, and the rhythm of breathing, but the music of Octopus Zan became more and more strange as they learned it. Who would have thought that it was actually a problem with the instrument.

Changed to a more difficult opponent but played passable.

Guroya and Sandy also came here after Octopus Zan.

"Mr. Octopus Zan, congratulations, you are ready to become a teacher."

"Become a teacher? But I think I still have a lot to learn..."

"No, no, Mr. Octopus, the master leads the door, and the cultivation is up to the individual. We, the mermaids, have no way to teach you about your talent. You are very good at mastering new musical instruments.

If we continue to teach, it may delay your development, so you just have to blow it according to your own heart. "

Are you kidding me, Gu Luoya tried that suona just now, and if she can't control the tone, it would be a disaster.

Just let Octopus Zan continue like this, as long as he can maintain this state, he will be considered a great joy.

At this point, Zhang Yuzan embarked on the road of being expelled (crossed out) from his college and becoming a self-taught man, while Xie Jin, a crack appeared on the golden crab shell.

(End of this chapter)

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