game traveler

Chapter 9 Downs Ranch

Chapter 9 Downs Ranch
Rorschach's sudden request made Mr. Downs a little confused.

"You want to see my son? Work? What do you mean?"

Meeting Mr. Downs' puzzled eyes, Luo Xia first deliberately looked left and right, pretending to be afraid that others would hear, then approached Downs, and confessed in a low voice:
"Priest, I'm not afraid to tell you that although I am a bounty hunter, I don't know how to ride a horse."

As soon as these words came out, Mr. Downs' expression was startled, and he couldn't help showing a hint of surprise.

A bounty hunter who can't ride a horse? !
This is so fresh...

"That's amazing, how did you go after criminals before?"

Luo Xia had expected that the other party would ask about it, so he opened his mouth and came after the prepared draft:

"Before I used to hire an assistant to help me with my work. But, not long ago, he lost his life in a shootout... After that, I decided to learn how to ride a horse myself."

After a pause, he spread his hands, "So, I need an equestrian teacher."

Hearing Rorschach's explanation, Downs had no doubts about him, nodded his head, expressing his understanding: "So that's how it is..."

"If it's teaching you how to ride a horse, I think Archie would be more than happy to help you. However, I need to ask his opinion."

"Of course."

"Cough cough..."

After bowing his head and coughing twice, Mr. Downs raised his head and said again:

"Well, my home is not far north of Valentine. It's called Downs Ranch. How would you like to come and have dinner with us in the evening and talk about it by the way?"

Although it was the first meeting, Mr. Downs had a very good impression of Rorschach.

In his opinion, the young man in front of him who prevented the robbery from happening and was willing to give out ten dollars to help the poor was a very good man.

Downs' invitation made Rorschach frowned, "Sounds good. But will I disturb you if I take the liberty to visit?"

"No, my house has not had any visitors for a long time, and you are very welcome."


After making an appointment with Downs, Rorschach said goodbye to him and went to the tavern...

. . .

Tavern corner.

Rorschach, who was alone, tore off a corner of the bread and put it in his mouth.

Then, start chewing slowly.

From his mechanical demeanor and movements, it can be seen that his mind has drifted to nowhere...

In fact, asking Downs' son to teach him how to ride a horse was originally a whim.

After all, he was in this strange town and knew no more than five fingers.

And according to his knowledge while playing the game, this Mr. Downs who indirectly killed Arthur is one of the few good people in the entire Wild West world!

He was seriously ill and destitute.

However, in order to continue helping other poor people, they even borrowed usury loans.

Although it is not worth advocating to borrow money to do good deeds, this behavior is even very stupid.But that doesn't negate his good intentions.

Some people are so soft-hearted that they don't want to see others have a bad life.

Although Rorschach doesn't like such bad guys.

However, I also respect such a compassionate person.

After all, if he were himself, he would never meddle if he was incapable of helping others.

Moreover, when I am in distress, if someone lends a helping hand to me.

Even just an ordinary greeting will make the person in despair feel the kindness of the world...

That's why Rorschach made such a request.

Not to complete the task, nor to change the plot, but to help Mr. Downs from the bottom of my heart!

. . .

After having a simple breakfast in the tavern, Rorschach immediately went to the tailor shop and got a custom-made pistol belt.

It was a dark brown belt made of crocodile skin.

After tying it on, there is an extra holster on both sides of the waist.

Putting both Scofield pistols into the holsters and hiding them under the windbreaker, Rorschach immediately felt a little closer to Westworld.

Then, he came to the sheriff's office with a box of the most expensive cigars he had just bought from a grocery store.

Malloy wasn't surprised to see Rorschach's visit.

As Valentine's Sheriff, Rorschach was not the first bounty hunter to court him.

"However, this young man is very good..."

Taking a big puff of the Cuban cigar Rorschach gave him, Malloy, who was sitting behind the desk, thought so.

I learned from the sheriff that the members of the Anderson gang who were arrested by him will be sent to St. Denis tomorrow, where they will be tried and hanged!
Looking at the loveless guy in the cell, Luo Xia didn't have any pity in his heart.

People always have to pay for what they do.

. . .

time flies.

Talking and laughing with the sheriff in the sheriff's office, and then checking the reward task on the reward wall, the sky outside gradually darkened.

While the sunset was covering the entire sky, Rorschach first went to the grocery store to buy a bottle of whiskey, two boxes of chocolates, and two boxes of ground coffee as gifts, and then set off for Downs Ranch.

The location of Downs Ranch is just southwest of Valentine Town, not too far away.

After walking along the country road for about 10 minutes, he saw black smoke rising not far away.

Cooking smoke represents others.

Downs Ranch is called a ranch, but it is actually a farm.

At a glance, no livestock can be seen, only a small piece of corn is sparsely planted in a field surrounded by wooden railings.

Judging from the state of the corn, it can be known that the owner of the farm takes care of these crops very carefully.

Next to the cornfield is an unpretentious wooden house.

At this time, Mr. Downs, who was working in the field wearing a straw hat and holding a wooden rake in his hand, also spotted the visiting guests:

"Oh! Mr. Rorschach! Here you come!"

Putting down the farm tools in his hand, Mr. Downs hurried up to meet him.

"Good evening, Reverend."

After saying hello, Rorschach handed the gift wrapped in an oiled paper bag to Mr. Downs: "It's my first visit, this is my gift for you."

As a young man from the Celestial Dynasty who could not be more upright in his three views, Luo Xia would always bring some gifts when he was a guest at someone's house for the first time.

After all, it’s not surprising that there are so many people...

However, such celestial etiquette made Downs a little flattered.

"You are too polite, please come in..."

Following Downs and entering the house, Rorschach also saw Mr. Downs' wife and son:

"This is the Mr. Rorschach I mentioned to you..."

"This is my wife..."

"This is my son…"

Mrs. Downs is exactly the same as the image Rorschach saw in the game.

A thin, middle-aged woman with kindly eyes.

Beside her was a brown-haired youth who was about the same age as Rorschach, with slightly curious eyes.

That was Mr. Downs' son, Archie Downs.

"Mrs. Downs, thank you very much for your invitation."

"Where is it, it is our honor to have you as a guest. Archie, please accompany Mr. Rorschach to sit at the table for a while, and dinner will be ready soon."

"Okay, Mom. Mr. Rorschach, please follow me..."

An open living room with a square dining table and four chairs.

The kitchen is in the corner of the living room, and something is cooking on a boiler.

In the air, there is a faint fragrance.

With a glance, Rorschach had a better understanding of the current situation of the Downs family.

Just judging from the few furniture and crude furnishings at home, it can be known that the Downs family is living in a very embarrassing life.

Just when Luo Xia was deep in thought, a voice rang in his ears:

"I heard from my father that you want to find an equestrian teacher?"

 Went out tonight and just got back.a little late, sorry sorry
(End of this chapter)

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