game traveler

Chapter 217 Only Children Make Choices, Adults Want All!

Chapter 217 Only Children Make Choices, Adults Want All!
"Doctor, this is what you want..."

The next morning, when Rorschach escaped the sample boxes containing fresh tissues of people infected with various mutations from the Sao Fan backpack, Dr. Zelei was immediately stunned.

No, you just finished talking yesterday, and you sent it to me today?
You move so fast, why don't you become a courier? !
What made Dr. Zelei even more unbelievable was that he originally thought that Rorschach just happened to meet a mutated infected person to complete the task he entrusted so quickly.

Unexpectedly, Rorschach collected more than one type of infected tissue samples for him!
Rorschach also thoughtfully wrote down the name of each mutant infected person on each sample box for easy identification.

His gaze stayed on the part of the night devil's arm that was still dripping with blood for two seconds, and Dr. Zareth swallowed his saliva, and asked his inner doubts:
"how did you do it?"

Shrugging, Rorschach responded casually: "Oh, I went out for a stroll last night, and then met a few mutant infected people, so..."

Walked around?

Are you digging out the lair of mutant infected people? !

Just as Dr. Zelei was amazed and complained, Rorschach continued:
"Are these enough? Do you need me to get you some more?"

Hearing this, Dr. Zelei suppressed the astonishment in his heart a little bit, opened the sample boxes one by one to check, then raised his head and looked at Rorschach with a look of relief:

"Enough is enough, it's enough. These tissues are very fresh, enough for me to compare different types of virus mutations. Then..."

Before the doctor finished speaking a lot of professional terms, Rorschach interrupted him:

"That's good. As for the problem of communication signals, I'll think of a way..."

Rorschach knew very well that the reason why the communication signal in Harlan City was so poor was because of GRE.

The purpose is to prevent Rice from contacting the outside world and making the document that is extremely unfavorable to the GRE public.

Of course, he can use other means to enhance the radio signal in Harlan.

However, once this is done, Rice can use the device in his hand to monitor radio communications in the entire city of Harran.

This is not good news for the tower and other survivors.

Therefore, before that, Rorschach felt that it was better to wrong Dr. Zelei and Dr. Camden, two medical experts...

Maybe it was Rorschach who helped him a lot. Like a kind and friendly elder, Dr. Zereh put his hand on Rorschach's shoulder and said in a deep and deep voice:

"Thank you, boy, you've done a great job, but remember, be careful out there..."

"I will."

After leaving the trailer, under the shocked and admiring eyes of several tower guards, Rorschach easily climbed to the roof, took a few steps and jumped, and disappeared into the sunshine...

Arriving on the roof of a shed, Rorschach, dressed in dark brown armor and carrying a dagger, stopped and raised his head, looking at the entire slum area, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Stretching out his hand to touch his smooth chin, he murmured to himself, "Are you going to kill zombies today, or save survivors?"

After thinking about it, the corner of his mouth curled up, and he quickly stepped out from the edge of the roof. He opened his arms and jumped from the roof.

Children make choices, adults want them all!
. . .

In the next few days, Luo Xia had a very fulfilling life.

Hunt down the mutant-infected and rescue the survivors.

During the day, Racine would send a signal to all survivors in Harran through the radio station, trying to find survivors in need of help.

Once contacted, Rorschach will immediately set off to the destination to rescue the survivors.

And when going to rescue the survivors, he will also kill the mutant infected within the range of vision.

But not every survivor he encountered was an unorganized loner.

While flying over the streets and roofs of the slums in Harran, Rorschach also met survivors from other survivors' strongholds.

After helping out, it allowed him to establish preliminary contact with the other two survivor strongholds in Harlan.

There are two survivor strongholds, one is the auto repair shop about a few kilometers to the left of the tower, and the other is a fishing village on the banks of the Harlan River.

It is known from these people that they all rely on Rice's protection to survive until now.

And the price to pay is to pay a huge amount of protection fees every few days.

For Rice, as long as he can leave Haran, the protection fees collected by force will be useful.

From the tone of the survivors, it can be heard that they are all very resistant to Rice's oppression.

It's just that Rice has many subordinates and acts cruelly, so he can only dare to be angry but not speak out.

Although Rorschach disagreed with the choice of these survivors, he expressed his understanding.

The difference between these two survivor strongholds and the people in the tower is that they chose different ways of survival in this post-apocalyptic city.

That's all...

In addition to the survivors, Rorschach had of course also encountered Rice's subordinates who were wearing yellow military uniforms and arrogant.

Whenever they met, they were either bullying survivors or collecting supplies, most of the time, it was the former.

When they saw Rorschach, they would attack him without hesitation.

Of course, Rorschach will not let go of any opportunity to weaken Rice's power, and kill all these bastards who have unleashed the evil of human nature in the last days!

With Rorschach's continuous efforts, Harlan's situation is quietly changing.

However, even that is mostly a good change.

But there are still some problems...

With the continuous addition of new survivors, an imminent question was suddenly placed in front of everyone in the leadership of the tower, that is:
Running out of living space!
Room 204 where Luo Xia was staying was originally the last independent room left in the tower.

Even if Rorschach doesn't mind sharing the house with the new survivors.

However, both Bracken and Jed believed that this was too unfair and respectful to Rorschach.

You know, Rorschach is the number one force in the tower.And it is also a great contributor to obtaining the antidote.

Rorschach, who has made such a great contribution to the tower, doesn't have a separate room of his own, so he can only squeeze in the same room with other people?
Surely not!
Ever since, in a leadership meeting held at night, Jed took the lead in proposing a solution—to clean up the other floors of the tower!
The moment he heard the proposal, Rorschach raised his hands in agreement.

Because, this matter is also something he really wanted to do when he was playing games!
(End of this chapter)

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