game traveler

Chapter 122 Fortune and misfortune depend on each other, a win-win situation 】

Chapter 122 Fortune and misfortune depend on each other, a win-win situation 】

It was already eight o'clock in the evening when I left the governor's mansion alone.

At night, the taverns and brothels in Havana are brightly lit and bustling.

As soon as I returned to the tavern, I found the crew of the Poseidon gathered in the hall on the first floor, drinking hotly.

Glasses of rum, as soon as they were served by the waitress, were divided and poured down the throats of the crew.

The two crew members danced recklessly in the tavern lobby with their upper body naked.

The lively and presumptuous scenes are in stark contrast to the riots in the governor's mansion...

Holding a wine glass, Big O'Neal, who was clinking glasses with O'Neill, felt a breeze passing by, and heard O'Neal, who was sitting opposite him, call out:


Following the prestige, he saw Rorschach, who was supposed to be attending the high-class ball, but suddenly appeared in the tavern. Big O'Neal was obviously a little surprised, "Captain? Aren't you going to the masquerade ball?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he found his captain's left arm which was bandaged, and couldn't help frowning.

"Are you hurt? What happened?"

"It's nothing, just something went wrong..."

Next, Rorschach, who was seated, told the O'Neill brothers what happened at the ball.

Of course, he didn't tell the other party that he was injured because he deliberately shot to protect Torres, but because he happened to be by Torres' side because of bad luck, so he was regarded as Torres' subordinate by the assassin.

However, Rorschach was right.

After all, before he went to the ball, he didn't know that the assassin would suddenly assassinate Torres.

Moreover, it happened that he did it when he was talking with Torres.

It can only be said that things came too fast, like a tornado, people were caught off guard!
However, unlucky, not entirely unlucky.

It was precisely because of the assassin's attack that it gave Rorschach a great opportunity to play tricks and gain Torres' trust.

At the same time, it is not impossible for him to be targeted by the Brotherhood of Assassins.

As the saying goes, blessings come from misfortunes, and misfortunes depend on blessings.

Everything in the world is so unpredictable...

. . .

The next day.

The first thing Luo Xia did after waking up was to go to the market in Havana to buy three healthy and lovely sheep, and then found an empty beach, cut their throats with his own hands, and put the fresh hot sheep blood in wooden barrels. collect them.

After absorbing most of the bucket of fresh sheep blood, the injury on his left arm recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was finally intact.

Of course, in order to deceive others, Rorschach's left arm was still wrapped in a bandage.

He doesn't want others to know that he can quickly recover from injuries by drawing blood...

As for the remaining mutton, he sent it to the restaurant to give the crew a feast of roasted mutton as a reward:
Two burly cooks were sitting next to the temporary grill, using knives to cut off the grilled lamb skewered on the iron pole piece by piece and put them on the plate.

As soon as the waitress brought the steaming mutton to the table, it was snatched away!
Seeing the crew eagerly picking up the mutton with their hands and stuffing it into their mouths, Rorschach smiled helplessly, then turned to look at Big O'Neill, and asked casually:
"Why do they all look like they haven't eaten?"

"Captain, it's not that you don't know how unpalatable the dishes made by that guy Johnson are. How can you bear it now that you have such a big meal in front of you?"

Johnson was one of the crew and a temporary cook on the Poseidon.

The reason why it is called temporary is because all pirates know nothing about cooking, only he has been a cook on a certain pirate ship.

However, he was just trying to catch the ducks to the shelves. Apart from peeling the potatoes well, his cooking skills just passed the critical line of "edible".

When sailing at sea, food is very important.

A good chef on board can make the crew members eat rosy, and they can also have more energy when they plunder.

As soon as this remark came out, Luo Xia couldn't help but think of the stewed pickles with beans that he had eaten on the boat, and he immediately felt relieved: "That's true."

"I've already thought about it. After we arrive in Nassau, we must find a cook with decent skills and an experienced helmsman!"

Nodding his head, while approving the quartermaster's suggestion, Rorschach used a wooden fork to pick up a piece of grilled lamb tenderloin and put it in his mouth.

While chewing on the beefy mutton, he did not forget to ask about the progress of the sale of the goods, "By the way, how is the goods? Is everything going well?"

As if he had expected that Rorschach would ask, O'Neill immediately nodded and replied:

"It went well. I estimated that after adding food and water, enough rum, and sharing for everyone, there should be about [-] pesos left."

"Although this amount of money is not much, it still allows us to provide them with an entry fee when we recruit crew members."

After all, O'Neill suddenly approached Rorschach, lowered his voice and said:

"He also told me a piece of news. Recently, there was an Indian Ocean trade ship headed to Spain. Although it was not gold and silver treasures, it was full of spices."

"Also, I heard that there is only one frigate escorting, we may be able to attack it!"

In addition to squatting on trade routes or certain throat waters, waiting for prey, pirates also have another method, which is to plunder specific targets through information provided by insiders.

Since ancient times, pirates have always been pirates and merchants.

Pirates don't just have the words "I am a pirate" engraved on their foreheads.

Under normal circumstances, pirate ships are no different from ordinary merchant ships.

If the pirates are wanted, and their portraits are even posted all over the major ports, just like Blackbeard, they are basically very famous and very dangerous.

And no matter how much pirates flaunt their ideas of freedom, they cannot change the fact that they must rely on land to survive.

Supplies and ship repairs need to be provided on land, and the looted goods must also be realized on land.

Therefore, out of interest, the pirates who acted recklessly at sea gradually hooked up with some desperate businessmen on land.

Merchants secretly provide pirates with information on valuable targets, and then pirates can accurately track and hunt for low-risk plunder.

After the looting is completed, the goods looted by the pirates will be sold through the relationship of the merchants, and then shared.

Mutual benefit and mutual assistance form a delicate cooperative relationship, just like Big O'Neill and his businessman friends.

This is a win-win situation, and it is also one of the reasons why pirates have always been rampant in the Great Triangle Trade Zone, and it is difficult to completely eradicate them.

Money has always been the craziest thing...

 Thanks to "Shenmao Shenwei Phoenix" and "Green Fox Little Snail" for their rewards, yum!

  Wait for another chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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