game traveler

Chapter 120 Killing At The Prom 】

Chapter 120 Killing At The Prom 】

Of course Rorschach didn't know Torres' inner activities at this time.

If he knew, he would definitely shout excitedly in his heart:

This is the effect he wants to achieve!
It is true that a lie needs more lies to cover up.

However, this short-term hard-to-explain lie was enough for him to gain enough benefits before he was discovered.

Of course, as the supreme master of the Caribbean branch of the Templars and the governor of Cuba, Torres has never seen any big storms, and he will not believe Rorschach's words just because of his one-sided words.

So, next, he began to inquire about Luo Xia's information about the Ming Kingdom.

Luo Xia, who had already prepared a draft, told a half-truth and half-false story vividly.

In short, it means that a large number of Han people in the Qing Dynasty are thinking about the Ming Dynasty, and they think about anti-Qing and restoring the Ming Dynasty all the time.

There are still many people who secretly form associations, gather crowds to accumulate wealth, and wait for the opportunity to revolt...

People from Hua who have some knowledge of the history of the country of China will immediately feel familiar after listening to Luo Xia's description.

Isn't this the story of Tiandihui? !


But this is a Tiandihui story processed through Rorschach's art.

In the story, Rorschach added more drama to himself to highlight his status.

Claiming that he is the captain of a merchant ship on the surface, but in private, he is responsible for accumulating wealth at sea and making friends with diplomatic envoys of the Ming Dynasty in European countries. He will only reveal his identity when meeting important figures from European countries.

When Torres wanted to learn more about their secret society, Rorschach stopped abruptly, choosing not to talk about it.

However, it was such a mysterious attitude that made Torres and Dikas believe in the authenticity of the young man's words.

Perhaps it was because the conversation was so happy that the three people who were talking put all their minds on each other.

I didn't find it at all, and the murderous intent was approaching step by step...

But the shark in charge of the guarding work attracted all the attention because of the appearance of a stranger named Rorschach.

So much so that he didn't notice at all that behind Torres, a male guest wearing a mask was walking unhurriedly through the guests and walking straight to this side.

However, Rorschach, who was standing opposite Torres, happened to see this strange guest.

Compared with other guests, this man did not hold a wine glass in his hand, but slightly opened his arms.

With some special walking postures, unhesitating steps, and those extremely determined eyes, Luo Xia couldn't help but think of a possibility immediately:
There are assassins!
Obviously, the assassin's goal is Torres, the Supreme Master of the Caribbean Book of Templars!

His wild thoughts just now are becoming reality.

Are the assassins really preparing to assassinate the Grand Master of the Templars at the ball? !

When Luo Xia realized this, a sudden idea came to his mind:
Maybe this is his chance too? !
Seeing the assassin getting closer, Rorschach's expression turned solemn, his eyes widened suddenly, as if he saw something shocking, and blurted out:

"Governor, be careful!"

Deliberately yelling to remind Torres and the shark, Rorschach did not forget to take a step forward and stood in front of Torres to meet the assassin!

Even the assassin disguised as a guest was inexplicably taken aback by Rorschach's sudden move.

However, the assassin who was discovered was only taken aback for a moment and advanced instead of retreating.

The whole body of the masked man shrank slightly, and his steps accelerated quickly, then he raised his right hand, and the palm of his hand was aimed at Rorschach.

Anyone who stands in the way of him completing the task will become the soul of Hidden Blade!
At this critical moment, Luo Xia finally saw the cold light hidden in the assassin's sleeve.

There was only a slight "click", and the sharp blade pierced his throat like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter.

However, facing such a dangerous situation, Rorschach's expression was indifferent.

[Eye of Death], activate!

With a silent recitation in his heart, the passage of time suddenly slowed down.

In Luo Xia's eyes, the assassin's fierce stabbing seemed to be in slow motion.

As early as when sailing at sea, Rorschach experimented with the newly acquired skill [Death Eye].

After several experiments, it was concluded that [Death's Eye] does not need to be equipped with a firearm in order to activate the skill.

And apply to any moment.

Therefore, this is also the reason why he is so calm in the face of agile assassins.

Brother has a system and skills, so what are you afraid of!
Although the duration of the skill is only a short second.

However, it was enough for Rorschach to move forward with both hands, and with a snap, he firmly grasped the assassin's arm, blocking the Hidden Blade that was stabbing at him.

With the blade so close at hand, Rorschach could even clearly feel the icy cold coming from the blade, and the hairs on his back stood up involuntarily.

Being blocked, the assassin certainly wouldn't stop there.

I saw his other hand pressed down on his arm, pressing down hard, and turning his wrist along the way, the sharp blade easily cut through Rorschach's sleeve, leaving a bloody wound on his arm!

The scratched Rorschach frowned and raised his leg without hesitation!
He kicked the assassin in the abdomen, and while kicking him away, he just avoided a sweep of the heavy long sword in the shark's hand.

After a short back and forth, Dikas on the side, his eyes changed slightly, and he finally realized:

"There are assassins!"

While shouting loudly, he did not forget to reach into his coat, pulled out a flintlock pistol from his waist, and pointed it at the retreating assassin.

With a "bang", the smoke burst out.

The bullet that followed hit the assassin's right shoulder, knocking him to the ground directly.

There was a gunshot, followed by the screams of the ladies.

For a while, the whole ball was in chaos.

Just when the shark holding a thick long sword took a step forward and was about to kill the assassin, a sudden change occurred!
A few figures rushed out from among the guests scurrying around, and quickly approached towards the open space in the middle of the garden.

Not only that, two assassins wearing robes and hiding their faces under hoods suddenly appeared on the stone wall at the edge of the garden, holding a blow dart in their hands!
Obviously, there was not only one assassin who came to assassinate Torres...

Only two "clangs" were heard, and the two darts shot at Torres were blocked by the heavy armor of the shark in front of him and fell to the ground.

At this time, Rorschach glanced at Torres who was hiding behind the shark, and his heart moved.

This is a great opportunity to express yourself!

Thinking of this, he clutched his bleeding arm, opened his throat very cleverly, and loudly reminded the unresponsive guards in Spanish:

"Everyone, protect the governor!"

(End of this chapter)

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