game traveler

Chapter 118 Hey, this is the captain I chose!

Chapter 118 Hey, this is the captain I chose!

"We'll see you then."

After confirming the time of the dance with Dikas, Rorschach bid farewell and returned to the lobby on the first floor of the tavern.

Big O'Neal, who had just sat back at the table and had been observing the conversation between the two, couldn't wait to ask:
"Captain, you seem to have a good chat..."

"Yes, he also invited me to a masquerade ball at the Governor's mansion in a few days' time."

As soon as the words came out, Big O'Neill frowned, "You won't tell me, are you going to participate?

"Of course, it is a rare opportunity to take this opportunity to recognize the Governor of Cuba and other high-ranking Spanish officials..."

Just after hearing the first half of the sentence, Big O'Neill thought that Rorschach was planning to attend the ball to curry favor with those high-society dignitaries.

However, the second half of Luo Xia's sentence directly made him sigh in his heart: Hey, this is the captain I chose!

"As long as we know the whereabouts of these people, we can rob them and make their government pay a huge ransom!"

After all, Rorschach's black eyes flashed with undisguised greed and cunning.

Yes, when sailing at sea, Rorschach, who walked closely with pirates, learned more about the life of pirates from his own crew.

Includes Pirate Codex, Pirate Allusions and Tales, Treasures, and more.

He also learned that piracy is not just a way to make money by plundering at sea.

Kidnapping valuable bigwigs in exchange for high ransoms from their families or governments is also a common method.

Sometimes a single person is worth more than all the cargo on a merchant ship.

Of course, the more valuable the person, the greater the risk of kidnapping.

What is brought is not only the eye-catching ransom, but more often, the daunting battleship cannon...

Less than a week after coming to this world, Rorschach has completely assumed the identity and way of thinking of a pirate.

What I think about in my mind is basically how to plunder more wealth and get more game points...

"That being said, but..."

After a pause, O'Neill suddenly looked around as if he had a guilty conscience.

After finding that no one was paying attention to the conversation between the two, he moved closer and reminded his captain in a low voice: "But you are a pirate! Will they..."

Hearing that Big O'Neill was worried about his own safety, Rorschach couldn't help feeling warm.

Immediately afterwards, he spread his hands, smiled and looked at this rough-looking, but actually thoughtful, bald man:

"You don't say it, I don't say it, who knows?"

"It's only been a few days since what happened in Kingston. We're not famous big pirates. No one will remember us. Not to mention, the British guy will tell the Spaniard about a group of pirates who escaped from prison. ..."

"As for the merchant ship we snatched on the way, I don't know which sea it is floating in. Even if they came to Havana, we would have left long ago."

This calm analysis convinced O'Neill.

"That's true."

Reaching out to pick up the wine glass, and took a sip of the rum, Rorschach suddenly asked:
"By the way, Jack (O'Neal's name), have you been to a masquerade? Do you know what I need to prepare?"

Hearing this, Big O'Neill just spread his hands, expressing that he couldn't help:

"I'm a pirate, and a privateer before that. I've never been to a party where it's just a bunch of guys getting together and drinking rum until they're all drunk..."

"Well, I can only think of a way by myself... By the way, is the room ready?"

"Here is the key..." Handing a key to Rorschach, Big O'Neal seemed to suddenly think of something, and then said, "Captain, do you need some fun for you?"

Hearing this, seeing Big O'Neill looking at the prostitute not far away, Rorschach frowned, and immediately refused:
"No, I just need a good night's sleep."

In this era of extremely low sanitary conditions, it is better to take care of your little brother.

He didn't want to be infected with syphilis before being sent to the gallows...

"'s almost time, and it's time for me to meet that businessman friend."

"Well, be careful..."

After saying goodbye to O'Neill, Rorschach did not return to his room immediately, but left the tavern.

It's the first time I come to Havana, how can I not go shopping?
According to a royal decree of 1561, every year all ships of the Spanish Treasure Fleet must meet in Havana before crossing the Atlantic Ocean.

Havana is to supply and equip most of the Spanish fleet,

It is precisely because of the implementation of this decree that it has greatly promoted the economic and urban development of Havana.

In the end, Havana became the wealthiest and largest port city in the Caribbean.

Strolling on the bustling streets, the sound of businessmen hawking and passing pedestrians is bustling and bustling.

Compared with Saint-Denis, although Havana lacks some modern facilities, it is a bit more popular.

Rorschach also noticed that Spanish soldiers in yellow uniforms could be seen everywhere.

Obviously, as the Spanish royal family called it "the key to the New World and the barrier of the West Indies", Havana can be regarded as heavily guarded.

Garrison soldiers, at least more than 3000 people.

Even so, he is a pirate, just walking on the streets of Havana swaggeringly.

I have to say, it is indeed a bit ironic.

As the saying goes, people rely on clothes, and it is really true.

No one doubted that this oriental man in captain's attire was actually a pirate who had just escaped from Kingston Prison!
From this, Rorschach also thought of what he should do to prepare for the masquerade.

To participate in the ball held by the governor, the most basic etiquette is naturally to dress appropriately.

Since Big O'Neill couldn't give his own opinion, Rorschach could only come to the most famous clothing store in Havana and ask for professional opinions.

Although he was a little surprised by Rorschach's unfamiliar oriental face.

However, after seeing the other party casually throwing a bag of Spanish silver dollars shining on the counter table, the owner of the clothing store immediately put on a bright smile and became very enthusiastic:

"Hello, sir, if you need anything, just say it!"

. . .

Four days later, Friday.

On the day of the dance party, when the sun was setting to the west.

Wearing a black and red flak coat with a bow tie at the neckline, Rorschach, who wore a golden mask with several black bird feathers erected on his face, arrived at the gate of the Governor's Mansion as promised.

After a while, Ducasse, who also changed into a ball attire, also arrived.

He still wore the conspicuous red cloak on his shoulders.

"Mr. Rorschach, you are very punctual."

"Of course, this is the most basic courtesy, isn't it?"

"I couldn't agree more... let's go..."

Following behind Dikas, Rorschach easily stepped into the governor's mansion and entered the wide courtyard of the governor's mansion.

Walking along the winding marble stairs to the main entrance of the mansion, the two were blocked by a housekeeper with a notebook in his hand:

"Good evening, Mr. Ducasse."

"Hello, Fernandez. This is Captain Rorschach, my friend."

Hearing Dikas' introduction, the butler in charge of checking the guest list bowed slightly to Rorschach without hesitation:

"Ah, Mr. Rorschach, I'm sorry I didn't recognize you."

"It's ok."

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand to the two of them, "Gentlemen, please come in..."

 Brothers, I am going to have a gastroscopy today. It is so uncomfortable.
  Fortunately, it's just chronic gastritis. After taking the medicine for a while and paying more attention, it should be fine.

  Recently, I was updated by this stomach problem and my hips were a little stretched.Ah Feng knew it too, and was working hard to adjust.

  I'm writing Chapter 2, I don't know if I can write it out, if I don't post it before twelve o'clock, it will be posted tomorrow.

  Brothers, don't stay up late reading books!Take good care of your body!

(End of this chapter)

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