My place is on fire

Chapter 986 Efficiency is greatly improved!

Chapter 986 Efficiency is greatly improved!

It was noon on the ground, the sun was high in the sky, and the weather was gentle and windy.

The entrance to the cave is located in the jungle, and the sunlight shines through the gaps between leaves and trees, casting mottled shadows on the ground.

Compared to the dim environment in the underground space, Luo Xuning also prefers the ground, but he is more curious about the world behind the giant bronze door.

Therefore, he had to go back underground and continue exploring the secrets behind the giant bronze gate.

"Huh~ I finally made it up. It was not easy."

"I didn't expect that there is a whole other world underneath such a small hole. It's amazing."

"It's a pity that we are not strong enough, otherwise we could fight side by side with Master in the cave."

Ye Wen and his companions returned to the ground and breathed the fresh air. Although they felt a little regretful, they did not regret the decision they had made.

Chirp, chirp, chirp--!

After a dozen flying mice returned to the ground, they couldn't wait to fly out of Ye Wen and others' arms, dancing up and down around their respective owners, looking very lively and cute.

"Take care of yourselves. I'll take you here. Once I've explored the cave thoroughly, I'll bring Corina up to join you. Also..."

As Luo Xuning spoke, he moved his mind and three pet eggs of the Red Flame Bull flew out from the space ring in his hand, lined up in a row, and hovered in front of him.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh--!

Immediately afterwards, three plant spirits and a sharp flying knife flew out from the space ring.

Swish swish swish--!

The sharp flying knife instantly pierced the three plant spirits, and the essence inside dripped onto the Red Flame Bull pet egg below.

Ye Wen, Ye Tian and Ye Fan looked at Luo Xuning's actions and couldn't help swallowing their saliva, their eyes full of desire.

The three pet eggs that Luo Xuning took out were bigger than the flying mouse's pet eggs, and they looked more advanced.

These three pet eggs are obviously not the pet eggs of the flying mouse, but should be the pet eggs of a race that is more powerful than the flying mouse.

As for why Luo Xuning took out three, it is obvious!

It should be a gift for the three of us!
Under the eager and eager gazes of several people, the shells of the three pet eggs cracked with a few popping sounds after absorbing the essence of the spirits of plants and trees, revealing the red flame bulls inside.

The newly hatched red flame cow is only as big as a kitten and looks very cute.

Luo Xuning had an idea and took out three plant spirits from the space ring, cut them open, and fed them to the newly hatched red flame cattle.

The energy contained in the spirit of plants and trees is enough to catalyze any pet directly from a cub to an adult form.

After absorbing the essence of the spirits of plants and trees, the three red flame bulls grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Their bodies soon grew to the size of ordinary yellow cattle and they directly entered adulthood.

Although an adult Red Flame Ox does not have wings, it has an extraordinary talent for sensing and using space and wind elements. It can directly take off into the air, which is no different from flying.

Luo Xuning looked at Ye Wen and the other two and said, "These three red flame bulls are for you. If you encounter any emergency in the jungle, you can ride these red flame bulls back to the cave to find me. Go and let these three recognize you as your master."

"Mr. Luo! How can we thank you for this great gift?"

"Thank you so much, Mr. Luo!"

"Thank you, master!"

Ye Wen and the other two were each given a red flame bull mount, and their gratitude towards Luo Xuning was beyond words.

It can be seen that the Red Flame Ox is not only larger in size than the Flying Rat, its combat power is also obviously stronger!
The most important thing is that it can be ridden by workers and it is also a flying mount!

The strategic significance of this Red Flame Bull is too great!

If they encounter any difficult enemies in the jungle, they can ride on the Red Flame Bull and fly into the air to avoid the enemy's pursuit.

Compared to having no Red Flame Bull and having to flee in panic, the chance of escape is dozens or even hundreds of times greater!
The strategic significance of the flying mount, the Red Flame Bull, is comparable to that of fighter jets in modern warfare!

Luo Xuning waved his hand and smiled, "You're welcome. Follow me in. I will do my best to bring you all out safely. I will give you more protection and I will feel more at ease. Go and recognize them as your masters."

"Okay! Since you are so kind, we won't say anything more!"

"Master! It is a blessing for me to be your disciple! I will definitely repay you in the future!"

"Mr. Luo, if you need my help in the future, just let me know and I will obey!"

The more Ye Tian looked at Luo Xuning, the more satisfied he became. He was already eager to make him his brother-in-law.

Luo Xuning urged again: "You're welcome, go now."

"Okay! Let's go then!"

After hearing Luo Xuning's urging, Ye Wen and the others stopped being polite with him and each walked towards a red flame bull close to them.


The newly hatched red flame bull has not yet recognized its owner, but because it has never come into contact with its own kind, it does not have much wildness and its personality is relatively gentle.

When Ye Wen and his companions approached, the Red Flame Bulls just made a few soft calls and did not put up much resistance.

Ye Wen and his friends were already very familiar with the blood dripping ritual, so they immediately took out their weapons and cut their fingers.

Then, he stuffed the bloody finger into the mouth of the Red Flame Bull.

After swallowing the blood of Ye Wen and others, the confusion in the Red Flame Bull's eyes slowly disappeared and turned into dependence and loyalty.


After the blood dripping recognition process was completed, the Red Flame Cows became unusually happy and active, and developed a strong dependence on Ye Wen and the others. They rubbed their huge heads against their clothes like little babies.

Ye Wen and his companions were extremely satisfied with their new mounts. They gently stroked the heads of the Red Flame Bull with their hands, as if they had already regarded it as their best partner.

Luo Xunning smiled and encouraged them, saying, "Ride it and experience it."

"it is good!"

After hearing Luo Xuning's proposal, Ye Wen and others immediately sat on the back of the Red Flame Bull.


The Red Flame Bull did not resist at all to being ridden by the men, but instead seemed very happy.

Although they have just hatched, under the catalysis of the spirits of plants and trees, their bodies have entered an adult state and are fully capable of carrying their masters.


With a slight roar, three red flame bulls took off from the ground at the same time and soared into the air.

This is not the first or second time that Ye Wen and the other two have been taken aloft by Luo Xuning.

This time, he was carried into the air by the Red Flame Bull. Although his heartbeat quickened a little, he was not too panicked.

After riding the Red Flame Bull in the air for a while, the three of them have fallen deeply in love with the feeling of soaring in the sky!


After flying in the air for three or four minutes, Ye Wen and the other two controlled the Red Flame Bull and landed in front of Luo Xuning. Luo Xuning smiled and asked, "How do you feel?"

"It's great! This feels really great!"

"I love this Red Flame Bull mount so much! Thank you, Mr. Luo, for the gift!"

“It feels great!”

Ye Wen and the other two were naturally extremely satisfied with the Red Flame Ox and praised it one after another.

Luo Xuning smiled and said, "I'm glad you like it. Then... I'm going back now. Let's say goodbye here again!

When we meet again, I hope you will all be stronger.”

"Master, take care. I will definitely become stronger! Otherwise, I am not worthy of being your apprentice!"

"Mr. Luo, please take care of my little sister."

"I look forward to meeting you again, Mr. Luo."

After a brief farewell, Luo Xuning jumped into the cave again and fell downwards at a high speed.

Although Luo Shu Ning disappeared completely within ten seconds after he jumped into the cave, Ye Wen and the other two still watched Luo Shu Ning at the cave entrance for more than ten minutes.

"Father, where are we going next?"

After watching Luo Xuning leave, Ye Tian looked at his father and asked a question.

Among the three, Ye Wen is naturally the absolute leader, and Ye Tian and Ye Fan both listen to him.

After Ye Wen pondered for a few seconds, he looked at his son and Ye Fan and said, “Let’s continue to kill Yuan Liu in the jungle!
When I was in the cave before, I also talked to Mr. Luo. He said that in the secret realm of this mother tree, the plant spirits produced by the monkey willow are good resources.

With our current strength, killing Yuan Liu is the most economical and efficient way."

"I will obey your command, father!"

"I will follow the clan leader's lead!"

Ye Tian and Ye Fan also agreed with Ye Wen's plan and echoed it.

"From now on, we will set up camp near the cave and use it as our base. If there is any emergency, we can escape into the cave at the first opportunity."

Ye Wen planned calmly: "Let's split into three groups from here and act separately. After about 10 hours, we will come back here to meet up. Let's go!"

"Okay! I'll be off first then!"

Ye Tian agreed with his father's arrangement very much. After listening to his father's arrangement, he waved and said hello, then rode on his Red Flame Ox and rushed towards the woods on the west side of the cave.

"I'm leaving too. Please take care, Chief!"

Ye Fan also greeted Ye Wen, and then rode the Red Flame Ox towards the woods on the north side.

"You all should be careful too!"

Ye Wen shouted at the two men's backs, gave them some instructions, and finally patted the Red Flame Bull's butt and flew towards the woods on the south side of the cave.

Chirp, chirp, chirp--!

The five flying mice also happily followed Ye Wen.

After flying for about ten minutes, Ye Wen encountered the first monkey willow!
Swish swish, swish swish--!

After noticing Ye Wen's arrival, the thousands of branches on Yuanliu shot towards Ye Wen riding on the Red Flame Ox like millions of arms!

The Red Flame Ox was enraged by Yuan Liu's attack. It let out a loud roar and spewed out a ball of flame the size of a washbasin from its mouth, spraying it towards the branches that were rushing towards it!
When the branches of the monkey willow came into contact with the flames spewed by the red flame bull, it was like the willow catkins on the ground encountering an open flame. With a bang, a ball of hot sparks exploded, and then it was burned to ashes!

The flames spewed out by the Red Flame Bull are hotter than ordinary flames, so it is easy to burn some monkey willow branches!
Furthermore, the fire attribute has a natural restraining effect on the wood attribute, so the Red Flame Ox also has a great advantage when fighting against Yuan Liu!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh--!

After hundreds of branches of the Monkey Willow were burned by the flames of the Red Flame Bull, they all shrank back at once as if they had encountered something terrifying!

"Flying Mouse! Go attack the exposed tree rings on its trunk!"

Ye Wen waved his hand, and the five flying mice flying around him chirped and flew towards the visible tree rings of the Monkey Willow.

On the trunk of the Monkey Willow, there is a circular mark that looks like a tree ring. It is where the plant spirit of the Monkey Willow is located and is also the core of the Monkey Willow.

As long as the tree rings are destroyed and the plant spirits inside are taken out, the Monkey Willow will lose its combat effectiveness and become the same as an ordinary willow tree.

Chirp, chirp, chirp-!

The five flying mice flew quickly towards the location of the tree rings, but were met with fierce resistance from the Monkey Willow. Hundreds of branches blocked the flying mice's attack like guards of the tree rings!

Chirp, chirp, chirp--!

The flying mouse was also quite agile in the air, and it dodged deftly when faced with attacks from the monkey willow branches.


Under Ye Wen's command, the Red Flame Bull also joined the battle, constantly spewing flames and burning the branches of the Monkey Willow used for attack and defense.

Swish swish, swish swish--!

Ye Wen was also constantly shooting with his fine ironwood bow from a distance.

The fine ironwood bow has the attribute of "attack power +500%". The arrows shot from it are extremely powerful, and each arrow can cause a certain amount of damage to Yuan Liu.

When there was no assistance from the Flying Rat and the Red Flame Bull, Ye Wen relied on the iron wood bow in his hand to kill Yuan Liu bit by bit.

Normally, according to his strength, it would take about three to four hours to kill a monkey willow.

After a day's work, he could only obtain about three plant spirits, which was far less efficient than Luo Xuning.

Luo Xuning could instantly kill any monkey willows in the woods, and could kill a large group of them in one second.

He had no pressure to accumulate four or five thousand plant spirits in a day.

Faced with Luo Xuning's abnormal efficiency, Ye Wen and the others could only envy him.

This time, with the assistance of Flying Rat and Red Flame Bull, Ye Wen's efficiency was greatly improved.

In just ten minutes, the number of branches that Yuan Liu could use for attack and defense had been reduced by more than 70 to 80 percent, greatly reducing his combat effectiveness!
Another three minutes later, Yuan Liu had completely lost his combat effectiveness under the siege of five flying rats, the Red Flame Bull and Ye Wen!

An arrow shot by Ye Wen with an iron wood bow accurately hit a small coin-sized tree ring in the middle of the tree ring on the trunk of the monkey willow tree.

Yuan Liu, who had just been struggling to death, suddenly stopped moving as if someone had pressed the pause button.

In this regard, Ye Wen, who was already quite experienced, knew that Yuan Liu had been killed by him.

Riding on the Red Flame Bull, Ye Wen took out a fine dagger from his pocket and took out the spirit of plants from the tree rings with great effort.

"We have obtained the first Plant Spirit! Everyone has done a great job! I will give you a reward tonight!"

With the help of the Flying Rat and the Red Flame Bull, Ye Wen killed a monkey willow in less than 20 minutes.

Compared to the previous three or four hours to kill a monkey willow, the efficiency has been greatly improved, and his mood has also become very good!

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