My place is on fire

Chapter 975 The mysterious cave!

Chapter 975 The mysterious cave!

Luo Xuning opened his information panel and took a look.

His physical fitness has soared from more than 2800 points to 5743 points, exactly doubling!
No wonder the success rate of the fusion of top-grade plant spirits is so low, the effect is truly incredible!

The effects of the best-grade plant spirits are so amazing, so what about the divine ones?
At this moment, Luo Xuning began to look forward to the day when he would merge into a divine plant spirit!

Originally, Luo Xuning had no goal in mind for this trip to the Mother Tree Secret Realm. He just wanted to see if there were any treasures in the secret realm.

At this moment, he suddenly had a clear and definite goal that he strongly desired - to obtain a divine plant spirit!
All in all, I have made a profit from this trip to the secret realm of the mother tree. The value of a top-grade plant spirit is more precious than many treasures.

From now on, what I have to do is to continue to expand my achievements and obtain higher returns!

After a brief chat, everyone had a barbecue to replenish their energy and then continued to fight.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom--!

After taking the spirit of top-grade plants, Luo Xuning's strength surged again. His speed was already very fast, and now it was even faster!
At this moment, he seemed to have turned into a scythe of the god of death, and Yuan Liu was the leek, falling down in large numbers under the sharp blade of the scythe!

"Afan, your master is too perverted... Is this really something a human can do?"

Ye Tian watched from afar as Luo Xuning was harvesting monkey willows like cutting leeks, and the shock in his heart took a long time to subside.

In the Leaf Clan, anyone who can kill a monkey willow alone can be crowned as an invincible warrior.

For a person like Luo Xuning to easily kill thousands or tens of thousands of monkey willows in seconds, it is already seriously beyond the scope!
"I used to think that Qinglong was the ceiling of the world's combat power. It was not until I met my master that I suddenly realized how narrow my vision was..."

Ye Fan looked at Luo Xuning with eyes full of admiration. Being able to become a disciple of such a powerful master was the luckiest thing in his life!

If it weren't for Luo Xuning, he would still be just an ordinary member of the Ye clan, far from the glory he has today.

"Yes, we are just sitting in a well and looking at the world... Mr. Luo's fighting power has refreshed my understanding of the fighting power of this world."

Ye Tian also nodded. There was no Internet information blockade on the Planet of the Ape, and the information people had was very limited.

Many people live within their ethnic group all their lives and never come into contact with outsiders.

In the past, Ye Tian always fantasized that he could become a powerful figure like Qinglong in this life. Now, he has done it easily!

His current strength is definitely stronger than Qinglong, but he is decades younger than Qinglong!

Of course, all this was not the result of his hard work, it was all because of Luo Xuning.

Because of the spirits of plants and trees that Luo Shuning gave him, and because of the technique of guiding cosmic energy that Luo Shuning taught him!
Although Luo Shu Ning did not accept Ye Tian as his disciple, in Ye Tian's heart, he recognized Luo Shu Ning as his master and was extremely grateful to him!

"Let's keep working! Get more plant spirits and ask Mr. Luo to help us fuse them. The more we have, the more times we can fuse them, and the greater our chances of success!"

"Okay! Keep going! Come on! Our goal is to obtain the finest plant spirits!"

After Ye Tian and Ye Fan encouraged each other, they each rushed towards a monkey willow and continued to fight.


Time flies and another month passes.

Luo Xuning has been very diligent in the past month. He killed 3 monkey willows by himself and obtained 3 spirits of plants!
The spirits of plants and trees, which used to be of some value and precious to him, no longer seemed so precious to him after their numbers increased.

Of course, most of the plant spirits he obtained this month were contaminated, and less than 1% were normal plant spirits.

However, whether it is contaminated or normal, it is the same to Luo Xuning and has no effect.

Anyway, ordinary plant spirits are no longer of any use to him now, so he will use these for fusion and upgrading.

Even after taking the best quality plant spirits, the finest quality plant spirits are no longer in his eyes.

A total of 3 fine-quality plant spirits were synthesized from 288 ordinary plant spirits.

Afterwards, Luo Xuning began to try to continue the fusion and synthesized two top-grade plant spirits.

[Do you want to fuse and upgrade two top-grade plant spirits? The current success rate is 0.00001%]

Seeing the success rate of upgrading top-grade plant spirits to divine-grade plant spirits, Luo Xuning couldn't help but be speechless.

This success rate is not much higher than winning the first prize in the lottery. It is almost zero success rate!


In the end, after considering for a long time, Luo Xuning was reluctant to continue the fusion and put the two top-grade plant spirits back into his pocket.

It would be great if the fusion could be successful, but if it fails, all my hard work for this month would be wasted!
"At least, save up 10 and 100 of the best plant spirits before trying to continue the fusion!"

Luo Xuning was still thinking about his mother and Li Ruijia, Shui Miaomiao and others who were far away on Earth.

He planned to give the top-grade plant spirits as a gift to everyone.

After all, I have been out for such a long time, I can't go back empty-handed!

"Master, dinner is ready~"

While Luo Xuning was stunned, Kelina called him to eat.

"Okay, come on."

Luo Xuning agreed with a smile and walked towards the people around the fire.

In the past two days, the visibility in the secret realm of the mother tree has become increasingly dimmer. The sky is a bit like dusk on Earth, and the visibility is much worse than usual.

The impact of vision was still very serious for Kolina and the others.

The number of monkey willows killed by the crowd in the past two days has dropped significantly, from about 50 plants per day before to about 40 plants per day, a difference of about 10 plants.

"Mr. Luo, you are here."

"Mr. Luo."


When Ye Wen, Ye Tian and his son, and Ye Fan saw Luo Xuning, they hurriedly stood up and greeted him, with expressions of utmost respect on their faces.

During this period, several people honed their skills in actual combat every day.

There was also a sense of coldness and murderousness about them, which was obviously different from when they first came in.

But when they saw Luo Xuning, the expressions on their faces changed into the kindest and most friendly expressions.

Everyone knew very well that without Luo Xuning, they would not be where they are today.

It was Mr. Luo who brought himself and others to the level we have today step by step.

"Everyone, please feel free to take a seat. Just be casual."

Luo Xuning greeted everyone with a smile, then sat down next to the bonfire.

"Master, give it to me."

Kolina very obediently tore off a piece of golden roasted bird leg and handed it to Luo Xuning.

"Thank you."

After thanking him, Luo Xuning took the bird leg and smelled it. It was fragrant but not burnt, and the cooking time was just right.

The birds that everyone was grilling tonight were a kind of bird called the phantom wing bird that is common in the Ape Forest. The size of this bird is similar to that of a chicken on Earth, and its meat is tender and juicy, and tastes better than the jade rabbit meat that everyone had eaten before.

Last month, we ate Jade Rabbit meat almost every meal. No matter how delicious the meat was, we were tired of it, so we just wanted to eat the Phantom Bird to change the taste.

After seeing Luo Xuning sit down first, everyone sat around the campfire one by one.

"Master, drink some water."

Kelina, the current chief of the Ye clan, was like a little girl in front of Luo Xuning. She helped tear meat and passed water, and was extremely considerate.

Ye Tian and Ye Fan could only envy as they watched from the side.

Seeing this, Ye Wen also showed a kind smile on his face. He could see that his daughter really liked Mr. Luo.

While eating barbecue and drinking spring water, everyone exchanged practical experiences and some observations of the day.

Ye Fan suddenly remembered something, looked at Luo Xuning and said:

"By the way, Master, I found a very strange cave today, about 8 kilometers away from here.

I tried throwing a lot of monkey willow branches down there, but I couldn't hear any sound of them hitting the ground, as if there was no bottom."

"Really? Is there anything else special about this cave?"

Luo Xuning was intrigued by Ye Fan's words. It had been such a long time since he entered the secret realm of the mother tree, but this was the first time he had encountered the kind of cave that Ye Fan had mentioned.

"How did you find that cave, Ye Fan? Did you almost miss a step and fall down? Haha..."

When Kelina thought of Ye Fan's unfortunate situation, she couldn't help but tease him, and then she laughed first.

"Ahem, you really got it right, Senior Sister. I almost fell down."

Although Ye Fan spoke of his experience in a joking tone, everyone could see that he looked a little scared.

"Fortunately, I reacted quickly and grabbed the vines at the entrance of the cave. Otherwise, you would never see me again in your life."

"This is all jungle, and there are no mountains. How could there be such a deep cave? It's strange..."

After hearing Ye Fan's experience, Ye Wen frowned slightly, feeling that the location of the cave was somewhat mysterious.

Ye Tian laughed and said, "Do you think there will be any treasure inside?"

Kelina rolled her eyes at her brother and said speechlessly, "What a treasure! You only think about treasures all day long. You must have read too many novels."

Ye Tian smiled and said, "It's just a reasonable guess! Everything is possible!"

Ye Wen asked Ye Fan: "Besides being very deep, is there anything else special about it?"

"Any other special places..."

Ye Fan thought about it for a while, and said blankly: "The walls around the cave are covered with vines as thick as arms. Apart from this, there doesn't seem to be anything special."

"Vines as thick as arms..."

Everyone was speechless after hearing Ye Fan's words. Almost every monkey willow tree was covered with dense vines, and it was not uncommon to see vines as thick as arms.

Luo Xunning suggested with a smile: "How about we go over and take a look together later? It can be regarded as an after-dinner exploration and entertainment activity."

"Okay! I agree! If my brother is right and there is a treasure inside, we will get it!"

"I agree too."



Luo Xuning's proposal was unanimously agreed by everyone.


After the phantom bird was cooked on the grill, it was quickly eaten by everyone.

After Luo Xuning took the spirit of top-grade plants, his physical condition improved again and his appetite also increased a lot.

The phantom birds themselves were not big, and Luo Xuning ate more than ten of them by himself before he was full. But Lina, the part-time "grill chef", could hardly feed him.

As for Ye Wen, Ye Tian and his son, and Ye Fan, they did not receive the same treatment as Luo Xuning.

But Lina was fully focused on serving Luo Xuning and was unable to do so, so naturally she could not take care of them. They could only provide for themselves.

Everyone has a big appetite, so each meal takes more than an hour, and that's even if they eat quickly.

Chew slowly and eat carefully, as a meal should take about two hours to finish.

After everyone had eaten and drunk their fill, they put out the bonfire completely, and then everyone set off in the direction that Ye Fan had pointed out.

The 8-kilometer journey was a piece of cake for everyone. The warriors arrived at the entrance of the cave that Ye Fan mentioned in less than 10 minutes.

The entrance of the cave blends in with the fallen leaves on the ground and the color is very similar.

In addition, the light in the jungle is dim and very confusing, especially if you miss a step and get stuck.

"Master, Senior Sister, Uncle Ye, Brother Tian, ​​this is it."

Ye Fan pointed to a hole in the ground with a diameter of about 5 meters in front and introduced it to everyone.

Everyone walked to the edge of the pit and looked inside. Just as Ye Fan said, the hole was very deep and dark, like a bottomless pit.

Luo Xuning looked at everyone and asked, "Does anyone want to go down and explore with me? Those who don't want to go can stay up there."

"I go!"

"I am coming too!"

"Let's go together!"

Everyone tacitly chose to go with Luo Xuning.

As the saying goes, whoever sees it gets a share. If there really is some treasure under the cave, you can get some benefits by going there as a witness.

If I don't go, why should others give me any benefits?
Besides, with a powerful companion like Luo Xuning around, safety is greatly guaranteed!
Only a fool would not take this kind of opportunity to curry favor with someone powerful!
"Okay, let's go down together."

Luo Xuning moved his mind, and three fine flying knives cut a lot of the vines at the entrance of the cave.

Swish swish, swish swish--!

The vines cut by Luo Xuning seemed to come alive under the control of his object control technique. They quickly wrapped around everyone and tied up Kolina and the other four and hung them at the entrance of the cave.

Luo Xuning was the first to jump down, and then he moved his mind and led Kolina and the other four into the cave together.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh--!

As he fell rapidly, the wind whistled in his ears and Luo Xuning was observing everything.

With the help of thermal vision, his eyesight was significantly enhanced, much stronger than that of an ordinary person.

Even in relatively dim conditions, he could see things hundreds of meters away.

But the inside of the cave was very strange. He looked down and saw nothing but darkness.

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