My place is on fire

Chapter 966 You have mastered the essence of object control!

Chapter 966 You have mastered the essence of object control!

The far west of the Planet of the Apes is an endless desert.

As the sun sets in the west, the golden afterglow illuminates the desert gravel into a golden color.

Gao Yaling was walking alone in the desert with her back to the setting sun, and a feeling of desolation and loneliness came over her face.

"Does this desert have an end? Could it be that they sent me to a desert planet?"

I set up a pergola and jumped in the distance. All I could see was sand. In such a desolate environment, there were very few weeds.

Swish, swish, swish—!

Gao Yaling's ears twitched when she heard a rustling sound behind her. She suddenly turned around and saw a small moving sand dune approaching her quickly.

Seeing this small moving sand dune, Gao Yaling swallowed with excitement.

"This is truly a piece of cake, and you got exactly 1000 points!"

Gao Yaling's score card has been at 999 points for three days. She walked in the desolate desert for three consecutive days and couldn't see a single beast, so naturally she couldn't earn points.

Gao Yaling was already very familiar with the beast under the small sand dune. It was a gerbil that looked similar to a mouse on Earth.

Gao Yaling has killed more than 900 gerbils these days and is quite familiar with their attack methods. The gerbils no longer pose any threat to her.

Of course, gerbils pose no threat at all, only to Gao Yaling. If ordinary people on earth encounter gerbils, their tracheas will be bitten off in minutes and they will die on the spot.

Tap tap tap, tap tap tap--!

Gao Yaling was afraid that her "points" would come to her, so she quickly ran in the direction of the gerbil, running in both directions.


When the distance between the two sides was still three or four meters, the gerbil swooped out of the sand, jumped high, and pounced towards Gao Yaling!

Seeing the huge size of this gerbil, which was as big as a hunting dog, Gao Yaling couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

This gerbil was different from the ones she had killed before, more than twice as big!

Moreover, the color of this gerbil is also golden yellow, which looks more textured than the brown fur of ordinary gerbils.

This gerbil's eyes are sharper than other ordinary gerbils, and it is obviously much stronger than ordinary gerbils.


Although she was surprised by the size and color of the gerbil, Gao Yaling was not timid. She swung out her right fist and hit the gerbil in the chest!


The gerbil also reacted quickly, kicking its two hind legs towards Gao Yaling's fist, and took advantage of the momentum to roll in the air, and then fell lightly to the ground.


After the gerbil landed on the ground, he kicked his hind legs again to give himself a forward acceleration, and jumped towards Gao Yaling at a faster speed!

Gao Yaling's reaction was also not slow. She kicked up the yellow sand in the sky and instantly caused the gerbil to lose sight. She took the opportunity to step aside and let the gerbil's attack miss.

One person and one rat, attacking and avoiding each other, fought for more than ten rounds in just one minute.

"This gerbil is much stronger than ordinary gerbils! Is it a big BOSS?"

"If you kill it, will you get more points or get some rewards?"

Facing the powerful gerbil, Gao Yaling was not afraid, but more willing to fight!


After fighting for more than ten rounds, Gao Yaling caught the gerbil's mistake and inserted the dagger in his hand into its head!

Chirp, chirp, chirp—!

The gerbil screamed and rolled on the yellow sand, and the blood dyed the yellow sand into a dark red color.

It lasted about five minutes of flopping around before the gerbil was completely dead.

[Congratulations on killing an elite gerbil and earning 10 points! 】

A blue virtual screen suddenly appeared in the void in front of Gao Yaling, and a prompt message appeared on it.

"Why didn't you come earlier? You made me wait three more days..."

After seeing the content of the prompt message, Gao Yaling couldn't help but complain that she was only 1 point short of redeeming items in the points mall. If she had gotten the 10 points earlier, she wouldn't have to wait so long.

Of course, complaints were complaints, and Gao Yaling was still very happy. She immediately opened the points mall page and looked at the redeemable skills displayed there.

[Should I spend 1000 points to redeem the Water Curtain Sword? 】

"Yes! Exchange it for me!"

Gao Yaling had already thought about what to exchange for her first skill a month ago, and chose to exchange it for the Water Curtain Sword without hesitation!

The biggest problem in the desert is the water source. Gao Yaling has been in the desert for more than a month without seeing a drop of water!

Not even rain!

If you are hungry, you eat gerbil meat, and when you are thirsty, you drink gerbil blood. Your life is worse than that of primitive people!

[Water Curtain Sword] Although this skill is an offensive skill, it is indeed very useful for Gao Yaling's current situation.

[Points deducted successfully, skills exchanged successfully, I wish you a happy life! 】

After a message flashed across the information page, it suddenly disappeared, leaving only a skill book floating in the void.

Gao Yaling stretched out her hand, and the skill book flew into her hand.

[Would you like to learn the [Water Curtain Sword] skill immediately? 】

"Yes! Study!"

Without any hesitation, Gao Yaling decisively chose to study immediately.

When Gao Yaling made her choice, the skill book in her hand instantly decomposed into countless bright white dots and dissipated in the air.

At the same time, a huge flow of information appeared in her mind.

This information flow contains all information about [Water Curtain Sword].

Its principles, usage methods, and usage techniques, etc., etc., are all-encompassing.

The process of absorbing information seemed to take a long time, but in fact it only took about a minute. Gao Yaling had completely mastered the [Water Curtain Sword] skill.

"Water Curtain Sword!"

Gao Yaling let out a sweet shout, and with her as the center, the air within a radius of ten meters suddenly fluctuated like water.

The next second, four azure water swords about one meter long and five centimeters wide appeared around her!

These water swords are not virtual images, but real entities, water swords made of water!

"This is... amazing."

Gao Yaling looked at the four water curtain swords spinning around herself, her eyes full of surprise.

With a thought, one of the water curtain swords flew to her head and stopped spinning.

Gao Yaling excitedly licked her lips that were already chapped with thirst, and then raised her head slightly.

Tick, tick, tick...

The water curtain sword suspended above Gao Yaling's head started to drip into Gao Yaling's mouth like a popsicle melting.

The water drops are slightly cool in the mouth and have a hint of sweetness.

For Gao Yaling, who has not drank a drop of water for more than a month, the taste of this Water Curtain Sword is even better than the Fountain of Life she drank in the scenic spot. It is simply like a fairy on earth!

"Gudong, Gudong, Gudong, Gudong..."

Gao Yaling drank all four water curtain swords in one go, until she was full in one go.

"I'm so satisfied...I finally drink water again. It's so hard for me!"

After drinking the water, Gao Yaling sat down on the yellow sand regardless of her appearance, stretched out her arms and lay in a big character, with an extremely relaxed expression on her face.

Today, the biggest drinking water problem has finally been solved, and Gao Yaling is suddenly full of hope for the future.

After lying there for about half an hour, two bright moons rose in the sky. Gao Yaling then got up from the ground and continued to walk in the direction of the bright moon.

During the day, the sun was blazing in the desert, and the temperature could reach over 50 degrees at one time. In addition, Gao Yaling was always in a state of extreme water shortage. Traveling during the day was simply asking for death. At night, the temperature in the desert plummets by dozens of degrees, to a dozen degrees at most. It is neither cold nor hot, and is very suitable for traveling.

Similarly, at night, the creatures living in the desert are active.

Swish, swish, swish, swish--!

Gao Yaling walked less than 500 meters when she encountered a small group of rats.

Looking at the eight sand dunes undulating rapidly around her, Gao Yaling had no fear on her face, but was rather excited.

"Let me try my new skill on you! Water Curtain Sword!"

Gao Yaling gave a sweet shout, and four water curtain swords condensed around her again!

At the same time, the rats that had followed her for more than 100 meters seemed to have lost their patience.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

As if they had agreed upon it, the eight gerbils jumped out of the yellow sand at the same time and bit at Gao Yaling from all directions.

The more dangerous the moment, the calmer and calmer Gao Yaling's heart becomes.


With a thought, Gao Yaling suddenly shot one of the four water curtain swords spinning around her towards the gerbil closest to her.


The speed of the Water Curtain Sword was not much different from the bullet fired from the barrel of the gun, and it instantly penetrated the head of the target gerbil!




Four water curtain swords, each sword can hit a gerbil and take away the life of a gerbil!

Four of the eight gerbils that besieged Gao Yaling died in an instant!

Swish, swish, swish, swish--!

Gao Yaling moved quickly with her feet, the cold light in her hand flashed quickly, and she neatly eliminated the remaining four gerbils.

The battle started suddenly and ended even more suddenly. It seemed like a long time passed, but in fact the whole battle took less than 10 seconds!

Killing a gerbil almost in one second, the efficiency is amazing!

[You kill an ordinary gerbil and get 1 point...]

[You kill an ordinary gerbil and get 1 point...]


Looking at the reminder messages flashing in the void in front of her, Gao Yaling couldn't help but feel a sense of heroism in her heart.

At the same time, the first actual combat effect of the Water Curtain Sword also made her extremely satisfied.

A water curtain sword can take away the life of a gerbil, so it is very powerful.

The number of uses of the [Water Curtain Sword] skill is related to Gao Yaling's own physique, and each activation consumes 10 points of physique.

After taking the Tianyang Pill and the Spirit of Plants and Plants and practicing the cosmic energy guidance, her physical fitness has reached 388 points.

Theoretically, she can use the [Water Curtain Sword] skill 38 times in a row.

Of course, she still has to retain a certain amount of physical strength to maintain the operation of her body and retain a certain amount of combat effectiveness.

Even so, it is still possible to launch it 20 times a day, which is not a big problem.

No matter how much you consume when you are on the road at night, you can replenish it by eating and practicing the cosmic energy guidance technique when you rest during the day, so you don't have to worry about running out of energy.

Moreover, according to what Luo Yanning taught her before, exhausting her physical strength to exhaustion every day and then practicing again will also help to increase her upper limit.

"Go on, Water Curtain Sword!"

After taking a short rest, Gao Yaling condensed the Water Curtain Sword again and continued on her way. Not a single gerbil along the way was spared.

Gao Yaling didn't know when she would be able to join her master and several senior sisters, nor did she know which direction was the right direction.

But she won't sit still and must take action to kill more gerbils in exchange for more points and constantly strengthen herself.

Gao Yaling was very motivated. When they get together again, she must surprise her master and senior sisters with her progress!


Shifting stars.

Another week passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period, Luo Yanning was not idle either. Every day he would take Korina and Ye Fan out to practice and kill the giant ape.

Compared with several apprentices, Luo Yanning's situation is much better, and it is much easier to obtain points.

With two powerful combination skills of flying ability and heat vision, the giant ape poses no threat to Luo Yanning, it is just a tool for him to increase his points.

Every day you go out, you will earn 1000 points.

Including the points accumulated previously, Luo Yanning's total points also exceeded the 1-point mark for the first time.

The fruits in the points mall that increase strength, vision, hearing, smell, etc. are of little significance to Luo Yanning.

Because these fruits have very limited added value, a few points, or even only 1 point.

By exchanging these, you may only be able to enjoy the taste of the fruit, but you won't feel the changes in your body at all.

The only thing that slightly interested Luo Yanning was the [Gomon Fruit] that required 1 points to redeem!

The description of [Object Control Fruit] is very similar to the [Object Control Technique] he used before on Earth. It can be considered a good combat skill.

That night, Luo Yanning finished teaching Kelina and Mark, and after sending them away, he was the only one left in the room.

After closing the doors and windows, Luo Yanning opened the skill redemption page of the points mall.

【Do you want to spend 1 points to redeem the Gomon Fruit? 】

"Yes! Redeem!"

Without any hesitation, Luo Yanning directly chose to exchange.

The information page shook like water for a few times and then disappeared. An apple-sized fruit with a crispy appearance appeared in the void.

"Is this the Gomono Fruit? It looks delicious."

With a thought, Luo Yanning stretched out his hand, and the imperial fruit flew into his hand with a swish.

When I got the fruit, it felt heavy and weighty.


Luo Yanning opened her mouth and took a bite on the fruit, making a crisp sound.

“It tastes pretty good.”

The taste of Omono fruit is somewhat like that of peaches, but it is more tender and juicy than peaches.

Click, click, click...

When Luo Xuning finished showing off a fruit of control, a deep voice sounded in his mind.

[You have mastered the essence of object control! ]

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