My place is on fire

Chapter 964 The nameless island!

Chapter 964 The nameless island!

Entering the secret realm of the Mother Tree requires a team of five people.

Touched by the scene, Luo Yanning thought of the four apprentices who followed him to the Planet of the Apes.

"I don't know how Loli and Gao Yaling are doing now..."

Although Luo Yanning never mentioned his apprentices to anyone during this period, he was not worried about them at all.

Fortunately, in the team formation interface of the secret realm of the Planet of the Apes in the [Super Scenic Area System], the names of Loli and the others are still on.

This state shows that they are still safe for the time being.

"What's wrong, master? Are you thinking about something?"

But Lina saw that this was the first time she had seen her master distracted, with an extremely worried look on her face.

Luo Yanning came back to her senses, looked at Corina, and said, "Oh, by the way Corina, in addition to the training tasks I gave you before, can you do one more favor for the master?"

"Master, tell me! Don't say just one, even if it's a hundred or a thousand, it's no problem!"

But Lina's little face was full of seriousness. She was really not joking with Luo Yanning, and everything she said was true.

"Haha, it's not that many things. It's like this. You and several senior sisters are separated from me..."

Luo Yanning briefly told Korina about the situation of Luo Li and the others, and asked people from the Ye clan to help pay attention to clues about them.

While telling the story, Luo Yanning also drew portraits of several people with pen and paper.

Although Luo Yanning did not select [System Level Painting Ability] when she entered the Planet of the Apes, her strength in painting was greatly reduced, but she was still much better than those students at the Academy of Fine Arts.

The portrait drawn with a few swish strokes can be more than 80% similar to the person himself.

"These senior sisters are all so beautiful. If I see them in person, I will definitely recognize them at a glance!"

After seeing the portraits of Gao Yaling and Zhao Rui, Ke Lina smiled and praised them, and she was full of affection for several fellow seniors she had never met before.


In a vast ocean 1 kilometers east of Luo Yanning's location.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh--!

The combination of strong winds and heavy rain made this sea area even more fierce.

Loli's petite figure looks even more petite standing on a big tree that rises and falls with the waves.

"It's been more than a month... It's nothing but water. What the hell is this place? If only I could fly like the boss!"

Surrounded by endless water, there is no destination or direction.

For more than a month, Loli could only drift aimlessly with the current, wherever it took her.

When Loli was stunned, a big fish the size of an adult's hand with a light pink dorsal fin jumped out of the water.

After the big fish jumped up to her eye level, it swung its tail happily a few times as if it were coquettishly flirting with her.

"And I have you, little fish, to accompany me. Otherwise, I would be bored to death before being killed by those smelly fish."

Loli stretched out her hand and stroked the big fish a few times, and the big fish fell into the water again with a pop.

This big fish was hatched from a pet egg that was exploded when Loli killed the Blue Water Scale Fish. She named it Xiaoyu Ganer.

Dried small fish is also a blue water scale fish, but it is very different from ordinary blue water scale fish.

The dorsal fin of the small dried fish is light pink, while the dorsal fin of ordinary water fish is black.

The IQ of Xiaoyugan is also much higher than that of ordinary blue water scale fish, and it can understand all the instructions of Loli.

Also, even though it is still in its juvenile stage and is much smaller than ordinary blue water scale fish, its combat effectiveness is much higher than that of ordinary scale fish.

Moreover, Xiao Yugan has no sense of belonging to the population of blue water scale fish. It only listens to Loli and fights only for her.

Xiao Yu Gan'er can help Loli kill about 100 blue water scale fish every day, giving her about 100 points.

With the addition of Xiaoyu Gan'er, Loli's efficiency in obtaining points has been doubled, and she has already exchanged points for several items that enhance herself.

In addition, the original energy here on the Planet of the Apes is much richer than on Earth, so Loli insists on practicing the cosmic original energy guidance technique every night.

In just over a month after arriving on the Planet of the Apes, Loli's strength has reached a new level and has been greatly strengthened.

Although this trip to the Planet of the Apes was quite tortuous, the improvement in strength was still obvious.

The violent storm lasted for more than an hour before it stopped, and the weather gradually cleared up.

Suddenly, Loli's eyes narrowed and she saw a golden beach about 5 kilometers away to the left.

There are several tall green trees not far from the beach.

"Huh? That's... the ground over there! God! My aunt finally sees the ground! I'm not dazzled! It can't be an illusion!"

Loli rubbed her eyes hard and looked in that direction again. The beach and trees were still there, and she suddenly showed an overjoyed look on her face!
"It's true! It's true! It's great! It's great, woo woo hoo, I finally see land! I can finally have my feet on the ground!"

After drifting on the sea for more than a month, Loli looked forward to finding a piece of land every day, or even a small island!

"God must have heard my voice, thank you, God, thank you!"

Loli bowed her hands and bowed to the sky. She immediately picked up an oar beside her that she had cut into the shape of a paddle and started paddling in the direction of where Xiao Dao was sitting.

Finally seeing the land she had longed for, Loli unleashed her full potential.

It took more than an hour to arrive near the land. Strictly speaking, it should be a small island.

The island is a long and narrow terrain. From a distance, it looks like a leaf falling on the sea.

The moment she set foot on the island, Loli had the urge to cry. She missed that down-to-earth feeling so much!

Xiao Yu Gan'er jumped out of the water and looked at Loli who had landed on the island, his eyes full of reluctance and worry.

It couldn't bear to be separated from Loli, and was worried that she would abandon him and no longer want him.

"Don't worry, Xiaoyu Gan'er, how could I abandon you? You are my great little friend~"

Loli seemed to understand Xiao Yu Gan'er's thoughts and said something to it with a smile.

After hearing Loli's assurance, Xiao Yugan'er's worries disappeared in an instant. Like a child, he kept jumping out of the sea and then diving into the water.

"Now, I've got a homework for you. Go get 100 points. We'll meet here in the evening. I'll pick you up. I'll go to the island first to explore the way and see if there's any danger."

After Loli finished speaking, Xiao Yugan'er seemed to understand her words. After chirping twice, he wagged his tail and swam toward the depths of the sea.

After watching the dried fish swim away, Loli turned and walked towards several large trees about ten meters away from the coast.

"It's a bit like a coconut tree on Earth. I wonder if this thing can be drunk?"

Arriving under the tree, Luo Li couldn't help but swallow her saliva as she looked at the basketball-sized fruits hanging on the tree. During this time she wandered on the sea, eating fish when she was hungry and drinking rainwater when she was thirsty.

Now when she smelled the smell of fish and rainwater, Luo Li had the urge to vomit.

However, in order to survive, she had to eat it no matter how unpalatable it was or how she felt like vomiting.

If she doesn't eat fish to regain her strength, she will be eaten by those fierce fish in the ocean!

Eat fish or be eaten by fish, Luo Li naturally chooses the former.

Now, she finally saw food other than fish, meat and rainwater, which made Luo Li very hungry.

Luo Li punched the tree trunk with her fist. The whole tree shook violently and a fruit fell to the ground.

Luo Li saw the right moment, stretched out her hands and took the fruit into her hands.

The outer skin of the fruit is very smooth and extremely hard, more like a coconut on earth.

There was no one who could take advantage of her, so Luo Li used her fist as a dick and punched it. The shell of the fruit shattered and she made a hole the size of her fist.

Inside the hole is clear juice visible to the naked eye, and a sweet smell wafts out from inside.

"Wow! It smells so sweet! It looks delicious! It shouldn't be poisonous, right?"

Luo Li's modest outdoor experience told her that this thing should be safe and non-toxic.

She saw several birds of unknown species on the tree that had pecked open the outer skin of one of the fruits and were chirping to grab the juice from the fruit.

Speaking of which, these birds can be regarded as the "indigenous" of this island. They should know best which things are poisonous and which are not.

Suck it~
Seeing that the bird was drinking well, Luo Li finally couldn't help it anymore. She put her lips to the edge of the hole in the fruit, sucked it in and took a big sip.

"Wow! So refreshing, so sweet, so refreshing! So delicious! It's time to catch up with the fountain of life in the scenic spot!"

After finishing the drink, Luo Li praised the taste of the fruit. She also looked at the tree and counted how many fruits there were.

There are about a dozen to twenty fruits on one tree, and there are nearly a hundred trees on the beach, which is enough for Luo Li to drink for a long time.

She also found that after drinking the juice of the fruit, the world inside her body felt warm, as if a warm current had appeared out of thin air.

This feeling is naturally familiar to Luo Li. She will also feel this way during the second half of her daily practice of cosmic energy guidance.

"This juice seems to contain rich cosmic energy!"

Luo Li looked down at the fruit in her hand, with a delighted smile on her face. She made such a surprising discovery as soon as she arrived on the island. This was a good start.

While drinking juice, Luo Li walked towards the depths of the island, preparing to explore it.

The trees on the island are lush and green, and the wild grass is as tall as a person. It looks extremely desolate and does not look like it is inhabited.

Suddenly, a loud roar came from the jungle, and leaves and branches rustled.

Luo Li looked towards the direction where the sound came from, and the expression on her face suddenly became solemn.

"This call is very similar to the calls of the giant apes on Earth."

Luo Li had a lot of dealings with giant apes when she was on earth, and was still very familiar with the sounds of the giant apes.

Sure enough, after more than ten seconds, a huge giant ape quickly came to Luo Li with his hands alternately pulling the vines hanging from the tree.

When the giant ape saw Luo Li, he roared again. He didn't know how to show mercy at all. He opened his bloody mouth, exposed his sharp fangs, and ran towards Luo Li.

Tap tap tap, tap tap tap--!

The giant ape was very fast, bringing up a strong wind and covering a distance of tens of meters in the blink of an eye.

"Well done!"

Facing the giant ape's surprise attack, Luo Li was not afraid at all, and instead showed a little excitement in her eyes.

After coming to the Planet of the Apes, she had been killing fish for more than a month, and she was already a little tired of it. Killing the head of the giant ape was just a change of taste.

Luo Li stepped hard, like an arrow from a string, and rushed towards the giant ape at a faster speed!


Luo Li's seemingly delicate fist penetrated the giant ape's chest easily!

The giant ape let out a heart-rending cry. Under the influence of the severe pain, all the strength in his body suddenly lost, and he fell to the ground with Luo Li with a thud!


After landing, Luo Li raised her foot and kicked again. With a click, the giant ape's head was twisted more than 180 degrees!
The giant ape, which had already been severely injured, was completely dead this time.

"Huh~ Little wild ape, now you know how powerful my aunt is!"

Luo Li could really feel that it was much easier to kill a giant ape now than it was on earth.

In other words, she is stronger now than she was before she came to the Planet of the Apes.

After taking care of the giant ape, Luo Li stopped for a moment and continued to explore the island. After walking a few steps, she saw a huge rabbit.

Luo Li's eyes heated up, and she killed the rabbit with a direct heat gaze.

"Haha, not bad, you are so fat, I will eat you tonight."

It's the same meat. Rabbits are much cuter than giant apes. Luo Li really can't get enough of giant apes, so eating rabbits doesn't have so much psychological baggage.

After exploring about 500 meters further, Luo Li finally found a mountain spring with water gurgling out.

Although the taste of mountain spring is far inferior to the spring of life in Heilong Mountain Scenic Area, it is much better than bitter rainwater!
Food and water were available. Luo Li immediately set up camp near the water source, planning to have a good sleep tonight.

When drifting on the sea, in addition to guarding against the ubiquitous blue-water scale fish, you also need to pay attention to the weather and waves.

For more than a month, Luo Li hadn't had a good night's sleep, and she basically spent her nights practicing.

Although the effect of practicing cosmic energy guidance is better than sleeping,...human beings are human beings after all, and their brains and bodies have a natural need for sleep.

Soon, Luo Li built a simple shelter using thick trees, and then went to the beach to play with Xiao Yugan'er for a while.

The sun set and two huge full moons, one red and one yellow, rose into the sky. Luo Li practiced on the beach for more than four hours before she was ready to go back to the shelter and have a good sleep.

"Xiao Yuganer, you go and play. I want to go back and have a good sleep. See you tomorrow."

After saying goodbye to her pet Xiaogan'er, Luo Li turned around and walked towards the island, returning to the shelter she had built in the afternoon.

Lying on the soft bed made of leaves in the shelter, looking at the roof of the shelter, Luo Li also began to miss her boss.

"I don't know what the boss's situation is like. With his ability, he must be better off than me?"

"When can I see my boss again? Is he looking for me?"

Originally, she wanted to have a good sleep, but after lying down, Luo Li had so many thoughts in her mind that she couldn't sleep at all.

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