My place is on fire

Chapter 944: First visit to the Planet of the Apes!

Although the passage to the Planet of the Apes has disappeared on Earth, it has not completely disappeared.

In the passage, in order to prevent being washed away, Luo Yanning, Du Enya, Gao Yaling, Luo Li, and Shen Jingyi formed a circle with their big hands holding their little ones.

"so beautiful……"

"What a nice view……"

"So spectacular..."

There is nothing else in the passage except colorful lights.

These rays of light are flowing at high speed like water, with no one knowing where they come from or where they are going.

Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish--!

There is nothing in the passage except light, light.

There is no sky above, no land below, no buildings, and no living things. ,

In addition to light, there is only nothingness in the passage.

It felt like I was standing still in one place, but also seemed to be moving at high speed, which was a strange feeling.

"How long will it take before I can go out..."

When I first entered the passage, the colorful lights felt quite strange and fun.

However, after watching it for a long time, it becomes meaningless.

Du Enya and the others went from being excited, to calm, to a little bored, in just a dozen hours.

"Boss, when can we arrive at the Planet of the Apes? I'm almost hungry."

Luo Li touched her flat belly. She hadn't had any water or food for more than ten hours, and she was already hungry.

"It should be soon..."

Luo Yanning was actually not sure. The system did not specify how long he would stay in the passage, so he had no way of knowing.

After Luo Li and the others heard Luo Yanning's answer, each of them gave him a big eye roll. Obviously, he didn't know how long he would stay in the passage!

Loli held her stomach and began to think: "Ahem, boss, are we trapped in here and unable to get out?"

"Huh? It shouldn't be... right?"

"In that case, wouldn't it be miserable!"

"I think it shouldn't be!"

After everyone heard what Loli said, everyone became a little nervous.

Luo Yanning didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Luo Li, don't mess with everyone's mentality here. Look at Xiao Du's face turning pale with fright at your words."

Du Enya quickly defended: "Ahem, no, master, I'm already very fair..."

"Eh? Everyone, look over there! It seems we are about to reach the exit!"

Shen Jingyi suddenly pointed diagonally forward and exclaimed.

Everyone looked in the direction pointed by Shen Jingyi's finger. About 10 kilometers away, there was a dazzling white light.

The white light is approaching everyone at a speed of 100 meters per second. It is also possible that everyone is approaching the white light at a speed of 100 meters per second.

Luo Yanning nodded and said: "It does look like an exit. We can go out soon."

Gao Yaling clenched her fists and said excitedly: "I'm so excited! I'm going to set foot on another planet beyond the earth!"

Luo Li said happily: "I'm finally able to eat. I wonder if there is anything delicious on the Planet of the Apes?"

Du Enya and Shen Jingyi have always been quiet and talk little. Although they didn't say anything, they were very excited in their hearts.

To set foot on an unknown and strange planet, in addition to excitement, there is also more nervousness.

According to the moving speed of the white light, everyone will be able to land on the Planet of the Apes in about 100 seconds.

Suddenly, a powerful pulling force appeared out of thin air.

It was as if there was a big empty hand that began to pull everyone's hands together.

"What's going on! What a huge pulling force!"

"What's going on! Are you trying to separate us by force?"


"Boss! Ah! My arm!"

"Let go! Let go of everyone! Don't panic!"

Luo Yanning was also shocked when he witnessed it. The pulling force was extremely powerful, even stronger than when he was in the [Unstoppable] state now!
If everyone insists on holding hands, their arms will definitely be torn off!

After everyone heard Luo Yanning's words, they released their hands almost at the same time. At the same time, everyone was like a goddess scattering flowers, flying in five different directions!
"how so!"

Luo Yanning was shocked when she saw this, and her brows were furrowed. The system had not explained this situation before!

He also didn't know that on the way to resist the Ape Planet, everyone would be separated!



"What should we do now!"

"Boss, please think of a solution!"

Everyone also realized that this was going to separate them, and everyone became nervous. They all looked at Luo Yanning, expecting him to come up with some countermeasures.


Luo Yanning knew much more about the Planet of the Apes than anyone else, and he didn't know how to deal with the situation in front of him.

The distance between everyone was getting farther and farther, and Luo Yanning shouted to everyone:

"Everyone, please be safe and proceed with caution! Take care of yourself! No matter where you are in the world, I will find you! Bring you back to Earth!"

"This is just a temporary separation, don't worry, don't be afraid, this... is also a part of experience! Try your best to live! Wait for me!"

"Master, take care! I'm waiting for you!"

"Boss, you have to act quickly! Luo Li is most afraid of being alone. I don't want to fight alone."

"Master, please also pay attention to safety. I wish everyone all the best and hope we can reunite soon!"


Swish swish, swish swish--!

As he spoke, the distance between everyone was so far that people's faces could not be seen clearly.

"wait for me!"

Luo Yanning's voice was so penetrating that it reached everyone's ears. These two simple words sounded to everyone's ears, but they felt extremely at ease, because this was what Luo Yanning said, and they believed that Luo Yanning would definitely do what he said!

After Luo Yanning finished speaking, the distance between him and the dazzling white light had shrunk to less than a hundred meters.

The intense and dazzling white light made the eyes hurt, as if hundreds of thousands of tiny needles were irritating the eyeballs.

Luo Yanning quickly closed his eyes, and the pain suddenly eased a lot. Then, he felt a chill on his body, and the sound of running water rang in his ears.

When I opened my eyes, the dazzling white light had disappeared, replaced by lush green.

Luo Yanning arrived at the edge of a lake on the Planet of the Apes. When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was an unknown big tree on the other side of the lake!
The trunk of this big tree is at least 10 meters in diameter. It would take dozens of people holding hands to hug it.

The height of the big tree was at least 500 meters. Luo Yanning had to tilt her head back hard to see the forest-like crown.

One leaf of the big tree is the size of an adult, and the unknown fruit hanging on the tree looks like a gasoline barrel, which looks extremely exaggerated.


Luo Yanning heard a sound coming from behind, turned her head, and saw a group of giant apes she had seen in Rocky City chasing a very petite girl with long braids and an animal skin.

The girl ran very fast. I guess even Bolt would have to follow her and blow away the dust. While running, she made a series of rapid babbling sounds from her mouth. It seemed like she was calling for help?
When she saw Luo Yanning in the lake, the little girl seemed to have seen the last life-saving straw. She immediately changed the direction of her escape and ran towards Luo Yanning!

Although Luo Yanning doesn't look like a member of his own tribe in either his dress or appearance, at least he is a human being and is better than those giant apes behind him!
"Chirpy, babble, babble!" The girl ran quickly towards Luo Yanning, anxiously shouting some words that Luo Yanning didn't understand at all.

"..." Although Luo Yanning couldn't understand what the other party was saying, he guessed that she was asking for help.

When the giant ape behind the girl saw Luo Yanning, instead of retreating, he became even more excited!

The number of prey items changes from one to two. For them, this is a good thing!

Swish swish swish--!

In a few seconds, the girl and the giant ape had rushed in front of Luo Yanning!
The girl was petite and very agile. When she was only ten meters away from Luo Yanning, she suddenly accelerated again and rushed behind Luo Yanning.

Several giant apes behind the girl also came to Luo Yanning, roared almost simultaneously, and then jumped high.

Several giant apes rushed towards Luo Yanning and the girl, their mouths opened wide, revealing six sharp fangs inside.

"The beast is looking for death!"

There was no trace of nervousness on Luo Yanning's face, and she moved the girl back more than ten meters with a swipe, once again widening the distance from the giant ape, and then...

Zila Zila Zila Zila...

Two scorching gazes shot out from Luo Yanning's eyes, killing the seven giant apes that attacked him and the girl instantly!

Smelling the burning smell in the air and watching several giant apes being easily killed by Luo Yanning, the girl's watery eyes widened.

She looked at Luo Yanning, and then at the giant ape corpses scattered randomly on the ground, her face filled with disbelief!

"Yiya Yili, come Naxi, Kaliya Sodo."

After the girl recovered from the shock, she stretched out her hand and tightly pulled Luo Yanning's sleeve. While mumbling in her mouth, she also bowed several times to Luo Yanning.

"..." Luo Yanning guessed that the other party was probably thanking herself?
He knew that even if he asked the girl something, she wouldn't understand. The language barrier between the two parties made communication really troublesome.

Suddenly, Luo Yanning's eyes flashed, and a message prompt appeared.

[Congratulations on killing 7 ordinary giant apes and earning 7 points. 100 points can open the points redemption mall. There are currently insufficient points and the points mall cannot be opened at the moment. 】

“To open a points mall, you need 100 point codes…”

Luo Yanning was speechless after seeing the content of the message.

For me, this threshold may be too high, but for Du Enya and Gao Yaling, this threshold is very high!
He could fight through the giant apes without getting hurt at all, but Du Enya and Gao Yaling were not so relaxed when facing the giant apes.

One-on-one, the two of them can achieve a 100% chance of winning. One-on-two, it will be a bit difficult, and one-on-three can barely achieve a tie.

When the number of giant apes was four or more, the method Luo Yanning gave them was to run, turn around and run immediately, without any hesitation!
If any of them encountered a situation like today, encountering seven giant apes at once, it would definitely be a dangerous scene.

"I don't know where I left Xiao Du and Gao Yaling. Did they encounter any danger? It seems that it is not an easy task to reunite them."

Looking at the girl being chased by the giant ape in front of her, Luo Yanning couldn't help but think of her several apprentices and began to worry about their safety.

Luo Li and Shen Jingyi copied many of Luo Yanning's skills. Although the effect is only about 30% of Luo Yanning's original effect at most, it is far more than Du Enya and Gao Yaling.

Luo Yanning was not too worried about Luo Li and Shen Jingyi. Du Enya and Gao Yaling worried him the most.

"..." The girl babbled a lot to Luo Yanning, but she didn't get a single response. She finally realized that there was probably a language barrier between the two parties!

"Jiligua..." The girl stretched out a slender white finger and pointed at the giant tree on the other side of the lake that Luo Yanning first saw after arriving on the Planet of the Apes, with a very sincere look on her face. .

"Do you want to invite me to their home?"

Although Luo Yanning couldn't understand the girl's baby talk, she understood her gestures and guessed her intentions.

"It seems that this little girl is a native of the Planet of the Apes. I have just arrived and am not familiar with this place at all. It might be a good choice to go home with her and find a place to stay."

After thinking it over for a while, Luo Xuning smiled and nodded to agree to the girl's proposal.

"Jiligua!" Seeing Luo Yanning nodding in agreement, the girl jumped up and down happily, and then pointed at the giant tree, as if asking Luo Yanning, can we set off?
After seeing Luo Yanning nod, the girl happily took his hand and walked along the side of the lake in the direction of the giant tree.

The giant tree seemed not far away from me, but the actual distance was probably more than 3 kilometers.

The trees along the way are quite normal, not as exaggerated as giant trees, but...

Red, yellow, green, black, rainbow colors...

There are trees of various colors, and the colors and shapes of the leaves are also all kinds of strange. It’s like coming to a fairy tale kingdom, which is dazzling.
Along the way, the girl didn't care whether Luo Yanning could understand her. She kept chattering and the smiles on her face became more and more.

It seemed that she had completely forgotten about the fact that she was being chased by the giant ape.

Luo Yanning followed the girl as if she were Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

My head looked this way and that, feeling that my eyes were not enough.

Various colorful fruits the size of buckets, mushrooms the size of beach umbrellas, and ancient vines as thick as a person can be seen everywhere.

Suddenly, there was a crashing sound from the front left.

The girl's chirping voice stopped suddenly, and the expression on her little face suddenly became tense.

Like a frightened rabbit, he jumped behind Luo Yanning.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa--!

The sound got louder and closer.

Luo Yanning looked in the direction of the sound and saw a large number of densely packed giant apes running towards him and the girl.

Some are grabbing vines in the air and swinging forward, while others are jumping around on the branches and moving quickly.

There are also some who use their hands and feet on the ground, and their speed is not slow.

Seeing this overwhelming giant ape, the girl's face turned pale.

But Luo Yanning was a little excited.

"Killing all these giant apes should be enough to open the points in the points mall, right?" (End of Chapter)

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