My place is on fire

Chapter 939 The trapped blonde!

Chapter 939 The trapped blonde!
Jingle bells, jingle bells--!

The communication watch on Luo Yanning's hand rang. She raised her hand and saw that the name on the caller ID was Yang Xiaolan.

Seeing this name, Luo Yanning pondered for a few seconds, already guessing the purpose of her call.

After pressing the phone with her finger, Luo Yanning smiled and greeted:

"Fellow Daoist Yang, long time no see. How are you doing?"

"Oh? Did you guess it was us? Is it that obvious?"

"It's true that I took a few apprentices to perform a mission here in the United States."

"The news in Rocky City is no longer news. I believe fellow Daoist Yang has heard about it and even seen the TV station's reports on the situation here, right?"

"You want to join us? Come with us?"

"It's not impossible, but I have to remind you that the risk factor here is very high, and various unexpected dangers may occur at any time."

"Just today, several of my disciples were injured and are now recovering."

"Okay, now that you've made up your mind, come over. We may have to stay in the United States for a long time."


The phone call with Yang Xiaolan lasted for more than an hour before Luo Yanning hung up.

When he saw the caller ID, Luo Yanning guessed the purpose of Yang Xiaolan's call to him, and the facts proved that his guess was accurate.

Yang Xiaolan also wants to come to Rocky City and join the actual combat training team, hoping to hone his skills in actual combat.

Yang Xiaolan is also someone who has taken the combination of "Tian Yang Dan + Spirit of Plants and Plants". With her current strength, it is difficult to find a competition opponent that matches her in the country.

With her "practice mad" character, she would definitely look for other ways to improve.

Actual combat is undoubtedly the fastest way to improve your strength!

Facing various complicated forms in actual combat not only tests a person's comprehensive strength, but also tests a person's ability to adapt to changes in circumstances. It is the best way to apply martial arts knowledge.

Luo Yanning welcomes the arrival of Yang Xiaolan. With her strength, she will not hold back the team, which can be regarded as a help.

After ending the call with Yang Xiaolan, Luo Yanning looked around again, and finally stopped at the "battlefield" where the battle was the fiercest during the day, which was the entrance to the underground parking lot of the building.

At that time, after killing all the giant apes around and scaring them away, since everyone was injured, Luo Yanning took everyone to the top of the building to rest and did not bother to explore the underground parking lot.

When she received Gao Yaling's call for help during the day, Luo Yanning felt that there was something abnormal in this area, but she couldn't tell where the abnormality was.

"Let's take a look this afternoon! Maybe the answer is inside."

Thinking of this, Luo Yanning jumped to the outside of the building and jumped downstairs.

"If you can fly, you are willful..."

"She shed tears of envy..."

Several disciples looked at the scene of Luo Yanning jumping off the roof of the building, and they were all envious.

This kind of scene that can only be seen in science fiction movies is played out in reality, and everyone who sees it has to envy it.

Hoo ho ho--!

As he fell rapidly, the wind roared in his ears. When he was still two or three meters away from the ground, Luo Yanning made an emergency stop in the air with a thought, and then jumped lightly to the ground.

The power supply system of the building has been destroyed by the giant ape, and the entrance to the parking lot is dark, like the mouth of an ancient giant beast, as if it can devour anyone who comes close to it.

Luo Yanning has mastered heat vision to the point of perfection. While his eyes are slightly red, he can clearly see a sparrow falling on a wire a hundred meters away.

Being ready to go, but not spraying out, [heat vision] can enhance a person's vision in this state. This is a use that Luo Yanning has figured out for so long.

With the blessing of [Heat Vision], the entrance to the dark parking lot suddenly became much clearer. Luo Yanning stepped directly in and started going downhill.

After going down the slope, Luo Yanning turned right along the driveway and entered the underground parking lot on the B2 floor of the building.

There are hundreds of vehicles of various brands parked in the parking lot, including gasoline trucks, trams, cars, and SUVs.

Most of these vehicles were damaged to varying degrees. The front windshield or side glass was smashed by the extremely destructive giant ape, and some even had the door panels removed.

Only a few lucky cars survived without being damaged.

In addition to the destroyed vehicles, there was also a strong smell of blood in the underground parking lot. There were many dead people lying on the ground who had been attacked by the giant apes and died.

Some of these dead people had their arms torn off, some had their legs torn off, or their heads twisted off. Their death was miserable, like purgatory on earth.

Seeing the scene here, Luo Yanning took a deep breath, and her impression of the giant ape became even worse.

"Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to one's own people. In the eyes of those giant apes, humans are aliens, weak species, and can be killed at will."

"Then... I can only treat others the way they are treated in the future! The earth is the home of mankind, and those beasts are invaders."

Although most of the victims were Americans, they were all human beings like themselves. Seeing their own kind being slaughtered, it was inevitable to feel a little angry.

Before that, Luo Yanning rarely killed those giant apes, thinking of leaving them to his apprentices as opponents for actual combat training.

After seeing the tragic scene in the parking lot, Luo Yanning felt that it would not be enough to calm her inner anger without killing him and bleeding him like a river.

Ta-ta-ta, tap-ta-ta--!

Luo Yanning's footsteps echoed in the empty underground parking lot.

I wandered around the parking lot for more than half an hour, looking around every corner of the parking lot, but I couldn't find anything suspicious.

Suddenly, Luo Yanning heard an extremely suppressed breathing and a heartbeat as fast as a drum, diagonally in front of him at the three o'clock direction.

"Are there any survivors?" Luo Yanning looked at a relatively well-preserved military green pickup truck at the three o'clock direction.

Ta-ta-ta, tap-ta-ta--! Luo Yanning walked a few steps to a dark red Lamborghini sports car and stopped. The sound of breathing and heartbeat in the car became clearer. He was 100% sure that there must be someone inside!
"Hello, is there anyone inside? You are safe now and can come out."

Luo Yanning greeted the people in the car in English and stared at the car window curiously.

The guys inside were lucky enough. There were thirty or forty victims in the entire parking lot. This was the first survivor Luo Yanning encountered.

After hearing Luo Yanning's words, she didn't know whether she was nervous or happy. The survivor in the car breathed and heartbeated faster, but she didn't come out immediately and was very wary.

"Hello? If you don't come out, I'm leaving." Luo Yanning acted very patiently, thinking from his perspective. If he were an ordinary person and experienced such a disaster, he would also become extremely alert.

"Don't go! Take me with you! Please!"

Hearing that Luo Yanning was about to leave, the people in the car panicked. The car door opened with a click, and a slim woman with golden hair crawled out of the car.

The woman looks to be in her twenties, with delicate but three-dimensional facial features, a high nose bridge, and big eyes. A pair of eyes are dark blue, like two priceless sapphires.

"Help me, take me out of here, please, I will definitely pay you the reward I promised when I get out safely!"

The woman looked at Luo Yanning with a look of concern on her face, her eyes full of pleading.

"The... reward you promised?" Luo Yanning looked confused after hearing the woman's words.

The woman looked at Luo Yanning and said, "Didn't you... come to save me after reading my Weibo?"

"Your Weibo?" When Luo Yanning heard the woman's words, she immediately thought of what was going on. Maybe it was the woman who posted on Weibo asking for help and promised to give the rescuer a certain amount of remuneration?

The woman nodded and said: "Yes, three days ago, I posted a request for help on Weibo. Who or that group can take me away from Rocky. I will pay a reward of 1 million US dollars. It is still in effect now."

"..." Luo Yanning couldn't help but dumbfounded after hearing the woman's words. She went to the basement to wander around and actually picked up 1 million US dollars?
"You...ah! I seem to know you! You are the King of Black Dragon Mountain of China! Oh my God, it's you!"

The more the woman looked at Luo Yanning, the more familiar he seemed. After looking at him for a while, she finally remembered who he was, and the look on her face couldn't help but become excited.

"Oh? Do you know me?" Thousands of miles away, a woman whom I met unexpectedly called out my name right away. The fate was truly amazing.

The woman nodded vigorously and said happily: "Yes! I know you! And, I am your fan! I was too nervous and scared just now, and I didn't expect to see you in Rocky City, so I didn't dare to recognize you. , I didn’t expect, I really didn’t expect that God would bring you to me, I am so lucky!”

"You're not pretending to be my fan just to avoid paying, are you?" Luo Yanning made a little joke with the woman to ease her nervousness.

The woman hurriedly defended: "Of course not! Don't worry, my king! After leaving Loki, I will arrange for my financial advisor to remit the money to you as soon as possible! You can rest assured that no matter who rescues me, he will get this money." They deserve the money too!”

"I'm just kidding you, okay, let me take you out first. You have been scared here for several days, and you need rest most now."

Luo Yanning could tell that the woman's body was in an extremely weak state, and what had supported her until now was probably her strong desire to survive.

"Okay, thank you, Your Majesty, I..." Before the woman could finish her sentence, she suddenly felt like the world was spinning, her legs went weak, and she fell straight forward.

"Be careful." Luo Yanning had quick eyes and quick hands. She stepped forward, firmly held the woman's armpits with both hands, and helped her up again.

After the woman stood up, she explained in a weak tone: "Thank you, thank you, Your Majesty. I haven't slept, eaten or drank water for two days and two nights."

"Let's eat something to fill our stomach first." Luo Yanning stretched out her hand and magically took out a steaming chicken roll from the ring and handed it to the woman.

"This is..." The moment the woman saw the chicken roll, she smelled the aroma of chicken in her nose, and she couldn't control the saliva in her mouth, and it flowed out of the corner of her mouth.

For a person who hasn't eaten anything for two days and two nights, let alone a fragrant chicken roll, even a steamed bun in front of her is still a delicacy in the world.

At first, the woman thought she was hallucinating because she was too hungry. She rubbed her eyes vigorously and found that the chicken rolls were still there, and then her brain was a little exhausted.

I didn't blink just now, why did such a big chicken roll suddenly appear?
"Drink some water first. Drink water before eating."

While Luo Yanning was talking, with a thought, he took out a bottle of Black Dragon Spring from the ring and handed it to the blonde.

"Thank you, thank you, Your Majesty!" The woman was sleepy, tired, hungry and thirsty. After being surprised, she was not polite to Luo Yanning. She reached out to take the Black Dragon Spring and started to twist the bottle cap.

She didn't have much strength at first, and she had been hungry for two days and two nights. Now her hands and feet had no strength at all. She tried several times and failed to unscrew the bottle cap, so she had to turn to Luo Yanning for help.

"Sorry, I was negligent." Seeing this, Luo Yanning reached out to take the bottle, unscrewed it, and then handed it to her.

"Thank you."

After the woman thought about Luo Yanning, she started drinking water and finished the bottle of Black Dragon Mountain in one breath.

"Delicious! This mineral water is delicious! I have never drunk such delicious water!"

After drinking a bottle of water, the woman looked at Luo Yanning, her eyes full of surprise.

Afterwards, the woman showed off the chicken roll that Luo Yanning gave her.

After eating and drinking, the woman's mental state improved a lot. She looked at Luo Yanning and said gratefully:
"Thank you for the food and water. It was the best food I have ever eaten and the best water I have ever drunk."

Luo Yanning said calmly: "Thank you for your compliment. Once you have eaten and drank enough, I will take you..."

Sudden! A loud bang interrupted Luo Yanning's words, and about fifty meters away from him and the blonde, a vortex like a black hole suddenly appeared.

The next second, the black hole was like a big black mouth, spitting out giant apes one by one.

Roar! Roar! Roar! Ouch! Ouch!

After the giant apes came out of the black hole, they ran around happily and jumped on the roof of the car, as if they regarded the parking lot as their playground.

Didi, didi, woo woo woo...

All of a sudden, the sirens of various cars in the parking lot sounded one after another, and it suddenly became extremely noisy.

After seeing the scene in front of her, the woman's pretty face that had just regained some color suddenly turned pale again. Like a frightened little rabbit, she quickly ran behind Luo Yanning and held his hand tightly.


Several giant apes became very excited after discovering the existence of Luo Yanning and the woman, and ran towards the location of Luo Yanning and the woman with their feet together.

(End of this chapter)

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