My place is on fire

Chapter 935 "Mr. L" is popular all over the world!

Vivian was somewhat surprised when she heard Luo Yanning say that she was from China.

How come you, a Chinese, came to Rocky City to be the "savior"?

Of course, as a professional reporter, she was only curious about this kind of question and would never ask it out loud.

Interviewing what kind of people on what kind of occasions and asking what kind of questions is all a kind of knowledge!
Asking what should be asked and not asking what should not be asked are also the basic qualities of journalists!

I had finally secured such a rare interview opportunity. If someone was upset because of some messy questions and then refused the subsequent interview, I would not be able to cry even if I wanted to.

Although I really hope that Luo Yanning is from the United States, if she is not, I can't force her to come!

"I didn't expect that you are actually from China. Since ancient times, China has been full of talented people. It is very reasonable for super masters like you to emerge! You can help Rocky City when it is in danger, which shows that you are also very broad-minded. !”

"Rocky City will never forget your merits and your contribution to Rocky. Although you are Chinese, you are also our American superhero!"

Vivian was indeed a professional reporter. First she praised Luo Yanning, and then she praised her again and said a lot of nice things.

After the courtesy, Vivian continued to ask: "Excuse me, how can I call you?"

"Call me Mr. L." Luo Yanning smiled lightly, not wanting to reveal her real name.

Vivian smiled and said: "Okay Mr. L, can you introduce the other heroes in your team? I see there are several ladies here?"

Luo Yanning smiled and said: "Yes, they are my apprentices and have the same nationality as me. They also played a big role in the work of eradicating the alien beasts."

"Can you please say hello to the audience?" Vivian looked at everyone expectantly.

"Of course." Luo Yanning smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Hello everyone, I am G, from China..."

"Hello everyone, I am D, from China..."

"I am S..."

"I am MW, from the United Arab Emirates..."

"I am AL, from the United States."

Everyone also followed Luo Yanning's method and used the initials of their names as their "code names."

After everyone said hello one by one in front of the camera, Vivian looked at Max with joy. He was the only American among the group!

There is actually an American in this super team!

Vivian signaled the cameraman to focus the camera on Marx and asked: "Hello Mr. AL, how did you and Mr. L meet? How did they become a team?"

Marx shrugged and said with a smile: "Mr. L is my master, and our entire team is the master's apprentice. It is natural to form a team, isn't it?"

"They are all...all Mr. L's apprentices?" Vivian looked at Luo Yanning in surprise. She really didn't expect that this man who looked tall, thin and sounded very young was actually everyone's disciple. master!
"Yes, my master is a very amazing person. My goal is to become as powerful as my master one day."

Marx looked at Luo Yinning with eyes full of admiration. He had never admired someone like he did now. In the past, it was only for others to admire him.

After introducing everyone’s nationalities and code names, only the last minute of the already limited interview time was left.

Vivian seized the time and asked a few more important questions. Luo Yanning gave the answers readily, and the short interview ended.

"Time is tight, so I won't chat with Miss Vivian here. Goodbye."

"Bye bye, blonde lady~"


Everyone waved goodbye to Vivian one by one, and then followed Luo Yanning out of the villa one by one, moving quickly towards the east!

After watching everyone go away, Vivian and the excited cameraman also returned to the helicopter, and then sent the captured image data back to the radio station through a laptop computer.

After the video manuscript is professionally processed by the radio station, it can be played on the TV station.

Vivian has a strong feeling that this interview documentary has the potential to become a global hit!

Just as she expected.

Her video was cut out urgently less than an hour after it was sent back. After passing review, it was successfully featured on New York TV's most trafficked social news column in the morning.

The interview with Luo Yanning and others soon spread throughout the world through New York TV, and became well known to netizens all over the world!

"What a pity! Mr. L is actually Chinese! It would be great if he were American!"

"When will we in Germany have a superhero as powerful as Mr. L!"

"Although Mr. L is from China, he must have genes from our Bangzi country in his body!"

"In a team of 9 people, 7 of them are from China! China has gone to Oita!"

"Fortunately, there is an American inside! And why do I feel that this American's voice sounds familiar?"

"The sound is indeed a bit familiar. I think of a person, but I feel that he should not appear in this scene."

"Are you talking about the richest man Marx? Not only does his voice sound similar, but his height and body shape are also similar. I almost thought he was Marx!"

"Although they are similar in every aspect, they probably aren't. Although Marx is rich, in terms of strength, I can beat him to pieces."

Foreign netizens are talking a lot. Although Marx can only see his mouth while wearing a mask, many fans who know him well recognized him. However... everyone is not sure, and they all feel that it is impossible for him to appear in such a dangerous incident.

"Do you feel that Mr. L's voice sounds familiar? Although his language can be changed, his voice cannot be changed! He is the King! The King of Black Dragon Mountain!"

"After you reminded me, I do look a bit like him. No, it should be him! I've known for a long time that the King of Black Dragon Mountain is extremely powerful in combat, but I didn't expect him to be so fierce! He is simply a real-life superhero. !”

"The case has been solved! Mr. L is the king. The king's full name is Luo Yanning. Isn't L the abbreviation of 'Luo'?"

"That Ms. Z, I think she looks a bit like the King's female apprentice named Zhao Rui. I follow her. I used to watch her live broadcast every day, but I haven't watched her in more than half a month."

"That Mr. AL is Marx, right? It's too obvious! Do you still need to guess? Didn't Marx become an apprentice to the great king when he came to China?"

"Everyone upstairs, the truth is revealed! I just used professional software to compare the voice in the video with the King's voice. Although they speak different languages, the range and timbre are exactly the same! He is the King of Black Dragon Mountain! If not, I Stand on your head and eat!"

"Great! We in China finally have a superhero who can be famous all over the world! If our country encounters a crisis like Rocky City, the King will definitely take action! National security is more guaranteed!"

"The king's character is trustworthy. If the country is in trouble, he will definitely come forward. I have confidence in him! This is why I am a fan of him!"

Foreign netizens are not sure about Marx's identity, but domestic netizens are too familiar with Luo Yanning or the "King of Black Dragon Mountain". Even if he is wearing a mask, netizens recognize him immediately!
He is a Chinese, young and powerful in combat. These characteristics are so distinctive that only Luo Yanning can match him. If not him, who else could he be?
For a time, Luo Yinning became popular on the domestic Internet, and the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area once again became a hot search on all platforms on the Internet.

"I asked you, why hasn't your Majesty been broadcasting live recently? It turns out he went to the United States to save the world!"

"Haha... What kind of king? Look at how you all flatter him. Isn't he a lackey of the American emperor? When someone is in trouble, he is the first one to rush forward!"

"That's right, the United States and our country are competing in various fields. Wouldn't it be nice to just wait for them to have civil strife, and then we can overtake them? We actually work as their lackeys! The king of bullshit, bah~"

"The world is so big and full of wonders, even a traitor deserves to be praised! Such people should be nailed to the pillar of shame in history! They are a shame to our country!"

There are various comments about Luo Yanning and others on the Internet. Some praise his strength and team strength. Of course, there are also some black fans who caught him helping the United States clear the dead zone and criticized him, calling him a traitor and traitor.

"Shut up, you gangsters! Don't let the king feel cold! To put it bluntly, if it's our country's turn and something goes wrong in the future, who do you expect to save you!"

"Competition between countries is normal, and ordinary people are innocent! Whether they are Chinese or American, they are ordinary people! Maybe the king cannot be as cold-blooded as some trolls!"

"This is the difference between a hero and a villain! Don't use your villain's heart in a dark corner to save the king's gentlemanly heart! Who can't tell the story on the keyboard?"

Compared with Luo Yanning's loyal fans, the number of Heizi is much smaller. A Heizi has to face at least several hundred fans. Those Heizi Luo Yanning's comments were quickly drowned in tens of millions of comments. .

Today, "Mr. L" from China has become a hot topic around the world, and the discussion is even more heated than yesterday's Rocky City!
Some battle scenes captured by helicopters yesterday also spread rapidly across the Internet. "Mr. L" and the special forces team he led became the real version of the "Superhero League" and became famous for a while!

Luo Yanning and others have also officially entered the sight of China's top leaders. Such a team of "superheroes" is a priceless treasure for any country!

There were many dead zones in China before, but the impact of these dead zones was not as great as Rocky City, so the people did not know this news.

Behind the surface of national peace and security is the result of the sleepless fighting of special operations forces like Mr. Shen Yiwen and others.

Some time ago, Luo Yanning presented 100 Tianyang Pills to Shen Yiwen to train 100 super soldiers with outstanding combat effectiveness for his special forces team.

It was precisely with the help of these 100 super soldiers that they quickly wiped out more than a dozen death zones in China and brought peace to the people.

Without these 100 super soldiers, China might be like the United States, suffering from the threat of the Dead Zone and suffering huge losses!


In the country of China, in a military training ground in a certain military division.

A 1 versus 20 battle just ended.

A warrior who was over 1.9 meters tall and looked like an iron tower won the battle.

With 1 against 20, although it was difficult to win, it was still a victory.
This scene seems a bit absurd, even more exaggerated than the movie in which one fights ten.

"Not bad, not bad! Xiao Shen, you did a great job! With such super soldiers, our country's security will be more secure in the future!"

Next to Shen Yiwen, an old man with gray hair could not hide the excitement in his eyes after watching the competition.

"Thank you, old leader, for the compliment." Shen Yiwen looked respectfully in front of the old man, just like a primary school student meeting his teacher.

In a sense, the old man is indeed half of Shen Yiwen's teacher, teaching him many experiences in life.

Without the promotion of the old man, Shen Yiwen would not be able to sit in the position he is today, so when facing the old man, Shen Yiwen always regards himself as a junior and a student.

The old man looked away from the warrior who had just won the competition, looked at Shen Yiwen, and asked, "What about the actual observation data?"

Shen Yiwen answered truthfully: "Returning to the old leader, the soldiers who took Tianyang Dan did not have any abnormalities except that all their physical signs were greatly improved! The blood routine and cell tests were also normal, without any side effects. !”

The old man said: "Except for some pain during the taking, everything else is normal?"

Shen Yiwen nodded and said: "Yes, old leader! Apart from the huge pain when taking it, there are no other side effects!"

The old man pondered and said: "You have been taking Tianyang Pill for a while, and the observed data should be relatively comprehensive. In this way, Tianyang Pill is really a good thing. If you can get more Tianyang Pill, you can Producing super soldiers in batches is also a good thing for our country.”

Shen Yiwen said: "Yes, old leader! I have made it clear to you the role of super soldiers. The disaster in Rocky City in the United States is also a lesson for us. We need more powerful force to protect the country." Safety!"

The old man said: "I will personally report this matter to the superiors. It is estimated that the results will be available in three to five days at most. I feel that this matter should not be too difficult and it should be possible."

"Thank you, old leader!" Shen Yiwen knew the old man's energy. He said that if it wasn't too difficult, it would be more than half successful. He could just wait quietly for the good news.

After talking about business, Shen Yiwen walked and chatted with the old man, left the martial arts hall and returned to his office. Along the way, he asked the old man a few questions and got answers from him.

After hearing the answer given by the old man, Shen Yiwen had to sigh that Jiang was still the old man, and compared with the old man, he was still far behind! (End of chapter)

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