My place is on fire

Chapter 923 New opponent!

Chapter 923 New opponent!

Sleep is an essential content for ordinary people.

Not sleeping for a long time can cause dizziness, headache, nausea, fatigue, loss of appetite and other symptoms.

In severe cases, it can also induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, leading to sudden death.

Even to the point of insanity and mental breakdown.

The longest time without sleep record in the world is 264 hours, which was created by a foreign high school student.

When this record was set, the patient was already unconscious.

How long a person can go without sleep has a lot to do with personal constitution, physical condition, mental endurance, underlying diseases, etc.

With a physique like Luo Yanning's reaching over 1000 points, both physically and mentally, he is much stronger than ordinary people. Even if he doesn't sleep for ten days and ten nights, his body will not have any abnormality.

Moreover, the effect of practicing the cosmic energy guidance technique is even better than sleeping!
Therefore, Luo Yanning rarely spends her nights sleeping when she is alone unless she is with her girlfriend.

Used to practice the cosmic energy guidance technique, it is not only more effective than sleeping, but can also strengthen the body and strengthen oneself.

Therefore, between sleeping and practicing, Luo Yanning naturally chose to practice without hesitation!

Even though he is already strong now, who would mind if he is stronger?

The stronger the strength, the greater the sense of security!

After sending Marx away, Luo Yanning began to practice in a sitting position with five hearts facing the sky, guiding the energy in the universe to enter the body from the five channels of the body.

Although he was the first practitioner of the cosmic energy guidance technique, he and a group of disciples had practiced for about the same amount of time.

As of today, his cosmic energy guidance technique is still in its infancy like a group of disciples. It can only guide the cosmic energy to continuously run along various paths in the body, but cannot gather the energy to form a whirlpool.

Of course, these Luo Yanning would not tell a group of disciples that they did not want to lose face?
Fortunately, under the cover of his strong strength, a group of disciples did not notice the fact that his realm was actually very low.


As the practice progressed, Luo Yanning's breathing became longer and longer, and the interval between exhalation and inhalation could sometimes be as long as four or five minutes.

Wisps of cosmic energy with a crystalline triangular structure invisible to the naked eye entered the body through the palms of his hands, the soles of his feet, and the Baihui point on the top of his head.

Then, it began to run along the established line of the cosmic energy guidance technique.

The cosmic energy that enters the body is like a small, silent stream of water that moisturizes things. As it flows, it strengthens every inch of blood vessels, muscles, and bones it passes through.

At Luo Yanning's current cultivation speed, it would take about 3 hours to "nourishe" his whole body if he practiced without a gravity training room.

After practicing for another hour or so, the cosmic energy in the body will be in a saturated state and it will be difficult to absorb even the slightest bit.

The entire practice process takes about 4 hours.

The same training process only takes half an hour if carried out in the gravity training room.

The gravity training room purchased for more than 2000 billion yuan has very remarkable effects and is absolutely worth it!
It is a pity that Luo Yanning cannot carry the gravity training room with him, which is a bit inconvenient.


Around 4 o'clock in the morning, Luo Yanning let out a long breath, and the air mass blew up the curtains hanging on the window.

Suddenly he opened his eyes, and his eyes were filled with light, as if he had just had a good sleep.

After practicing for a whole night, my spirit was extremely happy and full.

Although it didn't matter if he didn't need to sleep, Luo Yanning saw that it was still early, so he lay on the bed and slept for a while.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, everyone gathered downstairs.

After having a hearty breakfast together, we set off to the area where SpaceX is located.

It took a little more than an hour for several Mercedes-Benz RVs to arrive at the outskirts of the area where SpaceX is located.

Because of the Death Domain, this place has been under martial law and no one is allowed to enter.

The person in charge of security here is a middle-aged officer named MacArthur.

Marx had already communicated with the other party on the phone before arriving, so he was not blocked and entered the SpaceX gate smoothly.

After entering, Marx first led a group of people to the office where MacArthur was stationed to meet him.

"Hello Max, I am MacArthur, the person in charge of this security operation. I deeply sympathize with your SpaceX experience."

MacArthur is a tall, middle-aged man who looks strong and strong, and his tone of voice is full of confidence. When he saw Marx leading people through the door, he stood up with a smile to greet them.

After Marx entered the door, he went straight to the point: "Hello, Chief MacArthur, I need to know the latest situation in the core area."

"I've already sent people the information. You can read it at any time. Are these Asians the foreign aid you invited?" As MacArthur spoke, he looked at Luo Yanning and others, with a look of amazement in his eyes.

Luo Yanning and his group have a temperament that ordinary people don't have. Once they stand there, they give people a sense of calmness, restraint, and unpredictability.

"Yes, this is my master, Mr. Luo Yanning, and they are my fellow disciples."

Marx did not hide anything about the identities of Luo Yinning and others, and directly told them frankly.

The news that Marx was apprenticed to young people in China once dominated the headlines of various media in the United States. MacArthur naturally knew about it and had also looked up information about Luo Yanning on the Internet.

However, there is still a big difference between the image seen on the Internet and the image of Luo Yanning himself!

MacArthur's eyes were fixed on Luo Yanning, wanting to see what was unique about him that could make a man as arrogant as Marx lower his arrogant head to worship him as his teacher.

MacArthur had known a lot of people in his life, and he felt that he still had some discernment, but when he looked at Luo Yanning, he couldn't understand this young man.

"Mr. Luo Yanning, welcome to the United States as a guest."

In the end, MacArthur just said a polite welcome and said nothing else.

"Thank you."

Luo Yanning was not familiar with MacArthur, so she just nodded politely in response.

"Master, this is the latest information about the Dead Realm, please take a look."

While he was talking, Marx had already handed Luo Yanning the latest information on the Dead Zone compiled by MacArthur.

"Okay, I'll take a look."

Luo Yanning reached out to take the information and checked it carefully. The scope of the dead zone was still expanding. In just a few days, the scope was more than three times larger than before.

Almost the entire area where SpaceX is located has been completely covered. Within the scope of the dead zone, all electronic equipment fails and thermal weapons lose their effect. The military has made many attempts, but they all ended in failure.

Within the United States, more than 30 dead zones have been observed so far, but...

The military has not had any successful experience in clearing the dead zone, and has always passively defended outside the dead zone.

This time, when the dead zone appeared in the core area of ​​SpaceX, they also had no good countermeasures. They only stationed special forces to defend the outermost perimeter.

As much as the scope of the Dead Zone expands, they will retreat as much as possible, using defense as offense, not seeking merit but seeking no fault.

"Let's go check it out on the spot first. The information shown in the information is very limited and doesn't have much reference."

After Luo Yanning read the information in her hand at a glance, she looked up at Marx and MacArthur and expressed her decision.

MacArthur looked at Luo Yanning and frowned: "Sir, I need to remind you.

This unknown area is full of dangers, so be careful when making any decisions!
Three days ago, a five-person investigation team of ours went in to investigate, and only five ropes were pulled out.

All five investigators have lost contact, and the reason is unknown!

I don't recommend you take any action until you figure out the reason for the disappearance of the five investigators! "

After everyone heard MacArthur's words, they all looked at Luo Yanning. It was obvious that everyone was waiting for him to speak and followed his decision.

Luo Yanning looked at MacArthur and said calmly: "Thank you, Chief MacArthur, for the reminder. However, I am responsible for my own actions and I have my own sense of proportion."

"I respect any decision you make. I'm just giving you a reminder out of my position. I hope everything goes well for you. It's best to clear this uncomfortable area like garbage in one fell swoop."

MacArthur shrugged. If someone was willing to help him solve his troubles, he would naturally not stop him. He couldn't ask for more.

Naturally, no one has any objections to Luo Yanning's decision. The mission of everyone following him to the United States is to clear this dead zone.

Later, MacArthur personally took everyone to the edge of the Dead Zone and watched the group disappear into the Dead Zone.

This dead zone is roughly similar to the dead zones in China. They are both shrouded in thick fog. The moment you enter, you lose your sense of direction.

Moreover, the air inside was much thinner than the outside world. In addition, everyone's mood was a bit tense, and their breathing became heavier.

"Everyone relax, adjust your emotions, and don't think about messy things."

While leading the team, Luo Yanning spoke to comfort the people behind her.

"With your current strength, there shouldn't be any danger. I brought you here this time just to familiarize you with the situation here. Maybe you will face more similar situations in the future."

"Master, are you saying that there will be more of the dead realms you mentioned in the future?"

"What kind of place is this? How can there be such a place on earth? It's so unscientific!"

"With the master here, I'm not nervous at all. I even have a little bit of expectation. There is such a magical place on earth!"

"Everyone, please follow your master closely, and the distance between each other should not be more than one meter. The thick fog here is not like ordinary fog. If I get lost, it will be difficult to find you again."

"Whatever you do, don't let go of the hand you're holding, otherwise, anything bad could happen."

Everyone started talking after hearing Luo Yanning's words. Luo Li and Shen Jingyi, two "old people" who had experience in clearing the dead zone, also issued kind reminders to everyone.

The fact is exactly what the two said. Within the scope of the death zone, even Luo Yanning did not dare to be too big and acted cautiously.

Suddenly, a shrill beast roar came from the left front.

Everyone's eyes turned towards the direction of the sound, and the expressions on their faces suddenly became nervous.

However, through the thick fog, the visibility was less than 2 meters, so naturally everyone saw nothing.

Luo Yanning also glanced in that direction and said:

"At 10 o'clock, there are signs of biological activity near 2000 meters!"

"Master, what kind of creature is it?" Du Enya looked at Luo Yanning curiously and asked.

Everyone also looked at Luo Yanning, all looking like curious babies.

Luo Yanning frowned and said: "The distance is too far, and I can't see clearly. I can only see a vague figure. It is a four-limbed reptile beast. It is about 2 meters tall and about 3.8 meters long. It looks a bit like the one on Earth. of bullfighting.”

Boom, boom, boom—!

As soon as Luo Yanning finished speaking, a deafening roar suddenly came from the front left.

At the same time, the ground beneath his feet also trembled.

"Not good! The number of those creatures increased to thousands in an instant, and they are already heading towards us!"

After noticing the changes in the situation on the field, Luo Yanning's expression became serious, with a solemn look in her eyes.


At the critical moment, Luo Li and Shen Jingyi rushed to Luo Yanning's side and formed a fan-shaped formation to block Du Enya and the other disciples behind them.

Swish, swish, swish, swish--!

With a thought from Luo Yanning, six Crow alloy flying knives flew out of the ring, and then floated quietly in the void in front of him.

Everyone was used to Luo Yanning always pulling out some items from nowhere, and they were already used to it. They were just surprised to see him controlling the flying knife, but they quickly accepted it.

My master can even fly, what else can he not do? Isn't it just mind control of flying knives? For the master, it must be a piece of cake.


Luo Li and Shen Jingyi also summoned their own flying knives, unlike Luo Yanning, who could control 6 flying knives at the same time.

The effect of the [Object Controlling Technique] copied by the two of them was far inferior to that of Luo Yanning. Controlling a flying knife with their thoughts was already their limit.

Boom, boom--!

The ground shook violently, and the sound came closer and closer from far away!

As the distance got closer, Luo Yanning finally saw clearly the opponent he was facing this time.

Just as he had observed from a distance before, this time the opponent was a huge monster with three sharp horns that looked a bit like a cow.

The sharp corners on both sides are bent forward, and the tips of the corners are pointed straight ahead. The cold light flashes on them, which shows that they are sharp.

In the middle is a golden-yellow tree, about 18 centimeters long, piercing the sky at a right angle.

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