My place is on fire

Chapter 907 Exclusive Interview!

Chapter 907 Exclusive Interview!

Everyone heard that Luo Yanning wanted to give the new attraction to the Black Dragon Martial Arts Hall as its headquarters.

Everyone looked at Zhang Qian with extremely envious eyes.

Naturally, there are also some speculations about the relationship between Luo Yanning and Zhang Qian.

Everyone sees Luo Yanning's kindness to Zhang Qian.

He is really better than many husbands to their wives.

This was under the premise that they didn't know that Luo Yanning gave Zhang Qian's mother and daughter the [Spirit of Plants and Trees].

What would everyone think if they knew that Luo Yanning had even given the souls of plants and trees worth more than one billion to Zhang Qian and Xiao Wu Nian?

Everyone has noticed Luo Yanning's care for Zhang Qian and their family.

Those who know know that they are good friends and were once the iron triangle.

For those who didn't know, they thought Luo Yanning was Zhang Qian's son-in-law.

After a brief visit to the Underground Dragon Palace, everyone returned to their respective jobs.

Zhang Qian also took Yang Fei and two coaches back to the martial arts gym to plan the move.

Jingle bells, jingle bells--!

Luo Yanning had just returned to the office when her cell phone rang in her pocket. She took it out and saw that the name on the caller ID was Bureau Hou.

"Hey Mr. Hou, what do you want from me?"

Luo Yanning connected the phone with a swipe of her finger and asked jokingly.

"Mr. Luo, didn't we make an appointment with Mr. Marx yesterday for an exclusive interview at 10 o'clock this morning? Are you free? After all, none of us are familiar with each other. The atmosphere will be much better if you are present."

"Moreover, this time we are planning to produce a tourism promotional video about our Wanshan County, and you are indispensable as the protagonist!"

Hou Yongfeng's voice sounded on the other end of the phone. He and Luo Yanning were already acquaintances. There was no need to talk in circles and they could just say what they wanted.

Luo Yanning did not shirk and said readily: "Okay, I don't have anything to do in the morning. Where do you want to meet? I'll be there right away."

Hou Yongfeng said: "The location was arranged by the water manager. It is in the No. 1 conference room in the office area of ​​your scenic spot. We are rushing there.

Speaking of which, I have to thank Mr. Shui this time, otherwise, we really wouldn’t be able to find such a place to put our hands together.

By the way, Mr. Luo, is our Mr. Shui free? If you have time, do a photo shoot together or something.

Mr. Luo and Mr. Shui are the golden boys and girls. Their talents and looks are also a highlight of our promotional video! "

"Haha, Director Hou, your abacus is about to fall on my face. Okay, okay, okay, who made you the leader? How do you arrange it? I will fully cooperate with you, okay?"

Luo Yanning saw Hou Yongfeng's plan thoroughly, but he also knew that Hou Yongfeng did this to promote the tourism industry of Wanshan County and for the economic development of Wanshan County, so he did not resent his "taking advantage" Behavior.

"Hahaha, Mr. Luo understands justice well. I, the old Hou, owe you a huge favor this time. I will be of use to you in the future. Mr. Luo, you can say whatever you want, but I, the old Hou, will go through fire and water. By the way, Mr. Luo, my wife also asked me to ask you, do you have an official girlfriend now? We have a niece, you also know her, Tongtong this year..."

Luo Yanning didn't wait for Hou Yongfeng to finish what he said, and quickly interrupted: "Bureau Hou, stop it, stop it, forget it. Teacher Meng and I not only know each other, but also have a good relationship. Teacher Meng also knows that I have a girlfriend, so let's just Don't mess around with me here. Thank you sister-in-law for me. I received your thoughts."

"Hahaha, you kid, you say your rejection so beautifully, okay, I knew it was impossible for you and Tongtong, my wife insisted on letting me ask, now I have completed the task, I still have to talk to Mr. Marx Let’s get in touch with the contact person over there, let’s meet and chat later.”

"Okay, let's meet and chat, hang up." Luo Yanning hung up the phone after saying that. He was not surprised at all by Hou Yongfeng's invitation.

As the saying goes, with greater ability comes greater responsibility. In fact, Luo Yanning also wants to make more contributions to the tourism development of Wanshan County.

Therefore, when he just faced Hou Yongfeng's invitation for an interview, he agreed without any hesitation.

For me, it is just a simple interview. I only need to appear on the scene, say a few lines, answer a few questions and so on. It is not complicated.

However, the promotion of Wanshan County's tourism industry plays a great role in attracting more tourists to travel and spend money, thus promoting the economic development of Wanshan County.

After hanging up the phone with Hou Yongfeng, Luo Yanning called Shui Miaomiao again and told her about the situation interview, and Shui Miaomiao readily agreed.

There were not many opportunities to appear on camera and be interviewed together with her boss, so she naturally refused to miss it.

Jingle Bell--!

Just as Luo Yinning and Shui Miaomiao hung up the phone, Marx called again.

"Hey Max, are you here? Okay, I'll go downstairs to pick you up. Okay, that's it for now, hang up."

After hanging up the phone with Max, Luo Yanning stood up from the office chair, turned around and glanced downstairs. Max was already waiting downstairs with two bodyguards and three assistants.

When the staff of the scenic spot pass by a group of people, they can't help but look sideways. This group of people looks so impressive.

Luo Yanning leisurely went downstairs to meet Marx, smiled and waved to him to say hello:

"Good morning Max, did you sleep well last night?"

"Okay, great, simply great! I have never slept so comfortably!"

It was the first time for Marx to sleep in a cozy cabin in a scenic spot, and it was the first time that he felt such a high quality of sleep.

After only one night's sleep, he fell in love with the cozy cabin and even had the urge to settle here.

Of course, this impulse goes as quickly as it comes.

Marx still has many goals and plans that have not been achieved, and many ideals and dreams that have not been realized.

Naturally, he now refuses to retire.

"As long as you like it. If you become a disciple in our country of China, the master will give it to the apprentice as a disciple. That small house, plus the Tianyang Pill here, is considered a disciple gift from the master. Take it." Luo Yanning tossed it casually. He threw a small green bottle in his hand towards Marx.

"Is this Tianyang Dan?"

Marx reached out and took the Tianyang Pill, with a slightly excited expression on his face.

Yesterday, he personally experienced the magic of the spirit of plants and trees, so he was naturally looking forward to raising elixirs today.

Although the effectiveness of the Tianyang Pill is far inferior to that of the Spirit of Plants and Plants, it is still comparable to that of the Spirit of Plants and Plants!

Just looking at the effect of the Tianyang Pill, it can increase your physical fitness by at least 100 points. On earth, it is definitely at the level of an elixir!
Even the most advanced pharmaceutical companies in the world cannot develop such a magical elixir!

Luo Yanning reminded: "The effect of Yangdan today is a bit strong, and you will feel a strong pain when you take it. Please wait until you find a suitable opportunity before taking it."

"Okay, master! I listen to you! You have the final say!" Marx replied to Luo Yanning with a smile, and carefully put the small medicine bottle containing Tianyang Dan back into the inner pocket of his suit and put it close to his body.

The master and apprentice had not said a few words when there was a sound of footsteps in the distance. Luo Yanning looked up and saw Hou Yongfeng coming with a group of people from the Cultural Tourism Bureau.

Moreover, he found that among the people who came, there were not only people from the Wanshan County Cultural Tourism Bureau, but also higher-level personnel from the cultural and tourism system such as Shishi City and Hebei Province.

"Director Luo! Mr. Marx, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, we're late, please forgive me!"

When Hou Yongfeng saw that Marx had arrived before him, he suddenly became very nervous and felt that he was being slighted.

The group of people who followed Hou Yongfeng also looked nervous. They had finally managed to get such an interview opportunity. If Marx was upset because of these small details, they would have no place to cry even if they wanted to. He watched helplessly as this world-shattering wealth slipped away from his eyes.

"It doesn't matter, I live in the scenic spot, and there are still more than twenty minutes before the agreed time. You are not late. It's just that I came early. I want to stay with my master for a while and ask him for some advice. question."

After Marx received the Tianyang Pill and the cabin as a gift from Luo Yanning, he was in a good mood. Naturally, he didn't care about such trivial matters as who came first and who arrived last.

Moreover, as he said, although Hou Yongfeng and the others arrived later than him, the rightful master, they were not late either. There was no reason to blame or get angry. He did not want to leave a domineering image in the master's mind.

Although... his image in his own company is indeed a bit arrogant and domineering. If he is in a bad mood one day and dislikes someone, he may be asked to leave immediately.

As for compensation for dismissal, he didn't care. To him, it was just a drop in the bucket.

"Thank you, thank you Mr. Marx for your understanding, long live understanding!"

Hou Yongfeng and others saw that Marx's attitude was extremely friendly, and their hearts dropped into their stomachs.

"Bureau Hou, and all the guests, let's go upstairs directly. If you have anything to say, go to the conference room and say it. Please come."

After meeting and greeting each other, Luo Yanning smiled and asked everyone to go upstairs together.

"Okay, okay, go upstairs, go upstairs."

Everyone agreed, and then followed Luo Yinning and Marx up to the No. 2 conference room on the second floor.

Conference Room 1 is the largest office in the office area and can accommodate hundreds of people to attend meetings together.

Today there are almost 20 people in Hou Yongfeng's group, plus several leaders of the scenic spot and several of Marx's entourage, there are only about 40 people in total, and the place is very spacious.

"Mr. Marx, these are some questions we have compiled about the questions that will be asked in the next interview session. You can choose 6 or more questions that you are interested in to answer, or you can also formulate some questions yourself, and we will Cooperate with you.”

As Hou Yongfeng spoke, he handed Marx a thick stack of question cards written in English and asked him to choose the questions he was interested in.

A live interview or exclusive interview like today seems to be a random interview, but in fact, the various questions asked and the answers given by the interviewees are finalized in advance, and then the recording is started.

The video recording process will also be refined and edited in the later stage, and finally it can be presented to the public through various media channels.

After Marx reached out and took Hou Yongfeng's question cards, an assistant who followed him discussed and selected 6 of them. When he handed them back to Hou Yongfeng with a smile, he said: "Mr. Hou, I will discuss these six questions later. answer."

Hou Yongfeng respectfully reached out to take the card and carefully read the six questions selected by Marx.

Among them, the first question is: What attracted you to Wanshan County? How do you feel about Wanshan County after coming here?
The second question is: What is your biggest gain from this trip?
The third question: Would you consider commercial investment in Wanshan County?
The fourth question:…

After Hou Yongfeng saw the six questions selected by Marx, he felt secretly happy.

Among the 6 issues picked by Marx, 4 are issues that departments at all levels pay great attention to and attach great importance to!
Hou Yongfeng looked at Marx and asked: "Thank you, Mr. Marx, for your cooperation. Do you have answers to these questions? Do you need to rehearse them in advance?"

"No need, Mr. Hou, the answers to these questions are already in my mind, and I can answer them directly." Marx shrugged, saying that was not necessary.

As the CEO of the world's top technology company and the world's richest man, he accepts countless interviews every year, and most of those interviewers are world-renowned reporters or column leaders.

Today's interview was just child's play for him. He could just express himself freely. There was no need to waste time rehearsing or anything like that.

"Okay Mr. Marx! So, let's start preparing for the interview now, do you think that's okay?"

Hou Yongfeng fully respected Marx and would seek his opinions before doing anything to avoid neglecting him.

"You can do it at any time, I'm ready." Max smiled and nodded, his expression calm and collected.

After hearing Marx's prepared answer, Hou Yongfeng hurriedly called on the accompanying staff to start debugging the recording equipment, and asked a beautiful host wearing a dark blue women's suit and skirt to come forward and sit on the sofa opposite Marx and Luo Yanning.

It can be seen that Hou Yongfeng and others have also worked hard for this interview. The colors of the clothes worn by the host are all colors that Marx likes.

"Hello Mr. Marx, I am honored to interview such a successful person like you here. First of all, on behalf of all the cultural and tourism practitioners in Hebei Province, I would like to thank you for coming. I hope that this trip to Hebei Province can leave you a lasting impression. A pleasant and unforgettable experience.”

The female host was highly professional and spoke fluent American English as soon as she opened her mouth. She first expressed her welcome to Marx and then sent her best wishes to the cultural tourism system of Hebei Province.

Next to the female host, there was a simultaneous translator wearing a light blue women's suit and a pair of square glasses. The moment she spoke, she translated every word she said into Chinese.

The female translator and the host worked together seamlessly and complemented each other perfectly. I think this was not the first time they had collaborated.

Marx crossed his hands on the table, smiled and said warmly: "Thank you. I feel the enthusiasm and hospitality of the people of Hebei Province. This trip to Hebei Province is indeed an unforgettable trip."

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