My place is on fire

Chapter 894: Appointment!

Chapter 894: Appointment!

The two bodyguards did not look down upon Luo Yanning because of their large number of people.

Since Luo Yanning dares to propose such a challenge, he must be certain.

Presumably he also has a certain degree of confidence in his own strength.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have had to raise this challenge. Wouldn't that be humiliating himself?

Although Peter's two bodyguards have well-developed limbs, their minds are not simple at all. On the contrary, they are very flexible.

Before coming to China, they had heard about China's great kung fu.

Is it possible that this handsome Chinese man in front of me is a hidden Kung Fu master?
"Come on, attack me with all your might."

Luo Yanning waved to the two bodyguards with a smile, and asked them to attack her in English.

It's not that Luo Yanning is too pretentious, pretentious, or anything like that.

If he had the intention to attack the two of them, they would be lying on the ground unable to move.

The reason why he allowed them to attack him was because Luo Yanning gave them a chance to show off!

After all, people are all about saving face. If they are solved by themselves without even a little bit of resistance, it will not look good on both of them.

The two bodyguards looked at each other, feeling a little unhappy at being slighted in front of so many people.

After making eye contact, the two of them said nothing, and suddenly double-teamed towards Luo Yanning. Two fists were directed at the temples on both sides of Luo Yanning. They struck hard every time they struck!

"Huh?" Luo Yanning frowned slightly.

Originally, he had wanted to save some face for the two of them, thinking of fighting them for a few rounds before dealing with them.

The result was good, he wanted to save face for the two bodyguards, but they didn't accept his kindness, and they launched an extremely cruel killing move!
Moreover, Luo Yanning saw a strong murderous intent in the eyes of the two of them. It didn't look like they were sparring at all, as if they really wanted to fight her to the death!
"Meade! Knapp!" Peter also didn't expect that his two bodyguards would use such a cruel move, and exclaimed their names from the side.

He did ask the two of them to go all out to fight Luo Yanning, but he didn't let them fight Luo Yanning, let alone hurt Luo Yanning!

The melon-eaters watching on the side seemed to have sensed the strong murderous intent in the two men. They all opened their mouths in surprise and looked at Luo Yanning with worried faces.

Some were so timid that they even covered their eyes for fear of seeing the bloody scene that would happen next!
"You are seeking your own death!" The opponent was unkind, and Luo Yanning would naturally not show any mercy. Her eyes were focused, and she did not retreat but advanced, facing the two bodyguards. She opened her arms and a pair of fists to meet the two bodyguards. fist!

Pom Pom!

It seemed like it was a long time ago, but it was actually only a few tenths of a second.

Luo Yanning's fists met the fists of the two bodyguards, and they made two muffled sounds!
And two miserable screams from the two bodyguards!
Puff, puff!
The two bodyguards' sturdy bodies flew backwards for more than three meters, and then fell to the ground. Their heads tilted and they fainted on the spot!

On the other hand, Luo Yanning, who defeated the two of them with one move, seemed to be fine and stood there with a calm expression, as if what just happened had nothing to do with him.


"Fuck, this is too strong! One punch can knock out two such strong bodyguards so far!"

"It's so violent! If this punch had hit me, I would probably be dead!"

A bunch of people around were stunned when they saw Luo Yanning knocking two tall bodyguards away so far with one punch.

Peter Corning glanced at the unconscious bodyguards who were knocked to the ground with a look of resentment, wishing that Luo Yanning could punch them both to death!

"Luo! I'm very sorry, this is definitely not my intention! I just let them compete with you! Please believe me, this is definitely not my intention!"

After coming back to his senses, Peter Corning hurried forward to apologize to Luo Yanning, his face full of sincerity.

Luo Yanning turned to look at Peter and said calmly: "Peter, you don't need to explain. I know this is none of your business. At the same time, I also want to say sorry to you. I will pay for their medical bills."

Peter Corning quickly waved his hand and said: "NONONO! In the words of your Chinese country, the two of them brought it upon themselves.

Even if I am beaten to death by you, I deserve it! As for medical expenses, they can be deducted directly from their annual salary! "

If Luo Yanning didn't blame him, Peter would be thankful. Naturally, he wouldn't let him pay for medical expenses or anything like that.

Today's small accident was caused by his two bodyguards. He couldn't blame Luo Yanning for being too harsh.

The competition was about to begin, and it ended even faster. The whole process took less than 10 seconds!
Later, Luo Yanning called Luo Ying and briefly explained to her the situation at the top of the mountain. Then she asked her to arrange for a few people to go up the mountain to take the two injured and unconscious bodyguards to the hospital.

When the matter came to an end, Luo Yanning took Peter back to his office in the scenic office area.

"Luo! I have decided. Give me a Spirit of Plants and Trees first, and I will experience the effect first."

One by one, two bodyguards with an annual salary of one million were eliminated and beaten half to death. It is self-evident how strong Luo Yanning is.

Coupled with the fact that Yang Xiaolan swore a guarantee, Peter had high hopes for the spirit of vegetation in Luo Yanning's hands!
After saying this, Peter took out a wallet from the LV men's handbag he was holding, took out a check from it and handed it to Luo Yinning.

"This is a cashier's check from a Swiss bank with a face value of 260 million. Luo, please take a look at it."

Luo Yanning reached out and took the check, without even looking at it, and put it into a bill folder on her desk.

"I still can't believe you, Peter? Take it, this is the spirit of vegetation." Luo Yanning smiled, and like a magic trick, a green spirit of vegetation appeared in the palm of her hand.

The green essence within the spirit of vegetation seems to contain endless vitality.

"Is this the Spirit of Plants and Plants? It's so beautiful!" After seeing the Spirit of Plants and Plants in Luo Yanning's hand, Peter's face was full of joy and he liked it very much.

After all, it cost nearly 3 million U.S. dollars to acquire. It was the second most expensive thing he had ever bought besides his own Gulfstream!

Spending hundreds of millions of dollars to buy a private jet will at least have a big object, which is convenient for traveling and other things, and it can also make others envious.

Spend about the same amount of money to buy such a small "egg" and it will disappear permanently after taking it...

There is no harm without comparison. This comparison shows how precious the spirit of plants and trees in Luo Yanning's hands is!
Peter held the Spirit of Plants and Plants in his hand and looked at it for a long time, looking like he couldn't put it down. Then under Luo Yanning's "protection", he used the Spirit of Plants and Plants that he had just bought but was not yet warm.

The spirit of grass and trees is slightly sweet in the mouth, sticky and cold, as if it is giving your tongue a high-end spa. The soothing feeling can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words.

After a while, the essence of the plant spirit entered the esophagus from the throat, and then entered the stomach, and then began to divide into countless streams of air, traveling towards Pitconning's limbs and bones.

The feeling you get after taking the Spirit of Plants and Trees, your body surface feels like there are a thousand pairs of soft little hands touching your whole body.

Internally, at the microscopic level within cells, drastic changes are also taking place. Cells that are beneficial to the human body begin to divide crazily, and cells that are useless or harmful to the human body are quickly eliminated.

Within a minute of taking the Spirit of Plants and Trees, Pitconning began to secrete something sticky, like oil, on his forehead, face, neck, and all over his body.

These things, similar to oils, are "garbage" and waste materials that are excreted by the body after the death of inferior cells in the body. About an hour later, Peter Corning, who was sitting on the sofa with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, and then stood up from the sofa with an excited expression.

"Luo! I feel like I have become a lot stronger! A lot! A lot! Not even a little bit! This medicine is amazing! The effect is great!"

Although he did not compete with anyone in actual combat, Peter Corning could clearly feel that his body had become extremely strong, as if he had endless strength.

"It's amazing! It's a miracle medicine!"

After feeling the changes brought about by the spirit of grass and trees, Peter Corning was not stingy with words of praise.

Luo Yanning smiled and suggested, "How about you go back and take a shower first?"

"Oh? Shet, how did I become like this..."

After Luo Yanning's reminder, Peter Corning noticed that he was getting dirty all over.

Just now, he was only focused on feeling his own strength, completely ignoring his current image!
"Luo, I'll go back and take a shower first, and I'll come back to you later!"

Peter Corning said goodbye to Luo Yanning and went out in a hurry.

Although he is not a martial arts practitioner, after taking the spirit of plants and trees, not only the cell activity in his body increased by 100%, but also his physical fitness increased by about 200 points.

Before taking the Spirit of Plants and Trees, Peter Corning's physical condition was around 70 points.

This is based on the fact that he has money, leisure, and exercises all year round. His physique is much higher than that of ordinary people.

Coupled with the increased physical fitness gained from taking the Spirit of Plants and Trees this time, his current physical fitness is almost close to 300 points!

Compared with the 50 points of physical fitness of ordinary people, 300 points of physical fitness is already quite exaggerated.

Even if he has never practiced martial arts, Peter Corning is already considered a master with his current 300 points of physical fitness!

The two bodyguards who were punched half to death by Luo Yanning in the morning, with an annual salary of several million, were only in the 90s!

Now, even Peter Corning has the strength to challenge two bodyguards!
After all, he is now a tycoon with a net worth of 18 billion.

If you spend so much money and can't defeat two bodyguards, then that's unreasonable.

After watching Peter go out, Luo Yanning picked up the phone on her desk, pressed 3, and dialed the number of the finance department.

"Xiaohui, come to my office. I have a check here. Please take the time to deposit it for me."

After briefly talking to Luo Xiaohui on the phone, Luo Yinning hung up the phone.

Less than a minute after the call ended, Luo Xiaohui knocked on the door and entered Luo Yanning's office.

"Director Luo, I'm here to collect the check."

When Luo Xiaohui heard that Luo Yanning wanted to deposit a check, she couldn't help but start to guess how much she would deposit this time.

"Here is a check for US$2.6 million. Please take the time to go to the bank to handle it."

As Luo Yanning said that, he put the check that Peter had just given him on the desk and motioned to Luo Xiaohui to take it.

"Okay, Director Luo!" Luo Xiaohui nodded in agreement, took a few steps forward and came to Luo Yanning's desk, stretched out her hand and took the check in her hand.

With the previous experience of helping Luo Yanning account for more than 1000 billion, Luo Xiaohui can be considered a person who has seen the big world.

Now I heard it was a check for 2.6 million U.S. dollars. If converted into RMB, it would only be more than billion, so there is nothing surprising.

Luo Yanning looked calm and said, "There's nothing else going on. Are you okay?"

"Well... Director Luo, I do have something I want to report to you."

Luo Xiaohui originally planned to come to Luo Yanning to report work today, but she received his call in advance and came over in advance.

"Well, tell me if you have something to say." Luo Yanning nodded, looking very patient.

Luo Xiaohui went straight to the point: "That's right, Director Luo, this morning, President Fang of the Hebei Province Construction Bank called me and asked me to make an appointment for him to meet you. Do you think you have time?"

"President Fang of the Provincial Construction Bank?" Luo Yanning knew this President Fang, but the two had very little interaction.

President Fang’s name is Fang Hengshan, and he is an airborne senior executive who was just transferred to Hebei Province this year.

As for the reason why the other party wants to see me...

In fact, it is not difficult to guess that it is either soliciting deposits or extending loans, it is nothing more than these two.

"Okay, I have time this afternoon. It's better to choose a different day. Let's do it this afternoon."

Luo Yanning pondered for a few seconds and then said: "Between 3 and 4 pm, you can make arrangements."

Luo Xiaohui nodded and said: "Okay, Director Luo! I will inform President Fang later."

Luo Yanning asked: "Is there anything else?"

"No, then Mr. Luo, you are busy, I'm going back."

Luo Xiaohui said goodbye to Luo Yanning, turned around and went out, and gently helped Luo Yanning close the door.

After watching Luo Xiaohui go out, Luo Yanning shook his head and smiled. Now he is almost becoming the hot cake that major banks are competing for.

The money spent on purchasing things from the system mall is still in Luo Yinning's personal bank account.

Whether it is purchasing a donor body from the system mall, purchasing the spirit of plants and trees, or expanding the space for holding rings.

The money spent is actually still in Luo Yanning's bank account.

However, his money was frozen by the system in a special way that even the bank could not detect.

In other words, from the bank's perspective, the money in Luo Yanning's account was in a normal state.

But in fact, he currently has more than 2000 billion in a frozen state.

Luo Yanning cannot use the frozen money at all and cannot be used for any consumption.

Therefore, from the perspective of the banking system, this is more than 2000 billion in deposits!
Dong Xiaorui, president of the Wanshan County Industrial and Commercial Bank of China branch, made a great contribution because he secured such a huge deposit.

He won three levels in a row and went to work as a leader at the city's head office.

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