My place is on fire

Chapter 887: First experience in the gravity training room!

Last year, Xiao Ma and Lao Ma, who ranked fourth and fifth on the domestic rich list, had a net worth of only US$234 billion and US$206.

If converted into RMB, it is about 1638 billion and 1442 billion!
Of course, the data on the rich list is only a rough reference.

It is just a result calculated by the statistical agency based on some information it has.

I definitely won’t tell anyone how much money I have.

However...the calculated data also has a certain reference value.

The fourth and fifth richest people on the list have a net worth of just over 1600 billion.

At this moment, Luo Yinning asked Luo Xiaohui to go to the bank and deposit a check of more than 1800 billion. You can imagine how shocked she was.

Luo Xiaohui didn't even know how she walked out of Luo Yanning's office.

After going out, she held the briefcase Luo Yanning gave her tightly in her arms, for fear of losing it!
This humble briefcase contains 1800 billion!


Wanshan County, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Branch, President's Office.

Dong Xiaorui swallowed hard after ending the call with Luo Xiaohui.

"More than 1800 billion! Where does this... Luo always go to make a fortune!"

Dong Xiaorui was also extremely shocked when he heard that Luo Xiaohui said that he was coming to receive a principal check of 1800 billion!

He has worked in the banking system for decades, and this is the first time he has encountered such a large amount of business!

This business amount has exceeded his authority!

After the shock, Dong Xiaorui quickly found the number of the head office of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China on his mobile phone and called him, reporting the situation at hand.

The head office also attached great importance to the news that the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area would receive 1800 billion yuan.

The head office leader immediately sent a special working group to Wanshan County to take charge of this work.

At ten o'clock in the morning, when Luo Xiaohui brought several staff members from the Finance Department to the Wanshan County Industrial and Commercial Bank branch with nervous expressions, the working group sent from the headquarters had also arrived.

"Ms. Luo, this is team leader Jiang Shuheng and Jiang from the head office! These are members of the special working group, and they are all here to handle your business today!"

Dong Xiaorui first brought Luo Xiaohui and others to the VIP reception room, and introduced several people from the head office to Luo Xiaohui.

"Hello Miss Luo, thank you and your company for trusting us at ICBC. We will do our best to handle your business well."

Jiang Shuheng greeted Luo Xiaohui respectfully and reached out to say hello to her.

Luo Xiaohui also extended her hand to shake Jiang Shuheng's hand and said hello:

"Hello, Team Leader Jiang, I'm sorry to say you're busy. Mr. Luo, our boss, needs this money urgently, so I'm sorry to bother you all."

"No trouble, this is all our job! So, without further ado, let's get started."

"Okay, here you go, the check is inside."

After Luo Xiaohui handed the briefcase to Jiang Shuheng, the staff from the headquarters began to engage in intense and busy work.

In order to handle Luo Yanning's business today, the branch pulled down the rolling shutter outside and is closed to the public today.

The five staff members from the branch, plus the five members of the special operations team from the headquarters, a total of 5 staff members were divided into two groups.

One group will check the authenticity of the check and check the amount inside. After ensuring that it is correct, it will be handed over to the next group to transfer the principal in the check to the designated account.

Of the more than 300 principal checks Luo Xiaohui brought this time, the smallest ones were all worth 1 million, and the largest one was even as high as 168 billion!
Starting at 7 o'clock in the morning, a group of people did not eat or drink, and worked until o'clock in the evening before remitting all the checks to Luo Yanning's designated account!

"Ms. Luo, please wait. All the checks have been credited. You can check the balance in your account."

After checking again and seeing that the data was correct, Jiang Shuheng went to Luo Xiaohui to report on the progress of the work.

"Sorry, Team Leader Jiang."

After Luo Xiaohui nodded in agreement, she checked the balance in the account provided by Luo Yanning.

Seeing the long series of numbers in the account balance, Luo Xiaohui was not only envious but also envious!
Account balance: 201 yuan!
2016 billion!
Including the 1876 billion remitted today, the amount available for consumption in Luo Yanning's account has reached 2016 billion!
This 2016 billion is real deposits and cash!
2016 billion in cash and 2016 billion in net worth represent completely different meanings!
Even Musk, the world's richest man, probably won't be able to raise so much cash in a short while!

"Excuse me, Team Leader Jiang. Our President Luo said that everyone has worked hard today and asked me to take him to treat everyone to a meal."

After checking that the balance was correct, Luo Xiaohui calmed down her excitement and invited Jiang Shuheng and others to have a meal together.

Jiang Shuheng hurriedly said: "No, no, no, Miss Luo, our president has said that in order to express the trust you and your company have in us, I must treat you to this meal today!"

Luo Yanning alone has more than 2000 billion deposits in the ICBC system.

It can be said that he is now the well-deserved number one depositor of ICBC!
Not to mention Jiang Shuheng, the leader of the special operations team, even the president of the head office had to politely say nice things to Luo Yanning when he met him.

"Yes, Miss Luo, we must treat you to this meal! You and Mr. Luo are so supportive of our ICBC, so be sure to give us a chance to express our gratitude!"

Jiang Shuheng and Dong Xiaorui insisted that they would not let Luo Xiaohui treat guests and had to do it themselves. Luo Xiaohui couldn't resist the two of them, so she had to follow the good example.


Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area, inside Luo Yanning's practice room.

【Should we spend 2000 billion immediately to buy a gravity training room? 】

"Yes! Buy it!"

Although she was a little distressed, Luo Yanning did not hesitate at all and spent the 2000 billion that was not yet warm when she got it!

However, Luo Yinning didn't have to worry about what ICBC would discover.

Spending money in the [Super Scenic Area System] will not reduce the money in his own account.

However, the money he spends will be frozen by the [Super Scenic Area System].

The frozen money was still in his bank account, but it could no longer be used for other consumption, and the banking system could not detect any abnormalities.

The money he spent to buy the Spirit of Plants and Trees is still frozen at the moment!

[Inquiring bank account, please wait...]

[The account is normal and the balance is sufficient for deduction. Deduction is in progress, please wait...]

[After the deduction is completed, congratulations on getting a gravity training room! 】

Suddenly, three prompt messages popped up on the system interface.

Then, a blue beam of light fell from the sky. In the beam of light, a small house that looked like a toy slowly fell down.

The shape of the small house is very simple. It is said to be a small house, but it is actually similar to a container in reality. It has only one room and no windows.

Luo Yanning stretched out her hand and took the gravity training room into her hand. It felt heavy in her hand.

Taking the gravity training room to the southeast corner of the practice room, Luo Yanning placed it 1 meter away from the corner.

With a thought from Luo Yanning, the gravity training room began to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye, getting bigger, bigger, bigger...

After almost a minute, the gravity training room stopped changing and finally the volume was fixed.

The length of the gravity training room is 5 meters, the width is 4 meters, the total area is 20 square meters, and the height is 3 meters, which is just right in the practice room.

The door of the gravity training room is integrated with the wall. If you don't pay attention, you can't even see the door.

Luo Yanning came to the door, and with a thought, the door opened automatically.

The gravity training room was bare, and the floor and walls were made of a silver, metal-like substance.

There were no wiring or lighting equipment in sight, but it was very bright inside, like daylight.

Moreover, there are no vents visible inside, but there is no feeling of stuffiness inside.

Entering the gravity training room, it even feels easier to breathe than outside.

"Interesting, this gravity training room is really interesting. It is indeed a product that far exceeds the technological level of the earth!"

Luo Yanning sighed, and with a thought, the door closed automatically.

According to the system's introduction to the gravity training room, unless Luo Yanning opens the door of the gravity training room by herself.

Otherwise, others cannot open it externally using any method.

"Any method" includes all methods that humans can think of under today's scientific outlook.

Laser cutting, missile bombing, etc., etc., no matter how violent the means, they can't open Luo Yanning's gravity training room!

It can be said that anyone who enters his gravity training room can enjoy absolute safety!
The price of more than 2000 billion is a bit expensive, but it is definitely worth the money!
After the door of the gravity training room was closed, Luo Yanning began her first experience.

[Please adjust the gravity multiplier. The current gravity is the ordinary gravity of the earth, and the relative value is 1. 】

The gravity training room has a built-in intelligent system that allows simple communication with Luo Yinning. It is a bit like the voice intelligent assistant commonly used by people today.

Luo Yanning said: "First adjust it to 10 times and feel it!"

[Start adjusting gravity...]

Luo Yanning saw a blue projection appearing on the wall of the gravity training room directly in front of him. The numbers on it were constantly changing, starting from 1 and growing upwards.

As the number grows, Luo Yinning also feels that the pressure on herself is getting bigger and bigger!
Finally, the number on the projection stopped at the number "10"!
[The gravity multiplier in the gravity training room has been adjusted to 10 times. I wish you a happy use! 】

The projected image on the wall flashed and finally disappeared, leaving only the bare silver wall!
"Ho ho ho, ho ho ho..."

Under ten times the gravity of the earth, Luo Yanning didn't even have to do anything. Just resisting the pressure brought by gravity was already extremely strenuous!

Luo Yanning felt a weight on her shoulders and sat down on the ground with a thud!
"The effect of this gravity training room is really incredible!"

In just a few seconds, Luo Yanning felt a little exhausted!
I feel even more tired than after climbing the mountain for several hours last night!
After taking a few deep breaths and adjusting her breathing, Luo Yanning sat on the floor of the gravity training room with five hearts facing the sky, and began to try to operate the cosmic energy guidance technique.

In the gravity training room, where the gravity is 10 times that of the earth, every cell in Luo Yanning's body is like a squashed ball.

All the cosmic energy stored in the cells was squeezed out, completely and cleanly!
Normally, Luo Yanning exercises in the outside world with normal gravity. It is difficult to consume the cosmic energy in each cell, and there will be some surplus in each cell.

The cosmic energy in one cell or two cells can be so small that it can be ignored, but when added together, the remaining cosmic energy in ten thousand, one hundred thousand, or billions of cells is extremely huge!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

In an environment with 10 times the gravity, Luo Yanning felt that it was extremely difficult to practice the cosmic energy guidance technique, more than ten times more difficult than in a normal environment!

In fact, the reason is very simple. His body is now under 10 times the gravity of the earth, and the pressure he is enduring can be imagined. It is definitely considered high pressure!

Not only his body, but every cell in his body was also under high pressure.

Under high pressure, cells absorb cosmic energy naturally at a slower rate, but it is also more condensed!

He entered the gravity training room at around 10 o'clock in the evening and started training. At 10 o'clock the next morning, Luo Yanning opened the door of the gravity training room and ended the entire night of training.

"10 pm to 10 am, a full 12 hours!"

Luo Yanning raised her hand and glanced at her watch, with a surprised expression on her face!
Usually, when practicing the cosmic energy guidance technique, Luo Yanning only practices for two or three hours at most!

This time, it doubled several times, directly reaching 12 hours!

Gaba, Gaba, Gaba—!

Luo Yanning clenched his fists. He could feel that at this moment, his whole body was full of strength!

He had a hunch that one night's practice last night might even be better than his previous one-month practice!

Under 10 times gravity, the absorbed cosmic energy is more concentrated, and the more cosmic energy can be stored in the body!

The more cosmic energy in a person's body, the stronger the person is!

Luo Yanning could hit a sonic boom with a casual punch.

If this punch hits the body, he will be half disabled even if he is not dead!

"The training effect of this gravity training room is really amazing! It is indeed worth more than 2000 billion yuan!"

After a night of trial use, Luo Yanning was extremely satisfied with the item she bought at a high price, giving it a five-star rating!
"If I practice in the gravity training room every day in the future, my practice speed will be more than ten times faster than now!"

Luo Yanning chuckled for a lifetime, turned around and went to the bathroom attached to the practice room to take a shower, and then put on simple and refreshing casual clothes.

As early as more than a month ago, when he set out to the capital to "make money", Luo Yanning had already given full authority to Luo Ying about everything in the scenic spot.

Now he doesn't care at all about the operational issues of the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area. Luo Ying has the final say.

Luo Ying said she wanted to do something, but Luo Yanning didn't even ask and gave her full support.

After changing her clothes, Luo Yanning went out, preparing to go to the Black Dragon Martial Arts School to inspect the situation.

At the entrance of the scenic spot, we took the shuttle bus directly to the outside of the Black Dragon Martial Arts Hall.

Standing outside the gate of the martial arts gym, Luo Yanning could see hundreds of people practicing boxing in the open square outside the martial arts gym in the distance, and the momentum was overwhelming. (End of chapter)

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