My place is on fire

Chapter 881 Meeting with Lao Ma!

Although Angela Zhang and Li Ruijia are both artists, they are in different fields.

One focuses on the music industry, and the other focuses on the film and television industry.

The two met when Li Ruijia participated in a music variety show 7 years ago.

At that time, the two collaborated on a performance and they liked each other very much.

It was also after that variety show that the two formed an indissoluble bond.

They have known each other for seven years, caring and caring for each other. The relationship between the two is no different than that of real sisters.

Seeing that the good sisters have found a good home, Angela Zhang is also happy for Li Ruijia.

To say that there is envy, there is definitely some, but it is limited to this, and it is not enough to be jealous.

"By the way, Luo Yanning, give me a set of those medicines you sold at the exhibition today!"

After joking for a while, Zhang Shaohan got to the point: "You don't have to be embarrassed with me, just pay for it. Your stuff didn't come from the strong wind. There must be a cost. It can't be because Jiajia and I are good sisters. I’ll take advantage of you.”

After Zhang Shaohan finished speaking, she winked at Luo Yanning playfully.

"Okay, no problem. Thank you, Sister Han, for taking care of my business. As for the price..."

Luo Yanning muttered and said: "It is true that as Sister Han said, the cost of our things is really not low. However, Sister Han is not an outsider, so I will give you an internal price.

For a takeout set, our price is 21.5 billion, and for Sister Han, it’s 11 billion! "

"We, Yan Ning, should be happy! Okay, 11 billion!"

When Zhang Shaohan heard that Luo Yanning directly offered a discount of more than 10 billion, she readily agreed!

You can save yourself 10 billion in one go, which is so fun!

To be honest, Angela Zhang has noticed the effects of Tianyang Dan and the Spirit of Plants and Plants.

Good sister Li Ruijia is a living example.

The amazing results of today’s ordering meeting are also evidence.

Luo Yanning stretched out her hand, turned her palm over, and a small green bottle appeared in her palm.

"The Tianxin Pill and Tianyang Pill will be given to Sister Han tomorrow. This is a spirit of grass and trees. You can take it first!"

As Luo Yanning spoke, she reached out and handed the spirit of vegetation in her hand to Angela Zhang.

"Is this the spirit of the vegetation?"

Angela Zhang took the Spirit of Plants and Plants handed to her by Luo Yanning with a somewhat excited look, and held it carefully in her hand.

It’s simply unbelievable that such a gadget can be sold for a high price of 20 billion!

Of course, this time Luo Yanning gave Zhang Shaohan a big discount for Li Ruijia's sake.

Her plant spirit was given to her at almost the cost price, and Luo Yanning did not earn a penny.

Li Ruijia said with a smile: "Sister Han, after you go back at night, cut off the gelatin on it and take the essence inside. You will know the specific effect after you try it yourself."

"Okay! It's getting late, so I won't be your light bulb here. I'm going back!"

Angela Zhang said goodbye and hurriedly stood up from the sofa. She said she didn't want to disturb the world of Luo Yanning and Li Ruijia, but in fact she was in a hurry to go back and take the spirit of plants and trees!

Angela Zhang's room is next door to Luo Yanning and Li Ruijia. You can reach it right away when you go out.

After returning to her room, Angela Zhang couldn't wait to take the spirit of plants and trees according to the method Li Ruijia taught her.

Use a pair of small scissors to cut a small opening at the top of the Spirit of Plants and Plants, and then place your mouth on it.

The essence of the spirit of plants and trees drips into the cavity, feeling refreshing and cool with a slight sweetness.

This kind of sweetness is different from the sweetness of ordinary sugar or sucrose. It is an extremely special sweetness that is very intoxicating.

The throat wriggles slightly to swallow, and the serous fluid from the spirit of plants and trees enters the body along the esophagus, and then begins to spread throughout the body with the human stomach as the center.

"So comfortable..."

Angela Zhang felt warm all over her body, as if she was wrapped in the warm sunshine.

When taking Tianyang Dan, you need to endure great pain and great perseverance. Most people, including Luo Yanning herself, use meditation to resist the pain caused by the effect of the medicine.

The Spirit of Plants and Trees does not have this concern. It is comfortable and comfortable, and there will be no pain at all. Therefore, it can be as comfortable as possible.

You can sit, tummy, or even lie down.

Angela Zhang took off her slippers, lay down on the bed, and began to feel the effects of the medicine taking effect as if sleeping.

That kind of tingling feeling was more comfortable than when she went to the Huichun Club to get a massage from Chrissie Chau in the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area!

That extremely comfortable feeling lasted for more than 3 hours, and then slowly faded and disappeared.

At about 3 o'clock in the morning, Zhang Shaohan, who was lying on the bed, suddenly opened her eyes, and her eyes were shining with light.

"What is the taste……"

After opening her eyes, Angela Zhang sniffed and smelled a greasy smell like cooking fumes in the kitchen.

She got up and sat up from the bed. When she turned around, she found a black human-shaped mark on the sheets she was lying on.

Seeing this, Angela Zhang couldn't help laughing.

Li Ruijia reminded her before that after taking the spirit of plants and trees, the activity of human cells will increase, which will discharge a lot of garbage and grease from the body.

Angela Zhang looked at her arms and legs. They were all pitch black, just like a black man.

Seeing this, Angela Zhang could think of her current embarrassment without looking in the mirror.

"Fortunately, Jiajia and Luo Yanning didn't take this medicine, otherwise Taishe would have died..."

Angela Zhang murmured a few words in a low voice, jumped out of bed quickly, and walked directly towards the bathroom on her feet.

Wherever she passed, she left a trail of black marks on the floor.

Blah, blah, blah--!

After rinsing with hot water for more than half an hour, Angela Zhang finally washed away all the oil from her body and regained her fair complexion.

After taking a shower, she returned to her room wearing a pure white bathrobe.

Sitting on the stool in front of the dressing table, looking at herself reflected in the mirror, Angela Zhang had an expression of disbelief on her face and held her face in surprise.

"Is this...really me?"

Just after taking a shower, Angela Zhang's skin is fair, tender and flushed, like a baby's skin.

It's also incredibly smooth to the touch and feels great!

Although Angela Zhang has always taken good care of herself, she is already in her 40s and nearly 50 years old after all.

Time is not forgiving, and her face will inevitably leave some traces of time.

A spirit of vegetation has erased all traces of time, as if I have returned to my youth and girlhood thirty or forty years ago!

Plop, plop, plop--!

Feeling the strong heartbeat and looking at her skin that seemed to be decades younger, Angela Zhang felt that the effect of the spirit of vegetation was simply heaven-defying!

Not to mention 10 billion, even if it's 20 billion or 30 billion, she will buy it without hesitation after spending all her assets!

No one can resist the temptation to become stronger and younger and live longer!

Although Luo Yanning has never explained the effect of [Spirit of Plants and Plants] on longevity, it is very obvious.

If a person's body is healthier and stronger, theoretically speaking, he can definitely achieve longevity.

That night, Angela Zhang was so excited that she stayed up all night, feeling that she had made the right decision.

... Early the next morning, Luo Yanning and Wang Yichen took the cruise ship back to the shore.

Wang Yichen's driver was already waiting on the other side.

"Wang Dong, Luo Dong."

When Liu Hu saw Wang Yichen and Luo Yanning who were chatting and laughing, he greeted them respectfully.

Thinking back to more than a year ago, Liu Hu and others were beaten to the ground by Luo Yanning alone, and he still remembered it fresh.

There is no doubt that Luo Yanning is the most powerful person Liu Hu has ever seen in real life!

"Let's go, Old Liu."

After Wang Yichen greeted Liu Hu with a smile, he personally stepped forward to help Luo Yanning open the car door.

"Come on, my God of Wealth! Please get in the car!"

"It's your uncle."

Luo Yanning smiled and cursed, then bent down and got into the car. Wang Yichen also followed him into the car with a smile.

At this moment, Wang Yichen really regarded Luo Yanning as his God of Wealth.

Yesterday's order meeting on the island in the center of the lake sold more than 1100 billion yuan, and Wang Yichen could get at least 10 billion in commission from it!

Earning 10 billion a day is an achievement that even his father has never achieved!

However, Wang Yichen did not ask for money, but chose to buy a [Spirit of Plants and Plants] from Luo Yanning.

He could really see the effect of [Spirit of Plants and Plants], and he was very excited.

However, with the Wang family's small fortune, he would not be able to spend so much money to buy it for a while.

After all, it cost more than 10 billion, and he was too embarrassed to pay Luo Yanning on credit.

Yesterday's commission just offset one [Spirit of Grass and Trees].

Wang Yichen is now also a person who has taken "Tian Yang Dan + Spirit of Plants and Trees".

These two pills directly transformed him from a rich second generation who was "emptied of his body by drinking and sex" into a "superman"!

Wang Yichen's previous physical fitness was only about 50 points at most.

After taking the Tianyang Pill and the Spirit of Plants and Trees, his physique reached over 300 points!

Compared to ordinary people, he can indeed be called a "Superman" now!

Even if he hasn't learned any kung fu, he can already crush many martial arts wizards just by relying on his physical fitness!

With a physique of more than 300 points, he can already "defeat all methods with one force"!

No matter how skilled you are, if you hit me, it won't hurt or hurt me.

I can completely destroy your fighting power with one punch!

This is the huge gap caused by physical crushing!

Just like a full-month-old baby, no matter how skilled he is, he cannot defeat a strong man.

Unless this baby is a genius who has some adventure or some talent!


10:48 am.

A car with five 5's hanging on the back of the Beijing Q looked up and heard the U8 heard outside a manor at the foot of Xiangshan Mountain in the HD area.

This manor covers an area of ​​more than 80 acres, with numerous buildings and staff in suits and leather shoes everywhere.

In a place like the capital, where every inch of land is at a premium, the land in the manor alone is worth billions, or even tens of billions!

After Wang Yichen explained his intention, the security guard made four or five phone calls to confirm that Wang Yichen's invitation was true and valid, and then he was released.

"Look, this manor is so majestic! He is indeed a man who has been the richest man!"

Looking up at the U8 car window and looking at the magnificent manor, Wang Yichen could only feel envious.

Although the Wang family's assets are tens of billions, compared with other tycoons with hundreds of billions of assets, the gap is still very obvious.

Wang Yichen and his family can only purchase a few high-end villas in some high-end villa areas.

It is unthinkable to even think about such a costly project as building a manor!

Watching the U8 drive along an asphalt road within the estate for 5 minutes.

Finally, under the assignment of several staff members, we parked in an open-air parking lot built for visitors.

There are seven or eight luxury cars parked in the parking lot at the moment, including McLarens, Rolls-Royces, and Bentleys.

The cheapest one has to be the Maybach S-class, which costs several million.

"You two, please come with me. Director Ma is already waiting for you two in the living room."

A tall, handsome security guard in a suit made an inviting gesture to Luo Yanning and Wang Yichen, and then led the way.

"Good work."

Luo Yanning and Wang Yichen followed the security personnel and walked towards a building that looked similar to an antique building.

Along the way, security personnel can be seen everywhere. It seems that Lao Ma still pays great attention to security work.

"Please, you two, Director Ma is inside. There will be a receptionist to take you two up after entering."

After the security personnel brought Luo Yanning and Wang Yichen to the entrance of the small building, they made an inviting gesture to them.

"OK, thanks."

After Wang Yichen thanked him, he took Luo Yanning in the door together.

Just as the security personnel said, after entering the door, two receptionists wearing light gray women's suits and skirts took Luo Yanning and Wang Yichen up the stairs to the third floor.

On a huge open-air balcony on the third floor, a man who often appeared in various reports and media was talking to a middle-aged woman who looked very elegant.

This middle-aged woman's facial features do not conform to traditional aesthetics. Her eyebrows are a bit short, her face is a bit square, and her figure is not slim. But her graceful and elegant temperament cannot be imitated by others.

"Director Ma, Mr. Luo and Mr. Wang are here."

The receptionist took Luo Yanning and Wang Yichen to the huge door of the outdoor terrace and introduced them with a smile.

"Haha, welcome, Xiao Luo, Xiao Wang, I have a guest here, please come and sit down. Come and sit down."

When Lao Ma saw Luo Yanning and Wang Yichen, he stood up from his seat, laughed and said hello to them.

"Good morning, Director Ma."

"Good morning, Mr. Ma."

Luo Yanning and Wang Yichen also said hello to Lao Ma with smiles on their faces.

Originally, Luo Yanning thought she might be a little nervous when she saw this legendary being, the former richest man.

After actually seeing him, Luo Yanning felt calm and not at all nervous.

"Let me introduce you to you two grandly. This is Ms. Kawashima Yuki, the top executive officer of Huirun Pharmaceutical in China."

After inviting Luo Yanning and Wang Yichen to the terrace, Lao Ma first introduced the woman next to them with a gentle smile.

"I have heard of Mr. Luo's name for a long time. It is a great honor to see you here today, Mr. Ma."

Kawashima Yuki smiled and said hello to Luo Yanning in Japanese, her eyes full of praise for Luo Yanning.

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