My place is on fire

Chapter 874: Mr. Zhang Jingyuan.

For Xu Kejing, today is an unforgettable birthday.

For An Shanshan, Tao Jianning and Wang Yue, it was also an unforgettable experience.

Not only did I eat high-end ingredients that I had never tasted in my life, but I also met my two favorite idols.

Oh no, there should be three, and Luo Yanning can be counted as one.

While eating, drinking and chatting, when it came time to give gifts, An Shanshan and the three of them were even more envious!

Angela Zhang gave Xu Kejing a handmade custom-made guitar that has been with her for many years, and wished her further progress in her music career.

Although this gift is not very expensive, it is very meaningful and Xu Kejing also likes it very much!

Li Ruijia's gift was prepared with Luo Yanning's help. It was a complete set of Hermès jewelry, including necklaces, earrings, bracelets, rings, etc.

The total value of the complete set of jewelry is as high as 520 million, which is quite luxurious.

It can be seen from the price of this set of jewelry that it was obviously given by a boyfriend to his girlfriend.

However, it makes sense for Li Ruijia to send Xu Kejing as a gift.

Luo Yanning also prepared gifts for her mother and Xu Maocheng for their sister.

My mother’s gift was the ladies’ watch worth tens of millions bought from Vacheron Constantin.

Xu Maocheng's gift is also a watch.

Luo Yanning was too lazy to waste his brain cells, so he simply gave the same thing as a gift.

Different styles can be worn in turn.

A round of birthday gifts worth tens of millions in total, enough for An Shanshan and the others to work hard for a lifetime, how can you not be envious!

As for Luo Yanning's own gift, he put it aside for the time being and planned to give it to him when he got home in the evening after the dinner party.

[Spirit of Plants and Trees] This kind of thing is not convenient to display in public.

After the gift-giving session, everyone continued to eat and drink. As the saying goes, three women perform a drama.

The six women gathered together and chatted about the topic without stopping.

Luo Yanning and Wang Yichen had no chance to interrupt.

"Luo Yanning, why do I feel that we two are a bit redundant here? Are we going out to find roots?"

Wang Yichen was addicted to cigarettes. He pointed outside and suggested going out to smoke.

None of the six women in the room smoked, and he was embarrassed to let a few of them smoke secondhand smoke.


Luo Yanning agreed with a smile, and the two of them stood up from their seats and walked out the door together.

I came to a specially set up "smoking area" in the hotel outside the door. There were several men and women smoking.

Several people were smoking cigarettes and talking quietly. From their temperament, it could be seen that these people were obviously different from ordinary people.

Wang Yichen smokes Liqun-Fuchun Shanju, which is called the first cigarette in China. A pack costs about 2000 yuan, and one cigarette costs 100 yuan.

Luo Yanning and Wang Yichen each lit one, and while puffing away smoke, they talked quietly about their current situation and business.

"By the way, Luo Yanning, at that time you said you wanted to do business with me, in what way?"

Wang Yichen still remembered that on the way back to the city from the airport, Luo Yanning said that she wanted to cooperate with him in a business.

Luo Yanning thought for a while and said: "It's... biomedicine!"

"What does it mean to be considered yes? If it is, it is, and if it is not, it is not. How can it still be regarded as yes?"

Wang Yichen didn't know whether to laugh or cry after hearing Luo Yanning's words, and his curiosity was aroused at the same time.

Luo Yanning said with a smile: "I got a batch of drugs from a channel that can permanently enhance the human body's constitution. After taking it, it can take effect immediately and significantly enhance a person's constitution in a very short period of time. Are you interested in being an agent for this kind of medicine? "

"Can a person's physique be significantly enhanced in a very short period of time?" Wang Yichen frowned slightly after hearing Luo Yanning's words.

If it were someone else telling him about this medicine and its effects, he would never talk nonsense to him and just turn around and leave.

How could there be such a medicine in the world? It's obviously a lie!

However, since these words came from Luo Yanning's mouth, he was still willing to learn more about it.

Luo Yanning blew out a puff of smoke, nodded and said, "Yes, and my medicine is made from pure Chinese medicine and has no side effects on the human body after taking it.

I, my family, my relatives and friends, several of my apprentices, and the royal family of Abu Dhabi also purchased more than 20 pills.

So far, no adverse reactions have occurred after taking it. "

"How many courses of treatment is this medicine? What's the price?" Wang Yichen still believed in Luo Yanning's words. She knew that he would not lie to herself about this kind of thing, so she became interested in the medicine he mentioned.

Luo Yanning said calmly: "There is only one pill, and the global price is 1 million. If you act as an agent for me, I can give you an agency price of 8000 million."

"1 million for one pill? Hiss..." Wang Yichen gasped after hearing Luo Yanning's quotation. To be honest, the price really scared him.

He has grown so old and his family is in pretty good condition, but he has only spent more than 1 million at one time only a few times.

Once I bought a courtyard house in Houhai for my grandfather, and another time I bought a house in Shanghai, but nothing else.

Now I heard that a pill is sold for 1 million, which is still shocking, but...

Just based on what Luo Yanning said, Wang Yichen didn't know the efficacy of this medicine and couldn't judge whether it was worth the price.

"I have a genuine product here. You can go back and try it tonight and experience the effect for yourself."

With a thought, Luo Yanning magically took out a thumb-sized, delicate-looking blue and white porcelain medicine bottle from the ring, and handed it to Wang Yichen.

Wang Yichen smiled bitterly and said: "Luo Yanning, I won't have anywhere to collect 1 million for you in a while!"

Although he is now the chairman of the Wang Group, he has not fully used such a large amount of funds for private consumption.

Luo Yanning reached out and patted Wang Yichen on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Hahaha, what were you talking about at that time? We brothers, talking about money can hurt our feelings. This Tianyang Pill was given to you by my brother."

"Send it to me!" Wang Yichen was deeply moved after hearing Luo Yanning's words.

According to the price given by Luo Yanning, this is equivalent to giving himself 8000 million!

Speaking of which, the two have not known each other for a long time, only a little more than a year.

Since Luo Yanning left the capital and returned to the scenic spot, the two only occasionally contacted each other on the phone and met only a handful of times.

Now, he actually gave himself a "magic medicine" worth more than 80 million!

At this moment, Wang Yichen felt that Luo Yanning was a good friend, and it was worth making friends like him in this life!

"Isn't that right, you Wang Yichen? Are you moved now?" Seeing Wang Yichen's face full of emotion, Luo Yanning joked with a smile.

Wang Yichen laughed and cursed: "Fuck you, you are so impressed! My brother is famous for his hard-hearted heart, so you are so impressed!"

After all, Wang Yichen finally accepted the Tianyang Pill given to him by Luo Yanning, and his inner gratitude to Luo Yanning was genuine.

"Okay, I'll give it a try when I get back tonight. If the effect is as good as you said, I can guarantee you that the market for this thing in the capital is still huge!" Wang Yichen's in the capital His network of contacts is definitely much wider than Luo Yanning's. He knows at least dozens of people who can afford the "Tian Yang Pill"!

With these dozens of people, plus their respective families, the potential market is hundreds!


Luo Yanning and Wang Yichen were smoking outside and talking about business.

Jingyuan Hotel, in the general manager’s office.

An old man who looked sixty or seventy years old, with very white but thick hair, and wearing a large brown Tang suit, was doing Tai Chi for health.

This old man is Zhang Jingyuan, the boss behind Jingyuan Hotel.

Zhang Jingyuan is 70 years old this year and has been practicing Tai Chi for more than 40 years.

However, he is the kind of person who has no talent.

After practicing Tai Chi for more than 40 years, I can barely achieve the effect of strengthening my body.

They are far from being as talented as Yang Xiaolan and others.

While boxing, Zhang Jingyuan was still thinking about what Yang Xiaolan mentioned to him on the phone before.

"A pill can greatly improve human body quality in a very short period of time without any side effects? Is there such a magical medicine in this world?"

As a hidden rich man, Zhang Jingyuan has a net worth of hundreds of billions, so he is naturally not short of money.

Although he runs a luxury hotel, his life is simple and simple, and he has never been extravagant or wasteful.

After living for 70 years, he has never bought any nutritional or health products.

After a year, I can't even spend 10 yuan.

This time, I heard about a "miracle medicine" from Yang Xiaolan, and one pill sold for hundreds of millions.

If the effect is as she said, Zhang Jingyuan wouldn't mind buying a dozen pills for himself and his family.

"That kid, Xiao Yang, shouldn't be able to lie to an old man like me. She's not that kind of person."

"She has also consumed this medicine herself, and is quite convinced of its effectiveness. Then... I will also buy one to try out the effect."

"If the effect is really as Xiao Yang said, it's really not expensive."

After finishing a set of Tai Chi, Zhang Jingyuan made a movement to withdraw his strength, and then walked to a huge desk made of mahogany.

He reached out and picked up a very old Nokia 8808A from the table, a mobile phone that looked like an elderly phone.

After finding Luo Yinning's contact information on his mobile phone, he dialed it with one finger.


The phone only rang three times before it was connected, and a young man's voice sounded on the other side.

"Hello, is this Ronaldinho? Xiaoyang, that girl Yang Xiaolan gave me your phone number. I'm Zhang Jingyuan..."

After the call was connected, Zhang Jingyuan took the initiative to introduce himself to his home, and went straight to the point and chatted with Luo Yanning about Tianyang Dan.

"Oh? You are eating in our hotel now? Is it such a coincidence? Ronaldinho, would you like to come to my office now?"

"Okay, okay, I'll ask the manager at the hotel to bring you up. Where are you now? Can you give me a seat?"

"Smoking area, right? Okay, I'll let someone go there right away. Just wait."

After speaking briefly on the phone, Zhang Jingyuan hung up the phone and called a manager at the Jingyuan Hotel and asked her to take Luo Yanning upstairs.


Jingyuan Hotel, smoking area.

"Whose call just now? Where are they taking you?"

After smoking a cigarette, Wang Yichen looked at Luo Yanning curiously and asked casually.

Luo Yanning said casually: "Oh, it's the owner of this hotel. He asked the manager to take me to his office and talk to me about something."

"What the hell? The... boss of this restaurant? You mean, it's Mr. Zhang Jingyuan?"

Wang Yichen lost his composure after hearing what Luo Yanning said!

Mr. Zhang Jingyuan's status in the Beijing circle is still very high, higher than Wang Yichen's circle!

The gap at this level is huge!

The friends or business partners in Wang Yichen's circle are all worth at least one billion.

With a net worth of over 100 billion, he is considered one of the most powerful people in the circle. However, the boss with the highest net worth in their circle only has a net worth of around 300 billion.

People like Zhang Jingyuan, who has a net worth of hundreds of billions, are considered to be giants in the capital circle. Wang Yichen cannot get into the circle of such giants.

"What? Do you know Mr. Zhang Jingyuan?" Luo Yanning looked at Wang Yichen with a smile.

"I do know him, but he doesn't know me! The gap is too big. It would be a proud thing for anyone to be familiar with Mr. Zhang Jingyuan."

Wang Yichen asked curiously: "Why does Mr. Zhang Jingyuan want you? How do you know each other? Why have I never heard you mention that you know each other!"

"We didn't know each other at first. Oh, by the way, he came to me because of the Tianyang Pill I just mentioned to you. He has the intention to buy it."

Luo Yanning had nothing to hide from Wang Yichen and told him the truth directly.

"Mr. Zhang Jingyuan is interested in your medicine?" Wang Yichen was a little surprised after hearing Luo Yanning's words.

Luo Yanning smiled confidently: "After he personally tested the effect, he will definitely buy it again.

By the way, Wang Yichen, do you want me to connect you and build a bridge?

I will directly introduce you as an agent to him and ask him to buy from you. "

"What a great relationship! Good brother! You are really my good brother! If this thing really comes to pass, you will really help me a lot!"

Wang Yichen couldn't help but his eyes lit up after hearing Luo Yanning's proposal, and there was a burst of ecstasy on his face.

Through the cooperative relationship and the relationship with Mr. Zhang Jingyuan, there may be more cooperation opportunities in the future!

Sometimes, if you want to enter a higher-level circle, all you need is an opportunity.

Luo Yanning gave Wang Yichen a good opportunity to enter Zhang Jingyuan's circle this time!

If Zhang Jingyuan purchases Tianyang Dan and is satisfied with the effect, he will definitely recommend this medicine to his relatives and friends.

In this way, Wang Yichen, the "agent", can also get to know more big shots in Zhang Jingyuan's circle.

Opportunities like this are hard to buy!

While Luo Yanning and Wang Yichen were talking, a woman wearing a light gray women's overalls and exquisite makeup came to stand beside them.

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