My place is on fire

Chapter 849: 2 draws in a row, a bumper harvest!


A blue lottery interface appeared in the void of the living room.

A red round lottery prize plate appears.


Luo Yanning lit a cigarette and rubbed her hands, starting the first lottery draw.

As he gave the order to draw the lottery in his mind, the lottery prize plate began to spin rapidly.

Compared to the various scenic spots in the scenic area, Luo Yanning still hopes to extract some useful skills, items, equipment, etc.

Skills, items, and equipment can strengthen oneself and are more practical than those tourist attractions and scenery.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining an item [Spirit of Plants and Plants]. At the same time, the purchase channel has been opened in the system mall. 】

Suddenly, a blue beam of light appeared in the living room.

In the beam of light, a green object that looked like a transparent egg slowly fell down.

"The spirit of vegetation?"

As soon as Luo Yanning stretched out his hand, the green "egg" flew into his hand.

It feels cold, soft, and bouncy, just like a gelatinous pill.

[Spirit of Plants and Trees: After the host takes it, the activity of human cells increases by 100%. If people other than the host take it, the effect will be halved. 】

Suddenly, a prompt message appeared on the system page. The explanation for [Spirit of Plants and Plants] was very simple.

"Human cell activity increased by 100%?"

Luo Yanning was confused after seeing this attribute. From the literal meaning, it was difficult to understand the effect of increasing human cell activity by 100%. You can only know it after taking it yourself.

There is nothing to worry about with the products produced by [Super Scenic Area System]. It will definitely not harm you.

The way to take this [Spirit of Plants and Plants] is also very simple and crude. After piercing the outer layer of gelatin, you can drink the essence directly orally.


In the pocket of Luo Yanning's clothes hanging on the hanger, a scalpel he carried was shot at him quickly, and then stopped in the void in front of him, trembling slightly!

Luo Yanning's ability to control objects was directly at the "system level", and she was already familiar with the control of flying knives.

The sharp scalpel pierced the outer skin of the Spirit of Plants and Plants. Luo Yanning opened her mouth, squeezed it with her hands, and squeezed all the essence of the Spirit of Plants and Plants into her mouth.

The entrance is slightly cool, with a hint of sweetness. After the essence enters the body along the esophagus, it is different from the intense burning of the previous "Tian Yang Dan". This time it is ice-cold, crisp and numb. , one’s soul can’t help but tremble.

It feels like the skin, flesh, bones, and tendons all over the body are trembling, and dense goosebump-like bumps are visible on the skin. These bumps are like jumping elves, jumping up and down irregularly.

In this pleasant vibration, Luo Yanning saw a layer of black oil-like debris exuding from the surface of her skin.

In the invisible body, every cell in Luo Yanning's body was undergoing astonishing changes. The effect of a 100% increase in activity began to show. Some excellent genes were strengthened, and some useless genes were directly replaced and excreted from the body.

The cell activity of Luo Yanning's whole body was increasing rapidly, but there was no pain at all, only relief, incomparable relief.

Half an hour later, Luo Yanning opened her eyes and felt that the world in front of her had become much clearer. At the same time, she could feel that tens of thousands of pores on her body seemed to be alive, breathing the air in the room greedily.


Luo Yanning stood up from the sofa and found a pool of black grease-like substance left on the sofa beneath him.

He was also covered in black grease, as if he had just dug coal out of a coal mine, and his whole body had turned black.

"Go take a shower first."

Luo Yanning raised her legs and walked towards the bathroom, leaving a series of black footprints on the floor.


The hot water of more than 70 degrees in the water heater washed away the dirt on Luo Yanning's body, revealing her perfect figure.

The muscles all over the body are tangled, but they don't look as exaggerated as those of bodybuilders. Everything is so perfect and just right.

After using nearly a bottle of shower gel, Luo Yanning cleaned the dirt off her body, then put on a towel and returned to the living room.

Luo Yanning used the [Water Control] skill to wrap a ball of water mixed with shower gel around her feet, forming a "water shoe".

The black footprints that he had stepped on the ground before were immediately restored to cleanliness after being stepped on by his water shoes.

After walking to the window of the room, Luo Yanning stopped.

Looking away from the dreamy night scene outside the window, he raised his fist and glanced at his fist.


A muffled sound!

Luo Yanning punched out with a jab, and it actually hit a sonic boom!

He could feel that after taking [Spirit of Plants and Plants], not only the cell activity increased.

At the same time, his strength has also increased a lot!

Even though Luo Yanning's physique has reached over 400 points, and even reached 4000 points after turning on the [Unstoppable] state, he still couldn't produce the sonic boom effect before taking [Spirit of Plants and Plants]!

"It seems that the effect of the spirit of grass and trees is more outstanding than that of Tianxin Pill and Tianyang Pill!"

"Moreover, taking it is not as painful as Tianyang Dan, and it feels very comfortable."

Luo Yanning retracted her fist, with a satisfied smile on her face.

With my strength further enhanced, I will be able to be more calm, calm and safer when facing the monsters that come out of the cracks in space in the future!

With a thought, Luo Yanning opened the system interface and then entered the [System Mall] interface.

Before today, there was only one product, [Donor] in the [System Mall], and the price was 1000 million.

Today, there is another [Spirit of Grass and Trees], and the price is 1!

"One, ten, hundreds, thousands, ten thousand..."

Luo Yanning counted the zeros at the end, and it turned out to be 10 billion!

"Sure enough, the effect is good, and the price has increased 10 times!"

And, this is still the cost price!

Luo Yanning needs to pay 10 billion to buy it herself!

If he wants to sell it, he can't sell it at a fair price, right? What are you picturing?

More or less, you must make some money.

"Two billion pieces?"

Luo Yanning knew that if the effect of [Spirit of Grass and Trees] were exposed, let alone 20 billion, there would still be people begging him to buy it even if it was 200 billion!

Of course, if the price is 200 billion, there will be few people in the world who can afford it, and the road will be narrowed.

The price is 20 billion per piece, and the net profit is 100%. Luo Yinning feels that it is a bit over the top!

He didn't know if others could accept this price, but he was sure that Muwei's father, Mod, would definitely accept it!

Since Moder took the [Tian Yang Dan] provided by Luo Yanning and his physical condition has been greatly enhanced, he now almost regards Luo Yanning as his "immortal master".

Every time he called Luo Yanning, he would remind him in a subtle way that if there were any "good things" in the school, he must not forget him, and it was easy to tell him the price.

"Just 20 billion! It would take a lot of money to buy such a valuable item for mom, grandma, Jiajia, Yaya and Shui Miaomiao each."

This time the [Spirit of Grass and Trees] is different from the previous Tianxin Pill and Tianyang Pill. Luo Yanning also needs to buy it from the system mall before giving it away.

Although he can buy it at cost price, the price of 10 billion copies is not a small amount for him. He can only let others share his "pain" for him.

Moreover, he believed that Moder and the others were willing to share this "pain" for him. Uh-huh!

After experiencing the strengthening effect of [Spirit of Plants and Plants], Luo Yanning thought and opened the system interface again.

After completing the [Rescue] mission, he won two lottery opportunities.

I just drew [Spirit of Grass and Trees] and used it once, and there is still one left.

【Do you want to spend 1 lucky draw opportunity for a lucky draw? 】

"Yes! Let's draw a lottery!"

With a thought, Luo Yanning started the lottery again.

Swish swish swish--!

The lottery prize plate continued to rotate, and various prize plates flashed by like a fleeting glimpse, and finally stopped!

【Ding! Congratulations on getting a Crow alloy throwing knife, and this item is available for purchase in the system mall! 】

Suddenly, a blue beam of light appeared in the living room.

In the beam of light, a sharp-edged flying knife that was as long as an adult's hand and as wide as two fingers fell slowly.

"Cro alloy throwing knife?"

After Luo Yanning saw the items drawn in this lottery, her eyes lit up.

Although the scalpel he is using now is sharp, it is far inferior in toughness.

It simply cannot exert one-tenth of the power of [Object Control Technique]!

Luo Yanning has also been looking for harder materials to make throwing knives through some friends.

This time he directly drew [Crow Alloy Flying Knife], which helped him solve a problem!

He is still very confident in the items produced by the system!


With a thought, Luo Yanning directly used [Object Control Technique] to control the flying knife in the light beam.


The Crow alloy flying knife hovered at eye level with Luo Yanning and trembled slightly.

Just visually, this flying knife gives people an extremely sharp feeling, as if it can cut anything!


The ordinary scalpel that Luo Yanning used to cut open the [Spirit of Plants and Trees] also flew up, hovering at his eye level like the Crow alloy flying knife.

There is no harm without comparison. Compared with the Crow alloy flying knife, this scalpel is just like a piece of junk.

With a thought, Luo Yanning's two flying knives flew over a small coffee table in the bedroom.

This coffee table is made of high-quality marble, has a thickness of 5 centimeters, and looks very solid.

With a thought, Luo Yanning controlled the scalpel to stab the coffee table.


After the sharp scalpel hit something made of marble, it was bounced away without even leaving a scratch!

The blade of the scalpel was also deformed and bent after several collisions, and was almost scrapped.

Luo Yanning's mind moved again, this time he tried to stab the coffee table with a Crow alloy flying knife!


The Crow alloy flying knife makes no sound, just like a knife cutting tofu, it goes directly through the marble coffee table without any effort!

Swish, swish, swish, swish--!

Under the control of Luo Yanning's thoughts, the Crow alloy flying knife kept jumping up and down, constantly cutting the coffee table.


In the end, the 5-meter-thick marble tea set was directly cut into pieces the size of tofu cubes. It could no longer hold up and fell to the ground!


The Crow alloy flying knife flew back to Luo Yanning. He stretched out his hand and took it in his hand, his face full of joy.

Using [Object Control] to control Crow alloy flying knives is ten times, or even a hundred times more powerful than controlling a scalpel!

"I wonder if you can cut metal?"

Luo Yanning looked around the room and soon discovered the next "victim", a metal ornament in the shape of a hammer placed on the table.

This hammer should be a replica of the hammer used by Thor in the Marvel movies. It is as long as an arm. Moreover, when Luo Yanning held it, it felt very weighty and should be solid.


The Crow alloy flying knife hovered above the 'hammer' for a few seconds, and then quickly stabbed at the 'hammer'!

Swish, swish, swish, swish--!


The solid metal Mjolnir was cut by the Crow alloy flying knife without any hindrance, and turned into an iron block the size of a tofu block.


Luo Yanning was slightly excited after seeing the performance of the Crow alloy flying knife in cutting metal.

One throwing knife is so powerful. What if there are two, three, or four?

Luo Yanning can now control up to four flying knives for attack or defense at will. If there are more, it will be difficult to control.

Opening the system mall interface with a thought, Luo Yanning saw that there was indeed another purchase option for [Cro Alloy Flying Knife].

The price of flying knives is also not cheap, 1 million!

However, after verifying the power of flying knives, Luo Yanning feels that 1 million is completely acceptable!

Even after spending 3 million, I bought 3 more and got all 4 of them.

Whoosh whoosh!

Four Crow alloy flying knives flew up and down around Luo Yanning's body, stabbing left and right in a dizzying manner.

Whoosh whoosh!

After some experiments, Luo Yanning thought, and four Crow alloy flying knives flew directly back to the "Na Ring" on Luo Yanning's finger.

At the same time, Luo Yanning also threw all 10 scalpels into the trash can in the room.

With the sharper and more powerful Crow alloy flying knives, scalpels can be eliminated.

Tonight's two draws will greatly strengthen Luo Yanning. This little trip can be said to be full of rewards!

I stood at the window and smoked a cigarette to calm down my slightly excited mood.

Luo Yanning then turned back to the bed and started to sleep.


at the same time.

In Jinying Manor, the Shenbao family couldn't sleep all night!

Shen Baoyingyi disappeared mysteriously.

All surveillance data in the manor were also destroyed.

The broken glass, broken vases, and several bullets on the floor of the house all showed that a fierce fight had taken place here.

"Master! There is a breakthrough!"

A middle-aged man wearing a black suit and a mustache hurried into the house to report the situation to Taro Shenbo.


Shenbao Taro stared at the visitor with extremely sharp eyes. (End of chapter)

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