My place is on fire

Chapter 832 is hotly debated across the internet!

Let's chat for a while downstairs. It's getting late.

Shui Miaomiao didn't say goodbye to Luo Yanning either, the meaning was too obvious.

Luo Yanning smiled and said, "Don't go back tonight."

"Yes." Shui Miaomiao agreed without delay, and reached out to hold his arm.

The two returned to the hotel together and took the elevator upstairs.

After washing up, the two couldn't help but exchange feelings again.

After Shui Miaomiao took Tianyang Dan, her physique also increased by 100 points.

It started around twelve o'clock in the evening and ended at two or three o'clock in the middle of the night.

Shui Miaomiao fell into a deep sleep, but Luo Yanning was very energetic and not sleepy at all.

Put on your nightgown, sit alone on the big sofa in the living room, and light a cigarette.

Luo Yanning was still thinking about the cooperation matters she discussed with Zhong Xin at last night's dinner.

This movie with Zhong Xin is also a good promotion for the scenic spot and Jurassic Park.

If the movie can be a hit, then our own scenic spots and Jurassic Park will also receive massive exposure, and may even become famous overseas!

The lifelikeness of the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park would probably even amaze a scientist who specializes in dinosaurs!

By the way, you can also complete the special mission of [Science Fiction Future].

All in all, working with Zhong Xin this time has many benefits for Luo Yanning.

As for the effect of this cooperation, Luo Yanning had a hunch that it wouldn't be too bad, so she proposed the gambling agreement with Zhong Xin.

20 billion is nothing to Luo Yanning. Even if he really loses the bet, it doesn't matter if he doesn't get a penny.

If you can win, you can complete the task and earn more money by the way. Who would dislike having more money?

After smoking three cigarettes in a row in the living room, Luo Yanning went to the bathroom to brush her teeth, rinse her mouth, and remove the smell of cigarette smoke, then returned to bed and slept with Shui Miaomiao in her arms.

After sleeping until about 7 o'clock in the morning, the two of them got up together, washed up, and went to a delicious restaurant to have breakfast together. Then they returned to the office and devoted themselves to a new day's work.

[Congratulations from all directions] Luo Yanning has handed over this task to Luo Ying and Shen Xueli.

This activity is similar to the previous "Thanksgiving Feedback Activity". The two of them have work experience in this area, and it is easier to do it this time.

Today, students from several middle schools have come to the scenic spot. Together with foreign tourists, the passenger flow in the scenic spot once again hit a record high, reaching more than 3 people!

For a small scenic spot like Heilong Mountain Scenic Area, 3 visitors per day is already a lot!

The entire Wanshan County has a population of just over 60, which is equivalent to one-thirtieth of the population concentrated in the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area!

The scenic area is bustling with people. Just the tourists checking in at the Bixia Yuanjun Empress Temple and the Wishing Pond have brought Luo Yanning tens of millions of dollars in income!

If in the past, Luo Yanning would have been very excited if she had earned 10 million a day, feeling that her life had reached its peak.

Now... ten million won't even cause his thoughts to fluctuate.

One pill of Tianyang Pill produced in a day can be sold for hundreds of millions, plus the 600 billion he earned from Zhuoye Group, what he needs most now is money!

With nothing to do, Luo Yanning did a few sets of Tai Chi in the office. After brushing up on her proficiency, she got up and went to the construction site of the scenic spot to check.

After solving the funding problem, the ancient city wall project in the scenic spot was officially launched and construction has begun.

When Luo Yanning came to the scene, she saw hundreds of workers working, and a dozen large cranes lifting huge stones.

On the ancient city wall project in the scenic area, Luo Yanning was not afraid of spending more money and made it as strong as possible. The stones used to build the wall were all huge boulders transported directly from the surrounding quarries.

Some boulders are more than three meters high and more than ten meters long. They look like a small house and require two cranes to lift them into place at the same time.

"Yanning, you're here!"

Gao Jun was assigned by Luo Yanning to take charge of the ancient city wall project. This project involved billions of dollars, and the benefits were too huge, so he still had to have someone he could trust to check it.

After much deliberation, my uncle Gao Jun was the most suitable, so he was sent here as a general manager to take charge of all aspects of this project.

Luo Yanning smiled and stepped forward to say hello to her uncle: "Thank you for your hard work, uncle. Is the project progressing smoothly?"

Gao Jun smiled and said: "Everything goes well. Township Chief Dong and County Chief Cui will come to investigate every now and then. They are more concerned about the progress of the project than we are. With those two noble people protecting us, our project will definitely go smoothly." Finished on schedule!"

"Then I'll be relieved." Luo Yanning smiled and nodded. The two of them walked and chatted, and began to circle around the construction site.

After walking about 500 meters, Luo Yanning saw a group of people on the construction site with cameras and other things taking pictures of the construction site.

As I got closer, I discovered that it was Shui Xiangdong who was leading a group of people from the new media department to live broadcast there.

A large project like the ancient city wall in a scenic spot, which costs billions, is still very interesting, and there are also a lot of people online in the live broadcast room every day.

Live broadcasts are broadcast between various attractions in the scenic area every day. No matter how fun or beautiful the attractions are, the audience will get tired of watching them, so Shui Xiangdong always broadcasts in different ways.

Occasionally broadcast live broadcasts of scenic spots and tourists in the scenic spots, and occasionally come to the construction site to broadcast the progress of the construction.

Shui Xiangdong pointed to a huge rock behind him and said, "Have you seen it?

The big guy behind me is new today, 3.5 meters high, 4.2 meters wide, and 9 meters long!

After a while, two crane drivers will hoist it up and become a 'brick' of our ancient city wall! "

"Wow! Such a big stone, a perfect modern version of the Great Wall!"

"It is indeed a big project with an investment of several billions. What a luxury! Such a big stone must cost tens of thousands of dollars at least!"

"The trenches are inhumane! With such a high wall, we need to build a castle!"

“I really hope this attraction can be completed soon, I will definitely check it out!”

"As expected of the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area, it keeps creating wonders. You deserve to be popular!"

The viewers in the live broadcast room were more excited than Shui Xiangdong when they saw the bustling construction site.

This ancient city wall project in the Heilongshan Scenic Area attracted a lot of attention once it was revealed.

Everyone watched the huge rocks being arranged into reasonable positions and became city walls, which was quite a relief!

"Okay, our crane master is ready, and the worker master has started to install the sling."

"Everyone, please wait a moment. We will start hoisting them immediately and see how we can settle these big guys."

While Shui Xiangdong was talking, a dozen workers hung a dozen steel wire ropes holding the boulder to two 50-ton cranes.

The four crane drivers had been cooperating on the construction site for more than a month, and they had a good understanding of each other, and they were able to hoist the boulder very quickly.

The audience in the live broadcast room watched such a large stone being lifted from the ground, and it was quite enjoyable to watch. Sudden! I don’t know whether it was not fixed properly or for some reason, but the left side of the boulder that was lifted flat by two cranes sank!

The whole stone was like an ice cube scratched from the hand, slamming down diagonally!

That's where Shui Xiangdong and several staff members are live broadcasting!

The workers at the construction site were dumbfounded when they saw this, and the two crane drivers were also dumbfounded.

Shui Xiangdong and several staff members also forgot to escape.

The audience in the live broadcast room witnessed this accident with their own eyes and were shocked by the scene through the screen!

The huge boulder lifted by two cranes weighed at least seventy or eighty tons. If it fell down, let alone a human being.

Even Iron Man has to be smashed into meat pies!


At the scene and in front of the screens of hundreds of thousands of mobile phones, everyone who witnessed this scene felt deep despair!

The accident in front of us was almost a fatal situation, unless the Superman wearing underwear and a cape appeared in the movie!


At the critical moment when the boulder hits!

A figure that was so fast that it was almost invisible appeared under the boulder and appeared in the place where a group of people were in a daze to the east of Shui Xiangdong!


There was a muffled sound, and Luo Yanning's two palms directly pressed against the falling boulder.

His hands sank directly into the boulder for at least ten centimeters, and pressed a large hole in the shape of a handprint on the ground of the boulder!

"Come on!"

Luo Yanning roared and kicked Shui Xiangdong on the butt to wake him up from the shock.

Shui Xiangdong and several staff members were awakened by Luo Yanning's roar. They didn't care about the hundreds of thousands of equipment and ran away in a rolling manner!

Compared with your own life, no matter how expensive the equipment is, it is just a pile of scrap metal and plastic!

If the equipment is gone, you can buy it again, but if the people are gone, it is really gone!




"Let me go...what did I see? Superman!"

"Oh my god, can you hold up such a big rock?"

"I have reasonable suspicion that it is a prop rock!"

"Did I get aroused?"

At this moment, Shui Xiangdong's mobile phone was still mounted on a tripod to broadcast live, completely capturing the scene of Luo Yanning's heroic rescue.

The audience in the live broadcast room were first shocked beyond measure by the thrilling scene.

Then I was so shocked by the scene of Luo Yanning holding the boulder with both hands like a god descending that I didn't know what words to use to express my shock!

Is this something humans can do? Obviously not!

Therefore, there are only two explanations for this situation.

One is that the "prop stones" hoisted in the scenic spot are, however, everyone feels that this is unlikely.

Shui Xiangdong frequently broadcasts live broadcasts at the construction site. Everyone still has their own judgment on the authenticity of the stone, knowing that it is a real stone and cannot be real.

Because in order to prove the authenticity of the stone, Shui Xiangdong did a lot of experiments in the live broadcast room, such as smashing it with a sledgehammer.

However, everything that happened before them made everyone begin to doubt the authenticity of this huge stone!

Such a big stone could be lifted up by just one person! !

It feels incredible when I think about it!


After Luo Yanning discovered the mobile phone that was still broadcasting, she kicked the phone and exploded it.

In the critical situation just now, in order to save people, he activated the [Unstoppable] state.

His original physique was already as high as 438 points, but after turning on [Unstoppable Strength], it soared to 4380 points!

It would be no exaggeration to say that this physique is superhuman.

At this moment, he was able to lift a boulder weighing more than 80 tons without any difficulty.

The audience in the live broadcast room could not see the scene, but Shui Xiangdong and others at the scene could see clearly.

Luo Yanning just threw it casually, like throwing a basketball, and threw the more than 80-ton boulder to the ground again.


There was a loud noise, and the ground shook several times, which also showed the weight of this boulder from the side.

This is not a prop, it is a real stone!

Everyone present looked at me and I looked at you, everyone was dumbfounded.

Who has seen such a violent scene in real life?

Among the crowd, Gao Jun had the strongest acceptance ability. After all, he also increased his physical fitness by 100 points with the Tianyang Pill given to him by Luo Yanning.

Gao Jun's physical fitness has also far exceeded before.

Such a magical elixir can be obtained. No matter how magical things happen to Luo Yanning, Gao Jun can accept it.

"Thank you, Mr. Luo, for saving your life!"

"Thank you, Mr. Luo, for saving your life!"

After Shui Xiangdong and others recovered from the shock, they were still frightened. If Luo Yanning hadn't come to the rescue just now, they would have become meat patties now!

As for why Luo Yanning has so much strength and ability, these are not things they should think about.

No matter what, it was Mr. Luo who saved his life and others!

The two drivers also sat in the car and were shocked for a long time. Then they pushed open the door and stumbled out of the car. They stepped forward and apologized to Luo Yanning and others.

The workers who were previously responsible for hanging the wire rope also knew that they and others had almost caused a catastrophe due to their negligence in their work, so they also apologized very sincerely.

"I'm sorry Yan Ning, the workers don't have enough safety awareness at work. I also have an unshirkable responsibility for this matter. I will accept any punishment!"

Gao Jun is not the kind of person to shirk responsibility. As the top leader of the project, he has also shown his responsibility.

Luo Yanning said calmly: "Let's stop work on the project for three days, and gather all employees from all departments of the ancient city wall project for a three-day safety training. I hope what happened today will never happen again in the future. "

"Okay! I will organize safety training for everyone right away!" Gao Jun nodded and agreed. Dangzhi took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed the number of the deputy manager, asking him to start summoning workers and fully implement Luo Yanning's instructions.

This incident that happened at the construction site of the ancient city wall project was seen by hundreds of thousands of fans in the live broadcast room, including many netizens who were used to recording or taking screenshots.

The picture of Luo Yanning lifting an 80-ton boulder quickly went viral on the Internet, sparking heated discussions across the Internet!

This scene is so shocking that many science fiction movies dare not shoot it like this!

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