My place is on fire

Chapter 83 The Marketing Manager is in place!

Chapter 83 The Marketing Manager is in place!
It was just 6:55 when Luo Rongning drove to Li Village.

Wu Mingshi and Zhang Qian were already waiting at the entrance of the village.

The two of them also had big bags and small bags in their hands, carrying a bunch of things.

I just met this afternoon, and the three of them didn't talk much nonsense after meeting.

Luo Yuning and Wu Mingshi followed Zhang Qian through the narrow streets of the village in the city like a maze.

It took almost seven or eight minutes to walk.

The three came to the downstairs of a tube building that looked old.

Go up to the second floor from the steel structure stairs installed behind the outer wall of the tube building.

Pushing open the door on the second floor, I immediately smelled a musty smell mixed with various smells.

There is only one narrow passage in the corridor.

On both sides of the passage are door-to-door rental houses without even a window.

The landlord of this tube building can be said to have made the best use of the interior space of the house.

In a space of more than 100 square meters, there are more than 10 rooms for rent.

The three finally stopped at the door of a rented house with a string of Chinese knots hanging on the door.

Zhang Qian raised her hand and knocked on the door.

Tuk Tuk Tuk…

"Who is it?"

Shen Xueli's voice sounded in the room.

Zhang Qian said with a loud voice: "Me! Open the door quickly. Wear more, and there are fat and Luo Zi."

"You guys, why are you here!"

Shen Xueli was very surprised by the arrival of these three unexpected guests.

Then there was a sound of clanging objects colliding in the room.

After about three minutes, the door of the rental room creaked and opened a gap.

Wearing a light blue cotton pajamas, with a bandage wrapped around her head, Shen Xueli appeared at the door with an awkward smile on her face.

The moment she saw Shen Xueli, Zhang Qian, who had always been very masculine, turned red in her eyes, and said with a choked voice: "Damn girl! Don't tell me if you've broken down like this! You still have me in your eyes." Sisters!"

Shen Xueli hurried forward and took Zhang Qian's hand, shaking and coquettishly saying, "I'm fine, I'm really fine, it's just a little skin trauma, the doctor said it'll be fine after a day of rest."

"It's almost mummified, it's okay, where did it go?" Zhang Qian's tone was slightly reproachful and full of concern.

Shen Xueli pointed at the back of her head and said with a relaxed expression: "It's really all right, a little injury, it may have scabbed over by now, everyone, don't stand at the door, come in quickly."

Shen Xueli greeted the three of them to enter the room. The room was already very small, but after three guests came, it was almost full in an instant.

Shen Xueli looked a little embarrassed and said: "The place is a bit rough, why not... I invite you to a restaurant outside, let's chat while eating. Didn't you eat?"

"Okay, let's find a small restaurant and chat while eating, Fatty, Luo Zi, you two go out to avoid it first." Zhang Qian noticed the uneasiness in Shen Xueli's expression, and waved her hands to drive the two men out.

"Let's go downstairs to smoke a cigarette." Luo Rongning put down the things in his hand, turned and walked out the door.

Wu Mingshi also put down his things and followed out the door.

Tongzilou, downstairs.

Luo Yuning and Wu Mingshi each lit a cigarette and exhaled the clouds.

Wu Mingshi exhaled a puff of smoke rings, and said with a sad face: "Shen Xueli is not easy. I heard from Zhang Qian that her father had a stroke and was paralyzed. There is also a younger brother who is in the first year of high school, and a younger sister who is in the third year of high school, and the burden of the whole family is on her."

"No wonder she worked so hard..." After hearing about the situation of Shen Xueli's family, Luo Rongning felt a burst of embarrassment.

Wu Mingshi continued: "So, if you have a good job in the future, remember our old classmate, where our wages are low, the work is still tiring, and the female workers are all aunts in their 50s and [-]s, so it must not be suitable. "

"Hey... don't tell me, I really have a good job here." The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was interested. After hearing the fat man's words, Luo Rongning's eyes lit up.

On the way back to the city, he was still thinking about setting up a marketing department for his own scenic spot.

Right now, Shen Xueli is a very suitable candidate!
First of all, the two have been classmates for many years, and they have a good relationship, and they know each other well.

Moreover, Shen Xueli is a marketing major, and her major is her counterpart.

Shen Xueli's village is still very close to the scenic spot, and she can go to work by riding an electric bike.

It is convenient for commuting and taking care of the family.

Shen Xueli is simply the chosen one for the manager of the marketing department of the scenic spot!
Wu Mingshi was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "Do you want to take Shen Xueli as a tour guide? Don't tell me, Shen Xueli is still very beautifully dressed, maybe it's okay to be a tour guide."

"What kind of tour guide..." Luo Rongning smiled, "I'm still thinking about setting up the marketing department of our scenic spot this afternoon. I'll ask Shen Xueli if she would like to work in the marketing department of our scenic spot."

Wu Mingshi said with a mean smile: "Well... you brought Shen Xueli to your scenic spot, aren't you afraid that your vice president will be jealous?"

"What does it mean to bring Shen Xueli to our scenic spot? Be careful with your wording."

Luo Rongning scolded with a smile, shook his head and said with a smile: "Also, I advise you to be more healthy-minded, and don't talk about the relationship between men and women in everything. Shen Xueli and I are clean and innocent. What kind of jealousy does Miaomiao eat... …No, you fat bastard are setting me up, aren’t you!”

"Okay, okay, I won't be joking with you anymore, see you have explained seriously, the two of them came down..."

After Wu Mingshi finished speaking, Luo Rongning looked up and saw Zhang Qian and Shen Xueli appearing at the door on the second floor.

Shen Xueli wore a blue, soft-looking fisherman hat on her head, which just covered all the bandages.


A Shanxi knife-sliced ​​noodle restaurant at the entrance of Li Village.

The four of Luo Yuning found a table and ordered six dishes of meat and vegetables.

A big two liter bottle of Sprite.

When old classmates meet, there are always endless topics to talk about.

Talk about the good times you had at school.

Talk about each other's current situation.

Although I seldom see each other because of my livelihood, it seems that I have returned to those green years in just a few words.

Chatted and chatted, and talked about each other's work.

Zhang Qian said: "Xue Li, why don't you come with me! Enroll students in my martial arts class, and you can still get five or six thousand a month after you finish it. What kind of takeaway is it for you, a cute and cute girl? It's hard, tiring and dangerous. Don't do it before it's too late!"

Shishi is a city at the end of the second tier, and the salary level is mostly around [-] yuan. The salary that Zhang Qian offered Shen Xueli was considered a high salary.

Shen Xueli smiled and said: "It's not as exaggerated as you said, I feel okay, any industry has a process from entry to familiarity, and it's good to be proficient."

Shen Xueli is not stupid. As soon as she heard Zhang Qian's offer, she knew that it was a "friendship price" for herself, so she refused without hesitation.

It's not because of being brave and saving face, but because I don't want to take advantage of my best friend.

Zhang Qian said with a displeased face: "Where is there so much nonsense! Why, why did I wrong you?"

"No, I..." Shen Xueli's small face was full of grievances, she didn't know how to reject her best friend's kindness.

Luo Yuning interrupted with a smile: "Ahem... two beauties, can I say a few words."

Zhang Qian and Shen Xueli turned their heads to look at Luo Rongning at the same time, and said in unison: "Say it."

Luo Rongning put down the chopsticks in his hand, and said seriously: "Shen Xueli, are you interested in coming to our scenic spot to take up a job? The position of marketing manager of our scenic spot is currently vacant."

"As for salary..."

Seeing that Shen Xueli was very interested, Luo Yuning continued: "The internship period is one month, the basic salary is [-], five social insurances and one housing fund, and after the full term, the basic salary is [-], and the bonuses are based on the benefits of scenic spots."

"Marketing manager? A monthly salary of [-]?" Shen Xueli and Zhang Qian were stunned when they heard the salary Luo Rongning offered.

In a small city like Shishi, which requires resources but has no resources, and requires little special features, jobs with a monthly salary of more than [-] yuan are still rare.

Education must be at least a postgraduate or master's degree to reach this income level.

Shen Xueli couldn't help being tempted by the salary offered by Luo Yuning.

Moreover, what moved Shen Xueli the most was that the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area was very close to her home.

It takes only ten minutes to ride an electric bike, and you can take care of your family while working!
Zhang Qian opened her mouth and said in surprise, "Luo you want to pick on Shirley?"

"Pfft~" Luo Yuning just took a sip of Sprite, spraying it all over Zhang Qian's face.

"Damn... you can spray me too! What do you mean by spraying my sister Qian!"

Wu Mingshi was so distressed that he quickly took out a tissue and wiped Zhang Qian's face.

"Hey, I'm so short-tempered! Believe it or not, I'll take your crotch off!" Zhang Qian rolled up her sleeves and glared at Luo Rongning angrily.

Luo Yuning held back a smile and begged for mercy: "Sister Qian, don't be angry, don't be angry, calm down, calm down... I really didn't mean it."


Several people laughed for a while, and then talked about Shen Xueli's work.

Between a man and a woman, there is more than just the relationship between being in love and being in love.

Another kind of relationship is friendship.

Pure friendship, although there are few stocks, it still exists.

Luo Rongning felt that the relationship between herself and Shen Xueli was very pure.

When Lao Fengxiang saw her wearing a short skirt that day, he never felt the slightest bit of emotion.

It is estimated that it will be about the same if it is replaced by a nurse or a flight attendant.

Shen Xueli is also very sure that Luo Rongning offered this position to herself definitely not for the sake of spoiling herself.

This is a woman's intuition.

If he wants to pursue himself, there are not too many opportunities.

Moreover, it is basically difficult for me to refuse.

Which girl doesn't want to have a handsome boyfriend?

Luo Rongning's appearance is the type of "only handsome and unbreakable" in the legend.

Just like men like beautiful women, women also like handsome men.

Even an honest and dutiful girl like Shen Xueli is hard to avoid, no exceptions.

Except for Zhang Qian.

"Some time ago, some bad things happened in our scenic spot, and the manager of the marketing department ran away with the team."

"At this moment, the situation of the scenic spot is starting to improve, and it is imminent to set up a marketing department for the scenic spot."

Luo Rongning explained: "I had the experience of being betrayed once, so I value character more in choosing the manager of the marketing department this time.

On the contrary, the conditions for business capabilities can be relaxed and a certain amount of room for growth can be given.

So I think Shirley, you can come to our scenic spot for a try. This is a rare opportunity. "

Shen Xueli looked touched and said: "Thank you Yuning, thank you for providing me with this job opportunity, you know it is difficult for me to refuse...

However, in terms of salary, I feel that my current ability and salary are seriously mismatched.

Otherwise, the internship period will be extended to half a year? "

Zhang Qian interrupted with a smile on the side: "Xue Li, are you stupid? Luo Zi lacks your salary? You just take whatever you want."

Wu Mingshi added from the side: "That's right, it's like robbing the rich and helping the poor!"

The Niangniang Temple in the scenic area alone has hundreds of thousands of incense money per month.

This is what Luo Rongning said to Wu Mingshi himself.

And Wu Mingshi had a big mouth, so he turned around and told Zhang Qian.

From the perspective of the couple, the scenic spot must have more income in other areas.

Luo Zi is not short of money right now.

As for Shen Xueli's family, they were short of money.

Therefore, Wu Mingshi and Zhang Qian did not advocate Shen Xueli's initiative to ask for a salary cut.

"You two are ruthless..." Luo Yuning gave the couple a thumbs up, which seemed to be acquiescing to the couple's words.

Indeed, he is really not short of money now.

At least, it must not be short of Shen Xueli's salary.

"This..." Shen Xueli still felt a little ashamed.

Zhang Qian raised her cup and said with a hammer: "Don't do this and that. You can work hard in the future and make achievements for Luo Zi. This matter is settled! Come on, let's have a drink together! Celebrate Shirley's finding new job!"

"Yes, yes, yes! It's time to celebrate, let's go together." Wu Ming and his wife sang about their husband's year, and then raised their glasses.

Luo Yuning also toasted, and gestured to Shen Xueli: "Welcome to the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area, we will be comrades in arms from now on."

"Thank you everyone, thank you everyone, it's great to have you." Shen Xueli raised her glass, her eyes moistened.

This feeling of being cared about by really good.

After having a drink together, Luo Yuning said, "So Xue Li, you should rest for a few days first, and quit your job by the way, and go to the scenic spot to report when the head injury heals."

Shen Xueli hurriedly said: "No need to rest, I have resigned from the gold store job, and I can just talk about the takeaway job in the group later, and I can go to the scenic spot to report tomorrow! My injury is okay, just wear a hat like now It doesn't matter at all, it just so happens that my house expires tomorrow, so I won't have to pay the rent again."

"That's it..." Shen Xueli's words have reached this point, and Luo Rongning is really embarrassed to dampen her enthusiasm for work.

Zhang Qian said with a smile on the side: "I said you two are really interesting... I have been classmates for so many years, who doesn't know who, so don't be polite here."

Luo Yuning smiled and said, "That's fine, then you go to the scenic spot to report to me tomorrow, and I will ask someone to apply for your entry."

"Yeah!" Shen Xueli nodded happily.

Thinking that the new job not only has a high salary, but also takes care of her family, her mind flew back to her hometown to reunite with her mother.

There are good jobs near home, but who wants to leave their hometown and work hard in the big city?

After chatting about work, the four chatted about some gossip.

After finishing the first few dishes, I ordered three or four more dishes.

A meal lasts from 7 o'clock to 9 o'clock in the evening.

After eating and drinking enough, Zhang Qian went to pay the bill.

No one dared to rob her, whoever robbed her hips.

(End of this chapter)

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