My place is on fire

Chapter 823 Alma Mater Celebration!

After visiting the Ankylosaurus area, Luo Yanning and Luo Ying led everyone to the next area.

The path connecting the two areas is lined with steel mesh with careless fingers on both sides.

Outside the steel mesh are various high-quality imitations of tropical trees and plants.

They say they are high imitations, but these plants feel just like the Ankylosaurus just now, extremely lifelike.

The tall and tall unknown trees are lush with huge and green leaves.

It can be seen that these fake tropical forests also cost a lot of money.

Along the way, various birds and beasts chirped, as if they had really traveled to a tropical forest in ancient times.

"Fuck, this is so realistic! It feels like real!"

"Has your Majesty mastered some black technology for traveling through time and space? This is obviously a tropical forest!"

"Today's live broadcast was really worth watching. It felt like following the live broadcast into a tropical forest!"

"I love it, I love it. This tropical forest alone is very interesting. I must check in when I have time!"

"This is so beautiful and perfect for taking pictures!"

When the viewers in the live broadcast room saw the tropical forest scene through Shui Xiangdong's lens, they were also amazed and wanted to take photos.

Luo Yanning and his party walked for about 5 minutes before arriving at the area of ​​the second dinosaur, Parasaurolophus.

When the dozens of Parasaurolophus in the park saw tourists coming, they all gathered in front of the barbed wire fence, opened their mouths, and made a sharp sound!

The head of Parasaurolophus, the mucus in the mouth, the bright red tongue, everything looks so real.

The group of people at the scene and the audience in the live broadcast room were all dumbfounded.

"Is this really a fake dinosaur? Why do I start to not believe it?"

"With this level of realism, I feel like the cost of making one would be at least tens of millions!"

"Originally, I thought Jurassic Park was a money-making gimmick created by the scenic spot. It included some dinosaur statues and so on. It seems that my imagination is too poor! I underestimated the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area!"

"I asked you to do Jurassic Park, and you go catch real dinosaurs?"

"Everyone, is there a possibility that the king really got some real dinosaurs in there? Otherwise, there is no need to be so protective!"

"Indeed, this steel wire mesh is so strong, it seems to prevent them from running out from inside!"

"When will this attraction open to the public? Hurry up and click on the link. I want to buy tickets!"

"This is the first time I have seen such a restored attraction. I have the opportunity to take my children to learn more about it. My son likes dinosaurs the most!"

After seeing Parasaurolophus, the audience in the live broadcast room once again marveled at its realism.

After visiting the Parasaurolophus area, Luo Yanning and Luo Ying led the group to the next area, the Stegosaurus area.

Then came Diplodocus, Pterosaurus, Tyrannosaurus rex...

Currently, there are only 6 types of dinosaurs in Jurassic Park, with a total number of more than 70, which is enough for sightseeing.

The tour started at around 2 pm and ended at around 5 pm. Everyone reluctantly took the sightseeing shuttle bus back to the office area, and Shui Xiangdong also ended the live broadcast.

A small meeting was held in the conference room to discuss various matters related to Jurassic Park, and Shen Jingyi was appointed as the first director of Jurassic Park.

The dinosaurs in Jurassic Park all come from black technology products within the system. These things are relatively sensitive. Luo Yanning is still a little worried about appointing someone else as the director.

Shen Jingyi, who comes from within the system, is completely loyal to Luo Yanning. There is no need to worry about her leaking secrets or anything like that. For other ordinary employees and fee-paying staff, just arrange ordinary employees at the scenic spot.

"There is also the commercial investment promotion work, which must be carried out as soon as possible. Luo Ying, you can decide the price."

"Shui Xiangdong also started filming a promotional video to attract investment as soon as possible..."

Luo Yanning arranged the tasks one by one in an orderly manner, and everyone obeyed his arrangements without any objections.

The meeting lasted until 5: pm, half an hour after the off-duty time. In order to compensate everyone, Luo Yanning directly waved his hand and took everyone to the Jianing Hotel for a big meal.

The dinner started at around 6pm and ended at around 9pm.

After Luo Yanning and Shui Miaomiao said goodbye to everyone at the door of the hotel, they walked together to the landscape avenue.

The evening breeze blew gently, and a faint, vague aroma from Shui Miaomiao went straight into Luo Yanning's nose.

Luo Yanning sniffed and asked Shui Miaomiao with a smile: "Miaomiao, what perfume are you using? It smells good."

Shui Miaomiao looked at Luo Yanning with a smile, and said in a soft tone: "It's Aijing No. 6, a new perfume cooperating between our scenic spot and Aino Cosmetics Factory. The reputation and sales of this perfume are very good."

"Oh, Ainuo also makes perfume." Luo Yanning used to only know that Ainuo made cosmetics, and most of the products they cooperated with their scenic spots were cosmetics. This was the first time she knew that they also made perfume.

Shui Miaomiao explained with a smile: "According to Mr. You, this perfume was accidentally prepared with a wrong formula. The result was that it tasted pretty good, so we tried to produce it.

Unexpectedly, the effect was surprisingly good, and the sales after the launch greatly exceeded everyone's expectations. By the way, boss, Mr. You handed you a plan yesterday. He wants to invite Ruby Lin to be the spokesperson of Aijing No. 6 perfume. She wants to ask you to ask Ruby Lin about the endorsement price. "

"Oh? Are you looking for Lin Xin to endorse?" Luo Yanning was a little surprised to hear that Gao Youyun wanted to find Ruby Lin to endorse new products.

Lin Xin, also known as Li Ruijia, is currently in a state of retreat, or it is more appropriate to say that it is a state of withdrawal.

Since she announced her retirement from the entertainment industry, she has not appeared in public for more than half a year, and has not withdrawn from any works. She only occasionally shares some interesting things in her daily life on Weibo.

Deliberately keeping a low profile, Li Ruijia's influence is getting smaller and smaller now, and it has been a long time since a major brand came to her for cooperation.

This time, Ainuo Cosmetics Co., Ltd. took the initiative to seek cooperation with Lin Xin. In fact, You Yun was more interested in Luo Yanning's face.

After all, the "scandal" between Luo Yinning and Ruby Lin had made a lot of noise before, and it was known to the whole Internet. Everyone knew that they were boyfriend and girlfriend.

Shui Miaomiao continued: "Mr. You said that the temperament and price positioning of Aijing No. 6 perfume are very consistent with Ruby Lin. If the price is right, they are still more inclined to cooperate with Ruby Lin."

"Okay, I'll ask Lin Xin when I'm free tonight and see what she means." Luo Yanning didn't hesitate much, nor did she make the decision for Lin Xin arbitrarily. She changed the topic and asked, "How much does this perfume lilac cost? "

Shui Miaomiao said truthfully: "According to Mr. You, the price of Aijing No. 6 perfume is 668 per bottle."


The two of them walked and chatted, and soon walked from one end of the landscape avenue to the other, and then started to turn back.

When we returned downstairs to the Jiali Hotel again, it was already around 11:30 pm.

The two of them just walked and chatted, walking and chatting for more than two hours. They walked and chatted for more than two hours. Shui Miaomiao clearly remembered that the last time the two of them chatted and walked like this was 201 days ago.

Even if she didn't do anything and just stayed with her boss quietly, she felt extremely contented.

"Um, boss, I..."

Before Shui Miaomiao could finish her sentence, Luo Yanning said directly: "Don't leave tonight."

"Well..." Shui Miaomiao didn't hesitate at all. She blushed and nodded in agreement.

The two of them went upstairs together and returned to the room where Luo Yanning usually lived.

After washing up together, we worked hard until around 3 o'clock in the morning. In the end, Shui Miaomiao was exhausted and defeated.

At around 5 o'clock the next morning, Luo Yanning woke up after only resting for more than two hours.

Although the rest time is very short, in deep sleep mode, when the sleep quality is extremely high, two hours is better than the seven or eight hours of sleep for ordinary people.

After waking up, I didn't feel sleepy at all and was extremely energetic.

Luo Yanning directly put on her sportswear and went out to go up and down the Panlong Road in the scenic area twice, and received her daily "2 points of physical fitness" reward.


Two days flew by.

Time soon came to the day when No. 1 Middle School moved into the new teaching building.

Early in the morning, the staff of No. 1 Middle School led the students in the school to conduct a thorough cleaning of the new campus.

The newly built 6-story teaching building is covered with red auspicious banners from top to bottom.

The name of each donor or donor organization is written above the color bar.

Heilong Mountain Scenic Area, Heilong Wine Industry, Kangning Mineral Water Co., Ltd., Delicious Food Factory, Aino Cosmetics Factory, Chunfu Health Products Co., Ltd., Li Group, Zhuoye Group, Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area, Wanshan Hotel...

Some well-known companies in Wanshan County are on the list, and all subsidiaries of Heilong Group are on the list.

There are also hundreds of other organizations such as trading companies, automobile trading companies, and travel companies that have donated money.

Wanshan County No. 1 Middle School is the best middle school in Wanshan County and is known as the cradle of talents in Wanshan County.

The many donors who donated generously this time are all students from No. 1 Middle School.

Many companies are willing to contribute to this kind of charity related to education and giving back to their alma mater.

Moreover, for them, this is also a rare opportunity to show their faces!

I am an alumnus of Mr. Luo from Heilongshan Scenic Area. I and Mr. Luo donated money to our alma mater together. It is also a good way to talk about it!

Of course, everyone can't just spend more than 3000 million like Luo Yanning just to show off.

Most of them have the intention of donating 100,000 to 80,000 yuan. It is already quite good to have this intention.

Zhou Shumin did not act as the principal, and he led a group of school leaders to do the same thing.

We were busy until 7: in the morning. The teaching building was all cleaned again, and the stage for the ribbon-cutting ceremony was also set up.

At around 8 o'clock, Zhou Shumin led a group of school leaders to the school gate to greet today's guests.

"Hello, Chief Editor Chen, welcome!"

"Congratulations, Principal Zhou! I wish our No. 1 Middle School a brighter future, a prosperous educational career, and lots of students all over the world."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you Editor Chen for your blessing. Principal Wang, please take Editor Chen to the venue first."

"Okay, Editor Chen, come with me."

"Congratulations, Principal Zhou. I wish our No. 1 Middle School a brighter future, a prosperous education, numerous talents, and brilliant achievements."

"Thank you, Mr. Tian, ​​thank you. Please come inside first~"

"I wish us a prosperous life, mutual teaching and learning, advancement with the times, and great achievements in the future."

"Thank you, thank you. Mr. Li, please come in quickly. Let's go to the venue to take a rest first."

Upon arrival, Zhou Shumin and a group of school leaders greeted every guest who came to congratulate them with smiles.

A group of people glanced into the distance from time to time. It was undeniable that what they looked forward to seeing the most was naturally Luo Yanning.

At 8:38 a.m., a convoy of 10 pure black Hongqi H5s arrived at the gate of No. Middle School.

Seeing that the 10 cars in the motorcade were all new cars that had not yet been hung for photos, a group of school leaders looked at each other with a vague sense of expectation in their hearts.

After the motorcade stopped, the car door opened. After seeing Luo Yanning, Shui Miaomiao and others coming out of the car, Zhou Shumin hurriedly greeted them!

"Yanning! You're finally here, so you can keep us waiting!"

When Zhou Shumin saw Luo Yanning, he was obviously more excited than when he greeted others before.

Luo Yanning stretched out her hand to shake Zhou Shumin's hand, and said with a smile: "Hahaha, I'm sorry, Principal Zhou, a little thing delayed me for a while, we are late."

"It's not too late, it's not too late. It's just right. It's just right. Please come in and I'll show you our new campus!"

Zhou Shumin held Luo Yanning's hand with excitement and led him towards the campus.

Luo Yanning was a little confused and said: "Principal Zhou, we are not in a hurry. I have plenty of time today. Let's wait a moment and talk to our driver about handing over the official vehicles sent to your school from our scenic spot."

"Huh? These cars are given to our school?"

Although Zhou Shumin had long expected it, he was still excited after hearing the exact news from Luo Yanning.

The accompanying group of school leaders were also extremely excited after hearing Luo Yanning's words. Are all these new cars given to the school?

Including Zhou Shumin, there are only about ten people studying in the leadership of No. 1 Middle School, which is almost enough for one person and one car!

Luo Yanning smiled and said casually: "We are too embarrassed to come empty-handed for such an important event as the relocation of our alma mater.

There was nothing to give as a gift. After thinking about it, I decided to give some vehicles for traveling. Principal Zhou, just don’t think the cars are cheap. "

Although he knew Luo Yanning was joking, Zhou Shumin still said quickly:

"How could it be! How could you be picky about such an expensive gift before we can even thank you?"

After chatting at the door for a while, Zhou Shumin arranged for 10 Hongqi H5s to be driven into the campus and directly to both sides of the venue stage.

Such a luxurious and expensive gift given to the school by your own student must be shown off properly!

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